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正天下这东西,儒家说,必须整之治之,才得太平。庄周说不,天下只能"在之""宥之"。《在宥》一篇说的就是这个。宥之,宽宥它,对它高抬贵手,这好讲。在之,什么叫在之呢?这就不好讲了。在,我们习惯作介词用,表明时间位置,例如在今朝,在昔日,在黎明前,在黄昏后,在月初,在年终,在唐以前,在宋以后,在明清之际,在世纪末;或者表明空间位置,例如在天上,在地下,在云里,在水中,在海底,在山间,在门外,在室内;或者表明社会位  相似文献   

秦海 《领导文萃》2011,(11):69-71
从理论上说,阴谋诡计可以发生在任何人和人群的身上——可以发生在民的身上,也可以发生在官的身上;可以发生在民间,也可以发生在官场;可以发生在下、发生在臣,也可以发生在上、发生在君。但同样的行为,却不可全以阴谋诡计谓之。比如在官与民之间,民的某个针对官的密谋可以被斥为搞阴谋诡计,  相似文献   

由于工作性质特殊,作为幕后“英雄”的秘书在默默无闻地奉献着自己的才智。除了在工作中耐得住寂寞、笔耕不辍之外,作为文字秘书,在学习上,在个人工作能力的提高上,还应该在“默”上下功夫。这就需要秘书人员在默默中沉淀,在默默中积累,在默默中领悟,在默默中不断提高。  相似文献   

在我们党和国家领导人中,邓小平一向以务实而著称。不论是在革命战争年代,还是在和平建设时期,不论是在社会主义革命建设顺利发展的时候,还是在遇到困难和出现曲折的时候,不论是在自己的政治生涯一帆风顺的时候,还是在遇到重大挫折的时候,邓小平始终坚持一切从实际出发,说实话、办实事、求实效,以脚踏实地的作风,求真务实的精神赢得了中国人民乃至世界人民的广泛赞誉。  相似文献   

我宁愿在我还活着的时候,你能多陪我几分钟;也不愿在我死后,你为我守候一整夜。我宁愿在我还活着的时候,你能温柔地握住我的手;也不愿在我死后,你伏在我的躯体上痛哭。我宁愿在我还活着的时候,你能给我打来哪怕是一个电话;也不愿在我死后,你常来看我。我宁愿在我还活着的时候,你能送我一枝花;也不愿在我死后,你捎来一大把漂亮的鲜花表达哀思。我宁愿在我还活着的时候,你能对我说几句鼓励的话;也不愿在我死后,你在葬礼上诵读那令人心碎的诗篇。我宁愿在我还活着的时候,你能为我轻声祈祷;也不愿在我死后,你为我撰写诗一般的墓志铭。我宁愿在我…  相似文献   

陆桂林 《当代秘书》2000,(12):46-46
告别2000年,第二个千年划上了圆满的句号。迎接2001年,第三个千年欣然而至。在这跨越千年的时刻,我们以最坦诚的意、最热切的心共同拥抱。拥抱在海峡两岸,拥抱在长江黄河,拥抱在珠穆朗玛,拥抱在万里长城,拥抱在各条战线……  相似文献   

SARS在退却,人类在前进! 据世界卫生组织统计,全球非典病例在减少,中国非典病例在减少,北京非典病例在减少,积压在人们心头的阴霾终于开始减轻.  相似文献   

水是人类生命之源,水利是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业。基于这种认识,长葛市委、市政府按照许昌市要求制定了在许昌县以南,长葛市以北,东起京珠高速公路,西至京广铁路38平方公里的带状区域内建设城乡一体化推进区的决策。在推进区建设风格上,提出了城在村中、村在城中,城在林中、林在城中,城在水中、水在城中的发展思路。其中城在水中、水在城中高度概括了建设城乡一体化推进区水系特色的基本特征。长葛作为一个严重缺水的城市,如何实现这一宏伟目标,结合工作实践,笔者浅谈以下几点粗浅认识:  相似文献   

千百年来,在漯河这片神奇的土地上,物华天宝,人杰地灵,沙澧河在这里交汇,七音骨笛在这里出土,文字学家许慎在这里诞生,春秋召陵会盟,宋金商桥大战……代代名人哲士在这里留下厚重的身影.  相似文献   

提升主流媒体的权威性和公信力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在各种文化相互激荡,舆论环境复杂多变的环境中,如何不断开拓创新,在坚持正确导向的前提下提升舆论引导能力,做到在多元中立主导、在多样中谋共识,是对主流媒体的重要考验,也是主流媒体必须面对的现实而又重大的课题。解决这一问题,必须在体现主流上下功夫,在打造权威性上做文章,在提升公信力上求突破。  相似文献   

In his premier column for The Physician Executive, David Tarantino takes a look at those critical "financials" that can make or break a business. If you're considering a career move, you need to know the financial condition of future employers. Learn how to read the statements and glean valuable information from the numbers.  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(7):76-81,16
打出"品牌矩阵、渠道挖潜、电商探索"组合拳2012年,众多家纺企业和其他零售行业一样,正直面消费者信心不足的困境。根据全国商业信息中心截至2月份的统计,全国50家重点大型零售企业零售额同比下降2.78%,自2011年1月以来首次出现同比负增长。"这轮危机带来的压力,超过2008年。"罗莱家纺股份有限公司董事长薛伟成并没有掩饰自己的忧虑。不过,他认为这也是行业竞跑或者洗牌的最好时机。根据2011年财报,罗莱家纺以23.8亿元的营业收入和24.18%的净资产收益率,继续保持其2005年以来的行业老大地位。为此,薛伟成提出,要带领罗莱在2016年进入百亿俱乐部。  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(3):54-59,18
东星等民营航空纷纷破产或退出,问题出在商业模式和市场选择上全球航空业正在被"看空"。国际航协(IATA)根据去年形势,对2012年做出悲观预判:全球航空运输业亏损将达83亿美元,净利率为-1.4%。然而,在全球风声鹤唳下,中国民航资源网预估:2011年,中国各大航空公司的总净利近260亿元人民币。就  相似文献   

"我建议,做企业的人最好去骑马,而且是自己拿着缰绳""做牙科诊所中的星巴克!"—这是佳美口腔医疗集团董事长刘佳的豪言,不过这也透露出刘佳在这个医疗细分领域中,有着足够的底气。  相似文献   

Managing throughput time and its relation to work-in-process (wip) inventory and customer service is the focus of this paper. This research combines theory, simulation results, and the analysis of corporate data in an effort to address the issues associated with how one company (Eli Lilly) managed a reduction in their throughput times and an improvement in their delivery reliability. The results for this company suggest that production control decisions—expediting and de-expediting—can lead to a vicious circle of decisions, which in turn can lead to increased levels of WIP inventory and higher and more unpredictable throughput times.  相似文献   

At the ACPE National Conference in San Antonio on May 17, 1990, David M. Eddy, MD, PhD, described serious problems with the information infrastructure for medicine, and discussed the implications of these failings for the quality and cost of medical care. Physician Executive discussed the issues raised in Dr. Eddy's presentation and reports his comments in this article. Dr. Eddy is Professor of Health Policy and Management, Duke University, Durham, N.C.  相似文献   

Richard L. Reece, MD, interviewed David Whyte, a poet, consultant, and author of The Heart Aroused, on December 15, 1999, to discuss preserving the soul of physicians in corporate America. David describes the soul as "a measure of our belonging in the world. When there is little sense of belonging, there is very little sense of soul." In the workplace, he thinks about whether "people have a sense of belonging to the particular work or the organization." He talks about life in the upper world of the workplace and life in the dark subterranean caves where the soul lives. The soul is where people's true creativity and imagination resides ... and by inviting it into the workplace, organizations and employees can become more successful, innovative, and adaptable. In corporate settings, he uses poetry to bring an understanding of the process of change, helping clients to understand individual and organizational creativity to transform the workplace. The poetry can teach and touch those places that the corporate language cannot speak to.  相似文献   

Recurrent decision making by a lower-level manager can be viewed as a sequential decision process in which time and uncertainty are limiting factors. Under these conditions, the manager must determine how to best utilize his decision making time consistent with his own particular set of decision values. A dynamic programming model was devised to determine the optimal (consistent) allocation of decision time among five different types of problems for a sequence of simulated recurrent decision situations. Fifty-one lower-level managers were interviewed about their use of decision time and decision procedures. The model was validated by comparing model assumptions and results with the findings from the interviews. The model was used to determine the effects of variations in the levels of time available and uncertainty upon the optimal allocation of decision time.  相似文献   

Hans Gunther Zempelin is a member of the Supervisory Board of Directors of AKZO NV, a multinational company in the chemical industry and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ENKA AG Germany - the biggest group within AKZO. Until 1985 he was Chairman of the Board for the ENKA group, and AKZO Board Member until 1987. EMJ Managing Editor, David Weir, recently interviewed Hans Zempelin at the Design Management Conference, organized by Hernstein International Management Centre in Austria. Professor Weir asked Dr Zempelin for his views on design and management.  相似文献   

梁利峥 《经理人》2012,(7):49-52,48,17
中国企业"走出去"的跨国并购案例越来越多,也面临着并购后"空降"高管如何跨文化管理的难题。弥合文化鸿沟成为"空降"高管上任后必须迈过的第一道难关。Siddhartha Kadia是土生土长的印度人,现任美国公司Life Technologies大中华区总裁,来中国之前他先后在这家公司担任首席市场官和日本区总裁。Life Technologies是一家全球性生物技术工具公司,因其不直接面对消费者,并不为国人所熟知。但包括2008年北京奥运和2010年上海世博会的食品安全检查、第一例甲型H1N1流  相似文献   

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