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无论从城市人口变化还是城市空间变化角度观察,以上个世纪90年代中期为界,中国的城市化都经历了两个不同的阶段。90年代中期以来的城市化是以地方政府经营土地使用权为内在动力的空间城市化过程,这一机制是由一系列土地法规催生形成的。这一城市化机制的主要问题在于:它无意于解决人口城市化中跨省市流动人口的异地城市化问题;它造成空间意义上低效率的假性城市化;更为重要的是,它造成了具有宏观影响的土地金融风险。本文基此认为,应该制定相关政策调整和规范地方政府策动的空间城市化机制,规避其产生的问题,通过激励设计促进城市化在机制与目标方面的协调。  相似文献   

本文采用多种统计方法,运用人口变动与产业结构演变和土地利用互动的作用机理,对四平市进行了整体分析,研究结果显示:(1)通过“三率”分析表明四平城市化超前于工业化;(2)用人口分布与产业结构对比分析表明四平城市化进程中人口变动的职业转移相对落后于空间转移;(3)通过多因素分析表明四平城市化非经济拉动,而是建制镇数量增加和其规模扩大所致;(4)通过土地利用现状和潜力分析表明四平城市建设与农村住宅“双重”蚕食耕地,加剧了人地矛盾;(5)今后四平应以农村产业化拉动人口职业转移,挖掘土地潜力,走内涵式发展道路。  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of urban growth on youth migration decisions in Nigeria. We use night light intensity data combined with Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture data, as an indicator of urban growth and associated economic opportunities. Employing alternative econometric approaches that exploit the spatial and temporal differences in urban growth as proxied by night light intensity, we find that urban growth in potential migrant destinations encourages youth migration. We also find heterogeneous responses to urban growth among various groups of youth as well as varying responses to different types of migration. Broadly, women and those youth with more education are more likely to migrate, while those in households with livestock are less likely to migrate. Often, however, the effects are complex and varied. For example, land and physical asset ownership encourage temporary migration; but greater land ownership discourages permanent migration, while physical assets have insignificant effects. Our results from Nigeria show that policy makers concerned about rural–urban youth exodus should adopt a differentiated, in terms of targets, and multidimensional policy approach to reap the benefits of urbanization while avoiding its negative consequences.  相似文献   

R S Qin 《人口研究》1981,(3):12-17
Unlike cities in capitalistic societies our socialistic cities are publically owned, and the relationship between rural and urban areas is mutually supportive and beneficial. 2 types of calculations are required for successful urbanization: an estimate of the total labor required in the city and an estimate of total agricultural products required to support the cities. Disregard for these 2 factors and overpopulated cities will result in unemployment, decreased agricultural production, inflation, and a decreased living standard. A balance between cities and country is important, and therefore population urbanization should be well planned. Capitalistic urbanization of population is based on the principle of private ownership and competition--from unplanned concentration of population in big cities to malignant expansion to the final decline of inner cities. Their governments are forced to redistribute the urban population. The same problem of overpopulated cities in underdeveloped countries results from stagnant agricultural production. We should learn from their mistakes in developing our cities. There are 2 types of socialistic urbanization. Russia has lopsidedly emphasized urban development and ignored agricultural production. Romania, on the other hand, emphasized both labor force distribution and agricultural production. Their numerous small cities near rural areas decrease the difference between big cities and the country. In the past we failed to follow our direction of urbanization--control the size of big cities, reasonably develop mid-sized cities, and actively develop small cities--because of the great difference in living standards between urban and rural areas and the lack of urbanization plans. The concept of industrialization must be accompanied by the concept of population urbanization.  相似文献   

1982年以来北京人口时空演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用第三次、第四次、第五次和第六次全国人口普查数据,借助ArcGIS空间分析技术,对北京1982~2010年间的人口时空演变进行了分析研究。结果表明:北京人口规模大,增长速度快,外来常住人口的增加是城市人口规模扩大的主要原因;北京人口呈火山口型的分布格局虽然没有改变,但已由尖锐单峰式火山口型向较低缓多峰式火山口型分布格局转变,人口呈圈层梯度推移式辐射扩张和沿放射状干道外向发展;核心区人口逐步向外疏散,城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区人口不断集中;外来常住人口居住地空间分布呈现大分散、小聚居的特点,主要分布在近郊区的乡镇街道,形成围绕核心区的反“C”字形的环状分布带。城市化快速发展、多元化城市定位、产业结构调整、低层次产业吸引、城市规划引导是北京人口时空演变的作用机制。  相似文献   

Focus in this discussion of migration and urbanization in Korea is on the following: historical perspective, implications of urban growth, urbanization trends and population distribution, patterns of migration, socioeconomic differences, and population redistribution policies. Korea is one of the most densely populated countries in Asia. Attempts to deal successfully with this phenomenon have met with varying degrees of success. Population concentration in the capital region continues to be a problem and has resulted in acute housing shortages, rapidly rising land prices, and on encroachment of urban land use into prime agricultural land surrounding the Seoul metropolitan region. Between 1955-1975 the population of Seoul increased from 1.6 million to 6.9 million for the capital city proper and to 9.4 million for its metropolitan region, including 5 satellite cities. This fringe spillover began in the late 1960s. The metropolitan area, comprising 4 cities around the fast growing city of Busan in the south, was formed in the mid-1970s with 3.2 million people. At this time major policy concerns center on the demographic phenomenon of continued concentrations in the Seoul and Busan regions. Problem issues which persist include nonfarm polarization, regional imbalance, diverging intra-sectoral incomes, and the aging rural labor force. Despite its nearness to the demilitarized zone, Seoul was and continues to be the focal point of economic and educational opportunity. The early 1960s brought little variation in migration and urbanization trends. In 1961 family planning and planned economic development were initiated but their impact came several years later. The overall urban growth rate dropped from 5.4 to 4.6% in the 1960-1966 period, and Seoul's pace of expansion slowed down to an annual average of 6.5%. Yet, the capital continued its urbanizing dominance. By 1975 Korea had 3 cities with a population of over 3 million: Seoul, Busan, and Daegu. In 1975 48.4% of the country's population of 34.7 million lived in the 35 cities designated as urban. Migrants comprised 21.5% of the 1970 national population, and the shift was rural-urban for almost 3/4 of them. Korea's industrial takeoff during the mid-1960s had 2 noteworthy effects: rising urban wages doubled rural income levels in real terms by 1970; and the exodus from the countryside was so intense that the rural population shrank between 1965-1970, for the 1st time since the Korean War. A successful family planning program had helped to lower the annual population growth rate to 1.9% by the late 1970s, but heavy out-migration from rural areas was the major factor.  相似文献   

从“城乡二元结构”到“城市二元结构”及其影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
侯力 《人口学刊》2007,(2):32-36
在我国工业化和城市化快速发展过程中,传统体制下形成的以户籍制度为核心的“城乡二元结构”不仅没有消除,反而逐步向城市蔓延,伴随着农村劳动力进城就业,在城市中形成了规模庞大的农民工阶层,他们与城市居民共同构成了“城市二元结构”。“城市二元结构”的日益强化,将导致严重的城市贫困问题,加大城市管理的难度,并造成城市化进程的不稳定。为此,应从城市和农村两个维度加以考虑,积极推动土地制度改革,加强城乡统一社会保障体系建设,加强农村基础教育和职业培训,建立以社会保障制度为核心的征地补偿机制,逐步消除“城市二元结构”。  相似文献   

刘铮  孙健 《西北人口》2014,(2):73-79
城市化与人力资本之间存在显著的影响关系,但衡量我国人力资本的不同变量,其影响效果和程度存在明显差异.而资源禀赋不同的地区影响也有所不同。采用2004—2010年我国261个地级以上城市非平衡面板数据,本文实证研究了城市化与人力资本水平之间的关系.并区分东、中、西部地区进行了进一步分析。结果表明.全国范围内.人力资本投资对城市化具有正向的推动作用.人口增长与人口密度已超过临界值,负外部性已经显现,第二产业仍是带动城市形成与扩张的主要产业:东部地区城市化对人才需求最大.城市类型并无显著影响.中部的高等教育投资和西部的中等教育投资分别与城市化存在显著的正向关系。  相似文献   

淮海经济区人口城市化区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用我国2000年第五次人口普查数据及2001年《中国城市统计年鉴》的统计资料,运用SPSS软件中的主成分分析功能分析淮海经济区人口城市化的影响要素:人口城市化水平与经济增长要素、社会发展要素相关显著,与投资要素、基础设施环境要素相关不显著;运用G IS技术,对淮海经济区人口城市化的区域划分进行研究,结果表明:淮海经济区大部分市县的人口城市化水平偏低,区内无高人口城市化水平地区,并存在较明显的"五区"空间格局,即东部区、南部区、西部区、北部区和中部区。  相似文献   

Numerical Simulation of Population Distribution in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yue  T. X.  Wang  Y. A.  Chen  S. P.  Liu  J. Y.  Qiu  D. S.  Deng  X. Z.  Liu  M. L.  Tian  Y. Z. 《Population and environment》2003,25(2):141-163
A model for simulating population distribution (MSPD) of China is developed based on the grid generation method and the Control of MapObjects of geographical information system. Elevation, net primary productivity, land use and land cover, city sizes and their spatial distribution, and spatial distribution of transport infrastructures are taken into full account in the MSPD. The result from the MSPD shows that in 2000, 90.8% of the total population of China distributed on the southeastern side of the Heihe-Tengchong line. The ratio of population on the northwestern side to total population of China has been increasing since 1935. The yearly growth rate was 0.8% from 1935 to 1990 and 6.1% from 1990 to 2000. One important advantage of the MSPD is that when scenarios of land cover, spatial distributions of transport infrastructures and cities are available, scenarios of spatial population distribution can be developed on the basis of total population forecast.  相似文献   

"This paper examines the urban growth of 33 small and intermediate Korean cities during 1975-1980 from the ecological perspective. Using the multiple regression analysis, population growth of a city is measured by variables such as industrial structure, distance from a metropolitan city, and educational level of residents in a corresponding city. At the present development stage in Korea, those cities whose industrial structure is more specialized in the transformative sector rather than other sectors have grown more rapidly. The closeness to a metropolitan city and the educational level of residents for each city strongly influence urban growth of small cities."  相似文献   

文章基于社会学定性研究的方法,以安居和乐业为视角,利用一些典型案例阐释了农民城镇化困境。研究发现,在农民城镇化过程中,农村和小城镇给予农民的是安居:便宜的房子、低成本的生活、熟悉的环境、剪不断的乡情;而大城市给予农民的是乐业:就业机会多、工资待遇不低。农民城镇化困境分为传统类型、新类型、特殊类型三大类,在困境中,农民的“安居”与“乐业”不能兼得,经过进城买房的利弊权衡和外出打工的策略选择,在没有最优的情况下,绝大多数农民选择次优:青壮年进城打工“乐业”,老人和孩子留守农村“安居”。农民的城镇化困境不容忽视。  相似文献   

The quality of life (QOL) is a measure of social wellbeing and life satisfaction of individuals in an area. Measuring its spatial dynamics is of great significance as it can assist the policy makers and practitioners in improving the balance between urbanization and living environment. This study proposes an approach to spatially map and examine the relationships between QOL, land use/land cover (LULC) and population density in an urban environment. The city of Lahore, Pakistan was selected as the case study area. The QOL was evaluated through the data related to physical health, psychological, social relationships, environment (natural and built), economic condition and development, and access to facilities and services. The weights/relative importance of each QOL domain was determined through the analytic hierarchy process by processing the data collected from local field experts. Overall QOL was computed by applying the domain weights to the data; spatial mapping of QOL domains and overall QOL was conducted afterwards. The spatial dynamics of QOL were examined, and its interrelationships with LULC and population density were analyzed. The relationship between these three variables turned out to be spatially dynamic. The proposed approach assists the spatial mapping and analyses of QOL, LULC and population, and by examining the spatial dynamics of these variables, contributes to devising appropriate land management and QOL improvement strategies and policies in the metropolitan regions.  相似文献   

The pace of urbanization in Peninsular Malaysia was slower in the most recent intercensal interval, 1957 to 1970, than in the previous period, 1947 to 1957, Most of the small change in the rural-urban balance from 1957 to 1970 appears due to the growth of towns into the urban classification rather than to a redistribution of population into the previous urban settlements. A number of towns in Peninsular Malaysia do show exceptional growth from 1957 to 1970, but there seems to be no clear relationship between a city’s size and its subsequent growth. The rural areas on the outskirts of the largest cities do show rapid growth, especially the periphery of the capital city. It appears that neither the classic model of urbanization based upon Western experience nor the over-urbanization thesis explain the urbanization process in Peninsular Malaysia.  相似文献   

我国城镇人口历史首次超过农村人口,达到51.27%,但这一社会结构历史性转变的背后却存在城镇化水平虚高的问题。如果将城镇人口总数扣除被迫城镇化且生活困难的失地农民,以及未享受市民待遇的流动人口,我国真实的城镇化水平约为41.6%。同时,城镇人口过半以后也面临诸多挑战:整个社会没有建立起顺应城市社会形态的价值体系;对于城镇的作用以及应该怎样发展城市缺乏清醒认识;城市管理对城镇化发展没有做好充分的准备;城市常住居民享有平等的市民待遇任重而道远。因此,应对城镇化挑战,提升城镇化质量的关键在于正确认识城市化的作用和实质,遵循城市发展的自身规律以及积极探索建设顺应城市社会形态的文化体系。  相似文献   

As urbanization rates rise globally, it becomes increasingly important to understand the factors associated with urban out-migration. In this paper, we examine the drivers of urban out-migration among young adults in two medium-sized cities in the Brazilian Amazon—Altamira and Santarém—focusing on the roles of social capital, human capital, and socioeconomic deprivation. Using household survey data from 1,293 individuals in the two cities, we employ an event history model to assess factors associated with migration and a binary logit model to understand factors associated with remitting behavior. We find that in Altamira, migration tends to be an individual-level opportunistic strategy fostered by extra-local family networks, while in Santarém, migration tends to be a household-level strategy driven by socioeconomic deprivation and accompanied by remittances. These results indicate that urban out-migration in Brazil is a diverse social process, and that the relative roles of extra-local networks versus economic need can function quite differently between geographically proximate but historically and socioeconomically distinct cities.  相似文献   

The quality of life in developing countries during the first couple of decades after the Second World War was higher in cities than in small towns and villages. However, the relative advantage of city dwellers in developing countries has declined since the 1970s, with high-growth rate cities experiencing a more severe decline. Infant mortality levels in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa in the 1990s are as high in large cities as in the smallest towns and villages. In most developing regions, big city residents are increasingly disadvantaged, such that researchers and policymakers can no longer assume that the quality of life in urban areas is better than in rural areas. The urban transformation of the developing world is similar to the 19th century urbanization of now-developed countries, but today many more people are crowding into far bigger cities. Using survey information from 43 countries representing 63% of the developing world's urban population outside of China and India, Martin Brockerhoff of the Population Council and Ellen Brennan of the UN Population Division found that rapid population growth and big size have overwhelmed the capacity of cities to provide essential goods and services.  相似文献   


The central city is once again hot. Many city areas where poor minorities were left behind during the decades-long suburban growth are experiencing a revival. New high-rise condominiums and other developments are drawing tens of thousands back to city spaces that were once considered undesirable. These ‘return to the city’ trends are supported in part by growth machine engines, such as Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and TIF (Tax Increment Financing) districts, often to the detriment of lower-income minority residents, who still find themselves trapped within the boundaries of spatial inequalities in the city. Drawing on six years of ethnographic fieldwork in Chicago, I show how public transportation is used to buttress the city’s growth machine, while simultaneously maintaining the boundaries of spatial and other types of inequalities. In doing so, I highlight how public transit is used to create and support growth along race (and class) lines. Specifically, I show how mobility and growth for Whites and predominantly White spaces in the city are proactively shaped through favorable new public transit development and revitalization initiatives such as TOD and TIF. At the same time, in predominantly Black and Latinx spaces, where intracommunity public transportation usage is high, new transit related development is below sparse or completely lacking, further fortifying transit and other spatial boundaries.  相似文献   

Global demands on agricultural land are increasing due to population growth, dietary changes and the use of biofuels. Their effect on food security is to reduce humans’ ability to cope with the uncertainties of global climate change. In light of the 2008 food crisis, to secure reliable future access to sufficient agricultural land, many nations and corporations have begun purchasing large tracts of land in the global South, a phenomenon deemed “land grabbing” by popular media. Because land investors frequently export crops without providing adequate employment, this represents an effective income loss for local communities. We study 28 countries targeted by large-scale land acquisitions [comprising 87 % of reported cases and 27 million hectares (ha)] and estimate the effects of such investments on local communities’ incomes. We find that this phenomenon can potentially affect the incomes of ~12 million people globally with implications for food security, poverty levels and urbanization. While it is important to note that our study incorporates a number of assumptions and limitations, it provides a much needed initial quantification of the economic impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

This paper examines an important anomaly in the internal migration history of the former Soviet Union (FSU). While many cities were closed in the sense of explicitly limiting growth of city population from migration, it was difficult to assess the effectiveness of these controls. We analyze a sample of 308 Soviet cities to isolate the impact of closure regulations controlling for city size. We find that while there are pervasive patterns of city growth, the rate increasing through the 1960s and declining thereafter, there are also pervasive differences between controlled and uncontrolled cities, the later growing significantly faster in almost all cases, controlling for city size. Received: 17 July 1997/Accepted: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

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