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In survey sampling, policy decisions regarding the allocation of resources to sub‐groups of a population depend on reliable predictors of their underlying parameters. However, in some sub‐groups, called small areas due to small sample sizes relative to the population, the information needed for reliable estimation is typically not available. Consequently, data on a coarser scale are used to predict the characteristics of small areas. Mixed models are the primary tools in small area estimation (SAE) and also borrow information from alternative sources (e.g., previous surveys and administrative and census data sets). In many circumstances, small area predictors are associated with location. For instance, in the case of chronic disease or cancer, it is important for policy makers to understand spatial patterns of disease in order to determine small areas with high risk of disease and establish prevention strategies. The literature considering SAE with spatial random effects is sparse and mostly in the context of spatial linear mixed models. In this article, small area models are proposed for the class of spatial generalized linear mixed models to obtain small area predictors and corresponding second‐order unbiased mean squared prediction errors via Taylor expansion and a parametric bootstrap approach. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulation studies and application of the models to a real esophageal cancer data set from Minnesota, U.S.A. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 426–437; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Summary.  In sample surveys of finite populations, subpopulations for which the sample size is too small for estimation of adequate precision are referred to as small domains. Demand for small domain estimates has been growing in recent years among users of survey data. We explore the possibility of enhancing the precision of domain estimators by combining comparable information collected in multiple surveys of the same population. For this, we propose a regression method of estimation that is essentially an extended calibration procedure whereby comparable domain estimates from the various surveys are calibrated to each other. We show through analytic results and an empirical study that this method may greatly improve the precision of domain estimators for the variables that are common to these surveys, as these estimators make effective use of increased sample size for the common survey items. The design-based direct estimators proposed involve only domain-specific data on the variables of interest. This is in contrast with small domain (mostly small area) indirect estimators, based on a single survey, which incorporate through modelling data that are external to the targeted small domains. The approach proposed is also highly effective in handling the closely related problem of estimation for rare population characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that well-known parameter estimation methods for Gaussian fields place different emphasis on the high and low frequency components of the data. As a consequence, the relative importance of the frequencies under the objective of the analysis should be taken into account when selecting an estimation method, in addition to other considerations such as statistical and computational efficiency. The paper also shows that when noise is added to the Gaussian field, maximum pseudolikelihood automatically sets the smoothing parameter of the model equal to one. A simulation study then indicates that generalised cross-validation is more robust than maximum likelihood un-

der model misspecification in smoothing and image restoration problems. This has implications for Bayesian procedures since these use the same weightings of the frequencies as the likelihood.  相似文献   

The generalised least squares, maximum likelihood, Bain-Antle 1 and 2, and two mixed methods of estimating the parameters of the two-parameter Weibull distribution are compared. The comparison is made using (a) the observed relative efficiency of parameter estimates and (b) themean squared relative error in estimated quantiles, to summarize the results of 1000 simulated samples of sizes 10 and 25. The results are that: generalised least squares is the best method of estimating the shape parameter ß the best method of estimating the scale parameter a depends onthe size of ß for quantile estimation maximum likelihood is best Bain-Antle 2 is uniformly the worst of the methods.  相似文献   


We develop here an alternative information theoretic method of inference of problems in which all of the observed information is in terms of intervals. We focus on the unconditional case in which the observed information is in terms the minimal and maximal values at each period. Given interval data, we infer the joint and marginal distributions of the interval variable and its range. Our inferential procedure is based on entropy maximization subject to multidimensional moment conditions and normalization in which the entropy is defined over discretized intervals. The discretization is based on theory or empirically observed quantities. The number of estimated parameters is independent of the discretization so the level of discretization does not change the fundamental level of complexity of our model. As an example, we apply our method to study the weather pattern for Los Angeles and New York City across the last century.  相似文献   

Unit-level regression models are commonly used in small area estimation (SAE) to obtain an empirical best linear unbiased prediction of small area characteristics. The underlying assumptions of these models, however, may be unrealistic in some applications. Previous work developed a copula-based SAE model where the empirical Kendall's tau was used to estimate the dependence between two units from the same area. In this article, we propose a likelihood framework to estimate the intra-class dependence of the multivariate exchangeable copula for the empirical best unbiased prediction (EBUP) of small area means. One appeal of the proposed approach lies in its accommodation of both parametric and semi-parametric estimation approaches. Under each estimation method, we further propose a bootstrap approach to obtain a nearly unbiased estimator of the mean squared prediction error of the EBUP of small area means. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated through simulation studies and also by a real data application.  相似文献   

Let X1:, X2:, …, Xn be iidrv's with cdf F?, F?(x)=F (x-θ), R. Let T be an equivariant median-unbiased estimator of θ. Let πε(F)={G = (1 -ε) F+εH, H any cdf} and let M(G, T) be a median of T if X1 has cdf G. The oscillation of the bias of T, defined as

Bε(T)=sup (M(G1 T) :G1,G2:∈πσ:(F)} ,is considered and the estimator with the smallest B$epsi;(T) is explicitly constructed  相似文献   

In many applications (geosciences, insurance, etc.), the peaks-over-thresholds (POT) approach is one of the most widely used methodology for extreme quantile inference. It mainly consists of approximating the distribution of exceedances above a high threshold by a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). The number of exceedances which is used in the POT inference is often quite small and this leads typically to a high volatility of the estimates. Inspired by perfect sampling techniques used in simulation studies, we define a folding procedure that connects the lower and upper parts of a distribution. A new extreme quantile estimator motivated by this theoretical folding scheme is proposed and studied. Although the asymptotic behaviour of our new estimate is the same as the classical (non-folded) one, our folding procedure reduces significantly the mean squared error of the extreme quantile estimates for small and moderate samples. This is illustrated in the simulation study. We also apply our method to an insurance dataset.  相似文献   

The domain estimators that do not sum up to the population total (estimated or known) are considered. In order to achieve their additivity, the theory of the general restriction (GR)-estimator [Knottnerus P., 2003. Sample Survey Theory: Some Pythagorean Perspectives. Springer, New York] is used. The elaborated domain GR-estimators are optimal, they have the minimum variance in a class of estimators that satisfy summation restriction. Furthermore, their variances are smaller than the variances of the corresponding initial domain estimators. The variance/covariance formulae of the domain GR-estimators are explicitly given.The ratio estimators as representatives of the non-additive domain estimators are considered. Their design-based covariance matrix, being crucial for the GR-estimator, is presented. Its structure simplifies under certain assumptions on sampling design (and population model). The corresponding simpler forms of the domain GR-estimators are elaborated as well. The hypergeometric [Traat I., Ilves M., 2007. The hypergeometric sampling design, theory and practice. Acta Appl. Math. 97, 311–321] and the simple random sampling designs are considered in more detail. The results are illustrated in a simulation study where the optimal domain estimator displays its superiority among other meaningful domain estimators. It is noteworthy that due to the imposed restrictions also these other estimators, though not optimal, can be much more precise than the initial estimators.  相似文献   

We consider a multinomial distribution in which the cell probabilities are known arbitrary functions of a vector parameter θ. It is desired to estimate θ by least squares. Three variations of the least squares approach are investigated, and each is found to be equivalent, in the very strong sense of being algebraically identical, to one of the following estimation procedures: maximum likelihood, minimum χ2 and minimum modified χ2. Two of these results also apply to the multiple hypergeometric distribution.  相似文献   


Linear mixed effects models have been popular in small area estimation problems for modeling survey data when the sample size in one or more areas is too small for reliable inference. However, when the data are restricted to a bounded interval, the linear model may be inappropriate, particularly if the data are near the boundary. Nonlinear sampling models are becoming increasingly popular for small area estimation problems when the normal model is inadequate. This paper studies the use of a beta distribution as an alternative to the normal distribution as a sampling model for survey estimates of proportions which take values in (0, 1). Inference for small area proportions based on the posterior distribution of a beta regression model ensures that point estimates and credible intervals take values in (0, 1). Properties of a hierarchical Bayesian small area model with a beta sampling distribution and logistic link function are presented and compared to those of the linear mixed effect model. Propriety of the posterior distribution using certain noninformative priors is shown, and behavior of the posterior mean as a function of the sampling variance and the model variance is described. An example using 2010 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) data is given, and a numerical example studying small sample properties of the model is presented.  相似文献   

In this article, the Ridge–GME parameter estimator, which combines Ridge Regression and Generalized Maximum Entropy, is improved in order to eliminate the subjectivity in the analysis of the ridge trace. A serious concern with the visual inspection of the ridge trace to define the supports for the parameters in the Ridge–GME parameter estimator is the misinterpretation of some ridge traces, in particular where some of them are very close to the axes. A simulation study and two empirical applications are used to illustrate the performance of the improved estimator. A MATLAB code is provided as supplementary material.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate various properties and methods of estimation of the Weighted Exponential distribution. Although, our main focus is on estimation (from both frequentist and Bayesian point of view) yet, the stochastic ordering, the Bonferroni and the Lorenz curves, various entropies and order statistics are derived first time for the said distribution. Different types of loss functions are considered for Bayesian estimation. Furthermore, the Bayes estimators and their respective posterior risks are computed and compared using Gibbs sampling. The different reliability characteristics including hazard function, stress and strength analysis, and mean residual life function are also derived. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation and two real data sets have been analysed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Riccardo Gatto 《Statistics》2013,47(4):409-421
The broad class of generalized von Mises (GvM) circular distributions has certain optimal properties with respect to information theoretic quantities. It is shown that, under constraints on the trigonometric moments, and using the Kullback–Leibler information as the measure, the closest circular distribution to any other is of the GvM form. The lower bounds for the Kullback–Leibler information in this situation are also provided. The same problem is also considered using a modified version of the Kullback–Leibler information. Finally, series expansions are given for the entropy and the normalizing constants of the GvM distribution.  相似文献   

Estimates of population characteristics such as domain means are often expected to follow monotonicity assumptions. Recently, a method to adaptively pool neighbouring domains was proposed, which ensures that the resulting domain mean estimates follow monotone constraints. The method leads to asymptotically valid estimation and inference, and can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency, in comparison with unconstrained domain estimators. However, assuming incorrect shape constraints may lead to biased estimators. Here, we develop the Cone Information Criterion for Survey Data as a diagnostic method to measure monotonicity departures on population domain means. We show that the criterion leads to a consistent methodology that makes an asymptotically correct decision choosing between unconstrained and constrained domain mean estimators. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 315–331; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The Kulback-Leibler information has been considered for establishing goodness-of-fit test statistics, which have been shown to perform very well (Arizono & Ohta, 1989; Ebrahimi et al., 1992, etc). In this paper, we propose censored Kullback-Leibler information to generalize the discussion of the Kullback-Leibler information to the censored case. Then we establish a goodness-of-fit test statistic based on the censored Kullback-Leibler information with the type 2 censored data, and compare the test statistics with some existing test statistics for the exponential and normal distributions.  相似文献   

A simple estimation procedure, based on the generalized least squares method, for the parameters of the Weibull distribution is described and investigated. Through a simulation study, this estimation technique is compared with maximum likelihood estimation, ordinary least squares estimation, and Menon's estimation procedure; this comparison is based on observed relative efficiencies (that is, the ratio of the Cramer-Rao lower bound to the observed mean squared error). Simulation results are presented for samples of size 25. Among the estimators considered in this simulation study, the generalized least squares estimator was found to be the "best" estimator for the shape parameter and a close competitor to the maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter.  相似文献   

A nested-error regression model having both fixed and random effects is introduced to estimate linear parameters of small areas. The model is applicable to data having a proportion of domains where the variable of interest cannot be described by a standard linear mixed model. Algorithms and formulas to fit the model, to calculate EBLUP and to estimate mean-squared errors are given. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is presented to illustrate the gain of precision obtained by using the proposed model and to obtain some practical conclusions. A motivating application to Spanish Labour Force Survey data is also given.  相似文献   

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