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邓福舜 《求是学刊》2001,28(3):87-91
东晋兰亭诗的创作源于一种新的山水审美观念。山水之本体是“道” ,兰亭诗人以“玄”应对山水 ,把山水之审美客体和审美主体联系起来 ,在此基础上表现了诗人的逍遥之趣。兰亭诗的审美经验主要表现在 :将身心共融于山水 ,求得身心俱畅的状态以及对山水景物的独特体悟。兰亭诗矫正了玄言诗理过其辞的情况 ,对山水美的进一步发现与开拓起到了一定的推进作用 ,在探索通过诗歌艺术在山水文学中表达情感和人生感受方面提供了艺术经验。  相似文献   

张文山 《创新》2007,1(5):32-36
建立"中国—东盟自由贸易区"法律、政策、关税减让等与投资及经贸相关的信息披露机制和区域法律法规信息应用服务体系,有效服务于中国—东盟区域经贸合作与安全,保障各方合法权益、防止和减少投资、商贸风险与纠纷,逐步完善东盟国家的经济贸易法律法规,促进司法协助,推动中国—东盟自由贸易区建设进程,有着重要现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

中国青春偶像剧的现状及发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨红菊 《唐都学刊》2004,20(2):77-80
学术界和观众对中国青春偶像剧均难以认可。辩证地分析 ,中国青春偶像剧目前确实存在问题 ,中国青春偶像剧的发展应该拓宽观众群 ,丰富亚剧种 ,同时以反映现实生活为根本 ,努力实现本土化和真实性  相似文献   

This study had three goals: (a) To investigate gender differences in relational aggression and victimization within young adults' romantic relationships, (b) to investigate associations between romantic relational aggression and victimization and perceptions of romantic relationship quality, and (c) to explore parent and peer predictors of romantic relational aggression and victimization. College students (70 females and 34 males) completed self‐reports of romantic relational aggression and victimization, and parent, peer, and romantic relationship quality. Men and women reported equal levels of romantic relational aggression, and men reported higher levels of victimization than women. Aggression and victimization were positively correlated with negative romantic relationship qualities and negatively correlated with positive relationship qualities. Regression analyses indicated that both romantic relational victimization and romantic relational aggression explained variance in romantic relationship quality. There were several significant associations between parent and peer relationship quality and romantic relational aggression and victimization, which suggest that poor relationships with parents and peers may play a role in the development and maintenance of these behaviors.  相似文献   

Multiple global trends are putting pressure on governments to develop policies and programmes that meet the needs of families with children aged 0–3. This cross-national analysis focuses on policies and programmes of parental leave and childcare in the United States, Sweden and Japan. Cross-national studies of early childhood education and care are reviewed. National profiles are provided of demographic, economic, political and socio-cultural characteristics and of parental leave and childcare policies and programmes. Policies and programmes are compared in relation to equity of coverage and support of basic parental childrearing and child-protection responsibilities. Issues raised highlight the need for unified programmes and policies, and continuing global dialogue regarding the needs of this population.  相似文献   

创新创业教育已经上升到了国家重要战略层面,其研究受到专家学者的普遍重视。本文以高职院校会展策划与管理专业为例,分析双创教育在高职院校专业教学中存在的问题,从双创训练、双创实践、双创竞赛和双创项目等方面,探索基于双创能力培养的会展策划与管理专业实践教学体系的构建。  相似文献   

严强 《阅江学刊》2011,3(1):5-11
制度政治学以政治制度及其构成和运行为研究对象。作为超越现实人的具体经济、文化和社会生活之上的、表现为高尚的公共生活的政治生活是由微观、中观和宏观三个层面构成的完整体系。处于中观层面的、起着中介和联结作用的政治制度则是其中不可或缺的部分。虽然政治制度是隐性的、不可触摸的,但是,以政治组织为载体的政治规则、规范、策略及其连锁关系却是引导和约束人们展开政治行动,影响和决定政治共同体生存、运行和发展的重要架构和资源。以嵌套的方式表现的、在不同层面上存在和发挥作用的规则——规范——策略及其连锁关系,依其功能决定着政治体制,创造着促使政治体制运行的机制,并规定着政治行为主体的行动。政治规则、规范、策略及其连锁关系与外部环境中经济、文化、民生社会因素的矛盾,政治规范、规则、策略内部的差异和矛盾,特别是有关政治人本性假定的改变,所有这些则是政治制度变迁的动力所在。  相似文献   

周恩来的中西文化观是他对中华民族的传统文化和外来文化进行比较、评价、选择过程中所形成的思想观点、方法和主张,是对中西文化冲突条件下中国文化应向何处去所作的科学回答。其主要特征表现为:强烈的爱国主义精神与鲜明的开放意识有机结合;广采博取的精神与辩证思想的有机结合;与时俱进的创新精神与突出的马克思主义立场的有机结合,从而决定了周恩来的中西文化观是一个博大精深的科学理论体系。深入学习并领会这一理论体系,对于我们今天推进社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,特别是正确处理传统文化和现代文化、民族文化和外来文化的关系,具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

北京市与上海市都是地方立法比较发达的城市,其地方立法都具有典型意义。北京市和上海市在经济、政治、文化等方面既存在着相似之处,也存在着差异之处,这些情况在一定程度上也反映到了地方立法之中。将北京市和上海市的地方立法进行比较分析,对于掌握地方立法的特点、认识地方立法的构成、总结地方立法的科学发展规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   

现代社会的实用理性和科技发展共同终结了古典神话,将之送入精神文化的历史博物馆。然而,神话思维和神话意识则共时性地隐匿于人们的心理结构之中,对文明和文化依然施加了重要影响。在现代和后现代的历史文化语境中,神话以变形的方式潜藏于人类的精神文化活动里,演变为一种当代意义的神话形式,继续发挥着强大的心理功能和扮演着意识活动与形态助产士的角色。当代神话的典型表现是科技神话、消费神话、英雄神话等样式。它承袭了传统神话的符号和结构形式而又有所发展和变异,尤其是借助于科技手段,它获得了更广泛、更丰富的社会内容和迅捷密集的传播方式,对于社会的方方面面都产生了广泛而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

马克思和恩格斯认为“异化劳动”和“商品拜物教”随着资本主义的发展而兴起,这一过程中,人被异化,尊严被剥夺.异化是指人的存在及行为都不能被自我所掌控,表现出与自我的疏远和对立.尊严是人作为人的存在被自我和他人承认和肯定.人的异化及尊严感丧失,造成了物质主义、消费主义、虚无主义在现代社会的盛行.马克思和恩格斯的尊严与异化理论,提供了从伦理学的角度研究尊严和异化的丰富思想资源.  相似文献   

Given global demographic and social trends, the need for new policy and program responses is essential. This article identifies and describes new and traditional social risks affecting children and their families in both industrialized and developing countries by region. Traditional risks continue in the developing as well as the industrialized countries but the extent and scale are very different and the problems are far more severe in developing countries. In addition, new risks are now evident and new policy responses are emerging. Attention to the new risks is increasing, with growing investment in services and policies facilitating the reconciliation of work and family life and non-traditional families. The citizens of many developing countries experience new risks as well, but their capacity to confront and address these risks is also more limited.  相似文献   

在高等教育转型期,高校决策在高校管理中的地位逐渐凸显,高校决策水平的提高有赖于制度创新,高校内部决策任务重心的转移也必然要求决策体制和路径的适应性转换。为与高校“自我发展、自我约束、面向社会依法办学的法人实体”的地位相适应,应在考虑我国管理传统、高校管理规律及高等教育法规的前提下,按照分层决策和分类决策并重,健全决策、咨询、执行、监督的决策运行机制,决策主体的多元化、民主化等基本思路重构我国高等学校决策制度。  相似文献   

Academics and professionals who aim to understand and plan for aging societies are most often younger than study participants and the benefactors of social programs themselves. However, the appropriateness of such intergenerational practice is beginning to be questioned. It has been suggested that only older people should conduct research, consult on and plan programs for older people. To understand the benefits and pitfalls of such an approach, research encounters between younger and older people will be used as examples from which to explore the question: what happens when individuals attempt to reach across age and generational boundaries? Situating age and generation as organizing principles, insights will be gleaned from the anthropological insider–outsider debate, linguistic work on age-based differences, and emotional associations and identification across age and generational boundaries. This paper argues that the ways older and younger people relate to each other may hold the potential for connection and/or conflict between the generations. Results suggest that age and generation be considered one of the many social locations that may impact the research process and outcomes. Researchers and policy makers of all ages must begin to reflect on their involvement with age and generational boundaries.  相似文献   

Very little is known about how Aboriginal parents experiencing vulnerabilities and communities perceive child neglect, despite Aboriginal families being highly overrepresented in the child protection system. This research investigates the perceptions and experiences of child neglect from Aboriginal parents and human services workers in a rural community. Research methods consisted of community forums and interviews with parents and workers. One community forum developed interview guides and vignettes, and the second discussed and interpreted findings. Between the two forums, in‐depth interviews were conducted with 18 Aboriginal parents and nine Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal workers. Overall Aboriginal parents perceived child neglect in a similar way to Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal workers. Violence and substance abuse were main risk factors for child neglect, and intergenerational trauma, racism and discrimination, and feeling powerless were prevalent in the community. The paper concludes that there are little differences in the way Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal people understand child neglect. Instead it is the difficult circumstances experienced by Aboriginal families that keep parents from actualising their parenting expectations. The implications of these findings when working with Aboriginal families and communities are also discussed.  相似文献   

全球发展公正性是权利伦理与责任伦理、现代伦理与历史伦理、主体伦理与生态伦理、个体伦理与整体伦理的具体统一。全球发展公正性建构是一个长期的过程,需要对现代性、社会发展规律、“社会发展总体逻辑”进行更加全面的把握,需要观念、制度、行为等方面的全面蒯整。在权利与责任的具体历史统‘中,“有限全球权利与有限全球责任相统一”是建构全球发展公正性的重要原则。“中国新殖民沦”与西方中心论有内在相关性,中国与发展中国家的和平发展、共同发展、全面发展,及其对全球发展公正性的历史推进,是对“中国新殖民沦”的实践批驳.  相似文献   

封润 《社会工作》2011,(14):32-34
儿童青少年遭遇诱拐及逃家是中国大陆和台湾热议的社会现象和社会问题之一。笔者通过在台湾实习经历以及对大陆与台湾失踪儿童青少年协寻工作开展状况的深入了解,就两岸失踪儿童青少年协寻工作进行比较研究,提出借鉴台湾经验、提高大陆失踪儿童青少年协寻工作水平的建议。  相似文献   

Governance is a kind of holistic governance and the notion of governing holistically should be established. The holisticity of governance is reflected in the unity and coordination between value rationality and instrumental rationality, normative appeal and practical appeal as well as global governance and state governance. Global and state governances are two strategic considerations in contemporary China. Actively participating in global governance and rationally promoting state governance is the rational choice of contemporary China, which plays a unique and significant role in realizing the social transformation and national rejuvenation and modernization of contemporary China. Deepening state governance with the help of global governance and promoting global governance with the support of state governance is the basic idea and dimension of understanding and grasping the interaction, coordination and overall planning between the two. The restrictions and effects of global governance on state governance are mainly reflected in such considerations as objects, mechanisms, concepts and interests of governance, and modernization of state governance system and improvement of governance capacity can promote and deepen global governance in a more effective way.  相似文献   

论城市社区思想政治工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市社区的思想政治工作已经成为一项十分重要的基础性工作.我们必须根据不断发展变化的新形势,从社区工作的特点和实际出发,调整和充实社区思想教育的内容.选准切入点,搞好社区服务,满足不同群体的生产和生活需求;积极开展健康有益的文体活动,加强精神文明建设.切实加强领导和队伍建设.  相似文献   

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