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Health services are examined in terms of emerging trends for the new millennium. On the one hand, centralization is increasing as payers tighten control over disbursements through managed care and more restrictive health insurance. On the other hand, health services are decentralizing as patients acquire more information and take more control of some aspects of treatment. Health services markets now also show signs of becoming global in nature, possibly benefiting both bulk purchasers of care and individual consumers. Any tendencies toward increased patient control are likely to be ephemeral, however: In the absence of reforms sparked by yet-to-be-experienced crises, advances in technology, particularly in medical informatics, will likely be used to strengthen the profit positions of insurance providers, not to provide more comprehensive health care services for patients.  相似文献   

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has undertaken a major initiative in the development of comprehensive managed health care programs for two sets of high-risk older people: those who are frail and homebound and those who reside in nursing homes. This effort has been coordinated by the state's Department of Public Welfare (DPW; Medical Assistance [Medicaid] Program) and Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and expedited ba a set of Health Care Financy Administration (HCFA) waivers and by the state's revised Nurse Practice Act (MGS Chapter 56). Than act allows nurse-practioners and physician assistants expanded roles as primary providers in home care and nursing home settings. The managed care initiatives have supplemented other efforts (1) to coordinate health and social services for older people, (2) to provide as broad a range as possible of community-based services for older people, and (3) to enroll as many older adults as possible in Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) "Senior Plans" and other similar "Competive Medical Plans."

Though there is still no evidence of the managed care programs' effects, this article summarizes some of the possible risks and benefits of managed care programs for those kinds of populations and presents an agenda of questions that evaluations of managed care programs must address.  相似文献   

The belief that doctors respond to declining demand by treating patients more aggressively has created skepticism about relying on market forces to restructure physician supply. We argue that even if the physician labor market is dysfunctional under fee-for-service incentives, it can perform better as managed care becomes dominant. Our model implies a nonlinear effect of managed care penetration on incomes. Physicians can offset most or all of initial declines in demand, but cannot insulate themselves indefinitely. This may explain the observation that, until recently, the growth of managed care has not been accompanied by large physician income changes. ( JEL III, J31)  相似文献   

Behavioral consequences of consumer dissatisfaction with medical care   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The effects of consumer dissatisfaction with doctors and medical care services on intentions to seek care and subsequent behavior were estimated using data from four general population studies. Satisfaction was linked to reported intentions regarding care-seeking behavior (choices between self-care and seeking care from a regular doctor or emergency room) in response to both minor and serious medical problems. These results were replicated in two populations with diverse sociodemographic characteristics. Satisfaction scales also predicted subsequent changes in medical care providers and disenrollments from prepaid health plans independent field tests. These results suggest that the behavioral consequences of individual differences in satisfaction with doctors and health care services are noteworthy from both clinical and social perspectives.  相似文献   

The health care delivery system is evolving rapidly. There have been changes in the way health care is financed, the types of treatments available, the sites of care, and the physician patient relationship. These changes have resulted primarily from reactions to health care cost inflation. Health care reform is likely to accelerate some of these changes. The threat/promise of health care reform has already accelerated the consolidation of the health care services market. Health care reform is likely to reduce the number of insurers, increase the number of Americans in managed health care plans, increase the number of physicians in group practice, change provider income, and in general make the health care delivery system more concentrated and vertically integrated.  相似文献   

Individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) often suffer from comorbid physical health conditions that reduce quality of life and longevity. The integrated care movement has improved access to primary care services, but system change does not necessarily impact health behaviors. In an effort to better understand health behaviors of persons with SMI in integrated care, we explored physical health decision making and decision aid preferences. We conducted three focus groups, including two consumer groups and one mental health staff group. Data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach, employing independent coding, thematic analysis, and meaning-making processes. Data suggest that overall, the consumer groups preferred a shared decision making process, with the doctor making the final treatment decision. Staff indicated that decision making depended on a consumer’s functioning level. Consumers liked the idea of using a decision aid, and reported preferring the computerized aid. Staff felt that decision aids were dependent on consumer level of functioning. Consumers generally view primary care doctors as experts, but like the idea of using decision aids to assist in making medical decisions. Staff feel that consumers may need help in both decision making and decision aid use in primary care.  相似文献   

More than half a century after its emergence as a formal field of study, medical sociology remains an important substantive area within our discipline, wide ranging in its appeal and the plethora of topics it engages. Tangible indicators, including the increase in the number of medical sociology journals and the number of medical sociology courses offered in colleges and universities across the country (Bloom 2000), point to the continued interest in this field. The vitality of medical sociology stems in part from the fact that today's health sector is an extraordinarily broad and vibrant arena of society (Weiss and Lonnquist 2000). Major topics of current interest have included the medicalization of society, sociocultural responses to health and illness, patterns of physician-patient interactions, health services utilization, alternative healers and alternative health practices, and comparative health care systems. The array of topics of analysis in our field continues to expand; recently emerging areas of interest include the social effects of health care technology, medical ethics, managed care, and health care reform. Indeed, it is an exciting time to be a medical sociologist. In the Call for Papers distributed for this special issue, we announced that we hoped to explore health- and illness-related topics that should continue to be influential into the new millennium. Further, we specifically encouraged submission of various formats and lengths not typically included in Sociological Spectrum or similar publications. Thus, this collection is unique in its conceptual essays, and methodological and theoretical notes. As suggested by the special issue's title, we hold a broadened view of medical sociology, a view also encouraged by scholars such as Conrad (2001), Weiss and Lonnquist (2000), and Charmaz and Paterniti (1999), that encompasses a sociology of health, healing and illness, as well as of medicine. Although not all inclusive, the organizational schema of the special issue reflects the broad range of topics that scholars who responded to our Call for Papers, our special issues reviewers, and we, as co-editors, considered particularly relevant to medical sociologists at this point in time.  相似文献   


Conflicting priorities between the recovery movement among consumers of mental health services and managed behavioral health care planners result in turbulence and ambiguity in the service delivery system. Based upon information from both published and unpublished written sources, areas of strain are described. The utility of a reflective practice model, as conceptualized by Schon (1983), for addressing a recovery vision within a managed care environment is explored.  相似文献   

This Issue Brief describes how the structure of the health care market has changed in the recent years. It outlines the growth in managed care and the changes in the types of managed care plans available. In addition, it discusses the issue of quality in the health care market. It also includes an overview of the legislative topics and issues relating to quality and consumer rights that policymakers are currently considering. Growth in national health expenditures, the medical care price index, and employer health care costs has slowed significantly since 1990. This decreased growth has coincided with substantial increases in managed care plan enrollment. The percentage of employees enrolled in managed care plans increased from 48 percent to 85 percent from 1992 to 1997. Quality is a multidimensional concept. Although individuals may agree on its components, they may disagree on the relative importance of these components. Therefore, disagreement exists not only on how to measure quality but also on how it is defined. Consequently, policy decisions need to be based on an evaluation of a particular law's effect as opposed to its stated goal or intent. This distinction is important because a law that addresses access or consumer rights does not necessarily address the quality of care a consumer receives. Ultimately, whether an individual believes that a law truly addresses quality will depend in a large part on his or her subjective opinion of what quality entails. To date, comparison of the quality of managed care plans with that of fee-for-service plans has not produced results that uniformly differentiate between these two plan types in either a positive or a negative way. In addition, it is important to note that the current debate on the quality of care provided in the health care market is not new to the present managed care era. The regulations and mandates discussed in this report would not guarantee increased quality in the health care market, unless quality is defined as easier access for those with health insurance. However, if quality is defined as the success of the outcomes of health services provided, the effect of these regulations on quality is in need of further research. Yet, the regulations would have some impact on the costs of health benefits and insurance. This impact has been estimated to be relatively small to substantial, depending on the interpretation of the mandates and assumptions derived from that interpretation. Regardless of the magnitude of the estimated increases, some research has shown that these regulations could have serious implications for the likelihood of small businesses offering health benefits. While these health plan regulations effect on quality depends on one's definition of quality, costs would increase regardless of the definition one uses. Consequently, these regulations would come at a price. Thus, legislators must decide between: (a) imposing regulation that would increase access and consumer "rights" for those with insurance but would be of questionable value to the quality of outcomes, and (b) allowing existing market forces to improve quality through experimentation and competitive forces.  相似文献   

The 1950s and 1960s were a ‘golden age’ of medical progress: an era of high expectations, widespread faith, and life‐saving innovations. In the 1970s, as it gradually became clear that medicine's technological advance also contributed to the rising costs of health care, policy makers began to question the ways in which new technologies diffused. Sociologists soon found that professional and institutional interests, the search for competitive advantage, and processes of ‘institutional isomorphism’ played major roles. By the end of the millennium, as a result of growing patient (and ‘health care consumer’) activism, and of globalization, the context in which new technologies were developed, introduced, and used had become politicized, and technologies had become more heterogeneous. The patient perspective offered a new vantage point from which to study medical technology in use, and one which fitted many sociologists' normative and methodological commitments. Many recent sociological studies highlight failures, contradictions, and the (often concealed) interests involved in the promotion of new drugs and other medical technologies. However, resources for studies aligned with dominant interests, perspectives, and claims are more readily available.  相似文献   

In this article, the demographic characteristics of family caregivers for seniors in rural communities are assessed to examine whether their circumstances could facilitate or impede their well-being. Services available in rural communities for family members providing ongoing care to frail seniors is examined, particularly those that provide health and social services. How families access these services and whether there are specific barriers in service provision are analyzed based on current social work practice and the research literature. Trends for future services are identified as well as whether these trends support new roles for social workers in rural settings.  相似文献   

Managed mental health care has become an increasingly significant influence in the timely, appropriate and cost-conscious delivery of mental health and substance abuse services. Social workers are being presented with new career paths in the private sector as EAP programs and managed health care corporations Look to them to provide the case review, supervision, provider selection, and the quality assurance functions of a well integrated managed health care system.  相似文献   

One increasingly important problem affecting rural health care selection is the tendency of older residents to bypass local health care providers. This research investigates how the effects of community characteristics and attachment on health care bypass behavior vary between rural retirement‐age migrants and retirement‐age long‐term residents. Non‐health‐related behaviors, such as purchasing goods and services outside one's community during a health care trip, that is, “outshopping,” could influence bypass if individuals combine trips for their medical care with other consumer needs. Basing our work on the outshopping theory, we argue that bypass behavior is one facet of consumer consumption patterns for both rural retirement‐age migrants and long‐term residents. In addition, dissatisfaction with local health care and services like shopping can “push” rural residents to bypass local health care and travel greater distances for primary health care. We further contend that strong community attachment has an opposite “pull” effect that can help to negate the push of outshopping and reduce the likelihood of bypass. Our results reveal retirement‐age migrants are significantly more likely to bypass local primary health care providers than retirement‐age long‐term residents. Furthermore, our analysis bridges the rural health care and retirement community development literature to suggest that outshopping theory can now be applied to rural primary health care bypass behavior.  相似文献   

Children in the foster care system are often dependent on Medicaid for health care. These children, however, have more complex health care needs than the typical child receiving Medicaid. States are implementing Medicaid managed care programs as a way to control escalating costs while providing necessary services. This article reviews the issues surrounding delivery of managed health care services to children in foster care and describes several solutions.  相似文献   

Health care resources are finite and, therefore, need to be rationed among potential users. Over the past decade and a half in the United States, a variety of explicit, official rationing schemes have been proposed, including some in which chronological age would play a significant role. For ethical and political reasons, it is very unlikely that any age-based rationing schemes will be adopted explicitly and officially. However, various de facto forms of health care rationing are occurring at present. This article outlines the implications of payer behavior, physician practice patterns, the development of evidence-based clinical practice parameters or guidelines, and reliance on consumer choice of health plans as unofficial and generally unacknowledged mechanisms of health care rationing that may exert an important impact on the accessibility of health services for older persons.  相似文献   


Health care resources are finite and, therefore, need to be rationed among potential users. Over the past decade and a half in the United States, a variety of explicit, official rationing schemes have been proposed, including some in which chronological age would play a significant role. For ethical and political reasons, it is very unlikely that any age-based rationing schemes will be adopted explicitly and officially. However, various de facto forms of health care rationing are occurring at present. This article outlines the implications of payer behavior, physician practice patterns, the development of evidence-based clinical practice parameters or guidelines, and reliance on consumer choice of health plans as unofficial and generally unacknowledged mechanisms of health care rationing that may exert an important impact on the accessibility of health services for older persons.  相似文献   

This Issue Brief discusses the evolution of the health care delivery and financing systems and its effects on health care cost management and describes the changes in the health care delivery system as they pertain to managed care. It presents empirical evidence on the effectiveness of managed care and concludes with an analysis of the potential of future health care reform to influence the evolution of the health care delivery system and affect health care costs. Between 1987 and 1993, total enrollment in health maintenance organizations (HMOs) increased from 28.6 million to 39.8 million, representing an additional 11.2 million individuals, or 4 percent of the U.S. population. At the same time, new forms of managed care organizations emerged. Enrollment in preferred provider organizations increased from 12.2 million individuals in 1987 to 58 million in 1992, and enrollment in point-of-service plans increased from virtually none in 1987 to 2.3 million individuals in 1992. In addition, the percentage of traditional fee-for-service plans with some form of utilization review increased to 95 percent in 1990 from 41 percent in 1987. Measuring the effects of the changing delivery system on the costs and quality of health care services has been a difficult task, resulting in considerable disagreement as to whether or not costs have been affected. In a recent report, the Congressional Budget Office recognizes two new major findings. First, managed care can provide cost-effective health care at a level of quality comparable with the care typically provided by a fee-for-service plan. Second, independent practice associations can be as effective as group- or staff-model HMOs under certain conditions. In the future, we are likely to see a continued movement of Americans into managed care arrangements, an increase in the number of physicians forming networks, a reduction in the number of insurers, an increase in the number of employers joining coalitions to purchase health care services for their employees, and a health care system that is generally more concentrated and vertically integrated.  相似文献   

The rancor accompanying the repeal of most of the 1988 Medicare Catastrophic Act reflects both the national need to improve health and long-term care benefits for the elderly and the political obstacles to finding new sources of financing for such benefits. Neither the need nor the obstacles will go away, but policymakers are now likely to look for lower-cost, efficient, and privately funded alternatives. The authors have developed and tested one such approach: the Social Health Maintenance organization (SHMO). Operating since 1985. the SHMO model integrates community-based, long-term care services into the managed,prepaid HMO design. The four test sites are adding long-term care to Medicare at no extra cost to the government and only modest premiums for the 17,000 current members. Although the benefits offer limited protection for long-term nursing home care, they do cover long-term care in community settings, where people tend to prefer to stay. Also, integration of the acute and long-term care s stems improves the ability to respond to the medical needs of frail members, who also have high acute-care use. The SHMO's model of front-end, community-oriented, long-term care benefits integrated with Medicare appears to be a practical, affordable, and clinically appropriate way to address the rising concern with the lack of coverage and services for long-term care.  相似文献   

This paper argues that family therapy is failing to attend to the contexts in which family mental health services are provided and, therefore, is losing touch with the realities of family services in communities. We present a model for describing the institutional contexts of family mental health treatment in North America, and explore how these contexts influence family treatment. The model proposes that family mental health care can be categorized into three levels, analogous to the levels of the health care delivery system: (a) primary, (b) secondary, and (c) tertiary care. These levels represent systematically different contexts for family treatment; each has unique advantages and limitations. Translating treatment methods across levels can be hazardous because of differences in contexts. We argue that delineating the contextual levels of family mental health care can encourage more fruitful and respectful collaboration among the diverse professional groups working with families.  相似文献   

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