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2010年选举法修改,废除"四分之一条款",实行城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表,这象征着选举权观念从阶级论过渡到了权利论。选举权的阶级论,否定存在着抽象的、超阶级的选举权,其作为一种批判理论是深刻的,但也容易陷入工具主义的泥淖,将选举权局限在工具的意义上。选举权的权利论,强调权利主体的个体性、普遍性和平等性,其与政治正义论有着密切的关系。由于公平正义、和谐社会已成为我们社会的理想目标,选举权观念也有必要从阶级论过渡到权利论,承认选举权的道德权利性质。  相似文献   

The Cognitive Basis of Future-oriented Prosocial Behavior   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two experiments examined the development of future-oriented prosocial behavior in relation to developing theory of mind and executive functioning. Children from 3;0 to 4;6 were given a series of trials in which they had to make a choice between immediate and delayed sticker rewards, where these rewards accrued either to self, to a play partner, or were shared. They also were presented with standard theory of mind tasks (in Experiment 1) assessing the understanding of belief and desire and an executive function task (in Experiment 2) in which the children had to inhibit pointing to a baited box in order to win the cookie within. Results showed that for 4-year-olds, the tendency to opt for delayed rewards in order to share with the partner was correlated with theory of mind. For younger 3-year-olds, the children's ability to inhibit pointing to the baited box was significantly correlated with the tendency to choose delayed over immediate sticker rewards. These results indicate that children's ability to show future-oriented prosocial or sharing behavior is linked developmentally both to the ability to imagine conflicting noncurrent mental states and the ability to inhibit responding to perceptually salient events.  相似文献   

Due to recent policy changes in the USA and Taiwan, Taiwanese immigrants residing in the USA face a choice of continuing to receive health care in the USA or returning to Taiwan for treatment care. This study uses a quantitative survey to explore the association between recent health policy changes and the health care choice of Taiwanese immigrants residing in the USA. These findings indicate that there are statistically significant associations between a variety of factors and the Taiwanese immigrants' desire to return to Taiwan for health care under the new national health insurance plan (2nd NHIA). The variables positively associated with a desire to return to Taiwan for health care include the length of domicile and residence required to receive benefits, a nostalgic desire to return to Taiwan, the lower cost of health care in Taiwan, and if the respondents had come to the USA before 1996. The negatively associated variables include having a job in the USA, having a desire to return to Taiwan to live after retirement, the language preference in communications with a doctor, and a preference about the best place to receive dental treatment. The study reveals the dynamics behind the health care decision‐making of Taiwanese immigrants and particularly their choice of whether to seek care in the USA or in Taiwan.  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which the Australian and UK social security systems meet their legal obligations to provide basic relief to citizens in need. Conditionality and “mutual obligation” are at the core of both the UK and Australian social security systems and are based on the concept of moral hazard, the goal being to ensure that claimants do not consider living on benefits to be preferable to engaging in paid work. Yet, we argue that the element of “mutuality” is missing in both systems; welfare claimants are subject to myriad conditions and obligations, whilst the state operates free of any legal responsibility to provide even basic relief to those in need, to prevent or alleviate extreme poverty and destitution. We outline the extent to which Australian and UK social security laws require governments to relieve destitution, examining both domestic and human rights law. We conclude that legal protections are weak and that both systems fail to meet the basic conditions of humanity toward their citizens. On this basis, we argue that such failings demonstrate a lack of integrity which undermines the standing of both the UK and Australia to invoke a claim of moral hazard to defend claimant conditionality.  相似文献   

One of the criteria used by judges of the Family Court in reaching custody decisions is the wishes of the child. A total of 104 children who were subjects of custody disputes were interviewed for the purpose of trying to ascertain their custodial wishes. Most children expressed a wish, and this preference was usually to remain with the parent the child was already living with. Children's wishes as to whether to remain where they were living or to move to live with the other parent, and their preferences as to whether to live with the mother or the father, did not differ according to age or sex.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the ethical and legal issues related to disclosure of conflicts of interest to research subjects, and discuss some empirical studies related to the topic. I argue that researchers have an ethical obligation to disclose conflicts of interest to research subjects, provided that they take steps to help subjects understand information about conflicts of interest and how to interpret it. Researchers also may have a legal duty to disclose conflicts of interests to subjects, depending on the facts of the case and the court's interpretation of the law. To reinforce and clarify the legal obligation to disclose conflicts of interest, the federal regulations should be amended to include disclosure of conflicts of interest as one of the informed consent requirements. Institutional review boards play a key role in helping researchers to disclose conflicts of interests to subjects in an appropriate manner. Institutional review boards should approve the disclosure language in informed consent documents, and they should require researchers to disclose financial interests to research subjects, if they have any, as a condition of approval.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the ethical and legal issues related to disclosure of conflicts of interest to research subjects, and discuss some empirical studies related to the topic. I argue that researchers have an ethical obligation to disclose conflicts of interest to research subjects, provided that they take steps to help subjects understand information about conflicts of interest and how to interpret it. Researchers also may have a legal duty to disclose conflicts of interests to subjects, depending on the facts of the case and the court's interpretation of the law. To reinforce and clarify the legal obligation to disclose conflicts of interest, the federal regulations should be amended to include disclosure of conflicts of interest as one of the informed consent requirements. Institutional review boards play a key role in helping researchers to disclose conflicts of interest to subjects in an appropriate manner. Institutional review boards should approve the disclosure language in informed consent documents, and they should require researchers to disclose financial interests to research subjects, if they have any, as a condition of approval.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义文化建设的战略构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭建宁 《创新》2009,3(3):5-8
在新的历史起点上,加强中国特色社会主义文化建设,就要建构社会主义核心价值体系,发挥其引导性和主导性作用;就要提升国家文化软实力,发挥其竞争性和凝聚性作用;就要弘扬中华文化,发挥中华民族共有精神家园的基础性和资源性作用:就要促进社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,发挥创造性,增强整合性,使中华文化更加具有吸引力、感召力。  相似文献   

家庭治疗,就是社会工作者通过与全部或部分家庭成员的治疗性会谈以及其他专业技巧,来协助家庭成员改善家庭关系,建立良性的家庭互动模式,从而在根本上解决整个家庭及其个别成员的问题。因此,社工通过家庭治疗模式介入社区青少年服务对将对预防和解决青少年问题就显得十分关键。本文选取上海市社区青少年服务案例,调查了社区青少年的问题和需要及其家庭状况,并深入分析问题的成因,同时对专业的家庭治疗方法在社区青少年服务中应用的必要性与可行性进行了一定的探索和思考。  相似文献   

With the orphan population escalating, communities continue to rely on relatives to provide care to orphans. Therefore, there is a need to explore the role of caregivers with regard to the well‐being of orphans, the challenges they face, as well as how they could be empowered to be more responsive to children's needs. The paper acknowledges that informal caregivers play an important role in the lives of orphans. The paper also concedes that, in the process, caregivers are faced with challenges which make it difficult for them to fulfil their responsibilities and roles. As a result, they sometimes act as sources of stress to orphans, which eventually complicate the children's adjustment to the loss of their parents. Lastly, the paper paves the way to ensuring that challenges faced by informal caregivers are addressed in a manner that will make them more supportive to orphans.  相似文献   

加入WTO,必须建立我国农业标准化制度   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
标准化制度是实现农业科学管理的基础,是衡量农业生产技术和经营管理水平的尺度,是稳定提高农产品质量的保证,是促进农业技术进步的手段,也是创农业名牌产品的基础和前提.为实现科技兴农,迎接入世的挑战,我国应加强农业标准和农业监测工作,这是发展社会主义市场经济,增强农业在国民经济中基础地位的需要,也是提高农产品质量,增强我国农产品国际竞争力的需要.  相似文献   

This study uses a survey of undocumented Mexican immigrants living in Dallas to identify variables that predict the likelihood of return migration of undocumented Mexican immigrants. Male immigrants and immigrants under age 25 are more likely to intend to return to Mexico. Surprisingly, length of US residence is not a significant predictor of intended return. In contrast, prior immigrant experience is a significant predictor of intent to return to Mexico. Highly educated immigrants are likely to intend to return to Mexico, probably because the relative skill benefit is greater in the origin country. Immigrants from the Mexican state of Guanajuato are likely to intend to return to Mexico, while those from San Luis Potosi are likely to intend to remain in the US. Immigrants who own a home in Dallas are likely to remain in the US, while those who own land in Mexico are likely to return to Mexico.  相似文献   

全球治理体系结构中存在着广泛的机制碎片化,构成了国际关系领域新的制度现象及结构特征。为此,需要对机制碎片化这一治理新情况给予重视,探讨治理机制碎片化的成因与后果,并就如何进行有效管理提出相应的对策。在当前新的世界政治经济环境背景下,面对全球治理机制碎片化的新挑战,中国作为全球治理体系的建设者,必须对日益显现的机制碎片化及其复杂性状况加强研究、有所应对,发挥中国自身应有的作用,并创造性参与,提升全球治理机制的有效性与合法性。  相似文献   

法治化进程中媒体监督的改革思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
强化媒体舆论监督是我国法治化进程中的一个重要环节.媒体监督改革的基本原则是在媒体自主与法律自治之间求得平衡,在新闻自由与公民权利之间求得平衡.媒体监督的法制保障大致包括促进媒体自主,扩展新闻自由;提高政府公开性,扩展公民的知情权;恰当衡量各种利益,诸如要达到新闻媒体的批评监督权与名誉权、隐私权之间的利益平衡;抑制媒体权力的滥用,保障司法的独立和公正.  相似文献   

Economics of Radiation Protection: Equity Considerations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to implement cost-benefit analysis of protective actions to reduce radiological exposures, one needs to attribute a monetary value to the avoided exposure. Recently, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has stressed the need to take into consideration not only the collective exposure to ionising radiation but also its dispersion in the population. In this paper, by using some well known and some recent results in the economics of uncertainty, we discuss how to integrate these recommendations in the valuation of the benefit of protection.  相似文献   

Starting from an examination of the essential components of the long-established contract between the generations, the analysis moves on to examine public policy responses to the aging of populations. Observing an international inclination to panic at the growth of old age and to restrict expenditure on services to older people, the article addresses practical questions of political economy within the generational contract. On the one hand, cuts to pensions and services are seen not to be economically inevitable. On the other, it is argued that modern retirement breaches the compact between the generations and will need to be reformulated, enabling more people to earn income well beyond current retirement ages.  相似文献   

陈柳钦 《创新》2013,(3):39-43,126,127
我国石油石化装备制造业已具有一定基础,但与先进国家相比,还面临来自多方面的挑战。振兴我国石油石化装备制造业,应做好以下几方面工作:一是强化规划科学引导,完善功能布局;二是发力高端装备制造,实现由大到强的战略转型;三是立足科学发展,着力增强自主创新能力;四是致力于国产化,提升石油石化装备国际话语权;五是努力拓展海外市场,寻求产业发展的更大空间;六是坚持走"绿色制造"之路。  相似文献   

教育本体论是针对教育存在的根据而不断地发问。“何以为学”和“何以为教”是关涉教育本体的基本问题,墨家就这两个问题进行了富有个性的诠释。基于对“何以为”问题家族的解答范式展开理论探索,通过回答“何以为学”和“何以为教”,墨家实现了对教育本体问题的解答。对墨家教育本体论展开研究,有助于准确、深入地理解墨家哲学。  相似文献   

More often than not, the existing modes of contribution collection and benefit payment of social security organizations are adapted to the collective arrangements that characterize employer‐employee relationships. Extending coverage to individuals in difficult‐to‐reach groups, however, may require new modalities of service that can cope with many separate, secure transactions rather than a few bulk data transfers between organizations. Recent developments in electronic payment show its wide applicability in enabling huge volumes of such individual transactions. It is in this light that the article explores the potentials of this technology and identifies possible arrangements through which electronic payments could surmount barriers that stand in the way of covering difficult‐to‐reach groups. The high level of mobile phone penetration on a global scale augurs well for using e‐payment mechanisms to collect social security contributions and to deliver social security benefits and services. A generic model is used to describe the requisite elements to implement electronic payments in social protection programmes. Based on empirical evidence of current social protection practices from around the world, five scenarios are presented to describe possible configurations for electronic payment, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. The broader objective is to contribute in a practical manner to the international commitment to extend social protection to all, as defined by the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   

李晓燕 《学术交流》2012,(6):143-146
公平和正义是社会保障制度价值的核心理念,也是衡量一个国家或地区社会保障制度能否充分和真正发挥作用的重要衡量因素。在新医改背景下,"人人公平享有健康保障"成为医疗保障制度建设进程中的一个重要目标,而推动城乡医疗保障制度一体化,进而实现三项医保制度整合衔接是实现这一目标的途径。下一步要重点完善社会医疗保障制度的运行环境;努力保障流动参保人员的就医权益,完善基本医疗保险关系转移接续;整合经办资源,强化管理体制统一化;确定合理的筹资补偿机制,强化财政补贴机制。  相似文献   

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