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Pedometer-determined physical activity (PA) is inversely related to body composition in middle-aged adults; however, researchers have not established such a relationship in college students. OBJECTIVE AND PARTICIPANTS: In this study, the authors attempted to characterize PA and examine its relationship with body composition in undergraduate college students (N = 88). METHODS: The authors measured the BC of 44 women (M age = 21 +/- 1 year, M body mass index [BMI] = 23.9 +/- 4 kg/m2) and 44 men (M age = 22 +/- 1 year, BMI = 26.9 +/- 0.9 kg/m2); participants also wore a pedometer for 7 days and completed a PA questionnaire. RESULTS: Men averaged significantly more steps/day (10,027 +/- 3,535) than did women (8,610 +/- 2,252). For women only, the authors observed significant correlations between steps/day and body composition variables. Men reported engaging in vigorous PA significantly more often than did women. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that men engage in PA more often but that PA is related to body composition only in women. In addition, there is better agreement between pedometer-measured and self-reported PA in college-aged men than women. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: The benefits of regular physical activity are well documented. However, approximately half of all university students are insufficiently active, and no research to date exists on the activity behavior of university students who are also parents. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Using an adapted version of the Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire (ie, the Physical Activity Prevalence Questionnaire), the authors examined the prevalence of sufficient physical activity among 245 parent students from 6 faculties and 12 programs. RESULTS: Half (49.5%) of the students who were not parents (n = 90) were sufficiently physically active, compared with 16% of students who were parents (n = 3, p < .002). The authors found that 33.3% of parents and 13% of nonparents limited their activity level as a result of illness or injury (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Most parent students in this study were insufficiently active and at potential risk for the negative health consequences of inactivity. This is a grossly understudied population, and researchers must conduct further studies to understand what can be done to facilitate physical activity among this potentially vulnerable group of students. 相似文献
Irwin JD 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2007,56(1):37-41
The health and financial costs of physical inactivity are staggering. Few researchers have assessed the prevalence of physical activity at the level needed to gain health benefits. OBJECTIVE: The author's purpose in this longitudinal study was to assess the prevalence of university students who maintained physical activity at the level necessary for health gains for at least 1 month. PARTICIPANTS: University students (N = 392) from 2 campuses participated in this 1-month study. METHODS: The author administered a survey to the same group of students at baseline and 1 month later to assess the prevalence of students who met and maintained the physical activity guideline for health (PAGH). RESULTS: Thirty-five percent of students maintained the PAGH for 1 month. CONCLUSION: The majority of students in this study were insufficiently physically active. Given that insufficient physical activity may lead to serious health concerns, interventions are needed to improve activity maintenance in this population. 相似文献
Reed J 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2007,55(4):189-194
OBJECTIVE: The author's purpose in this study was to assess perceptions of recreational physical activity (PA) facilities on a university campus. PARTICIPANTS: Four-hundred and sixty-seven undergraduate students participated in this study (women = 293; men = 174). RESULTS: The author found a significant percentage difference between women and men concerning the availability of racquetball courts on campus, 47% vs 63%, t (465) = -3.274. The author similarly found a significant percentage difference between women and men's perceptions concerning the availability of tennis courts. Twenty-seven percent of women were unaware or did not know tennis courts were available for PA, in comparison with 19% of men t (465) = -2.413. Awareness of recreational facilities revealed significant differences (Pillai's Trace = .189, p < .05) between freshmen and upperclassmen. Freshmen perceived themselves to have access to fewer recreational facilities on campus. CONCLUSION: More efforts to increase awareness of PA facilities are needed on university campuses. 相似文献
Marie P. Bresnahan Rachel Sacks Shannon M. Farley Jenna Mandel-Ricci Ty Patterson Patti Lamberson 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(4):343-347
ABSTRACTThe New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene partnered with the nation's largest university system, the City University of New York (CUNY), to provide technical assistance and resources to support the development and implementation of a system-wide tobacco-free policy. This effort formed one component of Healthy CUNY—a larger initiative to support health promotion and disease prevention across the university system and resulted in the successful introduction of a system-wide tobacco-free policy on all CUNY campuses. Glassman et al (J Am Coll Health. 2011;59:764–768) published a blueprint for action related to tobacco policies that informed our work. This paper describes the policy development and implementation process and presents lessons learned from the perspective of the Health Department, as a practical case study to inform and support other health departments who may be supporting colleges and universities to become tobacco-free. 相似文献
The authors investigated vigorous physical activity and psychological well-being during transition from high school to first-year university in a sample of 145 Canadian undergraduates. Participants completed retrospective measures assessing vigorous physical activity during their first 2 months at university and their last 2 months at high school as well as measures assessing psychological well-being. According to nationally recommended (US Department of Health and Human Services) standards, two thirds (66.2%) of students reported adequate levels of vigorous activity in high school, whereas significantly fewer (44.1%) met the standard during their first 8 weeks at university. One third of students were active in high school but became insufficiently active once at university; 33% were active at both times; 23% consistently fell short of recommended levels; and only 11% became active once at university. Students who had become insufficiently active reported higher levels of fatigue and lower levels of vigor compared with those who continued to be active. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To examine perception differences between genders of university sidewalks and safety from crime on the physical activity (PA) behaviors of undergraduate students. PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred and sixty undergraduate students participated in this study. METHODS: The authors derived questions from the South Carolina Environmental Supports for Physical Activity Questionnaire (SCESPAQ) and National College Health Risk Behavior Survey (NCHRS) PA module. RESULTS: The authors found a significant mean difference between genders for the Moderate Intensity Item (eg, walking and biking) and the Flexibility Item, t(558)=3.602, p=.001, and t(558)=1.946, p=.050, respectively. Of participants surveyed, 30% of women perceived this campus to be extremely safe compared with 49% of men, t(558)=4.240, p=.001. Gender and the perceptions of sidewalk presence were significantly related (p<.05) to respondents' walking or bicycling patterns. CONCLUSIONS: Perceptions of sidewalks and safety from crime on this university campus were related to students' PA behaviors. 相似文献
Eugene C. Fitzhugh Robin Hardin William Boyer Emily Post Zach Behnke 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(7):647-653
AbstractObjective: Student football managers have demands on their time that may pose barriers to meeting recommended current physical activity (PA) guidelines. The study sought to assess the amount of PA obtained by student football managers at a NCAA Division I Football university. Participants: Subjects were student football managers (n?=?14) with data collected in the fall 2015. Methods: Participants wore an Omron HJ-720ITFFP pedometer for seven consecutive days during football activities only, while self-reporting their overall PA on day 7. Measures were analyzed using repeated measures and mixed-design ANOVAs. Results: Managers averaged 8474 steps/day for each practice/game. All PA measures significantly varied by day and manager experience. Overall PA equated to 78?hours of walking. Conclusions: Student football managers easily met and surpassed the recommended aerobic health-enhancing PA guideline. While their manager-related PA was 140?minutes per week, other PA allowed them to easily reach significantly healthy levels of PA. 相似文献
This article investigates the ways sexual violence experienced on college campuses in the United States is situated within the neoliberal university. Feminist theories are utilized to explore the relationship between sexual violence and neoliberal ideologies. The authors evaluate how neoliberal tenets imbedded in higher education have contributed to, and exacerbated, an environment where sexual victimization is common. An institutional level of analysis is utilized to examine the neoliberal influence on campus sexual violence and investigate the utility of the term everyday terrorism. The authors also address “crimes of omission”, institutional betrayal, and the significance of institutional bravery/courage. The authors provide recommendations for future research in the areas of everyday terrorism and campus violence. 相似文献
University campus is an important component of urban landscapes for biodiversity conservation. However, to our knowledge no study has quantitatively assessed the diversity and structure of bird communities in Chinese university campuses, especially from phylogenetic and functional perspectives. Here, for the first time we linked species richness, phylogenetic structure and body mass structure of campus bird communities with contemporary climate, glacial-interglacial climate change, altitudinal range, population density around campus, area and age of campus to test their associations. We found 393 bird species in 38 university campuses (29% of all Chinese bird species, two species are endangered, four species are vulnerable, and 33 species are near threatened). The variables significantly correlated with campus bird species richness, phylogenetic structure and body mass structure were altitudinal range and mean annual precipitation, glacial-interglacial anomaly in temperature, and altitudinal range, respectively. In particular, there were more species in steeper and wetter campuses, more young species clustered in campuses with stable glacial-interglacial climate, and more species with smaller body size in steeper campuses. Our study highlights the importance of considering both phylogenetic and functional information for biodiversity conservation in urban ecosystems. 相似文献
Bruce Frier Pearl Yang Albert W. Taylor 《European review of aging and physical activity》2006,3(2):63-73
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease affecting the regulation of insulin and glucose causing a disruption in the normal control of counterregulatory hormones and macronutrients, resulting in blood glucose accumulation. Metabolic deregulation leads to the production of noxious substances that have a particular propensity for damaging vascular and nervous structures. Physiological changes observed with aging are correlated with a concomitant increase in DM and its associated complications. Long-term complications, including peripheral and central neuropathies, micro- and macrovascular damage, retinopathy, and nephropathy are the major causes of mortality in diabetics [cardiovascular disease (CVD) being the primary complication causing death in this population]. All-cause mortality is three to four times greater in the DM population; hence, management of DM is of timely importance, particularly with a projected prevalence increase of 134% within the next 25 years among individuals over the age of 65 years. Exercise modalities, including endurance and resistance training, were employed to improve glycemic/metabolic control and to ameliorate the progression of DM-related complications. Several risk factors, including glucose levels, blood pressure, lipid/cholesterol profile, and BMI, are reportedly improved with these modes of exercise. However, not all studies demonstrate an improvement in risk factors, but consistently note improvement in complications and a reduction of DM incidence. There is convincing evidence that exercise, with or without specific improvements to traditional DM-related risk factors, is an effective therapy for the management of DM.The Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging is affiliated with St. Joseph’s Health Care and The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE AND PARTICIPANTS: The authors assessed the stability of diet and physical activity and their relationship to weight changes in first-year university women. METHODS: They collected anthropometric and body composition data from 101 resident women at the beginning of their first year of college and again at 12 months. The authors obtained physical activity and dietary logs 4 times throughout the year. RESULTS: Caloric intake decreased over 12 months in all participants (p = .01). There was little change in physical activity in participants who lost weight (p = .73, d = .18). Those who gained weight experienced a trend toward decreased physical activity (p = .13, d = .38). A significant Time X Group interaction on physical activity (p = .04) suggests that physical activity patterns differed substantially between individuals who gained weight and those who lost weight. CONCLUSIONS: Reduction in physical activity appears to be the defining characteristic in freshman weight gain. 相似文献
In our zeal to deal with alcohol and drug abuse, we may have a distorted picture of what the majority of college students actually think about alcohol and drug use. Students in this study done at a public university located in the Deep South report being generally intolerant of substance abuse. 相似文献
Lucia Malaguarnera Erika Cristaldi Helga Lipari Mariano Malaguarnera 《European review of aging and physical activity》2008,5(2):61-68
Several lines of evidence indicate that infectious diseases, cancer, and autoimmune disorders occur more frequently in elderly people, thus suggesting that altered function of immune organs and cells, such as thymus and T and B lymphocytes are of primary importance in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Furthermore, old subjects are less responsive to vaccine than younger because of immune changes. The most common changes accompanying the adaptive immune system include decrement of T and B cells proliferation, repertoire degeneracy, increase of the memory cell type, decreased numbers of naive cells, and shift from T helper1 (Th1) to T helper2 (Th2) response. Regular exercise in the elderly may improve the alterations in acquired immunity which follow the physiological process of aging, allowing a major resistance against external pathogens and a better quality of life. 相似文献
Women experience significant changes in endocrine function during aging. Decreasing levels of anabolic hormones may be associated with musculoskeletal atrophy and decrease in function that is observed in older women and, as a result, there has been an increase in the use of pharmacological hormone therapies. It is difficult to distinguish, however, between physiological changes that are truly age related and those that are associated with lifestyle factors such as physical activity participation. Some research has shown that circulating levels of anabolic hormones such as DHEA(S) and IGF-I in older women are related to physical activity, muscle function, and aerobic power. Exercise-intervention studies have generally shown that increasing age blunts the acute hormonal response to exercise, although this might be explained by a lower exercise intensity in older women. There have been relatively few studies that examine hormonal adaptations to exercise training. Physical activity might have an effect on hormone action as a result of changes in protein carriers and receptors, and future research needs to clarify the effect of age and exercise on these other components of the endocrine system. The value and safety of hormone supplements must be examined, especially when used in combination with an exercise program. 相似文献
Erdal Tekin Chandler McClellan Karen Jean Minyard 《Review of Economics of the Household》2018,16(4):1017-1026
Previous studies have shown that recessions are typically associated with better health and health behaviors. With the exception of a few recent studies however, these studies focus on sample periods that end prior to the Great Recession. The few exceptions that extend the analysis period beyond the Great Recession suggest that the pro-cyclical relationship between macroeconomic conditions and mortality obtained in earlier studies might have weakened over time. In this paper, we revisited the relationship between state unemployment rate and a large set of outcomes of health and health behaviors using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) between 1990 and 2014. Overall, our results suggest that state unemployment rate is weakly related to both health and health behaviors as our estimates are too small to have any meaningful implications, although they are largely imprecisely estimated. Finally, we tested whether the Great Recession played a significant role in influencing the pattern in the relationship between unemployment rate and health and health behaviors. Our results from this analysis do not reveal any measurable recession effect, although the estimates are again largely imprecise. 相似文献