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农民负担重在哪里□王跃新吕昱晨今年年初,中共中央、国务院再次发出《关于切实做好减轻农民负担工作的决定》,将切实减轻农民负担确定为今年执法监察和农村工作的重点之一。半年多来减负工作的政策措施实效如何?当前农民负担重在哪里?调查结果显示,进入1997年以...  相似文献   

为了追踪国务院有关减轻农民负担政策的实施情况和效果,国家统计局农调总队于1999年末在全国31个省区市抽取了18685个农户,进行了专项调查,调查表明,1999年减负工作初见成效,农民负担有所减轻,但多数农户仍感负担较重,对不合理负担普遍不满,农民负担过重已经成为影响农村稳定的一个重要因素。一、大部分农户上缴的税费减少 在被调查的18685个农户中,有70.2%的农户反映1999年上缴税费比上年有所减少,只有29.8%的农户反映税费负担增加,显示出大多数农户的税费负担开始得到减轻。另据全国农村6…  相似文献   

减轻农民负担是我国的一项重要基本政策。当前 ,切实做好减轻农民负担工作 ,对增加农民收入、开拓农村市场、扩大国内需求意义重大。一直以来 ,各级政府十分重视减负工作 ,采取了一系列措施 ,取得了显著成效 ,有力地促进了农民收入的提高和农村经济的发展。但是 ,由于农村税费制度改革滞后等诸多因素 ,农民“费负”存在问题依然突出 ,农民负担问题仍未得到彻底解决 ,减轻农民负担 ,仍然任重而道远。本文对汕头广大农村农民普遍关心和反映的热点及难点问题 ,进行综合分析后得出的结论是 :要从根本上减轻农民负担 ,必须坚决贯彻执行中央减负政…  相似文献   

农民负担重在哪里?农民是怎样看待负担的?针对这个问题,我们随机抽取了哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、呼兰、海伦、依兰、方正、宾县、绥棱等8个市、县,在共640户农民家庭中进行了问卷调查,调查结果表明: 一、农民负担仍未有显著减少 现在农民的合理负担与不合理负担均交织在一起,并且有些不合理的负担已经隐性化,因此使农民负担成为一个复杂的、多变的、难以解决的问题。 在调查中,虽然有80.7%的农户回答“1999年税费负担是否比1998年增加了?“这一问题持否定态度,但在回答“农民负担是否过重”、“对农民负担是否不满时…  相似文献   

一、农村税费改革的必要性 1、农村税费改革是根治农民过多过重负担顽症,调动农民积极性,进一步解放和发展农村生产力的重大举措。 农业、农村和农民问题是关系我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设全局的重大问题。“三农”问题,核心是农民问题。而农民问题的实质则是维护农民的物质利益,调动农民的积极性。但是,现行的农村税费制度和征收办法存在的问题较多、较严重,致使农民负担过重。(1)  相似文献   

农民负担过重面面观文/通州市统计局刘红农民负担主要指农民除缴纳税金完成国家农产品定购任务外,所承担的提留、乡(镇)统筹费、义务工和劳动积累工以及其它费用。目前农民负担过重也成为一个综合性的社会问题,对其产生的原因作具体分析,深刻地了解问题的实质和根源...  相似文献   

文章分析了农民负担过重的主要原因,指出减轻农民负担应采取的措施。包括建立并完善地方税立法体系,完善有关法规,改革乡、村组织机构,实行村务民主管理,发展农村集体经济等8 个方面  相似文献   

农民负担重在哪里?□文/溧阳市竹箦镇杨冬庚近几年来、农民负担重的问题一直是被社会所关注的问题,也是当今农村的热点问题。减轻农民负担,是广大农民的迫切愿望。为减轻农民负担、从中共中央、国务院曾多次发了文件,特别是1996年12月30日公开发表了《中共中...  相似文献   

农民负担过重已成为全社会共同关心的问题,党和国家正在采取一系列措施,着力解决这个问题,但是我们在农村调查中发现,减轻农民负担,不仅要大刀阔斧地切断外部伸来的贪婪之手,同时也要引导农民自己走出消费误区。据江西农村2450户农户1993年前三个季度的抽样调查,农民因生活意识和行为方式的盲目性和愚昧性因素而形成的病  相似文献   

我国已于2006年取消了农业税.在我国实行了长达数千年之久的“皇粮国税”终于得到了终结.但无农业税后的农民是不是就不用再缴纳任何的税收了?农民确实减负了呢?本文着重对无农业税后的“三农问题”和农民负担进行分析.所得出的结论是取消农业税后的农民负担依然很繁重。  相似文献   

选取江西省21个县45个村作为样本,基于实地调研数据,采用ODM(Ordered Dependent Model)排序选择模型,对农村公共产品满意度及其影响因素进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:农民满意度的影响主要来自以下几个方面:一是农民自身状况,比较突出的是年龄、文化教育程度以及人均收入水平,其他如性别、家庭人数、劳动力数量等相对不明显;二是农民对各项公共产品如农村公路、农田水利、农村饮用水、生活垃圾处理、农村义务教育、农村社会保障等的满意度;三是农村公共产品供给的相关制度性因素,包括农民对农村公共产品的需求表达、农民参与决策程度、农民对筹资的支持等.  相似文献   

基于2009—2011年"中国乡镇民主与治理调查"数据,探讨了中国村民对四级政府的信任状况,并运用Logistic模型重点研究了村民政治参与和民主观念对政府信任的影响。研究发现:村民对国家、省级、县级、乡镇四级政府的信任感依次下降。村民正式的政治参与对四级政府信任均呈现显著的正向影响,即参与过投票选举的村民对四级政府的信任感越强,这也证实了国内外的大多数研究;非正式的政治参与对国家和省级政府的信任也均呈现显著的正向关系,说明谈论国家大事或政治话题的村民更相信国家和省级政府;民主观念对国家政府的信任有显著的正向影响,但是对县级、乡镇政府的信任有显著的负向影响,即民主观念较强的人对基层政府越不信任。  相似文献   

栾江等 《统计研究》2021,38(8):96-110
在现行农村土地制度下,土地经营权流转能否在增加农民收入的同时缩小收入差距是必须回答的现实问题。本文使用全国25省(自治区、直辖市)180个村的固定观察点数据,从收入增长和收入差距两个层面,分析了土地经营权流转对农村居民收入分配的影响效应。回归结果表明,土地经营 权流转(包括土地转入和土地转出)在平均意义上显著促进了农户人均收入水平的提升。条件分位数处理效应模型的估计结果表明,土地经营权流转对农户人均收入的影响效应随收入分位点的提高而上升,这说明土地经营权流转在一定程度上扩大了农民内部的收入差距。进一步使用无条件分位数处理效应模型,放弃过多观测特征后估计发现,土地经营权流转对低收入农户增收的影响效应不显著,尤其是土地转入的影响效应在中位数及以下分位点上均不显著。这是由于低收入农户受到自身资金条件和 土地流转成本的约束,难以通过土地流转优化家庭资源配置来实现收益最大化目标。应采取规范农村土地市场秩序、降低土地流转成本等措施,以实现土地经营权流转带动农民收入均衡增长的作用。  相似文献   

Ever since Professor Bancroft developed inference procedures using preliminary tests there has been a lot of research in this area by various authors across the world. This could be evidenced from two papers that widely reviewed the publications on preliminary test-based statistical methods. The use of preliminary tests in solving doubts arising over the model parameters has gained momentum as it has proven to be effective and powerful over to that of classical methods. Unfortunately, there has been a downward trend in research related to preliminary tests as it could be seen from only few recent publications. Obviously, the benefits of preliminary test-based statistical methods did not reach Six Sigma practitioners as the concept of Six Sigma just took off and it was in a premature state. In this paper, efforts have been made to present a review of the publications on the preliminary test-based statistical methods. Though studies on preliminary test-based methods have been done in various areas of statistics such as theory of estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression analysis, reliability, to mention a few, only few important methods are presented here for the benefit of readers, particularly Six Sigma quality practitioners, to understand the concept. In this regard, the define, measure, analyze, improve and control methodology of six sigma is presented with a link of analyze phase to preliminary test-based statistical methods. Examples are also given to illustrate the procedures.  相似文献   

Non-proportional hazards (NPH) have been observed in many immuno-oncology clinical trials. Weighted log-rank tests (WLRT) with suitable weights can be used to improve the power of detecting the difference between survival curves in the presence of NPH. However, it is not easy to choose a proper WLRT in practice. A versatile max-combo test was proposed to achieve the balance of robustness and efficiency, and has received increasing attention recently. Survival trials often warrant interim analyses due to their high cost and long durations. The integration and implementation of max-combo tests in interim analyses often require extensive simulation studies. In this report, we propose a simulation-free approach for group sequential designs with the max-combo test in survival trials. The simulation results support that the proposed method can successfully control the type I error rate and offer excellent accuracy and flexibility in estimating sample sizes, with light computation burden. Notably, our method displays strong robustness towards various model misspecifications and has been implemented in an R package.  相似文献   

The problem considered in this study is that of detecting a change in the unknown parameters of known distribution on the basis of a finite sequence of independent observations, assuming that if a change in the parameters of a distribution has occurred then it is unique. We examine various methods that have been suggested for this problem and suggest a uniform approach, based on likelihood ratio analysis. For tests derived this way we present approximations for levels of significance based on asymptotic analyses. The suggested tests meet the needs of specific problems (such as a one-sided alternative), for which general parametric case solutions have not been suggested explicitly before. We also find that rate of convergence of our asymptotics is fast, and provide accurate results for a level of significance of the suggested tests for sample sizes commonly observed in practice.  相似文献   

基于山东省520个菜农的调研数据,运用熵值法对菜农生计资产产值进行测算,进而构建菜农病虫害防治外包绩效模型,以生计资产类型为调节变量进行多群组分析。研究发现,菜农间人力资产产值的差异表现最为明显,故依据人力资产将菜农划分为匮乏型、普通型和充裕型;信任和信息交流是影响菜农病虫害防治外包绩效的关键因素,而合作灵活性未通过显著性检验;信任对匮乏型和普通型菜农产生显著正向影响,但对充裕型菜农的影响并不显著;信息交流对三种类型菜农均产生显著正向影响;合作灵活性对充裕型菜农产生显著正向影响,而对普通型、匮乏型菜农未产生显著影响。因此,政府在制定"增信任、促交流"的外包推广政策时,还应充分考虑到异质性农户的现实需求。  相似文献   

This paper treats quality control in a wide sense which is imperative for a statistical agencyto do. First, we discuss the meaning of total survey error and different quality characteris-

tics. Secondly, some common quality problems in statistical agencies are presented as a prelude to the bulk of this paper, namely the case of Sweden. Quality control efforts at Statistics Sweden are reviewed regarding the handling of specific error sources, error estimation, and error control. Different tools such as preventive control, production control, and evaluation are dealt with. As for QC-procedures proper we provide some applications from clerical coding.  相似文献   

By comparing estimators of the variance of idiosyncratic error at different robust levels, two Hausman-type test statistics are respectively constructed for the existence of individual and time effects in the panel regression model with incomplete data. The resultant test statistics have several desired properties. Firstly, they are robust to the presence of one effect when the other is tested. Secondly, they are immune to the non-normal distribution of the disturbances since the distributional conditions are not needed in the construction of the statistics. Thirdly, they have more robust performances than the main competitors in the literature when the covariates are correlated with the effects. Additionally, they are very simple and have no heavy computational burden. Joint tests for both of the two effects are also discussed. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the proposed tests have desired finite sample properties, and a real data analysis gives further support.  相似文献   

符少燕  李慧云 《统计研究》2018,35(9):92-102
本文通过构建多层线性模型分析了地区层次的环境监管因素对企业层次的上市公司碳信息披露价值效应的影响。研究发现,在碳信息披露与企业价值的U型关系中,环境监管具有调节作用,良好的环境监管有助于增强企业碳信息披露与企业价值的正向关系。且本文进一步研究发现,相比非国有企业,良好的环境监管对国有企业更能增强企业碳信息披露与企业价值的正向关系。同一环境监管水平下,国有企业比非国有企业更有利于偏向企业碳信息披露与企业价值的正向关系。本研究丰富了环境监管和碳信息披露的经济后果领域的文献,并为企业在不同环境监管水平下,充分提升碳信息披露水平与提高企业价值,以及为政府的相关环境监管建设,促进低碳经济发展提供启示。  相似文献   

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