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闫喜琴 《职业时空》2009,5(8):137-138
历史文化旅游者的心理行为特征主要表现在探索历史奥秘的猎奇心理、获取历史知识的求知心理、汲取精神营养的励志心理、研究历史文化的学术心理以及体悟古雅情怀的唯美心理等五个方面。影响历史文化旅游者心理的因素主要有历史文化旅游资源的规模、历史文化旅游资源的保护与开发情况、旅游者的个人素养、导游的历史文化素质以及景点与自然景观结合的情况等。  相似文献   

艺术疗法又称艺术治疗,是心理咨询方法的一种。一般心理咨询多以语言为沟通、治疗的主要媒介,而艺术疗法具有独特之处。团体心理辅导是一种主要的心理辅导方式,强调成员在安全、温馨的人际互动环境中自我体验、自我成长,促进成员更好的适应与发展。  相似文献   

西方的心理干预有悠久的传统,也得到了人们的认可。譬如在美国,人们如果出现了心理问题,就会很自然地去求助心理专家:普通美国公民视接受一次心理咨询如同吃一顿麦当劳那样自然、简单,大多数美国人都把接受心理咨询看成是自信与富有的象征,而凡是中产阶级就都有自己的心理顾问。有人这样形容说:美国成功人士的臂膀是由两个人扶持的,  相似文献   

朋辈心理咨询是目前技工院校开展心理健康教育的新途径,是借鉴外国朋辈心理辅导的经验,在技工院校进行大胆的本土化尝试和探索的一种新模式。本文对这种模式进行了详细的探析。  相似文献   

心理求助是指个体在遇到心理困扰或障碍的时候,向个人之外的力量寻求帮助以达到解决困扰的过程。通过心理求助获得社会支持是有效缓解负面情绪、降低心理压力和消除心理困惑的方法之一。根据求助对象的不同,可将心理求助分为两种:一种是向父母、老师、朋友等非专业人员求助;另一种是向心理咨询或精神卫生机构的专业人员寻求帮助。本文所研究的心理求助仅限于后者。为探讨影响个体主动寻求专业心理帮助的因素,采用自编的基本情况调查问卷和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对5161名华东交通大学新生进行了调查。结果显示,女生比男生呈现出更为积极的心理求助态度,曾接受过和未接受过心理咨询的学生在心理求助态度上并无显著性的差异。在强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁等9类症状上,阳性症状者比无症状者更不愿意主动寻求专业心理帮助。  相似文献   

心理咨询作为一种提供有效心理援助的专业活动,其鲜明的特征具有很强的实践性。心理咨询师除了需要一定的专业知识外,还要有敏锐的洞察力、爱心和很强的心理素质。虽然近年来我国的心理咨询行业得到了迅速发展,但目前心理咨询师在职业化的进程中还处于起步阶段。随着相关文件的陆续出台、政府推动和有关媒体高度关注.心理咨询师在逐步迈进一个职业化、规范化和专业化的道路。  相似文献   

马志国 《老年人》2013,(9):57-57
大多数老年人都抱有患得患失心理。这其实是内心动机冲突的反映。人的活动总是受一定动机推动的,而人的动机又常常较为复杂。当这些动机不能同时得到满足的时候,就产生了动机的冲突。动机的冲突从形式上说有三类:一是双趋冲突,就是既想得到这个,  相似文献   

本文从全员教育、心理咨询和心理危机干预等三个方面介绍了大学生心理健康教育与心理危机干预四级预警机制。  相似文献   

团体心理咨询是在团体情境下进行的一种心理咨询形式,它利用集体的形式,模拟社会生活的情景,把来自社会环境、人际交往的问题放到类似的环境中,通过团体内人际交互作用,促使个体认识自我,接纳自我、发展自我,增加社会适应性,促进人的健康成长。本文浅谈了团体心理咨询在军校心理教育中的应用。  相似文献   

在当前大学生心理健康问题日益突出,专业心理咨询机构和传统的教育方式已经无法满足大学生需要的情况下,朋辈心理辅导作为一种新的模式,在高校心理健康教育领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。对朋辈心理辅导的涵义、起源、必要性、在高校中的发展以及在实践中所产生的作用等方面进行探讨,有利于拓展大学生心理援助体系的新思路。  相似文献   

Social struggle arouses strong emotions, yet little systematic attention has been paid to the best ways of handling these emotions in interpersonal relations. We explore oppression as involving identification with the aggressor on the part of the weak and projection upon a primed vulnerable other on the part of the strong. These processes lead to fusion between the oppressed and the oppressor. These are common divisions in the handling of anxiety, anger, guilt, and self-hatred, and confusion about one's own desires in the reciprocal processes created by the weak and the strong. Some suggestions are offered for dealing with these.  相似文献   


This study found that African American children, 6 through 12 years of age, whose parents had been victims of community violence (i.e., gunshot or stabbing) experienced distress symptoms differently, depending on their gender. In the authors' previous work (Dulmus & Wodarski, 2000), children, age 6-12, whose parents were victims of community violence (e.g., gunshot, stabbing), and whose victimization the children did not witness, were found to be experiencing distress symptoms related to their parents' victimization. The purpose of this current study was to do further analysis to examine children's psychological response to parental victimization by gender. Results indicated that all children in the study were experiencing symptoms in the borderline clinical range as measured by the total score on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), with females having a mean score of 39.5 and males having a mean score of 38. The differences that were found by gender were in children's expression of symptoms; with females experiencing more internalizing symptoms (i.e., withdrawn, somatic complaints, anxiety, depression) and males experiencing more externalizing symptoms (i.e., aggression, delinquent behaviors). Such results support feminist theory, which suggests that girls and boys respond differently to stimuli because of gender differences related to socialization. Such distinctions may be clinically useful when choosing approaches to behavioral interventions.  相似文献   

The effects of disasters may predispose many adolescents to psychological stress, which can interfere with their growth and development and disrupt their intrapsychic homeostasis. This may lead to negative long-term health outcomes and hamper normal development. Many nurses view traumatic events involving children, including adolescents, as the most frequent and stressful critical incidents. There is a need to address psychological emergency preparedness for mass disasters with the development of protocols and practice guidelines. Assessing and managing physical injuries may take priority in emergencies, but incorporating rapid, cost-effective mental health assessments for children and adolescents is essential.  相似文献   

大学生的心理素质与心理咨询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生心理咨询是心理素质教育的一个重要途径 ,心理咨询是否富于成效 ,—个根本的因素就是对学生心理素质状况以及发展态势的把握程度。本文结合大学生心理咨询的实际 ,就当前大学生心理素质存在的问题及心理咨询工作必须注意的几个原则 ,谈谈个人的看法。一、衡量大学生心理素质水平的标准问题大学生心理素质水平的高低 ,是否有衡量的标准?人们在这个问题上 ,认识尚不一致。因为 ,心理素质水平 ,不象测量身体素质(如测量血压、体重、身高等)那样 ,有具体的、客观的指标。我们认为 ,事实上 ,大学生心理素质水平的衡量标准是客观存在的。…  相似文献   

Preverbal infants engage in statistical and probabilistic inference to learn about their linguistic and physical worlds. Do they also employ probabilistic information to understand their social world? Do they infer underlying causal mechanisms from statistical data? Here, we show, with looking‐time methods, that 10‐month‐olds attend to statistical information to understand their social–psychological world and plausibly infer underlying causal mechanisms from violations of physical probabilities.  相似文献   

A cohort of 172 high school leavers were followed over a 2-year period to determine factors that affect well-being throughout transition. High school leavers are those individuals who are graduating from high school and are progressing to further schooling, to work, or are unemployed. Employment and school continuation were unrelated to self-esteem and depression. Factors that influenced the transition process included money and activity problems, internality, stability, and controllability both of attributions about general transition difficulties at specific time periods and of external attributions about unemployment. The need for new approaches to career theory and practice is discussed.  相似文献   

Early reports of the psychological ramifications of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) emerged shortly after the first incidence of the isease was officially reported in this country in 1981. These preliminary reports were based on clinical observations and anecdotal information which showed that the psychological reactions of AIDS patients were similar to those stages of death and dying described by Kubler-Ross (1969) although they appeared to be intensified and compounded by other issues related to the stigmatized status of most carriers of this disease. Two specific models of the staging of these psychological reactions are outlined. The psychological problems most commonly requiring therapeutic intervention are discussed with attention paid to the importance of distinguishing between those whose etiology is functional versus organic. The suspected pathogenesis, symptomatology and progression of the most common form of organic neurological disorder associated with AIDS, AIDS dementia complex, is summarized. Finally, a model of integrated treatment for the psychological aspects of adaptation to AIDS is described.  相似文献   

In this review, the influence of social and work roles are incorporated into a model of retirement adjustment, along with two psychological moderators that may aid the retirement transition. These psychological resources, locus of control and retirement self-efficacy, are those behavioral predispositions that would lead one to engage in proactive strategies for mastering the role changes inherent in the retirement transition. The implications of social and work-related role changes and psychological resources for retirement planning and adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

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