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In this paper we review existing work on robust estimation for simultaneous equations models. Then we sketch three strategies for obtaining estimators with a high breakdown point and a controllable efficiency: (a) robustifying three-stage least squares, (b) robustifying the full information maximum likelihood method by minimizing the determinant of a robust covariance matrix of residuals, and (c) generalizing multivariate tau-estimators (Lopuhaä, 1992, Can. J. Statist., 19, 307–321) to these models. They have the same order of computational complexity as high breakdown point multivariate estimators. The latter seems the most promising approach.  相似文献   

The growth curve model introduced by potthoff and Roy 1964 is a general statistical model which includes as special cases regression models and both univariate and multivariate analysis of variance models. The methods currently available for estimating the parameters of this model assume an underlying multivariate normal distribution of errors. In this paper, we discuss tw robst estimators of the growth curve loction and scatter parameters based upon M-estimation techniques and the work done by maronna 1976. The asymptotic distribution of these robust estimators are discussed and a numerical example given.  相似文献   

Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) are widely used to analyse non-normal response data with extra-variation, but non-robust estimators are still routinely used. We propose robust methods for maximum quasi-likelihood and residual maximum quasi-likelihood estimation to limit the influence of outlying observations in GLMMs. The estimation procedure parallels the development of robust estimation methods in linear mixed models, but with adjustments in the dependent variable and the variance component. The methods proposed are applied to three data sets and a comparison is made with the nonparametric maximum likelihood approach. When applied to a set of epileptic seizure data, the methods proposed have the desired effect of limiting the influence of outlying observations on the parameter estimates. Simulation shows that one of the residual maximum quasi-likelihood proposals has a smaller bias than those of the other estimation methods. We further discuss the equivalence of two GLMM formulations when the response variable follows an exponential family. Their extensions to robust GLMMs and their comparative advantages in modelling are described. Some possible modifications of the robust GLMM estimation methods are given to provide further flexibility for applying the method.  相似文献   

Lifetime Data Analysis - The accelerated failure time model is widely used for analyzing censored survival times often observed in clinical studies. It is well-known that the ordinary maximum...  相似文献   

The model parameters of linear state space models are typically estimated with maximum likelihood estimation, where the likelihood is computed analytically with the Kalman filter. Outliers can deteriorate the estimation. Therefore we propose an alternative estimation method. The Kalman filter is replaced by a robust version and the maximum likelihood estimator is robustified as well. The performance of the robust estimator is investigated in a simulation study. Robust estimation of time varying parameter regression models is considered as a special case. Finally, the methodology is applied to real data.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a semiparametric partially linear regression model with unknown regression coefficients, an unknown nonparametric function for the non-linear component, and unobservable Gaussian distributed random errors. We present a wavelet thresholding based estimation procedure to estimate the components of the partial linear model by establishing a connection between an l 1-penalty based wavelet estimator of the nonparametric component and Huber’s M-estimation of a standard linear model with outliers. Some general results on the large sample properties of the estimates of both the parametric and the nonparametric part of the model are established. Simulations are used to illustrate the general results and to compare the proposed methodology with other methods available in the recent literature.  相似文献   

It is very well known that analyses for missing data depend on untestable assumptions. As a consequence, in such settings, sensitivity analyses are often sensible. One such class of analyses assesses the dependence of conclusions on an explicit missing value mechanism. Inevitably, there is an association between such dependence and the actual (but unknown) distribution of the missing data. In a particular parametric framework for dropout in this paper, an approach is presented that reduces (but never removes) the impact of incorrect assumptions on the form of the association. It is shown how these models can be formulated and fitted relatively simply using hierarchical likelihood. These are applied directly to an example involving mastitis in dairy cattle, and an extensive simulation study is described to show the properties of the methods.  相似文献   

This paper extends an existing outlier-robust estimator of linear dynamic panel data models with fixed effects, which is based on the median ratio of two consecutive pairs of first-order differenced data. To improve its precision and robustness properties, a general procedure based on higher-order pairwise differences and their ratios is designed. The asymptotic distribution of this class of estimators is derived. Further, the breakdown point properties are obtained under contamination by independent additive outliers and by the patches of additive outliers, and are used to select the pairwise differences that do not compromise the robustness properties of the procedure. The proposed estimator is additionally compared with existing methods by means of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The problem of selecting the largest treatment parameter, and simultaneously estimating the selected treatment parameter, in a general linear model is considered in the decision theoretic Bayes approach. Both cases, where the error variance is known or unknown, are included. Bayes decision rules are derived for noninformative priors and for normal priors. The problem of finding Bayes designs, i.e. designs that have minimum Bayes risk, within a given class of designs is also discussed.  相似文献   

The paper gives a self-contained account of minimum disper­sion linear unbiased estimation of the expectation vector in a linear model with the dispersion matrix belonging to some, rather arbitrary, set of nonnegative definite matrices. The approach to linear estimation in general linear models recommended here is a direct generalization of some ideas and results presented by Rao (1973, 19 74) for the case of a general Gauss-Markov model

A new insight into the nature of some estimation problems originaly arising in the context of a general Gauss-Markov model as well as the correspondence of results known in the literature to those obtained in the present paper for general linear models are also given. As preliminary results the theory of projectors defined by Rao (1973) is extended.  相似文献   

An extension of the linear growth curve model (Biometrics 38 (1982) 963) was proposed by Stukel and Demidenko (Biometrics 53 (1997) 720) to study the effects of population covariates on one or more characteristics of the curve, when the characteristics are expressed as linear combinations of the growth curve parameters. In the present paper, this general growth curve model receives a comprehensive theoretical treatment. A two-stage estimator, consisting of a generalized least squares estimator under constraints for the population parameters and a moment estimator for the variance parameters, is developed for application in the non-Gaussian error situation. Two likelihood based estimators, global maximum likelihood and second-stage maximum likelihood, are also developed. It is shown that all three estimators are consistent, asymptotically normally distributed, and efficient, and are equivalent when the number of individuals tends to infinity. An expression for the bias in the estimator of the population parameters is derived under second stage model misspecification. We show that if parameters that are not of primary interest are incorrectly specified, bias may occur in parameters that are of interest using the standard growth curve model. The general growth curve model does not require specification of such nuisance parameters and is robust in terms of bias. The general linear growth curve model is used to study the effects of host sex on pancreatic tumor growth in rats.  相似文献   

Qingguo Tang 《Statistics》2013,47(2):388-404
A global smoothing procedure is developed using B-spline function approximation for estimating the unknown functions of a functional coefficient regression model with spatial data. A general formulation is used to treat mean regression, median regression, quantile regression and robust mean regression in one setting. The global convergence rates of the estimators of unknown coefficient functions are established. Various applications of the main results, including estimating conditional quantile coefficient functions and robustifying the mean regression coefficient functions are given. Finite sample properties of our procedures are studied through Monte Carlo simulations. A housing data example is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a new efficient iteration estimation approach based on local modal regression for single-index varying-coefficient models. The resulted estimators are shown to be robust with regardless of outliers and error distributions. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are established under some regularity conditions and a practical modified EM algorithm is proposed for the new method. Moreover, to achieve sparse estimator when there exists irrelevant variables in the index parameters, a variable selection procedure based on SCAD penalty is developed to select significant parametric covariates and the well-known oracle properties are also derived. Finally, some numerical examples with various distributed errors and a real data analysis are conducted to illustrate the validity and feasibility of our proposed method.  相似文献   

In the present paper, minimum Hellinger distance estimates for parameters of a bilinear time series model are presented. The probabilistic properties such as stationarity, existence of moments of the stationary distribution and strong mixing property of the model are well known (see for instance [J. Liu, A note on causality and invertibility of a general bilinear time series model, Adv. Appl. Probab. 22 (1990) 247–250; J. Liu, P.J. Brockwell, On the general bilinear time series model, J. Appl. Probab. 25 (1988) 553–564; D.T. Pham, The mixing property of bilinear and generalised random coefficients autoregressive models, Stoch. Process Appl. 23 (1986) 291–300]). We establish, under some mild conditions, the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the minimum Hellinger distance estimates of the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

We study estimation of regression parameters in heteroscedastic linear models when the number of parameters is large. The results generalize work of Huber (1973), Yohai and Maronna (1979), and Carroll and Rupert (1982a).  相似文献   

It is well known that financial data frequently contain outlying observations. Almost all methods and techniques used to estimate GARCH models are likelihood-based and thus generally non-robust against outliers. Minimum distance method, as an important tool for statistical inferences and a competitive alternative for achieving robustness, has surprisingly not been well explored for GARCH models. In this paper, we proposed a minimum Hellinger distance estimator (MHDE) and a minimum profile Hellinger distance estimator (MPHDE), depending on whether the innovation distribution is specified or not, for estimating the parameters in GARCH models. The construction and investigation of the two estimators are quite involved due to the non-i.i.d. nature of data. We proved that the MHDE is a consistent estimator and derived its bias in explicit expression. For both of the proposed estimators, we demonstrated their finite-sample performance through simulation studies and compared with the well-established methods including MLE, Gaussian Quasi-MLE, Non-Gaussian Quasi-MLE and Least Absolute Deviation estimator. Our numerical results showed that MHDE and MPHDE have much better performance than MLE-based methods when data are contaminated while simultaneously they are very competitive when data is clean, which testified to the robustness and efficiency of the two proposed MHD-type estimations.  相似文献   

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