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Sublimation therapy: Helping reason get back to a solid footing   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This article responds to Professor Tumolo’s “A Sublimed Experience of the Rhetoric of Plato’s Republic.” He selects passages from Plato’s Republic in order to illustrate Plato’s explicit use of rhetoric as a subliminal tool for political control. He finds the Myth of Metals establishes through “public memory” a caste system ensuring that only the golden people, the philosophers, will be considered able rulers. They are the only ones able to see the Truth outside the Cave. Philosophy publically opposes rhetoric because it privately manipulates it for its own power. I respond that Tumolo’s conclusions are too broad for the limited passages that he considers, too literal when considering a dramatic and dialogic text like the Republic, and too committed to a preconceived mind-set that Plato (and philosophy) is opposed to rhetoric and wishes to avoid it. Philosophy and rhetoric do basically differ that one needs to reveal itself for examination and the other to conceal for most effective persuasion, but they also need each other. Tumolo finds rhetoric in the Republic; if he can free himself of advisors like Popper, he may also see the philosophical role of rhetoric to find the best opinions for guiding our lives. Amid the free speech in a democracy, philosophy can best flourish.  相似文献   

This article articulates a case for methodological pluralism while addressing points of contention between Michael Warren Tumolo’s “A Sublimed Experience of the Rhetoric of Plato’s Republic” and John Peterman’s “Sublimation Therapy: Helping Reason Get Back to a Solid Footing.” This discussion addresses explicit and implicit differences regarding the meaning of knowledge, authorship, advice, texts, method, and discipline. Embedded in this larger framework is a discussion of Nietzschean and Socratic understandings of self-knowledge. This essay resists hierarchical approaches to discipline and method, instead arguing for methodological pluralism in which one aims to be critically faithful and metacritically agnostic. This approach is offered as a way to demonstrate a commitment to disciplinary knowledge and to better know oneself.  相似文献   

Reviewing a recent debate between Professors Michael Warren Tumolo and John Peterman on the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric in Plato’s work, I identify and address certain logical errors in the authors’ articles regarding definitions of concepts. By subsequently returning to Plato’s text, I recover the working definitions of the concepts that are discussed and I show how to capture the distinction between philosophy and rhetoric in a way that fits the conclusions Plato himself reaches. In contrast, deconstructive renderings of Plato’s views like the ones practiced in the reviewed articles risk either losing the distinction between rhetoric and philosophy altogether or forcing a distinction that is not Plato’s.  相似文献   

This article examines Heidegger’s reading of Ernst Jünger’s 1932 Der Arbeiter by making appeal not only to Heidegger’s remarks on the work (and its associated text “Die totale Mobilmachung”) scattered in various texts, but by concentrating on Heidegger’s now‐available seminar notes and marginal notes to his actual copy of the text. Heidegger held two seminars on Der Arbeiter, one shortly after its publication and one in 1938, which show his close confrontation not only with Jünger’s reading of Nietzsche, but also Heidegger’s own Nietzsche examination. The article shows how Heidegger distinguishes himself from Jünger by, on the one hand, seeing Der Arbeiter as very much a product of its time and, on the other, identifying a prescience in Nietzsche of a Europe and planetary phenomenon (globalisation) yet to come. This is accomplished in the naming of the triad of Bolshevism, fascism (Nazism), and Americanism metaphysically as the singularity of “world democracy”, and as an entirely nihilistic phenomenon. The article therefore relates the confrontation of these two thinkers with the third (Nietzsche) to issues of the demand for justice, democracy, and the will to power in contemporary economic and political developments, as well as to wider themes in Heidegger’s thought of the end (or consummation) of metaphysics, the will to power, and valuation.  相似文献   

This article argues that Plato’s Republic promotes a public memory characterized by a sublimed experience of reason. The standard understanding of the meaning and value of the Republic is a product of processes of sublimation rather than a necessary conclusion drawn from the text’s propositional content. Key moments of the text illustrate this pattern of sublimation. The particular strand of arguments from the Republic addressed in this article invite readers to justify the use of deception, to forget the ethical implications of achieving and maintaining justice through deceit, and to identify with the ruling and deceiving class. Critical attention to this line of arguments offers an understanding of the symbiotic, rather than antagonistic, relationship between philosophy and rhetoric while allowing us to recognize the danger inherent in our willingness to rationalize the unethical foundation of the kallipolis.  相似文献   

From Plato’s times to our contemporary age, theorists have spoken of art as being a mirror of life and sometimes argued against the notion. In his nonfiction essays on art and literature, Gogol' was also fond of the metaphor. Due to the frequency with which mirrors appear in his work, Gogol'’s oeuvre offers a unique opportunity for study of how the idiom of art-as-mirror transforms in the move from theoretical reflections to his fictional stories. Appealing to Meyer Abrams’s claim that the mirror has become a “constitutive” metaphor, this article assumes that: a) the potential problems the metaphor introduces are fair game in general theorizing, and b) the questions introduced into the texts by Gogol'’s fictional mirrors may also point toward problematic issues in his thought on art and development as an artist. The article surveys Gogol'’s use of mirrors in his fiction and relates them to their theoretical counterparts. Clear patterns emerge that parallel the geographical and meta-literary subject matter of his work. Ultimately, the article reveals how Gogol'’s evolving treatment of the mirror metaphor may offer insight into the sources of the author’s “creative decline.”  相似文献   

Alfred Hitchcock’s film Psycho (1960) is a significant work on many levels—to Hitchcock’s career, to film history, to the horror genre. I propose that a crucial aspect of Psycho’s design, one that relates to Hitchcock films as a whole, is its thematization of a concept that I call the “death-mother.” A distinction between Mrs. Bates/“Mother,” on the one hand, and the death-mother, on the other hand, impels this discussion. The death-mother—which relates to the varieties of femininity on display but exceeds their specific aspects and implications—is an effect produced by the film text and can only be understood through an analysis of the work as a whole. Exceeding the specifications of the Mrs. Bates character, the death-mother maps onto tropes and preoccupations in Hitchcock’s oeuvre but, more importantly, indicates the aesthetic implications, for the male artist most commonly, of the dread of femininity. I develop the concept of the death-mother from the writings of Freud, Nietzsche, and André Green and from feminist psychoanalytic theory: Barbara Creed, in her reworking of Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection, and Diane Jonte-Pace, in her analysis of Freud’s work. My analysis focuses on the relevance of the death-mother to issues of femininity and queer sexuality crucial to and enduringly controversial within Psycho.  相似文献   

What does it mean to live in the shadow of an older sibling’s unlived life? This study draws on notions of haunting, guilt, fantasy, and envy to explore the experience of the “replacement child.” Art Spiegelman’s (1986) Maus tells the story of what it was like to occupy the place of his older brother, who died during the Holocaust. This is intertwined with my own account of adoption and replacement. The dead sibling is perceived as a ghostly presence, shaping the possibilities of who and what the “replacement child” will become.  相似文献   

Nineteenth-century Paris was for Walter Benjamin the site of a singular historical event, the ur-form of bourgeois modernity. It was a “hellish” time disastrously bent on repeating itself and yet a threshold of great promise and possibility. By focusing on Benjamin's 1935 and 1939 Exposés for The Arcades Project, my paper develops the keywords of the Exposés (Arcades, Fashion, etc.), and elaborates ways in which these objects articulate such different temporal possibilities. For example, “fashion” enacts an eternally recurrent and capital time, whereas “arcades” represent wish images of the past that might be actualized into utopian promises of the future. My argument develops Benjamin's “objective” framing of temporality. In the Exposés specific and phenomenal things communicate temporalities specific to modernity. Objects not only communicate time but also enable the temporal experience of the modern subject. This reading challenges idealist interpretations of temporality grounded within an interiorizing subject. I do not argue that Benjamin privileges an objective temporal horizon “over” the subject but rather that he resituates dialectical possibilities of temporality in the engagement between subjects and commonplace objects.  相似文献   

The growing interest in the work of Laplanche testifies to the many ways contemporary clinicians and theoreticians are attempting to circumvent some of psychoanalysis’ most abstract, rigid, and conservative formulations. An exemplary occasion of this effort, Avgi Saketopoulou’s essay, “To Suffer Pleasure: The Shattering of the Ego as the Psychic Labor of Perverse Sexuality” (2014) attempts to rethink “perversion” by offering a timely critique of psychoanalytic doxa. In my engagement with Saketopoulou’s essay, I focus on the use of Laplanche as indicative of the ways Laplanche’s radical challenge to traditional psychoanalysis can be recuperated by psychoanalytic conventions without forcing the critique that Laplanche enabled. My introduction of Affect Theory to Laplanche’s radical paradigm works to establish the foundations for a less erotophobic psychoanalysis and demonstrates why rereading Laplanche through cutting-edge theorizations of Affect Theory goes some way toward sustaining the “exigency” of Laplanche’s radical project.  相似文献   

This article elaborates and defends a thesis prominent in my recent book, The Formation of Reason; namely, that a human being gets to be free in the distinctive way that human beings are free through the acquisition of second nature. My treatment of this thesis in The Formation of Reason is much influenced by the philosophy of John McDowell. McDowell himself, however, is notoriously reluctant to offer a theory of second nature. In this article, I explain his reasons for taking this stance and show how, for all that, his work contains much that illuminates the idea of second nature and its relation to freedom. I make this argument by focusing on a number of McDowell's papers on Aristotle and Wittgenstein that I do not discuss in detail in my book. Finally, I consider the objection that although McDowell recognizes second nature as a property of individuals, he mistakenly rejects the idea of second nature in external form. I argue that his works do in fact contain resources to countenance second nature externalized, so long as we keep that idea insulated from the constructivist theories of normativity that McDowell rightly rejects. Understanding our thesis aright is, I maintain, a necessary condition of a compelling conception of the social dimensions of mind and of the end of education.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2005,31(3):333-337
My conversations with Professor Dr. Basyouni Ibrahim Hamada, his illustrious paper “Arab Image in the Minds of Western Image-makers”1, my Pakistani nationality, and my professional interest are, to a great extent, responsible for providing me with the raison d’être to write this precise paper. Our universe, which in this regard is an Arab/Muslim universe, is somehow becoming the centre of controversy. It is equated with violence, boycott, exclusion, terrorism, lack of democracy, unwholesome human rights record, among other facts and allegations. This paper deals with what can be done about it in public relations.  相似文献   

Gogol'’s “A Few Words about Pushkin” has traditionally been viewed as evidence that Gogol' idolized Pushkin as a national poet par excellence. This article argues that behind Gogol'’s deference for Russia’s greatest poet lie layers of polemic and subversive iconoclasm. Though he initially proclaims Pushkin Russia’s national poet, Gogol' goes on to use his trademark rhetorical tools to effectively strip the poet of the honour. In doing so, he attempts to influence the reception of his own writings, which at the time predominantly concerned Ukrainian themes, in ways that would encourage his Russian audience to consider him—and not Pushkin—as Russia’s premier national writer. Countering Pushkin’s Russocentric model of national culture, Gogol' champions instead a centrifugal conception of national-imperial identity that places Russia’s imperial periphery at the center of the “Russian” experience.  相似文献   


Free associations structure … and loosen … what follows. In midair, having sprung from a high dive of 20-plus years of psychoanalytically informed professional work, the author free-falls into formal psychoanalytic training—meditating on the memory that his father was a jazz musician. The meditation strays to the author’s own jazz education … then wanders to a consideration of a primal scene interpretation emerging from Bion after he listened endlessly to a psychotic patient’s vamp—”I don’t know what I mean.” Bion’s (2013) stance of waiting for O links associatively to jazz pianist Keith Jarrett’s solo improvisations, what Jarrett calls his “epic journeys into the unknown.” The author hears a fugue in Bion’s primal scene interpretation—back to Freud and Klein and forward to Bion’s psychoanalytic students invited to compose using Bion’s unsaturated concepts. The author worries how he will communicate with his new psychoanalytic colleagues and considers the usefulness of origin myths (such as the primal scene) in such lateral communications. And, finally, the author loops back again to consider repetition when listening to Jarrett … repetition when listening to Bion … and repetition when listening to patients.  相似文献   


This essay moves the category of the subaltern out of the exclusive domain of colonial historiography and resituates it in the context of contemporaneity. Taking my cue from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s insistence on the dream of postcoloniality in the realm of the global, I examine two ‘empirical anomalies’ that redefine subaltern insurgency, cultivate democratic reflexes, and defeat the expectations of their moment and milieu. Vivek Chibber’s Postcolonial theory and the specter of capital serves as a framing device to elicit the still-persuasive dimensions of Spivak’s landmark essay for our historical moment. While I remain unpersuaded by both his premises and his conclusions, his argument does throw Spivak’s interventions in the project of Subaltern Studies into relief. My method throughout, in the manner of Spivak and Paul de Man, is one of interruption and undoing; my aim is to delineate what Spivak describes as ‘the resistance fitting our time’.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to encourage ongoing and close exegetical study of sociology’s theoretical texts. Attention is drawn to two instances where Talcott Parsons’ theory project seems to be at odds with itself. Both are related to his “first major synthesis” The Structure of Social Action (1937). The first concerns Parsons’ opening discussion of Crane Brinton’s question “Who now reads Spencer?” Parsons’ discussion of Spencer is examined and then compared and contrasted with what he later wrote in the “Introduction” to the 1961 reprint of Spencer’s The Study of Sociology. The second concerns Parsons’ problematic view of his contribution to social theory’s “secondary literature” and how this relates to his claims about “convergence.” The article notes that Parsons was trying to identify what he believed to be a new norm for social theory. Sociological theory, he believed, would from henceforth have to be formulated in terms of this newly emerging normative frame of reference.  相似文献   

The relationship between rhetoric and philosophy reveals competing orientations that guide what a subject can say about a domain of things and how that saying is informed by discourses of truth. In this article, I consider Raymie E. McKerrow’s admirable rendering of a “critical rhetoric” alongside Michel Foucault’s examination of parrhēsia to locate in critical rhetoric a truth-telling function that is formed in the ethopoetic relationship between subjects immersed in public discourse.  相似文献   

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