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Summary Larvae of genusPieris in the northern part of Kyoto City are parasitized by two tachinid flies:Epicampocera succincta, a specialist on genusPieris, andCompsilura concinnata, a generalist with very wide host-range. We surveyed the parasitism rates ofPieris by both flies for two years at six study areas. In these study areas, there lived three host species in the genusPieris: P. rapae, P. melete, andP. napi, but neither tachinid parasitizedP. napi to any significant extent. In the mountainous district,P. rapae andP. melete coexisted and their populations were relatively continuous, while in the lowland, onlyP. rapae larvae were abundant in spring and autumn, but even they disappeared in summer. Parasitisms byE. succincta occurred mainly in mountainous district and never in the lowland.C. concinnata parasitizedPieris in all the areas, but its parasitisms occurred mainly in autumn. We analyzed the factors affecting the spatial and temporal patterns of parasitism rates and presumed that the temporal discontinuity of host population restricted the distribution of the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   

Summary Yearly population fluctuations ofM. pustulae were investigated at 19 sites in Kyushu. In sites where a platygastrid is the only parasitoid of the midge, the percentage parasitism was very low in the incipient stage of the outbreak of the midge populations. After the number of midges reached a peak, the midge populations declined as the percentage parasitism increased, and then the outbreak ceased. On the other hand, in several populations no outbreak was found and the percentage parasitism was constantly at a high level. Therefore, the immediate cause for the outbreak seemed to be a decline of the percentage parasitism. Like the midge, the platygastrid has one generation each year, and its females also emerge in spring to deposit their eggs within host eggs. The decline of the percentage parasitism seemed to be mainly affected by the time lag between emergence periods ofM. pustulae and the platygastrid. In the midge populations parasitized by both the platygastrid and a eulophid (Chrysonotomyia sp.), an extinction of the population was observed, resulting from parasitism by the latter,Chrysonotomyia sp. is polyphagous and multivoltine, and is a late parasitoid, as discussed byAskew (1975). When the density of the midges is very low, the platygastrid may leave the host eggs unparasitized, whileChrysonotomyia sp. may not, because the mature galls are conspicuous.  相似文献   

Summary The searching efficiencies of a primary parasite (Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh)) and a hyperparasite (Alloxysta brassicae (Ash.)) were investigated and compared. In both species, at all parasite densities, there was a curvilinear relationship (P<0.001) between the number of hosts parasitised and the host density. A linear regression (loga=logQ−m logP) was fitted for log area of discovery against log parasite density (P<0.001). The area of discovery for its immediate (i.e. primary) host (viz.Diaeretiella for the hyperparasite and aphid forDiaeretiella) is lower in the hyperparasite than in the primary parasite. InDiaeretialla both the searching efficiency and the mutual interference constant increased (but not significantly,P>0.05) in the presence of its males.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersions and resource utilization of primary and secondary parasitoids developing in non-depletable primary host populations were determined for an aphid-parasitoid community occurring on strawberries. Analyses of dispersions based onGreen's coefficient andLloyd's Patchiness Index indicated parasitized aphids were highly aggregated initially, became less aggregated as density increased, and remained aggregated following collapse of the aphid populations. The “index of aggregation” values calculated usingTaylor's Power Law concurred with results from the other indices, and the similarity of the regression coefficients from both seasons suggests that the index of aggregation may be characteristic for communities as well as species. Analysis withIwao's regression of mean crowding on the mean generated similar results when population data were stratified temporally, and also indicated that the individual was the basic unit of the population. In a non-depletable environment, oviposition of individuals exhibiting an aggregated dispersion pattern within clumps of hosts provides primary parasitoids with a suitable trade-off between energy utilization or genetic potential, and losses associated with hyperparasitism.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with some aspects of the ecology of the southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula, in Hawaii. Dispersal studies on adults showed an asymetrical dispersal pattern. The rate of plant to plant to movement by the adults was 3.3–6.7 feet per day. Mortality studies showed that egg predation by ants,Pheidole megancephala, was as high as 80–90 per cent. Egg parasitism byTelenomus basalis was highest during February, 1965, and adult parasitism byTrichopoda pennipes was highest during July, 1964, to January of the following year. The population ofN. viridula declined during May, 1964, to May, 1965. This decline occurred simultaneously with the decline in the number of eggs produced per female. It has been speculated that this reduction in egg production was caused by parasitism byT. pennipes. Published with the approval of the Director of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station as Technical Paper No. 816. It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge with thanks the help that I received in various ways from the following: Dr. WallaceC. Mitchell, Dr. MervinKamran., Mr HarryKaya and Mr. HitoshiKamasaki.  相似文献   

The relationship between the infestation rate of carambola fruits byBactrocera carambolae Drew and Hancock was investigated in a carambola orchard. Phenology of the fruits was found to influence percentage infestation of fruits byB. carambolae. The proportion of unbagged or susceptible fruits infested varied with time of year and tended to decrease with the increase of unbagged fruits available on the tree. The number of ovipunctures per fruit varied with fruit size and was also found to be indicative of the number of adult insects (B. carambolae and parasitoids) that will emerge from each fruit. Higher number of susceptible fruits available on each tree also decreased both the number of ovipunctures per fruit and the number of eggs laid per fruit, which could possibly be due to the strategy of spreading the risk adopted by the femaleB. carambolae or a result of random selection with more hosts available. The main parasitoids recorded wereBiosteres vandenboschi (Fullaway) andB. arisanus (Sonan). The mean percentage of parasitism was 38.3% and it followed roughly that of infestation of fruits.  相似文献   

This article attempts to explain that parasitoids provide the evolutionary pressure responsible for relationships between habitat use and larval food plant use in herbivorous insects. Three species of butterflies of the genus Pieris, P. rapae, P. melete, and P. napi use different sets of cruciferous plants. They prefer different habitats composed of similar sets of cruciferous plants. In our study, P. rapae used temporary habitats with ephemeral plants, P. melete used permanent habitat with persistent plants, although they also used temporary habitats, and P. napi used only permanent habitat. The choice experiment in the field cages indicated that each of the three butterfly species avoided oviposition on plants usually unused in its own habitat, but accepted the unused plants which grew outside its own habitat. Their habitat use and plant use were not explained by intrinsic plant quality examined in terms of larval performance. Pieris larvae collected from persistent plants or more long lasting habitats were more heavily parasitized by two specialist parasitoids, the braconid wasp Cotesia glomerata and the tachinid fly Epicampocera succincta. The results suggest that Pieris habitat and larval food plant use patterns can be explained by two principles. The evolution of habitat preference may have been driven by various factors including escape from parasitism. Once habitat preference has evolved, selection favors the evolution of larval food plant preferences by discriminating against unsuitable plants, including those which are associated with high parasitism pressures. Received: December 3, 1998 / Accepted: January 20, 1999  相似文献   

Summary An equation is given for the estimation of selective values from data obtained by mark-recapture experiments, assuming that selective pressures remain constant while the experiments are carried out. The equation does not have an explicit solution but can readily be solved using a trial-and-error method. The use of the equation is illustrated on some data reported byKettlewell et al. (1969) from an experiment involvingtypica andedda morphs of the mothAmathes glareosa. It is found that theedda morph apparently had a selective advantage of about 12% per day compared to thetypica morph and that this is significantly different from zero. Using another methodKettlewell concluded that the selective advantage of theedda morph was only 7% and that this was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Summary Life tables for worker honeybees covering all life span, and those for adults, were prepared for three seasonal cohorts,June bees, July bees andwintering bees. Survivorship curves forJune andJuly bees show a convex type being exceptional for insects, with relatively high mortality at egg and feeding larval stages and at later adult stage after most bees became potential foragers. Adult longevity greatly lengthens inWinteriing bees and survivorship curve drops approximately with the same rate. A remarkable similarity of survivorship curves for men and honeybees was demonstrated, apparently due to highly developed social care in both. Some comments were given on mortality factors. The importance of life tables for population researches was shown by applying our result to the population growth curve made byBodenheimer, based upon the data byNolan. At the asymptote of the uncorrected curve, the ratio of total population estimated by uncorrected curve to that by corrected curve reaches about 3∶2. Contribution No. 821 from the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Contributions from JIBP-PT No. 45. This study was in part supportod by a grant in aid from the Ministry of Education for the special project research, “Studies on the dynamic status of biosphere.” Population and bioeconomic studies on the honeybee colonies. II. We express our sincere thanks to Dr. YosiakiIt?, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tokyo, for his kind stimulation and advices to the present work.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of host age on parasitoid reproductive capacity are studied using the pteromalid parasitoidLariophagus distinguendus F?rster and its bruchid hosts,Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) andC. maculatus (F.). A series of experiments were performed to investigate relationships between age and size of host parasitized and the developmental period of pre-imaginal progeny, sex ratio, female size, longevity, fecundity and oviposition rate. There was no effect of host size on preimaginal parasitoid developmental period. Sex ratio varied from less than 5% females from young (small) hosts to 60% females from mature (large) hosts. Adult size, female longevity, fecundity, and oviposition rate were also positively related to host age. Females provided mature hosts lived longer than those provided either young hosts or no hosts, possibly because of an increased ability to host-feed from the larger hosts. The implications of these findings to parasitoid population reproductive capacity and host-parasitoid synchrony are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a series of experiments conducted to determine whySitophilus zeamais Mots. andSitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) could not survive together in maize cultures in the laboratory. The effect ofS. zeamais on different developmental stages ofS. cerealella was investigated. The presence of adultS. zeamais slightly affected moth copulation, egg laying and moth eggs in a mixed culture, but large numbers of developing moths inside maize grains were killed by the adult weevil through feeding on the grains. The major cause of elimination ofS. cerealella byS. zeamais from mixed cultures was therefore found to be damage to the immature moths in grain and such moth mortality increased as the developing moths became bigger in the grains. A weevil: grain ratio of approximately 1.4∶1 was found to be the critical weevil density at which the moth disappeared from the mixed cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of patchy habitats by adult populations of threePieris butterflies,P. rapae, P. melete andP. napi was studied throughout the flight season in an area of their coexistence, about 3×1.5 km, in a farm village in the mountains in Inabu, Aichi Prefecture. Field study was by the mark-recapture method. Results were analyzed by dispersal distances and recapture duration decay curves for adults of different age-classes estimated on the basis of physical condition of their wings, together with supplementary information of daliy egg-laying rate of females, obtained in field cages. Sexually immature, mated femals ofP. rapae after teneral stage showed a migratory flight. On the other hand, reproductive females and all males ofP. rapae were strongly resident within suitable habitats, and reproductive females begun to lay eggs abundantly at sunny places of newly suitable areas within a short period.P. melete seemed to disperse gradually from emerged stites and females of this species continued to lay some constant numbers of eggs for more than ten days over a wider area.P. napi appeared more likeP. melete thanP. rapae. The habitats of the three species can be characterized as follows:P. rapae, temporary, continued for pre-reproductive females but localized for reproductive females and all males, and unstable;P. melete, permanent, widespread, and stable;P. napi, permanent, localized, and stable. The numbers of generations ofP. rapae, P. melete andP. napi were estimated to be about six, three and three, respectively. Seasonal fluctuations in the number of adults were influenced by the stability of their habitats, i. e., the population size fluctuated sharply inP. rapae, but it was much more stable inP. melete andP. napi. In view of these results, it can be said thatP. rapae fits the general characteristics of a r-strategist whereasP. melete andP. napi are more K-strategic thanP. rapae.  相似文献   

Summary A model was made to clarify the basic processes of competition to occur among larvae by the exploitation as defined byBakker (1969). It was found that this model is applicable to the experimental results on the food exploitation amongDroshophila larvae obtained byBakker (1961). In the model the preimaginal stage is divided into two periods;T f which is the time that a group of larvae spends in exhausting the food after hatching, andT s which is the duration of the starvation period afterT f .T f and thenW l (larval body weight) just after the end ofT f are decided byF s (amount of food supplied per larva at larval hatching) andF c (amount of food consumed per larva).T f affects on the onset ofT s as well asR l (rate of decrease in the individual body weight duringT s ).W a (weight of emerging adults) is gotten by a subtraction ofR l fromW l just after the end ofT f ,R e is affected directly by these components ofW l andR l . As a result,W a andR e are expressed by functions ofF s . This model confirmed that the food exploitation lead to the competition of scramble type. Finally it was suggested that there exist some strategies which prevent ill-effects owing to the food exploitation.  相似文献   

Summary Sibling (cannibalism among siblings) and non-sibling cannibalism (cannibalism among non-siblings) were studied in a natural population of a lady beetle,Harmonia axyridis Pallas. Of all the eggs laid (n=2269), 24.76% (n=562) were killed by sibling cannibalism and 36.10% (n=819) were killed by non-sibling cannibalism. Sibling cannibalism occurred constantly and intensively in most egg batches throughout the entire oviposition period. On the other hand, non-sibling cannibalism was more intense in the middle and late oviposition periods, and when the egg batches were close to an aphid colony. This may be due to the high density ofH. axyridis larvae relative to aphid density in the middle and late oviposition periods and also the larvae searching intensively near an aphid colony.  相似文献   

Summary An iterative procedure for correcting stage-frequency data is described to allow for situations where the period during which a population is sampled begins after some individuals have entered stage 2 or ends before all individuals are dead. The reason for correcting data in this way is to enableKiritani andNakasuji's method for estimating stage-specific survival rates, with extensions proposed byManly (1976, 1977), to be used to analyse the data. The proposed procedure is illustrated on data obtained by sampling a population of the grasshopperChorthippus brunneus passing through four instar stages to reach the adult stage.  相似文献   

Summary Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the effects of infestation of bulk stored wheat by multiple species of insects at 30±2°C for 60 wk. Eight 204-liter drums containing wheat at 15.5% moisture content were used as three distinct man-made ecosystems: (a) Control system (2 drums), insect-free; (b) RST system (3 drums), artificially infested withRhyzopertha dominica (F.),Sitophilus oryzae (L.), andTribolium castaneum (Herbst); and (c) COT system (3 drums), infested withCryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens),Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), andTribolium castaneum. The variables measured tri-weekly within each system included carbon dioxide, oxygen, temperature, grain moisture, seed damage, grain weight and volume, dust weight and volume, fat acidity values (FAV) of the wheat, seed germination, microflora includingAlternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler,Aspergillus glaucus group,Aspergillus candidus Link, and bacteria, insects and the miteTarsonemus granarius Lindquist. PCA provided multivariate synopsis of the data quantifying several important relationships among the variables monitored. Tri-weekly and cumulative 60-wk analyses of each system showed that high bacterial counts were associated with high FAV levels;Tarsonemus numbers were positively related toAspergillus; Alternaria and seed germination were negatively related to FAV, bacteria and grain damage; and that the number of insects was related to the presence ofAspergillus and negatively related to the presence of bacteria. Seed germination andAlternaria infection often decrease rapidly presumably because of infection by fungi of theAspergillus glaucus group. The combined action ofR. dominica andAspergillus spp. enhanced seed damage and increased grain moisture content thus promoting bacterial growth which in turn inhibited insect and mold growth. Fat acidity values increased with time unless seed damage and bacterial infection were extensive as in the RST system. Contribution No. 903, Agriculture Canada, Research Station, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2M9.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical and graphic study is presented of the wastage of eggs byVenturia (=Nemeritis) canescens when searching singly and in groups of 10 among hosts at four different host densities in laboratory universes as described byHuffaker andMatsumoto (preceding paper of this journal). The host insect was the fluour mothAnagasta kühniella and the host densities used were 10, 30, 100 and 200 per universe. Intensity of egg wastage due to superparasitim varied significantly according to host density, and between the two parasite densities employed, 1 and 10, using bothF-tests and chi-square tests. Plots ofk-factor analysis on this egg wastage showed high negative correlations with host density, and the raw data for single parasites was well represented by a parabola while that for the grouped parasites departed from this relationship only at the lowest host density. These studies were conducted as a part of a general investigation into the processes operating in the population dynamics of arthropods under grants from the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service (#A10-1611), and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency (NSF DEB7504223) to the University of California. The findings, opinions and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the University of California, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation or the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

Summary The graphical technique devised bySmith andFretwell (1974) to construct a model of the optimal offspring size was applied to the case where disruptive selection might work on offspring size. On this basis, a possible case of speciation in freshwater gobies characterized by egg-size difference was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Simulation model for niche shift in ecological time scale was constructed on the basis of the optimal foraging theory. In accordance with the previous experimental study (Shimada andFujii, 1985), the model competitive system consisted of 2 parasitoid wasp species utilizing 4 host stages. Wasps were assumed to choose host stages in the manner that they realized the maximal gain/cost values, where gain was represented by body weight of a wasp progeny emerging from each host stage and cost was expressed by time required to search for and detect an unparasitized host. The number of parasitized hosts in each host stage was calculated numerically by usingArditt's (1983) model for avoidance of superparasitism. The model simulated well the experimental results ofShimada andFujii (1985) andShimada (1985). Sensitivity analysis of the model showed that the experimentally derived criterion for competitive coexistence (different second-best host stages between competing species even with the common best) was not necessarily the indispensable condition for niche shift and separation, but that if the criterion was not satisfied, stable competitive coexistence occurred only in the narrow range of the parametric values. Further, niche shift in ecological time scale made the competitive coexistence more stable than fixed niche on which the current niche theory stands.  相似文献   

Summary Time-specific life tables were constructed for three pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), populations using a modification ofHughes' analytical procedure. All populations were studied on second-growth alfalfa (mid-June to mid-July) in south central Wisconsin; data for two populations were collected during 1980, and data for the third population were collected during 1982. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m) estimated on a physiological time (day-degree) scale under field conditions but in the absence of natural enemies, provided a reliable estimate of potential population growth rate and was used in preference toHughes' approach of estimating potential population growth rates directly from stage structure data. Emigration by adult alatae and fungal disease were the major sources ofA. pisum mortality in each of the three populations studied. These factors were most important because of their impact on reducing birth rates within the local population. Parasitism was never greater than 9 percent. Mortality attributable to predation ranged from 0.0 to about 30.0%; however, even at the highest predator densitiesA. pisum populations increased exponentially.  相似文献   

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