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In recent years evidence has suggested that demographic factors such as income and status have only a modest relationship to subjective well‐being. As a result, much attention has been paid to internal rather than external factors. Discrepancy perceptions approaches, particularly multiple discrepancy theory, link internal subjective factors with external conditions in explaining subjective well‐being. This study suggests that discrepancy perceptions are only one way people differ in defining reality, and that symbolic interaction theory provides a broader and better framework with which to examine subjective well‐being. Specifically, using the General Social Survey, this study tests whether differing general symbolic definitions have an independent influence on subjective well‐being. Results indicate that general symbolic definitions influence subjective well‐being, and this influence does not depend on their conditioning discrepancy perceptions or demographic life conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of timing of first discussion of sexual intercourse with mothers and fathers on the relationship between the amount of sexual communication and sexual risk‐taking behaviors in late adolescence. Late adolescents (N = 214) completed questionnaire measures regarding the amount and timing of sexual communication with their mothers and fathers. In addition, the participants provided information about their various sexual risk‐taking behaviors. In general, the results suggest that timing of first discussion of sexual intercourse contributes additional variance in several sexually risky behaviors beyond that contributed by the amount of communication with both fathers and mothers. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite growing popularity, American culture continues to look down on exotic dancing as a deviant, somewhat disreputable occupation. Dancers are often categorized with drug addicts, prostitutes, exhibitionists, sex addicts, and deviants of all types and are often referred to as sluts, whores, sleazes, and druggies. Alienation from reputable society is often the result of such a labeling of people associated with, or who participate in, the stripping industry. This study provides an examination of personal and background characteristics of women in the stripping industry, focusing on early sexual experiences, physical maturation, family-of-origin structure, educational and occupational achievement, and prior experiences in entertainment and athletics, as well as abuse and low self-esteem during childhood.  相似文献   

Aiming for developing a comprehensive understanding this paper investigates the multidimensional phenomenon of well‐being in organizations as an embodied and integral process from a phenomenological perspective. In particular, the paper will show how the advanced phenomenology of Merleau‐Ponty (1962 Merleau‐Ponty, M. 1962. Phenomenology of perception, London: Routledge.  [Google Scholar], 1964 Merleau‐Ponty, M. 1964. The visible and the invisible, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.  [Google Scholar]) can help to render an extended understanding of the ‘incorporated’ dimensions of well‐being. Phenomenologically organizations will be understood as situated in an embodied life‐world in which well‐being takes place. Based on this phenomenological understanding, the article proposes an integral pheno‐practice of well‐being, by which the interior and exterior dimension as well as individual and collective spheres of well‐being and its interconnected processes are integrated. For overcoming a dualistic orientation, then a processual turn is suggested, allowing a decentred perspective of well‐be(com)ing as an emerging and inter‐relational event and accomplishment. In addition to some practical effects and implications by concluding some perspectives of further research of an integral well‐be(com)ing are discussed.  相似文献   

Seventy bisexually or homosexually active men primarily of Chinese‐, Filipino‐, and Korean‐American backgrounds participated in extensive interviews focusing on acculturation and sexuality. Impressionistic data showed higher involvement in gay culture than Asian culture, a shift away from the complexity of bisexual lifestyles, and two patterns of exogenous selection of male partners. The findings suggest that Asian‐American men who had sex with men were more likely than comparison groups to comply with safer sex; acculturation to Asian society enhanced this compliance, but identification with Western Protestantism, or traditional Latin homosexual roles, was related to higher risk behavior. The reported behavior of the men who had sex with both men and women did not substantiate fears that bisexuals were a conduit for transmitting the virus from the gay to the heterosexual community. Impressionistic data suggested that a combination of inaccurate information about HIV transmission, unfounded trust of partners, poor assertiveness skills, and guilt may result in sexual risk taking. Suggestions for prevention included providing explicit information in ethnic and mainstream media, emphasizing risks of heterosexual transmission, providing electronic interactive learning situations that allow privacy rather than face‐to‐face interaction, and organizing support groups that affirm the men's dual identity as Asian‐American and gay or bisexual.  相似文献   

We studied predictors of HIV‐related sexual risk‐taking among individuals who initiated the use of heroin or metham‐phetamine during the past 5 years. Many studies have linked drug use to HIV risk, but most research has been based on samples of users with long‐established drug careers. We conducted face‐to‐face interviews with 153 adult new drug users in Atlanta, GA. Drug use was not a statistically significant predictor of sexual risk, but gender, age, race, homelessness status, childhood neglect, level of paranoia, and level of (dys)functionality in handling disagreements were associated with frequency of sexual risk‐taking. We discuss the need to incorporate new drug users in HIV/AIDS and other health‐related prevention and intervention programs.  相似文献   


About a decade has passed since the problem of foreign migrant workers became serious in Japan. The Japanese government has been reluctant to formalize the introduction of migrant workers in the unskilled job sectors, yet, with the revision of the Immigration Control Law in 1990, has decided to formalize the status of residence of South American‐Japanese descendants, or Nikkeijin. This article focuses on the issue of the Nikkeijin in Japan. The article details the current position of the Nikkeijin and reviews their impact on Japanese society as well as on their home countries. The article further discusses the possibility of Nikkeijin settlement in Japan in the context of the government's attempts to preserve the notion of lineage as the basis for Japanese nationality.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of self‐employment among people with disabilities in Europe. Using data from the European Community Household Panel for the period 1995–2001 for 13 European countries we found that people with disabilities were more likely to be self‐employed than people without disabilities. Self‐employment provides flexibility and a better adjustment between disability status and working life. Moreover, the levels of satisfaction with job, type of job and working conditions of self‐employed disabled people are higher than those reported by disabled people who are wage and salary earners. Policy‐makers must encourage self‐employment to increase the levels of well‐being and employment of people with disabilities in Europe.  相似文献   

Demographics, sexual behavior, and self‐perceptions of a self‐defined sadomasochistic (S/M) sample of 178 men are described. These men either returned a questionnaire published in an S/M magazine or completed a questionnaire after being solicited at an S/M support‐group meeting. The composite respondent was heterosexual, well‐educated, relatively affluent, interested in both dominant and submissive roles (switchable), and engaged in a wide range of sexual activities, both S/M and non‐S/M. Most of the respondents first acknowledged interest and engaged in S/M acts as a young adult, after other sexual orientation issues were settled. Although most respondents were satisfied with the S/M aspect of their sexuality, a small percentage (approximately 6%) expressed distress concerning their behavior, and 16% had sought help from a therapist regarding their S/M desires. These data are generally similar to those obtained from a similar investigation of a West German sample (Spengler, 1975, 1977). The data from a smaller sample (N = 47) of women collected at the same time are described briefly.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the influence of condom use self‐efficacy on the reported condom use of Latinos. We conducted a rapid needs assessment study among U.S. and foreign‐born Latinos living in Houston, TX, to identify behavioral and psychosocial factors that influence their risk for HIV. Bilingual Latino interviewers conducted confidential face‐to‐face interviews with individuals living in apartment complexes or residential areas primarily populated by Latinos. A total of 152 participants completed the survey. Regression results indicate that education and gender influenced condom use self‐efficacy, which in turn influenced condom use in the last sexual encounter and with the primary sexual partner. However, gender and relationship risk were stronger predictors of condom use. Study results indicate that there are differences in condom use self‐efficacy and sexual risk behaviors between Latino men and women that need further exploration.  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to investigate factors associated with self‐reported sexually transmitted diseases among 569 homeless and runaway adolescents in four Midwestern states. Youth were interviewed by outreach workers directly on the streets, in shelters, and in drop‐in centers. Results indicated that family abuse was positively related to substance use, affiliation with friends who sold sex, and time on own. Early family abuse indirectly increased the likelihood of self‐reported sexually transmitted diseases through time on own, substance use, friends selling sex, and risky sexual behaviors. Finally, substance use and affiliation with friends who sold sex was positively associated with risky sexual behaviors, which in turn was related to self‐reported sexually transmitted diseases. No significant gender interactions were found for this model.  相似文献   


Growth of the population aged sixty‐five and over is a significant trend in the sociodemographic structure of society. As a result, this age group is receiving increased attention from governmental and business decision‐makers. Little is known, however, about intra‐family decision‐making among members of this group. This paper presents an analysis of the determinants of husband and wife dominance in family decision‐making. The data indicate that dominance by the wife in decision‐making is related to the wife's positive self‐concept concerning the ability to make decisions as well as a “rub‐off” effect on the wife by the husband's self‐concept. Work history of the husband, in turn, contributes to his self‐concept. There were, however, no significant relationships between educational levels of either spouse and decision‐making dominance.  相似文献   

Childhood is a time when children begin to constitute themselves as gendered subjects largely according to social norms that are rigidly framed within dominant discourses of heteronormative binary gender. This paper is based on the life histories of 42 sexuality and gender diverse adult men and transgender women conducted in PNG. Findings offer insight into the ways in which boys transgressed gender norms through dress, play, work within the home and in dance. We argue that gender transgression in childhood is not a contemporary phenomena and such childhood experiences of boys in PNG should be recognised as part of the country's rich cultural diversity.  相似文献   


This research examined the locus of desired control among a sample of 218 nursing home residents. Two issues were addressed: (a) What is the predictive impact on locus of desired control of education, gender, race, functional ability, subjective health and length of stay among the residents in each of the two age groups? and (b) Was there a difference in the locus of desired control among the young‐old (74 years or less) and old‐old residents (75 years or more)? A discriminant analysis revealed that among the 95 young‐old residents, greater desire for control, internality, was associated with poorer functional abilities, poorer subjective health and longer lengths of stay. Among the 123 old‐old residents, greater desire for control was assciated only with poorer functional abilities and poorer subjective health. Further, a significantly greater proportion of old‐old residents had greater locus of desired control, 59 percent, in comparison to only 43 percent of the young‐old residents who expressed greater locus of desired control.  相似文献   


Since the publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the writings of Thomas S. Kuhn have had a great impact on the way sociologists perceive developments within their discipline. This essay offers a critical review of the Kuhnian framework and questions the unreflective endorsement of this perspective. After a brief summary of the main points in Kuhn's approach, this paper argues that Kuhnian approaches preclude the possibility of an investigation of the historical relations and developments that mediate the production of scientific knowledge. Kuhn retains a reified view of science free from both sociohistorical influence and critical scholarship. Ideas still beget ideas, and knowledge gained through scientific investigation is still cumulative.  相似文献   

This study describes associations of partner‐specific relationship characteristics with consistent condom use among 297 young people (ages 13–24) with sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Relationship‐specific variables were relationship quality, reasons for sex, relationship duration, duration of sexual relationship, coital frequency, “established” versus “new” sexual partner, cohabitation, children, sexual coercion, and drug or alcohol use associated with coitus. Relationship characteristics associated with consistent condom use included lower relationship quality, lower emotional reasons for sex, lower coital frequency, sex with a new partner, noncohabitation, and not having a child with the partner. Controlling for sociodemographic variables, factors exhibiting independent associations with consistent condom use were lower relationship quality, lower coital frequency, and not having a child with the partner. While condom use with potentially high risk new partners is important, other types of relationships are also risky but associated with lower likelihood of consistent condom use. Better understanding of complex relationship characteristics is necessary to improve STD intervention programs.  相似文献   


In The Future of Marriage, Bernard (1972) states that marriage is good for men but not for women: she reports married males to be happier than unmarried males or married women, who in turn are worse off emotionally than single women. The present study tests Bernard's thesis with a multi‐item index of mental well‐being and does not substantiate the relationships stated above. However, marriage is more beneficial for men than for women in that there is a greater difference in mental well‐being between married and unmarried men than women.  相似文献   

In the 1945 general election, a Communist was elected to Parliament from Mile End, Stepney, a constituency populated in large part by working‐class Jews of East European origin. Pro‐Soviet feeling in the preceding decade was strong, and was translated into ideological and political activity on behalf of the USSR by various East London branches of trade unions; friendly societies such as the Arbeter Ring (Workers’ Circle); Yiddishist groups, and popular front organizations such as the Jewish Fund for Soviet Russia. In late 1943 two prominent Soviet Jewish emissaries, Itzik Feffer and Shloime Mikhoels, visited England. Among their hosts were the Jewish organizations of Stepney. The effects of their tour, and the emotional intensity with which East London Jews followed the course of the Russo‐German war, were instrumental in creating the climate of opinion enabling the CP to post its 1945 victory.  相似文献   

The relationship between self‐actualization and aspects of female sexuality was examined. Ninety‐five white, single female undergraduates from a regional southeastern state university volunteered as subjects. Three questionnaires were administered: the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI), Eysenck's Inventory of Attitudes to Sex, and a two‐item religiosity measure. The data were analyzed via correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis which employed religiosity, age, major, grade, residence (on/off campus), and the order of test presentation as covariates. The results indicated that, when the effects of the covariates were controlled, there was a significant relationship between self‐actualization and sexual permissiveness, sexual satisfaction and prudishness. Although self‐actualization and sexual libido were significantly correlated, self‐actualization did not account for a significant portion of the variance in sexual libido after the effects of the covariates were controlled. Implications for future research include using different populations to investigate the relationship between self‐actualization and sexual attitudes and behaviors, using different measures of self‐actualization to investigate its relationship to sexual attitudes and behaviors, and examining the relationship between self‐actualization and other aspects of sexuality.  相似文献   

Sexual health research often relies on single risk indicators. However, multi‐variable composites may better capture the underlying construct of risk‐taking. Latent Profile Analysis identified subgroups based on condom use consistency, partner numbers, and sex frequency among 605 adolescents. Three profiles were identified for each of grades 8 to 10 (Condom Users, Few Partners, and Risk‐Takers) and 4 in grades 11 and 12 (Condom Users, One Partner, Two Partners, and Risk‐Takers). Inconsistent condom use groups reported more non‐condom (and often less effective) birth control use and STD and pregnancy histories. Females had greater representation in the Few Partners, One Partners, and Two Partners groups, which also contained increasing proportions of participants in each subsequent year. Males had greater representation in the Risk‐Takers group. A profile approach to measurement has methodological advantages, can add to substantive knowledge, and can inform content, timing, and targets of sexual health interventions.  相似文献   

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