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美国“自然形成退休社区”养老模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建适宜的社区居家养老模式已成为人类应对人口老龄化的重要手段。在广泛涉猎国内外关于社区居家养老文献的基础上,论述美国自然形成退休社区产生的原因、主要特征和借鉴参考价值。美国自然形成退休社区这一居家养老模式的"亮点"是:建立老年人互相照料机制;促进社区老年人之间的跨文化沟通和理解;与专门医疗机构建立伙伴关系以及将社区内的老年人从服务的被动接受者转变为服务的积极消费者。  相似文献   

随着社会组织形态和家庭结构的改变,养老院养老模式成为解决现代社会养老问题的必然选择。在对烟台市的42名老人进行深度访谈的基础上,运用扎根理论的开放式登录、关联式登录和核心式登录的三级编码技术,构建城市老年人选择养老院养老的影响因素模型。研究结果表明,影响城市老年人选择养老院养老的因素主要包括老人、子女和养老院因素三个方面,并据此给出了提升城市老年人选择养老院养老的对策建议。  相似文献   

左冬梅  吴静  王萍 《西北人口》2008,29(3):60-62,68
利用在西安市三个典型社区进行的176份问卷调查结果,对社区老年人利用社会照护服务的现状及需求进行了研究.结果表明,社区老年人总体利用社会照护服务的水平不高,在大多数项目上存在着增加服务的巨大需求,社区老年居民对社会照护服务的利用和需求受社会人口特征、家庭照顾、健康状况和社区等因素的影响.  相似文献   

伴随人口老龄化和高龄化的发展,老年人口中带残存活者的数量不断增多,长期照料服务将是未来社会养老服务的重点,但学术界对老年人长期照料模式方面的研究不多。本文在对过去理论文献进行梳理后对影响老年人长期照料模式选择的诸多因素进行Logistic回归统计分析,得到结论:居家长期照料仍是老年人照料的主要模式,社区照料服务的介入非常必要;接受机构长期照料的群体主要是经济状况好、不能自理程度高、代际间亲密性弱的南方城市长期照料老年人;子女的经济支持和子女数量并不能阻碍老年人选择机构长期照料。  相似文献   

伴随人口老龄化和高龄化的发展,老年人口中带残存活者的数量不断增多,长期照料服务将是未来社会养老服务的重点,但学术界对老年人长期照料模式方面的研究不多。本文在对过去理论文献进行梳理后对影响老年人长期照料模式选择的诸多因素进行Logistic回归统计分析,得到结论:居家长期照料仍是老年人照料的主要模式,社区照料服务的介入非常必要;接受机构长期照料的群体主要是经济状况好、不能自理程度高、代际间亲密性弱的南方城市长期照料老年人;子女的经济支持和子女数量并不能阻碍老年人选择机构长期照料。  相似文献   

基于对河南省新乡市Y社区的个案研究认为,新型城镇化进程中老年人群体发生了社会隔离。这种社会隔离体现在制度、社区、家庭、自我四个维度,集体失语导致制度隔离,社会资本流失和国家在场导致社区隔离,代际关系嬗变导致家庭隔离,身份标签化及自我认同困境导致自我隔离。老年人社会隔离的应对策略为拒绝搬迁和跟儿子走。提出了老年人社会融合的路径:构建老年人利益诉求的制度吸纳机制;重塑社区公共空间,构建老年人社区行政吸纳机制;积极探索农村老年人居家照顾新模式,通过专业社会工作的介入,促进老年人社区融合。  相似文献   

本文利用2014年"中国计划生育家庭发展追踪调查"数据,使用多层线性模型,研究老年人居住方式、社区环境与抑郁倾向之间的关系。结果显示,独居老年人抑郁倾向得分最高,其次是夫妇同住的老年人,而与子女同住的老年人抑郁倾向得分最低,居住方式对老年人心理健康具有重要影响。社区环境直接影响所有老年人的心理状况,环境较好的社区老年人的抑郁倾向得分更低。社区环境在老年人居住方式对抑郁倾向的影响过程中也起着重要的调节作用。在开展丰富文化活动的地区,独居、夫妇同住与跟子女同住的老年人抑郁倾向得分差异小;而在文化活动少的地区,几类老年人的抑郁倾向得分差异更大,与子女居住的老年人抑郁倾向要显著低于独居和夫妇同住老人,独居老年人的状况最差。社区文化活动的开展可以减小某些居住方式对老年人心理健康的不利影响。  相似文献   

社区建设在中国大地的崛起,迫切要求人们知道什么是社区,什么是社区建设。了解了社区的基本概念、构成要素和特征,也就对社区的基本范畴有了一个全面的认识,有助于把握社区建设的命脉。 一、社区的由来及内涵 1.社区一词的产生 何谓社区?所谓社区就是一个小社会。社区概念的提出始于德国社会学家滕尼斯(Tonnies,F)。社区的德文为Gemeinschaft,它是指一种传统的精神状态、生活方式和组织形态。1887年,  相似文献   

韦璞 《南方人口》2008,23(2):30-36
村落社会资本是一个群体概念,是指村落作为一个整体所拥有的社会资本状况,村民之间和村落内部的信任水平、团结互惠状况、集体行动能力等是衡量村落社会资本的主要指标。本文首先考察了黄果树社区的村落社会资本状况,然后利用多元回归分析模型检验村落社会资本的10个指标对老年人生活质量的影响。得出的结论是:在控制其他变量不变的情况下,只有村民之间的互惠状况影响老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

城市老年人社区参与的现状及原因探析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在社区参与的实践中,老年人已成为积极而重要的力量。在社区自治程度较高、社区居委会等社区组织能够发挥核心组织力量的社区,老年人社区参与的积极性较高,而且社区参与的形式也丰富多样,主要包括文体娱乐性参与、志愿性参与和自治性参与。老年人社区参与的积极性较高,其中存在多方面原因。可以从老年人的社区参与所具备的个人条件、社区参与的收益以及社区认同感与归属感等角度进行分析。  相似文献   

Increased use of qualitative and quantitative methods in quality of life projects necessitates an examination of how to effectively work within a mixed method framework. The research objectives of this paper are to (1) operationalize the two goals of mixed method research (confirmation and comprehension) and (2) develop a strategy for using mixed methods in quality of life research. Face-to-face interview (qualitative) and telephone survey (quantitative) data from the Community–University Institute for Social Research Quality of Life (CUISR QoL) project in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan were used for operationalization. Overall, confirmation and comprehension were challenging concepts to operationalize. Seven benefits and four guidelines were developed and are presented as dynamic, rather than definitive, structures.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):639-654
Society prescribes a set model of heterosexual development toward a gender and sexual identity. Individuals with gender and sexual identities that do not conform to the prescribed heterosexual identities must essentially develop their own way, that is, they must privately negotiate their path through identity development and identity adoption. However, while negotiating their private reality, they must rely on existing concepts of other. Using a social constructionist framework, we explore the private negotiation of an individual who does not conform to the socially prescribed gender and sexual identities—a transgender lesbian. Based on this interview, we suggest that the model of traditional heteronormative gender socialization to sexual identity would need to be revised.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate, through an interview process, both the burden and satisfaction of the caregiving relationship between female primary caregivers and female care-receivers living in the same home. The ten cases were families involved in a caregiver/care-receiver shared-residence situation of at least one year's duration. The primary method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. The results of the qualitative approach called for a reversal of perspective. The intent was to examine how burden and satisfaction impacted the caregiver-receiver relationship quality. However, it was the quality of the relationship between the caregiver and care-receiver which distinguished low burden and high satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):147-167

The purpose of this study was to investigate, through an interview process, both the burden and satisfaction of the caregiving relationship between female primary caregivers and female care-receivers living in the same home. The ten cases were families involved in a caregiver/care-receiver shared-residence situation of at least one year's duration. The primary method of data collection was semi-structured interviews.

The results of the qualitative approach called for a reversal of perspective. The intent was to examine how burden and satisfaction impacted the caregiver-receiver relationship quality. However, it was the quality of the relationship between the caregiver and care-receiver which distinguished low burden and high satisfaction.  相似文献   

本文以实证研究为基础,采用问卷调查、个案访谈等调查方法,通过对万州区、云阳县、巫山县460户移民的调查数据的分析,以定量和定性相结合的研究方法,了解了三峡后续阶段库区移民收入情况、致富的影响因素等,并结合以上情况,分析了促进三峡库区移民致富的对策措施。  相似文献   

Schmertmann CP 《Demography》1999,36(4):505-519
Censuses and surveys frequently collect information on period fertility through questions on the timing of last births. The standard approach to estimating fertility with open-interval data uses the proportion of women giving birth in the year before the interview. I propose a more efficient, maximum likelihood method for estimating fertility from open-interval data. I illustrate a mathematical derivation of the new method, perform sensitivity analyses, and conduct empirical tests with Brazilian census data. The new estimators have small biases and lower variance than standard estimators for open-interval data. Consequently, the new method is more likely to generate accurate results from small or moderately sized samples.  相似文献   

关于人口对环境作用机制的理论思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人口与环境之间存在着复杂的内在关系,也是学术界的一个重要话题。然而在这个问题的研究中,还有很多的概念和理解误区。本文从一些基本概念出发,对人口与环境的相互作用方式和影响的机制进行了分析,认为人口对环境的影响体现在人口的动态变化中,而这种变化的后果将通过社会经济的中间媒介对环境表现为两个基本作用———倍乘作用和激发作用,最后给出了作者关于人口与环境的相互关系框架。  相似文献   

Graduating midwives unsuccessful in gaining employment in their preferred model/location; or finding a job within a year of graduation are more likely to leave the profession. Obtaining post-graduate midwifery employment is competitive with midwifery students needing to confidently sell themselves to potential employers. Whilst midwifery students may be prepared with the requisite midwifery skills and knowledge, there is no guarantee of attaining a midwifery position upon graduation. Increasingly employers are requiring ‘soft skills’ including communication, teamwork, reflexivity and personal attributes of the individual to be able to effectively respond within different contexts. Demonstrating these skills within an employment interview requires confidence and knowledge in how to prepare. Designed with health service partners, simulated employment interviews were introduced into the final year of a Bachelor of Midwifery program as part of a suite of employability strategies connected to the student lifecycle. An exploratory evaluation study of students ‘experiences of a simulated employment interview was undertaken. The simulated interview emulated real employment interviews with students receiving immediate written and oral feedback. Evaluation through surveys, focus groups and individual interviews provided rich data around the effectiveness of this approach. Students, health service partners and academics found the simulated employment interview provided a valuable learning experience, assisting students to reflect, explore and further develop skills sought by employers. Collaboration with health service partners created an authentic process enabling students to receive feedback relevant to the real world of practice. Students were able to work through anxiety, gain confidence and exposure to employers in preparation for employment interviews.  相似文献   

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