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西部民族地区生态建设的经济学思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从社会、经济、自然组成的复合生态系统互动过程的角度 ,阐述了西部民族地区生态环境问题的主要类型及后果影响 ,并在此基础上进一步分析了产生生态环境问题的经济、社会原因。文章对西部民族地区在实施以退耕还林、还草为主的生态建设过程中存在的农牧民应得收入漏损、收入稳定增长预期模糊等两大问题进行了分析。文章认为 ,全面推进西部民族地区生态建设 ,必须坚持标本兼治、生态效益和经济效益兼顾的方针 ,努力做到四个创新 :经济发展思路创新、经济社会结构创新、经济体制创新和管理制度创新  相似文献   

民族地区构建和谐社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族地区的和谐稳定和发展,不仅是我国社会稳定的基本前提,也是我国社会和谐发展的重要内容。当前,民族地区发展相对滞后,由此引发的民族矛盾和民族问题也比较突出,只有正确认识和分析民族地区存在的这些问题,才能找出解决问题的对策,促进民族地区经济社会和谐发展。一、民族地区构建和谐社会面临的问题(一)民族地区自然生态环境恶化,生态危机严重。自然环境是人类生存的基础。人与自然和谐共存不仅是社会和谐的基本前提,也是社会和谐的根本标志。构建民族地区和谐社会,离不开和谐的自然生态环境。然而我国西部民族地区的自然生态环境破坏严…  相似文献   

张云川 湖南省省长加大重大项目建设力度,增加对贫困地区、少数民族地区的扶贫开发投入胡彪 湖南省委副书记抓住历史机遇 加快自身发展 自治州经济发展的来势好,扶贫攻坚、西部开发取得了一定成效,人民生活进一步改善。自治州要抓住西部开发、扶贫攻坚和退耕还林的历史机遇,加快自身发展。童名谦 中共湘西州委副书记与时俱进,应对“入世”“入西”挑战 要与时俱进,应对“入世”“入西”挑战:必须用“三个代表”加强对干部的理论武装,推动思想解放,以更宽视野,重新审视州情,开拓创新,奋发进取,激发动力必须抓住密切联…  相似文献   

开发大西北 ,西部少数民族地区要实现可持续发展 ,但有些地区由于自然地理、资源分布及历史等的因素而存在诸多问题 ,给经济社会发展带来较大困难 ,本文针对少数民族聚居地卡力岗地区的经济社会发展滞后、文化相对落后、群众生活贫困、自然生态环境严重恶化的现状进行分析探讨 ,并提出了实现其可持续发展的一些思路。  相似文献   

朱基总理在政府工作报告中突出提到了实施西部地区大开发的战略和加快中西部地区发展问题,并提出财政投入要向中西部地区的基础设施建设、科技和教育设施建设、环境整治与生态建设、企业技术改造等方面倾斜。这表明,西部大开发战略已经作为今年政府工作的一个重点,摆上了议事日程。西部广大人民群众盼望已久的大开发战略正式开始实施了。实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区的发展,是以江泽民同志为核心的党中央,根据邓小平同志关于我国现代化建设“两个大局的战略思想”,高瞻远瞩,总揽全局,面向新世纪,作出的重大战略决策。中央关于实施西…  相似文献   

目前 ,世界上发达国家和地区已经开始启动第二次现代化 ,我国东南沿海发达地区已基本完成工业文明的第一次现代化 ,而西部的广大地区 ,特别是穆斯林聚居地区 ,基本上还处在农业文明阶段 ,经济和社会发展还很落后。实践证明 ,落后不仅仅是一种环境尺度、经济尺度 ,落后也是一种心态、一种观念。无论是一个国家 ,还是一个地区 ,要使其经济稳定的增长 ,必须有社会的改造。为使社会得到改造 ,必须使人变得更富有活力 ,富有进取心 ,成为生气勃勃的“现代人”。西部穆斯林应抓住西部大开发的契机 ,着眼于人的现代化 ,从“全面提高穆斯林民族整体素质”的角度来发展教育 ,最终摆脱贫困。  相似文献   

2000年3月北京“两会”期间,最热门的话题是“西部开发”,最忧虑的话题是“环境保护”,有关环境保护的提案有175件,议案有52件。很多代表认为,环保的观点和措施应贯彻于西部开发的始末。 由于多年乱砍滥伐、盲目开垦、过度放牧以及历代战乱,西部生态环境遭到了有史以来最严重的破坏,西部地区已成为我国自然生态环境脆弱地带。 森林草原被破坏。森林是陆地生态环境的主体、“大自然之肺”。它不仅能涵养水源、保护水土、防风固沙,还能净化水质、空气,为人类提供美好的生产、生活环境。森林的生态效益和社会效益远远超过它…  相似文献   

新中国成立 5 0年来 ,党的三代领导集体为推动西部地区经济发展进行了艰辛的探索和大胆的实践。 5 0年代初到 70年代末 ,在“均衡发展”战略指导下 ,对西部地区进行过几次较大规模的开发建设 ;80年代初到 90年代中期 ,在共同富裕与“两个大局”思想指导下 ,在西部地区兴建了一批基础设施 ;90年代中期以来 ,实施对口支援 ,使西部经济获得较快发展 ,特别是跨入新世纪之际 ,以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体又作出了西部大开发的战略决策 ,这必将对西部经济发展产生深远影响。  相似文献   

世纪之交党中央作出了西部大开发的重大战略决策,西部地区是我国少数民族的主要聚居地,因此,西部大开发战略从其实质上看也是促进少数民族地区经济发展的一项重大战略,是邓小平“两个大局”战略的重大实践。党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,党的十六届三中全会又提出了“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观”和“五个统筹”的要求,  相似文献   

西部大开发持续多年,是中央政府支持下的边缘地区扶贫项目,通过一系列政策倾斜和优惠,西部地区取得了显著成就.但是,西部大开发并未改善西部地区在区域发展的不利地位,反而出现“东西部失衡” “西部省份内部失衡” “西部中心城市与中小城镇失衡”等多元区域失衡样态.说明过度依赖外部扶贫并无法改变西部地区的经济地理空间,反而固化了西部地区在国家社会一体发展中的边缘位置.“一带一路”倡议拓展了西部地区发展的经济地理空间,有效推进了西部地区的“去边缘化”过程,使其从国家经济社会格局的“边缘位置”变成“中心枢纽”. 在新一轮西部大开发中,西部地区有可能成为社会经济发展的中心区,开发政策应致力于西部自生发展,做好地方客观条件与主观能动性、市场竞争与宏观调控的双重匹配,抓住西部地区发展的共性问题并兼顾地方多样性,继而有效促进西部地区的全面、可持续发展.  相似文献   

王永莉 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):22-31,98-100
Ecological civilization is a mode of civilization which is constructed on the concept of multiple-wins, such as economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit, etc. It requires that a harmonious relationship between man and nature permeate various aspects of civilization, such as material civilization, spiritual civilization, and political civilization, forming an ecological mode for production, living, consumption, and other behaviors. The theories and practices of eco ̄logical civilization both at home and abroad, as well as the strategic planning for the construction of ecological civilization in China, have constituted important theoretical and practical guidelines for the construction of ecological civilization in the western ethnic areas of China.
Constructing ecological civilization in the western ethnic areas has important theoretical and practical significance. Compared with the eastern part of China or the whole country, the level of e ̄conomic and social development in the western eth ̄nic areas still lags behind; energy consumption is generally high , and the number of national key ecologically functional areas is large. Furthermore, these areas face a daunting task for their environ ̄mental protection and energy saving. In addition, the most concentrated areas of desertification in China are found in the western ethnic areas, espe ̄cially Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Qing ̄hai. Therefore, the construction of ecological civi ̄lization in the western ethnic areas has an impor ̄tant role for the sustainable development of the e ̄conomy and society, ecological security, energy saving and emission reduction, and the prevention of land desertification.
Generally speaking, the western ethnic areas actively participate in the national demonstration areas of the construction of ecological civilization, and constantly improve the level of ecological civi ̄lization construction. However, their overall level is low, and the differences between various prov ̄inces are considerable. Although the western eth ̄nic areas have rich forest resources, tourism re ̄sources, etc. for the construction of ecological civ ̄ilization, they still face many problems in the use of their ecological resources and the construction of ecological civilization.
As noted above, the western ethnic areas ac ̄tively take part in the construction of the key na ̄tional ecological civilization demonstration areas. At present, among the 55 ecological civilization demonstration areas of China, 22 are in the west ̄ern ethnic areas. These demonstration areas are actively exploring the construction of ecological civilization by taking the property rights of natural resources, ecological compensation and cadres as ̄sessment, etc. into consideration.
As just noted, although the level of the con ̄struction of an ecological civilization in western ethnic areas has been improving, the overall level is still low. The overall level of ecological civiliza ̄tion in western ethnic areas lags significantly be ̄hind the nation or eastern regions. In addition, the levels of every province are quite different. For in ̄stance, the level of Guangxi and Yunnan is rela ̄tively high. Therefore, the construction of ecologi ̄cal civilization must be adapted to the local condi ̄tions of the provinces.
There are a large number of key forestry en ̄terprises in the western ethnic areas, but the struc ̄ture of the forestry industry is not equitable. For ̄estry is an important force, and provides important content for the construction of ecological civiliza ̄tion. On the one hand, there are a large number of key national forestry enterprises in the western eth ̄nic areas, but their distribution is not balanced. At present, there are 295 key national forestry en ̄terprises , among which 48 are found in the western ethnic areas and are included in the list. Among them, the advantage held by Guangxi and Yunnan’s forest resources are obvious, while those in Tibet, Ningxia and Qinghai are not so obvious. On the other hand, the forestry resources in the western ethnic areas are unevenly distributed, and the structure of the forestry industry is not equita ̄ble;the proportion of the primary industry of for ̄estry is too high, and the proportion of the second ̄ary industry is relatively low. This means that the economic benefits of forestry resources are not fully transformed, something which has seriously affect ̄ed the promotion of ecological civilization.
Tourism resources in the western ethnic areas are rich, but the contradiction between tourism de ̄velopment and environmental protection is sharp. The tourism industry can effectively improve the level of ecological civilization construction. With rich tourism resources in the western ethnic areas, the tourism industry has become one of the impor ̄tant regional pillar industries, especially in Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi. However, the conditions of tourism infrastructure and the tourism environment are still relatively backward in western ethnic areas. This is seen especially in the tourist foreign exchange income ratio which is not high. In addition, theunique tourism resources have not strongly attracted more overseas visitors; and, as just said, there are contradictions between regional tourism development and ecological environment protection, which are still very sharp.
The construction of an ecological civilization is a complicated social system project. The con ̄struction of an ecological civilization in the western ethnic areas has just started, so we need to in ̄tegrate the idea of ecological civilization throughout political, economic, cultural, and social construc ̄tion. Furthermore, we need to promote the process of ecological civilization construction according to the local conditions by taking the central authorities’ construction plan of ecological civiliza ̄tion as guidance; consider the economic develop ̄ment level of each province; and the characteris ̄tics of ecological protection and resource environ ̄ment in ethnic areas.
First of all, we should change the concept of government at all levels and the entire society in western ethnic areas, and improve the system of ecological civilization construction. For this pur ̄pose, we must:( i) strengthen the top-level de ̄sign of the ecological civilization system; ( ii) im ̄prove relevant systems, such as the development of the national land space; and ( iii ) improve envi ̄ronmental protection and ecological compensation in the western ethnic areas and the whole country. Furthermore, through making use of both formal systems, such as political, economic and legal ones, and informal systems, such as ecological culture, we should jointly safeguard and promote the construction of ecological civilization. On the one hand, we must establish and improve various policies related to finance, tax, population and land to improve the level of ecological political civ ̄ilization in the western ethnic areas from the level of central government to local administrations. On the other hand, the central government and local administrations in the western ethnic areas must enhance the awareness of the construction of eco ̄logical civilization through various ways, including school education and the internet.
Secondly, we should vigorously develop the advantages of the ecological industry in western ethnic areas, such as ecological tourism, ecologi ̄cal agriculture and other ecological industries. The construction of ecological civilization should strive to find a balance between ecological environment and stable economic growth. Therefore, according to the characteristics of their ecological environ ̄ment, resources, climate and the capacity of the ecological carrying capacity, we should choose ec ̄ological industries suitable for regional develop ̄ment, such as ecological agriculture, ecological tourism;change the original model of industrial de ̄velopment to an ecological mode of production, and improve the level of ecological civilization while protecting the environment.
Thirdly, we should speed up the development of secondary and tertiary industries of forestry in the western ethnic areas, and further optimize the structure of the forestry industry. For this purpose we must further increase forestry investment and construction;and improve the total output value of forestry through afforestation, returning farmland to forest, and coordinating the relationship between the economic forest and ecological forest. Moreo ̄ver, we should actively participate in China’s forest food certification and forest certification program;improve the proportion of secondary and tertiary forestry industires; take the initiative to transform the advantage of forestry resources into economic advantages;and improve the level of civilization of the ecological environment.
Finally, it is necessary for the western ethnic areas to continue the practice of constructing an ec ̄ological civilization. Though adjustment to local conditions, and actively exploring the practice of ecological civilization construction, we should gradually accumulate experience in the construc ̄tion of ecological civilization for the western ethnic areas, and even the whole country. In particular, in Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai, we must active ̄ly promote the process of regional ecological civili ̄zation construction based on the scheme of their own ecological civilization demonstration area pro ̄grams. In addition, the western ethnic areas should fully play an important role in informal in ̄stitutions, such as national ecological culture.  相似文献   

论青藏高原生态环保立法与高原藏族生态文化观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原在全国乃至亚洲的生态安全中具有战略地位,但近几十年来该地区的生态环境在逐年恶化。因而,必须制定出符合实际的生态环保法,对这一地区的生态环境予以保护。由于青藏高原的主体民族是藏族,具有以人与自然和谐相处为总体精神的生态文化观,并以可持续发展和公众参与原则为集中体现。因而,在青藏高原生态环保立法中,应以人与自然和谐相处为主要立法指导思想,以可持续发展和公众参与为主要立法原则,对高原藏族生态文化进行充分吸收和借鉴。  相似文献   

论生态移民与民族地区现代化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
发展是民族地区的主要任务,而生态保护则是民族地区和整个中华民族的长远利益所在。民族地区强烈的发展要求可能导致自然资源的掠夺式开发,造成这一地区脆弱的生态进一步恶化;生态保护则构成民族地区经济发展的一个重要约束条件。本文通过对二者关系的梳理,探讨"退耕还林"、"退牧还草"工程实施后,民族地区的产业发展、城镇建设和生态保护的协调问题。  相似文献   

西部民族地区按照国家主体功能区划属于禁止开发区,不但失去了依靠工业发展的机会,还要为下游地区的可持续发展提供生态屏障,为此而得到的补偿仅来自于政府的财政转移支付,而且补助标准偏低,市场化补偿长期缺位,历史欠账太多,生态产品输出人群后续发展及环境保护乏力。碳汇交易的缘起与快速发展,无疑加快了生态补偿的市场化进程,为西部民族地区生态保护,富边强民提供了新思路。  相似文献   

西部开发与贵州民族地区生态问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西部大开发作为我国面向新世纪所作出的重大决策 ,生态环境问题是其切入点和突破口。文章分析了贵州民族地区生态环境面临的诸多问题 ,阐述了在西部开发中加快贵州民族地区生态环境建设的对策思路 ,提出需要强化可持续发展观 ,把消除贫困与经济建设、人口控制和生态环境保护利用相结合 ;调整利益格局和帮扶方式 ;加大对外开放 ,争取政策、资金、技术的支持和协作 ;完善民族自治地方法规体系 ,促进经济社会与生态环境的协调发展  相似文献   

中国西部地区生态环境建设问题是目前学术界研究的热点问题之一。文章在深入分析了影响西部地区生态环境建设的主要因素的基础上,突出强调了西部民族地区生态环境在我国经济发展中的战略地位,提出了西部生态环境建设与可持续发展的对策,最后指出西部地区实施生态环境建设的目标。  相似文献   

人与自然的和谐作为民族地区和谐社会构建的一项重要内容,直接关系到这一目标的全面实现。良好的生态环境是民族地区保持其经济和社会其他方面持续、快速、健康可持续发展的必要条件。当前,民族地区的生态环境遭到较为严重的破坏,极大地影响了民族地区整体和谐社会的构建。人与自然的和谐已经成为民族地区发展所必须解决的战略性问题。只有在遵循自然规律的前提下,合理开发利用自然资源和改善生态环境,切实加强保护和建设民族地区生态环境,才能够推动整个社会的和谐。  相似文献   

试论教育在西部民族地区发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
西部民族地区疆域辽阔,自然资源丰富,但由于自然、历史、政治、文化和政策倾向等诸多因素的综合作用,西部民族地区现有的人力资源远远不能适应我国现代化建设和西部大开发的迫切需要。为此,西部民族地区要实现大发展,关键是优先发展教育、实施人才发展战略。  相似文献   

刘兴全 《民族学刊》2011,2(3):72-75,95
实施西部大开发,是促进各民族共同繁荣的重大战略部署,是进一步加强民族团结、维护社会稳定的根本措施。它不仅有利于提高西部地区人民的生活水平,也有利于少数民族地区的社会稳定和国家的长治久安。经过十年开发,西部发展成果有目共睹,但东西部差距仍然很大。国家高度重视西部地区的经济发展,西部也将迎来新一轮开发。在这样的时代背景下,正确认识民族研究与西部新开发显得十分重要。  相似文献   

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