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本文从体系、构词特征和语义特征三方面对中法亲属称谓语言进行了比较分析,揭示了中法亲属称谓在区分父系与母系、宗族与非宗族、血亲与姻亲以及长幼辈分等方面存在的异同及其背景原因。试图通过这种比较研究,对跨文化交际、法语教学以及汉法互译起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

本文从体系、构词特征和语义特征三方面对中法亲属称谓语言进行了比较分析,揭示了中法亲属称谓在区分父系与母系、宗族与非宗族、血亲与姻亲以及长幼辈分等方面存在的异同及其背景原因.试图通过这种比较研究,对跨文化交际、法语教学以及汉法互译起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

苗语亲属称谓系统可以分为本族称谓系统和外族称谓系统。本族称谓系统包括父亲和姨父两族,外族称谓系统包括舅父、姑父和岳父三族。苗语亲属称谓受当地汉语影响很大,主要表现在直接借用大量汉语亲属称谓、亲属称谓复合词由半苗半汉的词根构成等方面。  相似文献   

华锐松多位于中国青海互助土族自治县,这个村里有8个措哇.文章通过对该措哇中亲属称谓的分析,认为松多村的亲属称谓制度与非洲南部苏丹民族的描述制(或称苏丹制)有相同之处,也有不同地方,即既有性别上的差异,也有代际和系谱上的差异;亲属称谓与其相依附的居住形式以及背后的继嗣制度有着莫大的关系.措哇内部的主要成分由哈奇——父系的血亲成员和哈尼——通过与父系血亲成员通婚而进入父系的成员这两部分组成.这两部分内部均不能通婚,其成员必须与措哇外部的成员联结婚姻.  相似文献   

引言在语言学中人们很早就重视亲属称谓的研究。十九世纪的历史比较语言学家确定语言的亲属关系时所依据的词汇首先就是亲属称谓和数词等基本词汇。我国古籍《尔雅》、《恒言录》、《恒言广证》、《称谓录》等亦有丰富的关于亲属称谓的记求和注释。至今,亲属称谓的研究仍然是国外语言学的一项热门课题。因此,亲属称谓的研究值得我国语言工作者的重视。民族学领域对亲属称谓的研究也不亚于语言学领域。美国著名的民族学家摩尔根就非常重视亲属称谓和这些称谓所反映的亲属制度。它的关于原始人类有过血婚制的学说,就是以对夏威夷等许多原始部落的亲属  相似文献   

一、问题的提出亲属制度 (KinshipTerminology、KinshipSystem)是反映人们的亲属关系以及代表这些亲属关系的称谓的一种社会规范。① 我国著名的历史学家、考古学家冯汉骥在研究中国亲属制度时指出 :“决定称谓的构成的原则是语言学的和社会学的原则。从语言学来看 ,亲属称谓是按汉语的句法规则组成的 ;从社会学看 ,亲属称谓的语义是由其反映的亲属关系以及所处的语境来决定的。”② 本文主要是从社会学、人类学的角度比较分析汉族和四川藏族地区的亲属称谓所反映的亲属关系及社会观念 ,并探讨导致这两种亲…  相似文献   

真曲河谷亲属称谓制探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近 2 0年间 ,人类学家对藏族亲属称谓制度的研究方兴未艾。吴从众试图证明藏族的婚姻家庭包含着群婚残余 ,① 阿吉兹认为藏族的亲属称谓系统是一种双元制。② 这些研究只是开端 ,实际上藏族的亲属称谓制存在很多尚待揭示的东西。笔者在西藏调查期间 ,③ 收集到流行于真曲河谷的 36个亲属称谓 ,概括了 98种亲属关系。为便于行文 ,特将前者合称“真曲称谓制” ,将后者合称“真曲亲属制”。下面主要分析真曲称谓制 ,也涉及到它与真曲亲属制的关系。一、血亲的种类及其称谓真曲亲属制同任何一个民族的亲属体系一样 ,既包括血亲 ,也包括姻亲。血…  相似文献   

亲属称谓是达斡尔族社会制度的有机组成部分,不仅是达斡尔族的称谓规范,也是达斡尔族的行为规范,是达斡尔族伦理观、道德观的集中体现。亲属称谓既是行为方式,也是行为准则,确立了人和人之间的关系,规范了人和人之间的交往方式,具有社会治理和社会控制的功能,把社会中的每个人归到不同的群体中,并以称谓的名义加以约束。  相似文献   

摩尔根早在100多年前对亲属称谓制度进行研究时发现,亲属制度伴随着人类集群生活的开始而产生,它是具有血缘亲属系统和婚姻亲属之间称谓的一种社会规范。侗族亲属称谓制度有着特殊的社会基础和网络座标,它不单是一种口头的亲属关系的称呼,而是更多地体现了一种文化的现象。人类社会集团中的血缘关系、婚姻关系和制度文化,都可以从其亲属称谓制度中探究出来。  相似文献   

1981年4至9月间,笔者到湖南省湘西地区调查土家族的历史时,通晓本民族语言历史的田荆贵同志热情地向笔者提供了一个保存于“哭嫁歌”之中的亲属制材料。这个亲属制的大部分称谓已在现实生活中消失了,少数称谓则继续使用,成为现行亲属制的组成部分。为了与现行亲属制相区别,我们称之为古老亲属制。古老亲属制在亲属称谓、称谓数量、所反映的亲属关系以及所属的形态等方面与现行亲属制不同。这是一个  相似文献   

不同的民族有不同的亲属称谓系统和使用习惯,汉俄亲属称谓语的对比研究是一个值得深入研究的课题。本文从汉俄亲属称谓语的特点出发,着重对比探讨了汉俄亲属称谓系统的民族文化差异,并对这种差异的根源作了探索分析。  相似文献   

哈萨克族人名的构成特点主要表现在人名的组合形式和构成方式上.在人名的组合形式上,哈萨克族除了本名和父称这个每人所具备的基本称谓,在特定的人群和场合中还使用笔名、绰号、昵称和简称;在人名的构成方式上,哈萨克族人名分为单一、合成和复合三种类型.  相似文献   

百夷是元、明时期汉文文献对今日之傣族的称谓,主要分布在云南的西南部,在西南民族发展史上具有相当重要的位置。地理与气候决定了稻作农业生产是百夷最主要的生产活动,也是其最基本的生活资料———稻米获得的主要途径。作为农耕经济的重要补充,畜牧业和家庭副业生产在百夷的经济生活中也起着重要的作用。本文将从百夷的生产方式、生产技术以及经济交往等三个方面对其经济生活进行论述。  相似文献   

To what extent can immigrant parents transmit their home-country language to their children? Drawing on a recent national sample of children of immigrants in France, this paper examines the effects of parental language socialisation and exposure to the parental home country on language ability and language practices of their adult children. The data show that parental efforts at transmitting the language are necessary, but ultimately insufficient especially when it comes to language practices. Almost none of those who grew up without or with only minimal exposure to the parental home-country language use it. But even among those who had extensive exposure only a minority end up using it in their daily lives. The only domain where the second-generation uses the parental home-country language to a non-trivial degree is in the family context. In addition parental resources can have contradictory effects. While successful transmission of home-country language in the immigrant context requires significant resources, those parents who have these resources are less likely to try to pass on their language.  相似文献   

王晖 《民族研究》2005,(2):42-51
《孟子》等古文献中所说舜之父瞽叟和舜弟象合谋害舜的传说故事,实际上反映了从母系氏族向对偶家庭发展过程中,男子的角色在从抚养和监护弟与外甥到抚养自己亲生子女的转变中出现的矛盾。舜从妻居并建立了对偶家庭,与固有的男子在母系氏族社会组织中所承担的义务和责任发生了冲突,并因财产争夺而引起了矛盾斗争。虞舜与其父其弟矛盾斗争的传说故事具有特殊的历史意义,为研究尧舜传说时代社会组织形态的进化提供了范例。  相似文献   

“家西番”之称谓探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在青海,人们把生活在青海省湟中、湟源、大通等地从事农业生产,使用汉语、生活习俗受汉族影响较大的藏族群众称呼为"家西番"。认为"家西番"是"住家耕田"的藏族,"家"是"有固定住房的意思",区别于游牧的藏族,这是人们望文生义的结果,笔者认为"家西番"是一个藏汉合璧的称谓,"家"即藏语汉族(■)的音译,"西番"又是汉族对藏族的叫法,"家西番"义为"像汉族的藏族",类似的叫法在藏族内部也有,安多藏区牧民就把农业区的藏族叫作"家绒娃"(■)、"家绒"(■),义为"像汉族的农民",嘉绒藏族的族称也许就是这么来的。  相似文献   

关于汉代西域都护的两个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综合文献和简牍材料 ,对西域都护的称谓和建置时间这两个问题作了探讨 ,提出 :西域都护设官于汉宣帝神爵二年 ,立府施政在神爵三年 ;它在建立初期为加官 ,属虚名 ,约在汉成帝时变为国家正式编制下的实名官职  相似文献   

There is no empirical research on the school performance of children who live separated from their parents in sub-Saharan Africa—a major migrant sending region in the world. This study uses survey data from junior and secondary school children and youths in Ghana (N?=?2760), Angola (N?=?2243) and Nigeria (N?=?2168) to examine how different transnational family formations such as internal or international parental absence accompanied by migration or divorce, who is the migrant parent and who is the caregiver, the stability of the caregiving arrangement and remittances relate with the school performance of children who stay behind. School performance is measured through an index of grades in language, mathematics and science. The results show that international parental migration (Ghana), the internal parental migration accompanied by divorce/separation (Nigeria) and migration of both parents (Ghana and Nigeria) are likely predictors for decreased school performance. No effects are observed when parents are abroad and divorced/separated, when only one parent migrates, when children are in a stable care arrangement or when children receive remittances or not. The analyses show that the overall relationship between parental absence and education varies by the transnational dimension being analysed and by context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to advance the discourse on parental involvement drawing from Butlerian notion of strategic provisionality. In developing a new approach to understanding cultural differences and their relation to Korean parental involvement, the authors analyze qualitative and quantitative data from five New York metropolitan elementary schools. The authors examine the ways in which ‘Korean-ness’ and Korean parental involvement are discursively constructed and embodied in sociopolitical and historical contexts in the United States. We present two themes related to Korean parental involvement: (a) the double-edged component of respect for teachers and (b) biopolitics related to English language and parental involvement. By challenging normalized understanding about Korean-ness, the authors suggest a different approach to ethnoepistemology in order to enrich discourses concerning parental involvement and ethnic/racial studies.  相似文献   

Research on Chinese Americans often centers on successful economic incorporation in American society (e.g., “model minority”). Unfortunately, previous research has overlooked the changing economic circumstances of native- and foreign-born Chinese children, despite the fact that Chinese children living in America are diverse in socioeconomic status and geographic origin. In this paper, we use data from the 1990 and 2000 censuses to compare levels and changes in child poverty rates among U.S.-born Chinese and immigrants from Taiwan, Mainland China, and Hong Kong, and to investigate how changes in maternal employment and family structure (including cohabitation) contributed to the decline in poverty rates in the 1990s. Compared to other Asian Americans and non-Asians, Chinese children in the U.S. are less likely to live in poverty, thanks in part to more married-couple families and higher levels of maternal employment. Yet, child poverty rates vary among Chinese American subpopulations—being lowest for children of U.S.-born Chinese and highest for children of mainland-born Chinese. In addition, we find that poverty among U.S.-born and Taiwan-born Chinese would have been even lower had their rates of divorce and cohabitation had been similar to those for mainland-born and Hong Kong-born Chinese.  相似文献   

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