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A persistent question in the deception literature has been the extent to which nonverbal behaviors can reliably distinguish between truth and deception. It has been argued that deception instigates cognitive load and arousal that are betrayed through visible nonverbal indicators. Yet, empirical evidence has often failed to find statistically significant or strong relationships. Given that interpersonal message production is characterized by a high degree of simultaneous and serial patterning among multiple behaviors, it may be that patterns of behaviors are more diagnostic of veracity. Or it may be that the theorized linkage between internal states of arousal, cognitive taxation, and efforts to control behavior and nonverbal behaviors are wrong. The current investigation addressed these possibilities by applying a software program called THEME to analyze the patterns of kinesic movements (adaptor gestures, illustrator gestures, and speaker and listener head movements) rated by trained coders for participants in a mock crime experiment. Our multifaceted analysis revealed that the quantity and quality of patterns distinguish truths from untruths. Quantitative and qualitative analyses conducted by case and condition revealed high variability in the types and complexities of patterns that were produced and differences between truthful and deceptive respondents questioned about a theft. Patterns incorporating adaptors and illustrator gestures were correlated in counterintuitive ways with arousal, cognitive load, and behavioral control, and qualitative analyses produced unique insights into truthful and untruthful communication.  相似文献   

Human–human communication studies have suggested that within communicative interactions, individuals acknowledge each other as intentional agents and adjust their emotion nonverbal behavior according to the other. This process has been defined as emotional attunement. In this study, we examine the emotional attunement process in the context of affective human–computer interactions. To this purpose, participants were exposed to one of two conditions. In one case, they played with a computer that simulated understanding of their emotional reactions while guiding them across four different game-like activities; in the other, the computer guided participants across the activities without mentioning any ability to understand emotional responses. Face movements, gaze direction, posture, vocal behavior, electrocardiogram and electrodermal activity were simultaneously recorded during the experimental sessions. Results showed that if participants were aware of interacting with an agent able to recognize their emotions, they reported that the computer was able to “understand” them and showed a higher number of nonverbal behaviors during the most interactive activity. The implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Mutual influence in human interaction refers to the tendency for persons to alter their verbal, vocal, and kinesic behaviors in response to the intensity, frequency or duration of those behaviors emitted by their partners. Numerous explanations of these processes have been put forward involving principles of approach-avoidance conflict, arousal, reward, and cognitive processes. These explanations are reviewed with special attention given to an arousal based theory, discrepancy-arousal. This theory holds that mutual influence is primarily the result of arousal changes due to the degree of discrepancy of partner's behavior from the receiver's expectation.The theory predicts that persons who differ in reaction to arousal should also differ in their response to a partner's immediacy. This hypothesis was tested on high and low sensation seekers under conditions of near and normal distances during an interview. Several different behavioral responses were coded, including eye gaze, posture and orientation, smiles and laughter, object- and body-focused gestures, vocalization, pauses, and latencies to respond. The hypothesized interaction did not materialize with a median split on sensation seeking. A measure of state-trait sensation seeking (STSS) was developed. The interaction between distance and a median split on the state-trait measure was significant for eye gaze and posture and orientation, with the high STSS subjects compensating less than the low STSS subjects.  相似文献   

Much past research on deception has examined it individually and noninteractively. Here we argue for broadening our understanding of deception by examining it as a dyadic and interactive event. Assumptions of an interpersonal perspective, articulated in Interpersonal Deception Theory, are advanced. These include recognizing the agency of both parties to interpersonal exchanges, examining such exchanges at multiple levels, incorporating measures of communicationrelated perceptions and interpretations as well as behaviors, recognizing that behaviors may be strategic as well as nonstrategic, and viewing such behavior as dynamic rather than static. An experiment reflecting this orientation is presented in which pairs of participants, half friends and half strangers, conducted interviews during which interviewees (EEs) either lied or told the truth to interviewers (ERs) who were induced to be highly, moderately, or not suspicious. Dependent measures included participant (EE and ER) perceptions, interpretations, and evaluations of EE behaviors and trained coders' ratings of actual nonverbal behaviors. Consistent with the theory, deceivers were more uncertain and vague, more nonimmediate and reticent, showed more negative affect, displayed more arousal and non-composure, and generally made a poorer impression than truthtellers. Their behaviors also connoted greater formality and submissiveness. Also consistent with the theory's premise that deceptive interactions are dynamic, deceivers' kinesic relaxation and pleasantness changed over time, in line with a behavior and image management interpretation, and degree of reciprocity between EE and ER nonverbal behaviors was affected by the presence of deception and suspicion.Portions of this paper were presented to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, May 1989. This project was funded by the U.S. Army Research Institute (Contract #MDA903-90-K-0113). The views, opinions, and/or findings in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy, or decision.  相似文献   

Previous research has not considered the effects of nonverbal synchronization by a speaker on message processing and acceptance by a listener. In this experiment, 178 subjects watched one of three versions of a message—high synchrony, minimal synchrony or dissynchrony—presented by one of two speakers. Receivers of the high synchrony message, which employed kinesic cues synchronized to the vocal/verbal stream, showed higher recall of the message and were more persuaded by it than receivers of the dissynchronous message, which had kinesic cues out of sync with the vocal/verbal stream. Results on three other dependent measures—credibility, distraction and counterarguing—were mixed but were generally consistent with the credibility-yielding and distraction-yielding formulations outlined.  相似文献   

This review synthesizes data on the reliability of nonverbal behaviors, classified according to kinesics, proxemics, haptics, vocalics, turn-taking behaviors, and global assessments, across a wide range of studies. The purpose of the review was (1) to determine which nonverbal behaviors within each classification can be measured reliably and (2) to determine which codes/classifications can be reliably measured. It was found that: (1) most nonverbal behaviors within each classification, except vocalics, can be measured reliably (.80+), (2) the codes themselves, when considered in aggregate form, can be measured reliably (.80+) when using the median as the best estimate. Several qualifications and recommendations for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Selecting the appropriate size of measurement unit in nonverbal research requires empirical as well as conceptual analysis. A definition is offered to distinguish macroscopic from microscopic measurement. Merits of each measurement approach are reviewed briefly in terms of cost, efficiency, precision, and analysis flexibility, and four additional criteria are advocated as central considerations in choosing measurement units: (1) isomorphism between the form of measurement and the phenomenological experience of interactants, (2) reliability, (3) concurrent validity, and (4) predictive validity. These criteria are applied to the analysis of 20 vocalic and kinesic nonverbal behaviors measured microscopically and macroscopically. Reliability and validity results demonstrate that either approach may be acceptable for many behaviors, but that relatively molecular coding may be preferable for highly dynamic and objective behaviors, while relatively molar coding may be preferable for static behaviors and perceptual judgments.  相似文献   

Male college students interacted with a male confederate while the context of the interaction, gaze behaviors of the confederate and the perceived source of the subject's arousal were manipulated. The dependent variables included nonverbal behaviors, affective reactions and perceptions of and liking for the confederate. The study was conducted to provide more information about the relationship among the nonverbal immediacy behaviors and the relevance of several situational variables to each of these behaviors. In addition, there was an examination of Patterson's 1976 contention that the evaluation of the individual's state of arousal determines the reciprocation or compensation of nonverbal intimacy. The data analysis revealed a system of weakly related immediacy behaviors strongly related to the subjects' affective states. A general dominance factor emerged that was related to several nonverbal behaviors and it was confirmed that arousal was related to both nonverbal behavior and interpersonal attraction. It seemed doubtful, however, that this relationship was as straightforward as Patterson's model predicted. The results are discussed in light of problems specific to this area of research.This experiment was based on a portion of a doctoral dissertation carried out by the first author at the University of Maine at Orono.The authors would like to acknowledge the help of the following people who served as observers and/or confederates: Charlotte Bailey, Vicki Choate, Gail Deabay, Mark Himelfarb, Maryjo McAndrew, Brad Peters and Tom Waite.  相似文献   

In emotion regulation, negative or undesired emotions are downregulated, but there are also opponent processes to emotion regulation—in which undesired emotions are exacerbated dynamically over time by processes that have an amplifying or upregulating impact. Evidence for such processes has been shown in adults, but little previous work has examined whether infants show similar patterns. To examine this, we measured physiological arousal in 57 typical 12 month olds while presenting a 20‐min mixed viewing battery. Fluctuations in autonomic arousal were measured via heart rate, electrodermal activity, and movement. We reasoned that if transitions in autonomic arousal are random (stochastic), then (1) arousal would be normally distributed across the session, and (2) episodes where arousal exceeded a certain threshold above the mean should be as long‐lived as those where arousal exceeded the same threshold below the mean. In fact we found that (1) heart rate and movement (but not electrodermal activity) were positively skewed, and (2) that increases in arousal have a lower extinction probability than decreases in arousal. Our findings may suggest that increases in arousal are self‐sustaining. These patterns are the opposite of the homeostatic mechanisms predicted by naïve approaches to emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Behavioral consistency has been at the center of debates regarding the stability of personality. We argue that people are consistent but that such consistency is best observed in nonverbal behavior. In Study 1, participants’ verbal and nonverbal behaviors were observed in a mock interview and then in an informal interaction. In Study 2, medical students’ verbal and nonverbal behaviors were observed during first- and third-year clinical skills evaluation. Nonverbal behavior exhibited consistency across context and time (a duration of 2 years) whereas verbal behavior did not. Discussion focuses on implications for theories of personality and nonverbal behavior.  相似文献   

Sensory-processing sensitivity (Aron & Aron, 1997) is a broad temperament construct consisting of two orthogonal dimensions, including deep processing of sensory information (manifest in a tendency to notice fine details) and a low threshold for arousal (exhibited as rapid irritability). This article investigates the multiple effects of sensory-processing sensitivity on nonverbal decoding, specifically identifying emotions from paralinguistic cues. High sensitivity is predicted to relate to enhanced accuracy. Additionally, participants are exposed to stimulation to examine whether arousal relates to deficits in accuracy. Results indicate no significant differences in decoding between sensitive and nonsensitive persons, regardless of the presence of stimulation.  相似文献   

Buller and Burgoon (in press) propose that deceivers attempt to encode strategically nonverbal cues which indicate nonimmediacy and project a positive image. At the same time, deceivers leak arousal and negative affect via their nonverbal display. This experiment tested these predictions, while examining the influence of relational history on deception cues and the stability of deception cues within deceptive conversations. The nonverbal behavior of 130 strangers, friends, and intimates was measured. Results indicated that deceivers signalled nonimmediacy, arousal, and negative affect, but they did not appear to project a positive image. Deception cues were mediated by relational history and showed considerable temporal variation. Strangers leaked more arousal and negative affect than friends and intimates. Further, deceivers, particularly deceiving friends and intimates, seemed to monitor and control their nonverbal behavior during deception by suppressing arousal and negative affect cues and moderating nonimmediate behavior.  相似文献   

A transition from text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC) to online interaction that includes both textual and nonverbal discourse represents a new development in online communication and a significant challenge to prevailing models for the analysis of CMC. This paper presents results of a six-month-long ethnographic research of nonverbal communication (NVC) in the Second Life (SL) virtual environment. A set of 108 SL locations selected in a non-structured manner provided a wide range of communicative contexts for the analysis of naturally occurring user interaction. The study was focused on the analysis of proxemic and kinesic cues. The results have pointed to a significant difference between user-defined and predefined nonverbal cues, indicating that user-defined NVC has stronger potential to enhance online interaction.  相似文献   

The effects of maternal responsiveness on infant responsiveness and behavior in the Still‐Face Task were longitudinally examined through infants' first 3 months. Maternal vocal responsiveness and infant vocal and smiling responsiveness significantly increased when infants were 2 months of age. Mothers showed continuity of individual differences in vocal responsiveness from the infants' newborn period. Maternal responsiveness predicted infant responsiveness within and across sessions. Compared with infants with low‐responsive mothers, infants with high‐responsive mothers were more attentive and affectively engaged during the Still‐Face Task from 1 month of age. Infants with high‐responsive mothers discriminated between the task phases with their smiling at 1 month, a month before infants with low‐responsive mothers did so. Infants in both groups discriminated between the phases with their attention and nondistress vocalizations throughout their first 3 months. Results suggest that maternal responsiveness influences infant responsiveness and facilitates infants' engagement and expectations for social interaction.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that chronic low back pain (cLBP) can be estimated from nonverbal pain behaviors. However, only a few studies examined how clinicians rely on those when estimating specific outcomes, such as pain intensity and pain disability. Therefore, the present study examines (1) if facial expressions and guarding behaviors (including speed of the movement and lifting strategy) contribute to the prediction of pain intensity and disability in patients with cLBP; and (2) if these pain behaviors have been given the same importance according to the outcome. Twenty-five experienced clinicians and thirty-one novice clinicians were asked to estimate low back pain intensity and disability from a realistic virtual character performing a lifting lowering task. The studied pain behaviors were manipulated across different conditions. Pain intensity and disability were judged higher when the character moved more slowly and displayed painful facial expression. Speed of the movement and facial expressions explained a greater portion of variance when related to pain intensity assessment than to pain disability assessment. Results also showed a significant interaction between the lifting strategy, the speed of the movement and facial expressions, but only when estimating the character’s pain-related intensity. Novice clinicians rated pain disability higher than experienced clinicians did. Although pain-related concepts, pain intensity and related disability are not estimated through the same pain behaviors by clinicians. Clinical experience does not contribute to clinical judgments through the use of nonverbal pain behaviors when estimating pain outcomes but contributes to pain disability rating overall.  相似文献   

Using archived data a multilevel model examined change in negative communication behaviors of three family members (mother, father and preadolescent) across four sequential family problem solving sessions in the home. The sample included 756 problem-solving sessions, nested within 189 individuals, within 63 families. Basic tenets of family therapy were used to examine the effect of the occasions of measurement, revealing that communication was less negative when the adolescent selected the problem. The individual level analysis was guided by a conflict structure perspective that found adolescents (in general) showed more negative communication behaviors than parents. At the family level, scores on the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES III) were significantly related to changes in negative communication behaviors. A significant interaction between FACES III scores and negative communication behaviors showed negativity increased across sessions in families that scored lower on the FACES III, but decreased in families that scored higher.  相似文献   

To document the trajectory of motor and vocal behaviors in real and developmental time, we observed infants at each of four biweekly naturalistic play sessions over the transition to crawling. An exhaustive and mutually exclusive coding scheme documented all vocalizations and postures. Odds ratios of the likelihood of a given posture‐vocalization dyad revealed that vocalization and crawling were significantly unlikely to co‐occur at the session marking the onset of crawling. We speculate that infants’ allocation of attention over the transition to crawling prompted behavioral trade‐offs. During mastery of a novel skill, infants may have had difficulty allocating attention to multiple tasks, but with experience, a decrease in attentional load for the new skill allowed performance of simultaneous behaviors in other domains to occur.  相似文献   

Emotionally focused couple therapy (EFT; Johnson, The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy (1st/2nd edition). Brunner‐Routledge, New York, 2004) is an effective treatment of relationship distress (Johnson et al., Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 1999; 6, 67). However, less is known about EFT's impact on couples' relationship‐specific attachment bond. Using hierarchical linear modeling with a sample of 32 couples, we examined session‐by‐session changes in couples' relationship‐specific attachment anxiety and avoidance and pre‐ to posttherapy changes in their relationship‐specific attachment behaviors. Couples significantly decreased in relationship‐specific attachment avoidance, and those who completed a blamer softening significantly decreased in relationship‐specific attachment anxiety. Couples' attachment behavior significantly increased toward security. Finally, session‐by‐session decreases in relationship‐specific attachment anxiety and avoidance were significant associated with increases in relationship satisfaction across sessions. These results provide empirical support for the attachment‐based assumptions of EFT. Video abstract accessible by clicking here  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the extent to which different nonverbal behaviors were associated with romantic interest in a highly attractive confederate and whether these behaviors differed as a function of relationship status and self-reported love for one’s partner. Mimicry was positively associated with romantic interest in the confederate, and consistent with the devaluation hypothesis, mimicry was negatively associated with self-reported love for one’s partner, suggesting that mimicry functions to signal preferred social distance. In addition, smiling and vocal pleasantness emerged as important affiliative nonverbal behaviors. The present results suggest that mimicry acts as a relationship-maintenance mechanism, one that is expressed automatically, unintentionally, and nonconsciously. Implications for the role of nonconscious mimicry in romantic attraction and relationship-maintenance processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research has stressed the importance of using multimodal and dynamic features to investigate the role of nonverbal behavior in social perception. This paper examines the influence of low-level visual and auditory cues on the communication of agreement, disagreement, and the ability to convince others. In addition, we investigate whether the judgment of these attitudes depends on ratings of socio-emotional dimensions such as dominance, arousal, and valence. The material we used consisted of audio–video excerpts that represent statements of agreement and disagreement, as well as neutral utterances taken from political discussions. Each excerpt was rated on a number of dimensions: agreement, disagreement, dominance, valence, arousal, and convincing power in three rating conditions: audio-only, video-only, and audio–video. We extracted low-level dynamic visual features using optical flow. Auditory features consisted of pitch measurements, vocal intensity, and articulation rate. Results show that judges were able to distinguish statements of disagreement from agreement and neutral utterances on the basis of nonverbal cues alone, in particular, when both auditory and visual information were present. Visual features were more influential when presented along with auditory features. Perceivers mainly used changes in pitch and the maximum speed of vertical movements to infer agreement and disagreement, and targets appeared more convincing when they showed consistent and rapid movements on the vertical plane. The effect of nonverbal features on ratings of agreement and disagreement was completely mediated by ratings of dominance, valence, and arousal, indicating that the impact of low-level audio–visual features on the perception of agreement and disagreement depends on the perception of fundamental socio-emotional dimensions.  相似文献   

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