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The article describes the findings of a study of the motivations for pursuing extended vocational training, phases of career development and the structure of addressees based on professional training as a coach. The study showed that the central motive for a coaching training is supporting other people. Overall, instrumental motives are the most prevalent in this group of addressees. Looking at their individual career development, a clear picture emerges which places most of them in the professional establishment and maintenance phase. The addressees are predominantly highly qualified, as well as professionally and financially well positioned. A result of the training type classification indicates that the main incentive is to achieve work-related improvements from a stable personal career context.  相似文献   

The article describes a form of group coaching for female physicians during their medical specialty training. The basic approach of the coaching is solution and resource oriented and it comprises five sessions. Participants from different departments are given the opportunity to discuss aspects of their recent working experiences under professional guidance. Participants are therefore able to determine the topics to be discussed by themselves. Interest in the offer of coaching was very high and participants who completed the five sessions rated it very positively. The positive feedback allows us to conclude that as few as five coaching sessions can have a positive impact and can be of support for this target group.  相似文献   

The author presents a concept for introducing a coaching programme in a non-university research institute with the aim to strengthen scientific excellence. The paper analyzes requirements for coaching that result from characteristics of scientific work and derives steps for implementation. The results are: (1) There is a tension between individual career objectives and short time organizational goals related to external research funding and commissioned research; (2) coaching should be introduced primarily as individual career coaching; (3) an important challenge exists in sensitizing leading scientists to address this tension between individual career objectives and organizational goals more actively. The paper discusses the relationship between individual consulting and more general organizational goals in science coaching.  相似文献   

Compared to other minority groups, Japanese migrants in Germany are regarded as privileged and homogeneous. The author argues against the stereotype of homogeneity and closely analyses this particular migrant group and its situational, heterogeneous necessities and objectives which motivate the use of diverse coaching methods. In addition, the author discusses traditional hierarchical values in the home culture which tends to project a role model in a coach. The mixture of Japanese migrants’ heterogeneous needs in coaching and their hierarchically homogeneous values cannot be adequately addressed by the application of conventional coaching methods in Germany.  相似文献   

Besides external factors certain thoughts and emotions also constitute a difficulty for women??s career advancement competence. How these thoughts form mental blockades when clumping together and how they limit women??s freedom of action and career advancement is illustrated by the research study ??mental blockades??. This study was part of the integrated research project ??Aufstiegskompetenz von Frauen??Entwicklungspotenziale und Hindernisse??. The results show that mental blockades of female executives can be reduced with the help of introvision coaching.  相似文献   

Supervision with volunteers in social workWhile professional supervisors are increasingly requested to work with volunteers, the widening scope of application evokes specific problems to both supervisors and volunteers. This article is supposed to carry forward the preceding article in OSC 2/05. The author describes the special features of voluntary service by example of ambulant hospice work and relates them to the setting of supervision. It becomes evident, that it is necessary to modify and extend the roles of the supervisor in order to work successfully. The author emphasizes the adequate choice of methodic repertoire. In many respects psychodramatic supervision is suited particularly for the work with volunteers.  相似文献   

Coaching with a lecturer in a retraining institution The author presents an individual coaching with an IT-lecturer, who recently has begun to work as lecturer. His motive was a conflict with a member of the course. His communication and leading style was discussed and improved by new behavior patterns. After that, in a communication training with the total group, who had also difficulties with this group member, a reintegration of this person was achieved by a role play and the atmosphere in the group was relieved.  相似文献   

Coaching für die Schulentwicklung   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Coaching in school development The author focusses on coaching as a method of school development. In most cases school development is designed as organizational change realized by external experts (change agents). In contrast to this procedure, the author favours a school development by internal persons, especially by the principals of schools. It is argued, that if they are carefully coached during the whole process they are much more likely to succeed in developing the whole system.  相似文献   

Group coaching for managersIn this article the concept “Group coaching for managers” from Siemens Learning Campus is introduced. The reasons, goals, requirements, advantages and limitations of the concept are presented. Furthermore, the themes which managers bring to coaching and the methods which are used to work on solutions and clarification are described.  相似文献   

This article describes a storytelling method, which combines the craft of journalism with premises of systemic organizational development. It transfers the model of press freedom to the organization. Companies hire reporters to be free to cover the everyday life and culture inside the organization. Part of the method are storytelling-events where the reporters present their investigation to an internal public. The radical independence sets the systemic storytelling apart from other formats of corporate communications. The benefit is reliability. This opens new opportunities for companies to deal with itself and defines new turfs for journalists.  相似文献   

Resource oriented coaching with unimployed academicsThe author delienates a coaching process with an unemployed scientist looking for support in completing her thesis and in coping with her unimployment.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy requires a high qualification which is gained mainly in practical training. Own treatments of mentally ill patients during training requires close-meshed supervision. This also has to meet the highest standards, which require a systematic training as a training supervisor. This article discusses the various aspects that have to be taken into consideration in behavior therapy. Beyond adherence to therapy manuals, extremely complex interaction processes have to be taken into account that cannot be substantiated by the classical behavior therapy. To this extent, supervision appears as a bridge between science and the art of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

In this paper a planning and control system for logistics service providers (called LPS system) is developed under consideration of their specific flexibility potentials. Due to the complexity of such planning decisions (different planning levels and data quality of these levels as well as time horizons etc.), a multi-stage, hierarchical planning system is proposed which minimizes the relevant costs under consideration of the flexibilities. The advantage of a hierarchical planning concept consists in a limited planning complexity because otherwise data collection and solution development would lead to unsolvable problems in practice. The results of using LPS systems for a real-life case show a significant pay-off for logistics service providers due to the remarkable cost savings by applying a hierarchical planning concept.  相似文献   

This comment refers to the paper ofStefani/Bleibtreu. In their model they combine two important topics of audit research: Auditor’s independence and audit market’s concentration tendencies. The objective of their paper is to demonstrate that abandoning non audit services might have negative impacts on auditors’ competitive behavior.
This comment addresses the following features of the model:
  • The paper’s relevance, because it addresses aspects of the audit market structure, which have been so far neglected in the political discussion on the EU-level.
  • The way of modeling different auditors’ offered product portfolios and auditors’ cost structures.
  • The implications of the paper’s results, because only very few papers make use of analytical models for analyzing the audit market.

The model by DeAngelo LE (1981a) Auditor independence, ’Low Balling’, and disclosure regulation. J Acc Econ 3:113–127 suggests, that audit fees do not cover audit costs with the client´s first audit when there is perfect competition in the audit market (low balling). Further, audit fees are supposed to increase with the maturity of the relationship with the client (fee cutting). In order to test the DeAngelo model we perform a multiple regression analysis for the German market of listed clients. The results are: First year audit fees do not significantly differ from audit fees in later periods. Audit fees increase with the maturity of the relationship with the client. Additionally, audit fees are positively associated with non-audit fees and (weakly) with Big4-auditors. These findings partly support the propositions of the DeAngelo models.  相似文献   

The digitization of coaching implies major changes for the coach’s way of working. How do I communicate with clients during the session? How do I document the results of working? How do I organize this in compliance with the new privacy policy? The coach’s workflow is enriched by the digital thinking, the different communication channels run together and simplify the exchange with clients.  相似文献   

For executives it is essential to interact and resolve conflicts in order to gain or maintain a high level of functioning within the organizational structures. Therefore they must be able to understand the intentional mental states of themselves and their interaction partners to ascribe an adequate meaning that allow to react and respond in an appropriate way. This ability is called mantalization. With the help of mentalization-based therapy (MBT) the improvement of mentalization can be accomplished. For this reason the department of Theory and Methodology of Counseling at the university of Kassel explored whether a mentalization-based Coaching inspired by MBT would be useful.  相似文献   

Conflict coaching with recently appointed managers The author discusses conflict coaching with recently appointed managers. It is a basic premise that newcomers first have to prove as managers in the eyes of their colleagues, otherwise a great variety of complications may emerge. These complications are determined by the way the manager is recruited, by the situation of his predecessor and by the specific organizational task. Accordingly, in coaching processes these different conflict eventualities have to be dealed with in different ways.  相似文献   

Trust has been shown as a crucial factor for the adoption of new technologies. Surprisingly, trust literature offers very little guidance for systematically integrating the vast amount of behavioral trust results into the development of computing systems. The aim of this article is to develop a method for deriving trust supporting components for ubiquitous computing systems. The method is used to derive four trust supporting components for a ubiquitous restaurant recommendation system. Afterwards, the system is evaluated using a laboratory experiment with 166 undergraduate students. The results show that the users’ trust as well as their intention to use the system could be significantly increased. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article developing and evaluating a method for systematically integrating the behavioral trust results into the development of a computing system and its value.  相似文献   

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