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In this paper we express the sample autocorrelations for a moving average process of order q as a function of its own theoretical autocorrelations and the sample autocorrelations for the generating white noise series. Approximate analytic expressions are then obtained forthe moments of the sample autocorrelations of the moving average process.

Using these expressions, together with numerical evidence, we show that Bartlett's asymptotic formula for the variance of the sample autocorrelations of moving average processes, which is used widely in identifying these processes, is a large overestimate when considering finitesample sizes.

Our approach is for motivational purposes and so is purely formal, the amount of mathematics presented being kept to a minimum.  相似文献   

We examine the behaviour of the sample autocorrelations of a seasonal time series for which the first difference of order s (s ≥ 1) is stationary. The asymptotic distribution of the autocorrelations r'(k) based on uncentered data and of the autocorrelations r(k) based on centered data are derived. In each case, the asymptotic distribution is characterized as a function of the lag k and the parameters of the process. A simulation study was conducted in order to investigate the rate of convergence of the finite sample distributions of r(k) and r'(k) to their asymptotic counterparts and to evaluate the effect of centering or not centering the data on the distribution of autocorrelations.  相似文献   

In the field of financial time series, threshold-asymmetric conditional variance models can be used to explain asymmetric volatilities [C.W. Li and W.K. Li, On a double-threshold autoregressive heteroscedastic time series model, J. Appl. Econometrics 11 (1996), pp. 253–274]. In this paper, we consider a broad class of threshold-asymmetric GARCH processes (TAGARCH, hereafter) including standard ARCH and GARCH models as special cases. Since sample autocorrelation function provides a useful information to identify an appropriate time-series model for the data, we derive asymptotic distributions of sample autocorrelations both for original process and for squared process. It is verified that standard errors of sample autocorrelations for TAGARCH models are significantly different from unity for lower lags and they are exponentially converging to unity for higher lags. Furthermore they are shown to be asymptotically dependent while being independent of standard GARCH models. These results will be interesting in the light of the fact that TAGARCH processes are serially uncorrelated. A simulation study is reported to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

We studied asymptotic distribution and finite sample properties of a randomly weighted permutation statistic. The asymptotic normality and the finite sample simulations derived from our studies provided theoretical and numerical justifications for distributional assumption of many useful test statistics used in identifying spatial autocorrelations of mapped data. We compared a new method in computing the mean and the approximated variance of the randomly weighted D statistic, a special permutation statistic, with the Walter’s conditional method. In the numerical illustration of the method, we calculated the standardized values of the D statistic by subtracting the mean from the D statistic and dividing the difference by the standard deviation for the standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and the life expectancies among the 48 states of the continental USA. Spatial autocorrelations of the SMRs and the life expectancies were found to be statistically significant.  相似文献   

This article studies the probabilistic structure and asymptotic inference of the first-order periodic generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (PGARCH(1, 1)) models in which the parameters in volatility process are allowed to switch between different regimes. First, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a PGARCH(1, 1) process to have a unique stationary solution (in periodic sense) and for the existence of moments of any order. Second, using the representation of squared PGARCH(1, 1) model as a PARMA(1, 1) model, we then consider Yule-Walker type estimators for the parameters in PGARCH(1, 1) model and derives their consistency and asymptotic normality. The estimator can be surprisingly efficient for quite small numbers of autocorrelations and, in some cases can be more efficient than the least squares estimate (LSE). We use a residual bootstrap to define bootstrap estimators for the Yule-Walker estimates and prove the consistency of this bootstrap method. A set of numerical experiments illustrates the practical relevance of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

Hee-Young Kim 《Statistics》2015,49(2):291-315
The binomial AR(1) model describes a nonlinear process with a first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) structure and a binomial marginal distribution. To develop goodness-of-fit tests for the binomial AR(1) model, we investigate the observed marginal distribution of the binomial AR(1) process, and we tackle its autocorrelation structure. Motivated by the family of power-divergence statistics for handling discrete multivariate data, we derive the asymptotic distribution of certain categorized power-divergence statistics for the case of a binomial AR(1) process. Then we consider Bartlett's formula, which is widely used in time series analysis to provide estimates of the asymptotic covariance between sample autocorrelations, but which is not applicable when the underlying process is nonlinear. Hence, we derive a novel Bartlett-type formula for the asymptotic distribution of the sample autocorrelations of a binomial AR(1) process, which is then applied to develop tests concerning the autocorrelation structure. Simulation studies are carried out to evaluate the size and power of the proposed tests under diverse alternative process models. Several real examples are used to illustrate our methods and findings.  相似文献   

For nonstationary processes, the time-varying correlation structure provides useful insights into the underlying model dynamics. We study estimation and inferences for local autocorrelation process in locally stationary time series. Our constructed simultaneous confidence band can be used to address important hypothesis testing problems, such as whether the local autocorrelation process is indeed time-varying and whether the local autocorrelation is zero. In particular, our result provides an important generalization of the R function acf() to locally stationary Gaussian processes. Simulation studies and two empirical applications are developed. For the global temperature series, we find that the local autocorrelations are time-varying and have a “V” shape during 1910–1960. For the S&P 500 index, we conclude that the returns satisfy the efficient-market hypothesis whereas the magnitudes of returns show significant local autocorrelations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new two-sided monitoring algorithms for detecting the presence of first order residual autocorrelations in Dynamic Normal Models. The methodology uses a Bayesian decision approach with loss function which takes into account the run-length of the process. The power and mean run-length of the proposed algorithms are analysed by Monte Carlo methods. The results obtained improve those corresponding to the monitoring algorithm for residual autocorrelations proposed in Gargallo and Salvador [2003. Monitoring residual autocorrelations in dynamic linear models. Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput. 32(4), 1079–1104.] with respect to the run-length, and also exhibit more homogeneous behaviour.  相似文献   

We investigate a class of ARMA-type models for stationary binary time series developed in [M. Kanter, Autoregression for discrete processes mod 2, J. Appl. Probabil. 12 (1975), pp. 371–375, E. McKenzie, Extending the correlation structure of exponential autoregressive-moving-average processes, J. Appl. Prob. 18 (1981), pp. 181–189.], which we shall refer to as BinARMA models. This sparsely parameterized model family is even able to deal with negative autocorrelations, which occur in language modelling, for instance. While the autocorrelation structure of the BinAR(p) models has been studied before in [M. Kanter, Autoregression for discrete processes mod 2, J. Appl. Probabil. 12 (1975), pp. 371–375], we shall present new results on the autocorrelation structure of general BinARMA models. These results simplify in the BinMA(q) case, while the known results concerning BinAR(p) models are included as a special case. A real-data example indicates possible fields of application of these models.  相似文献   

Efficient score tests exist among others, for testing the presence of additive and/or innovative outliers that are the result of the shifted mean of the error process under the regression model. A sample influence function of autocorrelation-based diagnostic technique also exists for the detection of outliers that are the result of the shifted autocorrelations. The later diagnostic technique is however not useful if the outlying observation does not affect the autocorrelation structure but is generated due to an inflation in the variance of the error process under the regression model. In this paper, we develop a unified maximum studentized type test which is applicable for testing the additive and innovative outliers as well as variance shifted outliers that may or may not affect the autocorrelation structure of the outlier free time series observations. Since the computation of the p-values for the maximum studentized type test is not easy in general, we propose a Satterthwaite type approximation based on suitable doubly non-central F-distributions for finding such p-values [F.E. Satterthwaite, An approximate distribution of estimates of variance components, Biometrics 2 (1946), pp. 110–114]. The approximations are evaluated through a simulation study, for example, for the detection of additive and innovative outliers as well as variance shifted outliers that do not affect the autocorrelation structure of the outlier free time series observations. Some simulation results on model misspecification effects on outlier detection are also provided.  相似文献   

For a general class of scalar stationary processes, essentially those for which the best linear predictor is the best predictor (in the mean square sense), it is shown that, under fairly minor additional conditions, the sample autocorrelations converge to the true values almost surely and hniformly in the lag, t, at a rate (T-1log T)1/2, where T is the sample size. For ARMA processes, if |t|(log T)a, a < ∞, the rate is the best possible, namely (T-1log log T)1/2. In particular the somewhat implausible condition, on the innovations, that E{ε(t)2| Ft-l} is constant is avoided in these results. The theorems are used to discuss autoregressive approximation. When the stationary process is a vector process the condition on the innovation sequence, ε(t), that E{ε(t)ε(t)| Ft-l} be constant, cannot be entirely avoided in relation to autoregressive approximation. This is also discussed.  相似文献   


We propose a method to determine the order q of a model in a general class of time series models. For the subset of linear moving average models (MA(q)), our method is compared with that of the sample autocorrelations. Since the sample autocorrelation is meant to detect a linear structure of dependence between random variables, it turns out to be more suitable for the linear case. However, our method presents a competitive option in that case, and for nonlinear models (NLMA(q)) it is shown to work better. The main advantages of our approach are that it does not make assumptions on the existence of moments and on the distribution of the noise involved in the moving average models. We also include an example with real data corresponding to the daily returns of the exchange rate process of mexican pesos and american dollars.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an alternative semiparametric estimator of the fractional differencing parameter in ARFIMA models which is robust against additive outliers. The proposed estimator is a variant of the GPH estimator [Geweke, J., Porter-Hudak, S., 1983. The estimation and application of long memory time series model. Journal of Time Series Analysis 4, 221–238]. In particular, we use the robust sample autocorrelations of Ma, Y. and Genton, M. [2000. Highly robust estimation of the autocovariance function. Journal of Time Series Analysis 21, 663–684] to obtain an estimator for the spectral density of the process. Numerical results show that the estimator we propose for the differencing parameter is robust when the data contain additive outliers.  相似文献   

In case of a random walk the theoretical autocorrelations tend to one asymptotically. The sample autocorrelations, however, may decline rather fast even with large samples. We will explain this observation by deriving the asymptotic distribution that turns out to be closely related to the Dickey-Fuller (1979) distribution. Moreover we discuss the behaviour of the sample autocorrelations of integrated MA(1) and AR(1) processes. In order to prove our results we consider more general I(1) processes and apply the functional central limit theorem injected to time series analysis by Phillips (1987). We obtain unit root tests that are based on autocorrelation estimators of higher lags. We discuss their finite sample behaviour experimentally.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach is presented for nonparametric estimation of an additive regression model with autocorrelated errors. Each of the potentially non-linear components is modelled as a regression spline using many knots, while the errors are modelled by a high order stationary autoregressive process parameterized in terms of its autocorrelations. The distribution of significant knots and partial autocorrelations is accounted for using subset selection. Our approach also allows the selection of a suitable transformation of the dependent variable. All aspects of the model are estimated simultaneously by using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. It is shown empirically that the approach proposed works well on several simulated and real examples.  相似文献   

This article considers short memory characteristics in a long memory process. We derive new asymptotic results for the sample autocorrelation difference ratios. We used these results to develop a new portmanteau test that determines if short memory parameters are statistically significant. In simulations, the new test can detect short memory components more often than the Ljung-Box test when these short memory components are in fact within a long memory process. Interestingly, our test finds short memory autocorrelations in U.S. inflation rate data, whereas the Ljung-Box test fails to find these autocorrelations. Modeling these short memory autocorrelations of the inflation rate data leads to improved model accuracy and more precise prediction.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the bootstrap method can be used to estimate the joint distribution of sample autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations. The exact joint distribution of sample autocorrelations is mathematically intractable and attempts at workable approximations are difficult and rely on special assumptions. The bootstrap offers an accurate solution to this problem without requiring special assumptions and in a way that avoids theoretical difficulties. The bootstrap-estimated joint distributions of the autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations of time series are shown to lead to better ARMA model identification. This is demonstrated using simulated series.  相似文献   

O.D. Anderson 《Statistics》2013,47(3):389-394
An observation, from practical experience with analysing univariate time series, suggests a simple relationship between the partial autocorrelations of a process realisation which requires first differencing, and those for that same sequence of differences. The asymptotic result is proved for a general once integrated autoregressive process, but an extension to twice integrated processes is shown not to be relevant for finite samples. The results are illustrated with examples from the literature.  相似文献   

The problem of testing linear AR(p1) against diagonal bilinear BL(p1, 0; p2, p2) dependence is considered. Emphasis is put on local asymptotic optimality and the nonspecification of innovation densities. The tests we are deriving are asymptotically valid under a large class of densities, and locally asymptotically most stringent at some selected density f. They rely on generalized versions of residual autocorrelations (the spectrum), and generalized versions of the so-called cubic autocorrelations (the bispectrum). Local powers are explicitly provided. The local power of the Gaussian Lagrange multipliers method follows as a particular case.  相似文献   

We consider computationally-fast methods for estimating parameters in ARMA processes from binary time series data, obtained by thresholding the latent ARMA process. All methods involve matching estimated and expected autocorrelations of the binary series. In particular, we focus on the spectral representation of the likelihood of an ARMA process and derive a restricted form of this likelihood, which uses correlations at only the first few lags. We contrast these methods with an efficient but computationally-intensive Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. In a simulation study we show that, for a range of ARMA processes, the spectral method is more efficient than variants of least squares and much faster than MCMC. We illustrate by fitting an ARMA(2,1) model to a binary time series of cow feeding data.  相似文献   

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