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International Talent Monthly: In March 2017, you and your team visited Beijing E-Town Industrial Zone. It is reported that you are planning to establish an Artiifcial Intelligence (AI) Institute. Could you introduce the current progress of the project to the readers?  相似文献   

Chongqing is famous for having three hot things:weather,food and women.And if those aren’t good enough reasons to visit China’s most over-looked city,this war-time capital has a lot more to offer.If you include the whole of the greater municipality,Chongqing is one of,  相似文献   

Ravi Shankar Narasimhan,executive editor of China Daily's overseas editions,was one of 70-plus foreign experts invited to the Great Hall of the People on January 21 for a symposium and a Chinese New Year dinner with Premier Li Keqiang and senior State leaders.  相似文献   

Space science offers a unique opportunity to open dialogue between countries,independently of their political system. In the early 1990s,Dr. Roger-Maurice Bonnet,Director of the Science Program of ESA received a letter from a group of Chinese scientists in response to an invitation,to cooperate on the ESA CLUSTER mission. That event marked the initiation of space cooperation between ESA and China. He is very disappointed about that the partners of the International Space Station(USA,Russia,Europe,Japan,Canada) would not agree on accepting China as one of their partners,and China has to develop its own space station with its own means.  相似文献   

It was an amazing honor to meet Vice Premier Ma Kai at Zhongnanhai on Sep.29th.We were touched when he gave us our plaques and shook our hands at such a prestigious venue,during perhaps the first time the annual ceremony had been held there. We were moved when he said:"Foreign experts working in China are close friends of the Chinese people",and "We have already taken you as part of the big family of China".We also appreciate his call for us to continue to contribute to China's innovative,coordinated,green,open and shared development.  相似文献   

(Continued from the last issue)However,I did not feel I had made the right choice and the next time I saw her I apologized.She said to me I had done nothing wrong and said "it’s not your fault teacher,it’s my fault my English is too poor." But I still insisted that I had made a mistake.Yes,I had corrected her,but at what cost? The experience obviously embarrassed her,and her peers by the third time she repeated the word incorrectly had been shaking their heads.She may have left the classroom being able to pronounce the word correctly but what about the damage to her confidence? I thought about it for literally hours.I feared that perhaps next time she might not want to stand up,or shout out the answer in class in case she might be humiliated again.In her mind it was her own incompetence but for me it was my own ignorance.  相似文献   

Bring gifts The nice thing about visiting Chinese families is that while k is polite to bring gifts, generic gifts are expected and even welcome. You don't have to go overboard, nor do you have to spen...  相似文献   

Pharmacies Though finding a pharmacy may be easy, finding En.qlish speaking staff in pharmacies is not. If you're fortunate, you will find a pharmacy that keeps a bilingual medical directory or has some staff that speaks a few words of English (but not any medical terms).  相似文献   

With summer well and truly on its way,many people will be thinking about coming out of hibernation,casting their DVD box-sets and take away pizza boxes aside and taking a weekend break.International Talent Monthly brings you some of the best getaway locations around Beijing.  相似文献   

正On the 22nd of May at a Foreign Experts Symposium in Shanghai,it was a great honour for me as a foreigner,to present to President XI some of my observations on how to attract foreigners to contribute to China’s innovation ambitions.It is also my honour to consider myself as one of the foreign experts,which President called"private ambassadors"and members of the Chinese family.It is my privilege to answer to  相似文献   

鲁宾斯坦说,为青年科学家创造发展舞台是他的工作重点,他鼓励中国青年科学家加入纽约科学院,利用网络跨越空间与科学院世界各地的会员探讨科学真谛。  相似文献   

我认为中国政府可能是在吸引海外人才上最有远见的政府之一,在吸引"散居在外的人"方面,中国是最成功的。  相似文献   

微软(中国)公司终身荣誉总裁、新华都集团总裁兼CE0唐骏,曾无数次声称“做人要简单,做事要勤奋。”然而,仔细研究唐骏的求学和职业历程,实际上他做事的套路一点都不简单。读博士时与导师闹翻,只身闯美国;在微软时,作为一个普通程序员越过N个层级直接给比尔·盖茨写信;两次离职,在一般人足弄得公司上下鸡飞狗跳的事,到了唐骏这儿却成为了提升新老东家品牌的好事;空降到盛大和新华都后,运用他独特的融入管理式,跨越了很多外企高管空降民企无法逾越的“文化和心态”障碍。这一切,都透露出唐骏不是一个简单的外企CE0。  相似文献   

皱纹的出现是无法避免的,衰老也是无法抗拒的,重要的是如何面对。在山西省太原市第二人民医院,美国老年病学专家爱瑞克·沙培诺把他的经验与中国医生共享,推动了医院老年病学科的建设。  相似文献   

伴随着成长,对于物质的获取与贪得无厌的需求我从未建立过任何兴趣。并不是因为物质本身没有意义,而是因为对物质追求的欲望是有瑕疵的。宝马汽车没有司机意义何在?苹果手机没有用户意义何在?从本质上讲,所有的奢华与物质,如果没有人来承载,归根结底都是没有意义的,然而却并不仅是  相似文献   

有科学家在一份分析报告中警告称,间歇性的隔离措施可能需要持续到2022年。这项报告指出,未来几年,新冠肺炎疫情可能会卷土重来。这份发表在《科学》期刊上的研究报告得出结论说,一时的封锁将不足以控制全球性流行病,如果没有持续的限制措施,第二次疫情高峰可能会比目前这次更严重。该研究的一次场景模拟预测,在没有疫苗或有效治疗方法的情况下,新冠肺炎疫情可能会在2025年再度袭来。  相似文献   

跨国公司的全球化征战早已愈演愈烈,而人才本土化的加速,则是"征战"升级的重要砝码。在今天全球金融危机动荡的复杂局面下,在华跨国公司的人才本土化依然在不断深入和扩展,因为,这是跨国公司实现其全球化战略的必然。本文以诺基亚、家乐福、宜家等著名跨国公司为例,介绍跨国公司在中国实施人才本土化的进程。  相似文献   

在中国已住了11年,除了回新西兰做短暂的停留,参加几场家庭婚礼外,我一直待在这个国家。我希望我能用日记详细地记下这段中国时光。我没想过要在这儿待这么久,但我现在仍然住在中国。  相似文献   

洋功臣评说引才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国庆前夕,又一批“洋功臣”相聚北京,兴高采烈地出席专门为他们组织的中国政府“友谊奖”颁奖活动。“洋功臣”们在中国工作生活是否满意?对中国引才环境有何评价?有哪些宝贵建言?请看本刊采访报道。  相似文献   

“如果我们参与研制的‘大飞机项目’取得成果,这将是计算数学中一项世界性的成就。我们的工作不仅要创建方案,还要培养年轻人才来应用。”  相似文献   

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