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Bayesian analysis of discrete time warranty data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  The analysis of warranty claim data, and their use for prediction, has been a topic of active research in recent years. Field data comprising numbers of units returned under guarantee are examined, covering both situations in which the ages of the failed units are known and in which they are not. The latter case poses particular computational problems for likelihood-based methods because of the large number of feasible failure patterns that must be included as contributions to the likelihood function. For prediction of future warranty exposure, which is of central concern to the manufacturer, the Bayesian approach is adopted. For this, Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology is developed.  相似文献   

In a wireless sensor network, data collection is relatively cheap whereas data transmission is relatively expensive. Thus, preserving battery life is critical. If the process of interest is sufficiently predictable, the suppression in transmission can be adopted to improve efficiency of sensor networks because the loss of information is not great. The prime interest lies in finding an inference-efficient way to support suppressed data collection application. In this paper, we present a suppression scheme for a multiple nodes setting with spatio-temporal processes, especially when process knowledge is insufficient. We also explore the impact of suppression schemes on the inference of the regional processes under various suppression levels. Finally, we formalize the hierarchical Bayesian model for these schemes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the stochastic analysis of a complex system having three units. The first two units are designated as unit-1 and unit-2 while the third unit is called an auxiliary unit (unit-3) which enhances the range of transmission and efficiency of unit-1. Joint distributions of failure and repair times are bivariate exponential (B.V.E.) with different parameters. Regenerative point technique is used to obtain various reliability characteristics of the system under study. Behaviour of some characteristics has also been studied through graphs.  相似文献   

The traditional reliability models cannot well reflect the effect of performance dependence of subsystems on the reliability of system, and neglect the problems of initial reliability and standby redundancy. In this paper, the reliability of a parallel system with active multicomponents and a single cold-standby unit has been investigated. The simultaneously working components are dependent and the dependence is expressed by a copula function. Based on the theories of conditional probability, the explicit expressions for the reliability and the MTTF of the system, in terms of the copula function and marginal lifetime distributions, are obtained. Let the copula function be the FGM copula and the marginal lifetime distribution be exponential distribution, a system with two parallel dependent units and a single cold-standby unit is taken as an example. The effect of different degrees of dependence among components on system reliability is analyzed, and the system reliability can be expressed as the linear combination of exponential reliability functions with different failure rates. For investigating how the degree of dependence affects the mean lifetime, furthermore, the parallel system with a single cold standby, comprising different number of active components, is also presented. The effectiveness of the modeling method is verified, and the method presented provides a theoretical basis for reliability design of engineering systems and physics of failure.  相似文献   

一类指数问题的进一步研究与实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
国家比较是国际经济统计的重要领域。通过国际经济比较 ,可以了解世界各国社会经济实力和发展道路、人民生活水平以及变动趋势 ,了解我国在世界上的地位以及同外国的差距 ,形成较完整的、符合实际的认识 ,据此对我国 (地区 )的发展战略提出合理的建议 ,为党和政府的宏观决策提供依据。在国际双边及多边比较中 ,比较方法的选取十分重要 ,它是国际比较的一个重要环节。Geary Khamis方法是联合国组织实施的国际比较项目 (ICP)的最主要的加总方法之一。也是联合国ICP推荐的由基本类PPP综合为GDP的PPP的方法 ,它在整个…  相似文献   

We pnwnt some ilicorciical results obtained by applying Procrustes methods to the statistical analysis on the two special manifolds, the Stiefel manifold Vk,m and the Grassmann manifold Gk,m?k or, equivalently, the manifold Pk,m?k of all m × m orthogonal projection matrices idempoteut of rank k. Procrustes representations of Vk,m and Pk,m?k by means of equivalence classes of matrices are considered, and Procrustes statistics and means are defined via the ordinary, weighted and generalized Procrustes methods. We discuss perturbation theory in Procrustes analysis on Vk,m and Pk,m?k. Finally, we give a brief discussion of embeddings of the Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds.  相似文献   

A technique of systematically allocating a sample to the strata formed by double stratification is presented. The method can proportionally allocate the sample along each variable of stratification. If there are R strata and C strata for the first and second variable of stratification respectively, the technique requires that the total sample size be at least as large as max(R, C). An unbiased estimator of the population mean is given and its variance is obtained. The technique is compared with a random allocation procedure given by Bryant, Hartley, and Jessen (1960). Numerical examples are given suggesting when one technique is superior to the other.  相似文献   

A sampling scheme for selection of a sample of two units with inclusion probability proportionalto size is suggested which provides a non–negative variance estimator of the variance of Horvitz–Thompson estimator. The suggested sampling scheme is shown to perform better than many of the existing unequal probability and inclusion probability proportional to size sampling Achemes for a number of natural populations.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of classifying m independent repeated (multiple) observations coming from the same population under a separate sampling scheme. We derive the asymptotic risk of the proposed NN type classification rule and obtain the upper and lower bounds for it in specific cases in terms of Bayes risk. Using a Monte Carlo simulation study we show that, as m increases, the classification risk decreases.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimators are investigated a for lr-out-of 2:G repairable system when failures and repairs are statistically dependent. Under two censoring schemes Accelerated Life Testing Procedure (ALTP) is used to obtain the estimates. Information matrices are supplied and a special case when the failure and repair phenomenon are independent of each other is considered.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an empirical investigation of a common and important type of computer system and usage in business applications, viz., querying, updating and modifying a large database. Specifically, it describes the analysis of data collected from such an application and addresses two issues. Firstly, it assesses the applicability of statistical assumptions that underlie certain widely-used queueing theory models for computer systems usage. Secondly, it investigates measures of usage, as well as relationships among them, that may serve as appropriate bases for a pricing scheme for usage of computer systems of the type considered here.  相似文献   

We consider the occurrence of warranty claims for automobiles when both age and mileage accumulation may affect failure. The presence of both age and mileage limits on warranties creates interesting problems for the analysis of failures. We propose a family of models that relates failure to time and mileage accumulation. Methods for fitting the models based on warranty data and supplementary information about mileage accumulation are presented and illustrated on some real data. The general problem of modelling failures in equipment when both time and usage are factors is discussed.  相似文献   

A new flexible cure rate survival model is developed where the initial number of competing causes of the event of interest (say lesions or altered cells) follows a compound negative binomial (NB) distribution. This model provides a realistic interpretation of the biological mechanism of the event of interest, as it models a destructive process of the initial competing risk factors and records only the damaged portion of the original number of risk factors. Besides, it also accounts for the underlying mechanisms that lead to cure through various latent activation schemes. Our method of estimation exploits maximum likelihood (ML) tools. The methodology is illustrated on a real data set on malignant melanoma, and the finite sample behavior of parameter estimates are explored through simulation studies.  相似文献   

We show that the Hájek (Ann. Math Statist. (1964) 1491) variance estimator can be used to estimate the variance of the Horvitz–Thompson estimator when the Chao sampling scheme (Chao, Biometrika 69 (1982) 653) is implemented. This estimator is simple and can be implemented with any statistical packages. We consider a numerical and an analytic method to show that this estimator can be used. A series of simulations supports our findings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a regression analysis for a missing data problem in which the variables of primary interest are unobserved under a general biased sampling scheme, an outcome‐dependent sampling (ODS) design. We propose a semiparametric empirical likelihood method for accessing the association between a continuous outcome response and unobservable interesting factors. Simulation study results show that ODS design can produce more efficient estimators than the simple random design of the same sample size. We demonstrate the proposed approach with a data set from an environmental study for the genetic effects on human lung function in COPD smokers. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 282–303; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   


This paper studies a machine repair problem with repairman’s single working vacation in which repairman works with a lower repair rate rather than completely terminating repair during vacation period. Employing Markov process theory and matrix analytical method, various system performance measures are obtained in transient and stationary regimes. Moreover, we deduce the system reliability, the mean time to failure, the repairman’s busy period and the waiting time of failed machine by using the probabilistic properties of phase type distribution. Further, some numerical examples are provided. Finally, a cost model is developed to determine the optimum value of operating machines.  相似文献   

Noninformative priors are used for estimating the reliability of a stress-strength system. Several reference priors (cf. Berger and Bernardo 1989, 1992) are derived. A class of priors is found by matching the coverage probabilities of one-sided Bayesian credible intervals with the corresponding frequentist coverage probabilities. It turns out that none of the reference priors is a matching prior. Sufficient conditions for propriety of posteriors under reference priors and matching priors are provided. A simple matching prior is compared with three reference priors when sample sizes are small. The study shows that the matching prior performs better than Jeffreys's prior and reference priors in meeting the target coverage probabilities.  相似文献   

A rotation scheme for a stratified multi-stage sample, discussed in this paper, was designed to statisfy the following conditions: (i) there is a constraint on the number of units that can be replaced in each round, and (ii) it is relatively inexpensive to increase the sample size gradually. An example of these conditions was observed in the development of a plan for measuring the accuracy of the billing process of a telephone company. Estimators of the population proportion of elements that possess a specified characteristic are also derived. Each estimator is a weighted average of the corresponding estimates based on the retained units from the original sample and on the new units, where the weight of the estimate based on the new units increases over time. While this rotation scheme is discussed in connection with the billing accuracy of a telephone company, the methodology can be applied to other similar problems.  相似文献   

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