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Based on a general progressively type II censored sample, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), Bayes estimator under squared error loss and credible intervals for the scale parameter and the reliability function of the Rayleigh distribution are derived. Also, the Bayes predictive estimator and highest posterior density (HPD) prediction interval for future observation are considered. Comparisons among estimators are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. An illustrative example with real data concerning 23 ball bearings in a life test is presented.  相似文献   

For a normal model with a conjugate prior, we provide an in-depth examination of the effects of the hyperparameters on the long-run frequentist properties of posterior point and interval estimates. Under an assumed sampling model for the data-generating mechanism, we examine how hyperparameter values affect the mean-squared error (MSE) of posterior means and the true coverage of credible intervals. We develop two types of hyperparameter optimality. MSE optimal hyperparameters minimize the MSE of posterior point estimates. Credible interval optimal hyperparameters result in credible intervals that have a minimum length while still retaining nominal coverage. A poor choice of hyperparameters has a worse consequence on the credible interval coverage than on the MSE of posterior point estimates. We give an example to demonstrate how our results can be used to evaluate the potential consequences of hyperparameter choices.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the discrete middle censoring where lifetime, lower bound and length of censoring interval are variables with geometric distribution. We obtain the likelihood function of observed data and derive the MLE of the unknown parameter using EM algorithm. Also we obtain the Bayes estimator of the unknown parameter under squared error loss (SEL) function and credible interval of unknown parameter using Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

For binomial data analysis, many methods based on empirical Bayes interpretations have been developed, in which a variance‐stabilizing transformation and a normality assumption are usually required. To achieve the greatest model flexibility, we conduct nonparametric Bayesian inference for binomial data and employ a special nonparametric Bayesian prior—the Bernstein–Dirichlet process (BDP)—in the hierarchical Bayes model for the data. The BDP is a special Dirichlet process (DP) mixture based on beta distributions, and the posterior distribution resulting from it has a smooth density defined on [0, 1]. We examine two Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures for simulating from the resulting posterior distribution, and compare their convergence rates and computational efficiency. In contrast to existing results for posterior consistency based on direct observations, the posterior consistency of the BDP, given indirect binomial data, is established. We study shrinkage effects and the robustness of the BDP‐based posterior estimators in comparison with several other empirical and hierarchical Bayes estimators, and we illustrate through examples that the BDP‐based nonparametric Bayesian estimate is more robust to the sample variation and tends to have a smaller estimation error than those based on the DP prior. In certain settings, the new estimator can also beat Stein's estimator, Efron and Morris's limited‐translation estimator, and many other existing empirical Bayes estimators. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 328–344; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In Bayesian analysis, people usually report the highest posterior density (HPD) credible interval as an interval estimate of an unknown parameter. However, when the unknown parameter is the nonnegative normal mean, the Bayesian HPD credible interval under the uniform prior has quite a low minimum frequentist coverage probability. To enhance the minimum frequentist coverage probability of a credible interval, I propose a new method of reporting the Bayesian credible interval. Numerical results show that the new reported credible interval has a much higher minimum frequentist coverage probability than the HPD credible interval.  相似文献   


In this paper, the stress-strength reliability, R, is estimated in type II censored samples from Pareto distributions. The classical inference includes obtaining the maximum likelihood estimator, an exact confidence interval, and the confidence intervals based on Wald and signed log-likelihood ratio statistics. Bayesian inference includes obtaining Bayes estimator, equi-tailed credible interval, and highest posterior density (HPD) interval given both informative and non-informative prior distributions. Bayes estimator of R is obtained using four methods: Lindley's approximation, Tierney-Kadane method, Monte Carlo integration, and MCMC. Also, we compare the proposed methods by simulation study and provide a real example to illustrate them.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of a fixed population size through capture-mark-recapture method that gives rise to hypergeometric distribution. There are a few well-known and popular point estimators available in the literature, but no good comprehensive comparison is available about their merits. Apart from the available estimators, an empirical Bayes (EB) estimator of the population size is proposed. We compare all the point estimators in terms of relative bias and relative mean squared error. Next, two new interval estimators – (a) an EB highest posterior distribution interval and (b) a frequentist interval estimator based on a parametric bootstrap method, are proposed. The comparison is then carried among the two proposed interval estimators and interval estimators derived from the currently available estimators in terms of coverage probability and average length (AL). Based on comprehensive numerical results, we rank and recommend the point estimators as well as interval estimators for practical use. Finally, a real-life data set for a green treefrog population is used as a demonstration for all the methods discussed.  相似文献   

Recently Jammalamadaka and Mangalam [2003. Non-parametric estimation for middle censored data. J. Nonparametric Statist. 15, 253–265] introduced a general censoring scheme called the “middle-censoring” scheme in non-parametric set up. In this paper we consider this middle-censoring scheme when the lifetime distribution of the items is exponentially distributed and the censoring mechanism is independent and non-informative. In this set up, we derive the maximum likelihood estimator and study its consistency and asymptotic normality properties. We also derive the Bayes estimate of the exponential parameter under a gamma prior. Since a theoretical construction of the credible interval becomes quite difficult, we propose and implement Gibbs sampling technique to construct the credible intervals. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the small sample behavior of the techniques proposed. A real data set is analyzed to illustrate the practical application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

We formulate closed-form Bayesian estimators for two complementary Poisson rate parameters using double sampling with data subject to misclassification and error free data. We also derive closed-form Bayesian estimators for two misclassification parameters in the modified Poisson model we assume. We use our results to determine credible sets for the rate and misclassification parameters. Additionally, we use MCMC methods to determine Bayesian estimators for three or more rate parameters and the misclassification parameters. We also perform a limited Monte Carlo simulation to examine the characteristics of these estimators. We demonstrate the efficacy of the new Bayesian estimators and highest posterior density regions with examples using two real data sets.  相似文献   

The Maxwell (or Maxwell–Boltzmann) distribution was invented to solve the problems relating to physics and chemistry. It has also proved its strength of analysing the lifetime data. For this distribution, we consider point and interval estimation procedures in the presence of type-I progressively hybrid censored data. We obtain maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter and provide asymptotic and bootstrap confidence intervals of it. The Bayes estimates and Bayesian credible and highest posterior density intervals are obtained using inverted gamma prior. The expression of the expected number of failures in life testing experiment is also derived. The results are illustrated through the simulation study and analysis of a real data set is presented.  相似文献   

A Bayesian estimator based on Franklin's randomized response procedure is proposed for proportion estimation in surveys dealing with a sensitive character. The method is simple to implement and avoids the usual drawbacks of Franklin's estimator, i.e., the occurrence of negative estimates when the population proportion is small. A simulation study is considered in order to assess the performance of the proposed estimator as well as the corresponding credible interval.  相似文献   

We derive Bayesian interval estimators for the differences in the true positive rates and false positive rates of two dichotomous diagnostic tests applied to the members of two distinct populations. The populations have varying disease prevalences with unverified negatives. We compare the performance of the Bayesian credible interval to the Wald interval using Monte Carlo simulation for a spectrum of different TPRs, FPRs, and sample sizes. For the case of a low TPR and low FPR, we found that a Bayesian credible interval with relatively noninformative priors performed well. We obtain similar interval comparison results for the cases of a high TPR and high FPR, a high TPR and low FPR, and of a high TPR and mixed FPR after incorporating mildly informative priors.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider the estimation of R = P(Y < X), when Y and X are two independent three-parameter Lindley (LI) random variables. On the basis of two independent samples, the modified maximum likelihood estimator along its asymptotic behavior and conditional likelihood-based estimator are used to estimate R. We also propose sample-based estimate of R and the associated credible interval based on importance sampling procedure. A real life data set involving the times to breakdown of an insulating fluid is presented and analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

This article studies the estimation of the reliability R = P[Y < X] when X and Y come from two independent generalized logistic distributions of Type-II with different parameters, based on progressively Type-II censored samples. When the common scale parameter is unknown, the maximum likelihood estimator and its asymptotic distribution are proposed. The asymptotic distribution is used to construct an asymptotic confidence interval of R. Bayes estimator of R and the corresponding credible interval using the Gibbs sampling technique have been proposed too. Assuming that the common scale parameter is known, the maximum likelihood estimator, uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator, Bayes estimation, and confidence interval of R are extracted. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the different proposed methods. Analysis of a real dataset is given for illustrative purposes. Finally, methods are extended for proportional hazard rate models.  相似文献   

Nonparametric Bayes (NPB) estimation of the gap-time survivor function governing the time to occurrence of a recurrent event in the presence of censoring is considered. In our Bayesian approach, the gap-time distribution, denoted by F, has a Dirichlet process prior with parameter α. We derive NPB and nonparametric empirical Bayes (NPEB) estimators of the survivor function F?=1?F and construct point-wise credible intervals. The resulting Bayes estimator of F? extends that based on single-event right-censored data, and the PL-type estimator is a limiting case of this Bayes estimator. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate that the PL-type estimator has smaller biases but higher root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) than those of the NPB and the NPEB estimators. Even in the case of a mis-specified prior measure parameter α, the NPB and the NPEB estimators have smaller RMSEs than the PL-type estimator, indicating robustness of the NPB and NPEB estimators. In addition, the NPB and NPEB estimators are smoother (in some sense) than the PL-type estimator.  相似文献   

We propose a new nonparametric estimator for the density function of multivariate bounded data. As frequently observed in practice, the variables may be partially bounded (e.g. nonnegative) or completely bounded (e.g. in the unit interval). In addition, the variables may have a point mass. We reduce the conditions on the underlying density to a minimum by proposing a nonparametric approach. By using a gamma, a beta, or a local linear kernel (also called boundary kernels), in a product kernel, the suggested estimator becomes simple in implementation and robust to the well known boundary bias problem. We investigate the mean integrated squared error properties, including the rate of convergence, uniform strong consistency and asymptotic normality. We establish consistency of the least squares cross-validation method to select optimal bandwidth parameters. A detailed simulation study investigates the performance of the estimators. Applications using lottery and corporate finance data are provided.  相似文献   

There exist various methods for providing confidence intervals for unknown parameters of interest on the basis of a random sample. Generally, the bounds are derived from a system of non-linear equations. In this article, we present a general solution to obtain an unbiased confidence interval with confidence coefficient 1 ? α in one-parameter exponential families. Also we discuss two Bayesian credible intervals, the highest posterior density (HPD) and relative surprise (RS) credible intervals. Standard criteria like the coverage length and coverage probability are used to assess the performance of the HPD and RS credible intervals. Simulation studies and real data applications are presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

It is not uncommon to encounter a randomized clinical trial (RCT) in which each patient is treated with several courses of therapies and his/her response is taken after treatment with each course because of the nature of a treatment design for a disease. On the basis of a simple multiplicative risk model proposed elsewhere for repeated binary measurements, we derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the proportion ratio (PR) of responses between two treatments in closed form without the need of modeling the complicated relationship between patient’s compliance and patient’s response. We further derive the asymptotic variance of the MLE and propose an asymptotic interval estimator for the PR using the logarithmic transformation. We also consider two other asymptotic interval estimators. One is derived from the principle of Fieller’s Theorem and the other is derived by using the randomization-based approach suggested elsewhere. To evaluate and compare the finite-sample performance of these interval estimators, we apply the Monte Carlo simulation. We find that the interval estimator using the logarithmic transformation of the MLE consistently outperforms the other two estimators with respect to efficiency. This gain in efficiency can be substantial especially when there are patients not complying with their assigned treatments. Finally, we employ the data regarding the trial of using macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) over three courses of intensive chemotherapies to reduce febrile neutropenia incidence for acute myeloid leukemia patients to illustrate the use of these estimators.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric estimation of a regression curve when the data are observed with Berkson errors or with a mixture of classical and Berkson errors. In this context, other existing nonparametric procedures can either estimate the regression curve consistently on a very small interval or require complicated inversion of an estimator of the Fourier transform of a nonparametric regression estimator. We introduce a new estimation procedure which is simpler to implement, and study its asymptotic properties. We derive convergence rates which are faster than those previously obtained in the literature, and we prove that these rates are optimal. We suggest a data-driven bandwidth selector and apply our method to some simulated examples.  相似文献   

A new class of Bayesian estimators for a proportion in multistage binomial designs is considered. Priors belong to the beta-J distribution family, which is derived from the Fisher information associated with the design. The transposition of the beta parameters of the Haldane and the uniform priors in fixed binomial experiments into the beta-J distribution yields bias-corrected versions of these priors in multistage designs. We show that the estimator of the posterior mean based on the corrected Haldane prior and the estimator of the posterior mode based on the corrected uniform prior have good frequentist properties. An easy-to-use approximation of the estimator of the posterior mode is provided. The new Bayesian estimators are compared to Whitehead's and the uniformly minimum variance estimators through several multistage designs. Last, the bias of the estimator of the posterior mode is derived for a particular case.  相似文献   

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