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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software merges a firm's data, information flows and business processes into a single package. Vendors argue that ERP provides an extremely useful strategic resource to enhance competitiveness and make it possible for a firm to leverage its other resources more effectively and efficiently. In addition, they allege that ERP encourages a system-wide perspective that is a basis for collaboration and a systems orientation. However, an examination of ERP systems using criteria established in research on resource-based views of the firm and chaos/complexity theory indicates that these claims are overstated. Observation suggests that even if ERP is necessary to coordinate complicated, multifaceted operations, it is far from sufficient to promote a strong competitive position over the long term. Moreover, ERP systems fit best within mechanistic, clockwork organizations dominated by routine, highly programmed technologies and operations, yet it is the non-routine learning and change processes found in complex, self-organizing systems that enable firms to create distinctive competitive advantages from ERP outputs. ERP makes possible deep changes in relationships, culture, and behaviors that can be crucial sources of advantage in the knowledge economy, but the structures and cultures most able to achieve this level of change are a poor fit with ERP requirements. To reconcile this paradox, we propose a dual-core, loosely coupled organization that views ERP as an enabling technology to build and augment social and intellectual capital, rather than as an information technology (IT) solution for organizational inefficiencies. Propositions for using ERP as a foundation for social and intellectual capital formation are introduced. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Much of our understanding of competitive advantage draws upon the experience of Western firms. Massive Japanese investment in an effort to replicate keiretsu (interfirm) networks in Asia since the 1980s presents fertile grounds to shed new light on the sources of competitive advantage. Building on such an experience, this article develops a multilevel perspective focusing on how competitive advantage is preserved and strengthened for firms, networks, and nations involved. Its hallmark is careful attention to levels of analysis by (a) spelling out the attendant assumption of homogeneity among keiretsu member firms, (b) explaining the basis of such an assumption, (c) exploring alternative assumptions, and (d) drawing upon diverse subtopics within the strategy literature.  相似文献   

The search for competitive advantage is the defining inquiry of strategic management research. In this study, we draw on the dynamic capability lens to develop a counterintuitive view that positions competitors of a firm as an important source of competitive advantage. We argue that a firm's competitors form a competition network from which it can collect information about innovative ideas, product market, and related industries. Such information helps it calibrate market opportunities, update the resource base, and, eventually, strengthen its competitive advantage. This positive effect of competition network on competitive advantage will reasonably be contingent upon the proactive information search by the firm. The empirical results based on the survey data of 631 Chinese firms strongly support our theoretical model. This study identifies another distinctive source of competitive advantage than industry context or organizational resources as well as advancing our understanding of competition network.  相似文献   


This paper explores the nature and development of health care organizations in terms of a model of organizational healthiness. The model places particular emphasis on the psychosocial subsystems which describe the subjective organization. These represent the perceived internal functioning of the organization in terms of task completion, problem solving and staff development. The implications of such a model for the well-being of health care staff and for the evaluation of service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance since competition is no longer between organizations, but among supply chains. This research conceptualizes and develops five dimensions of SCM practice (strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship, level of information sharing, quality of information sharing, and postponement) and tests the relationships between SCM practices, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. Data for the study were collected from 196 organizations and the relationships proposed in the framework were tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that higher levels of SCM practice can lead to enhanced competitive advantage and improved organizational performance. Also, competitive advantage can have a direct, positive impact on organizational performance.  相似文献   

Health Lean Management (HLM) is usually implemented to enhance the operational performance in health care; nevertheless, scant attention is devoted to visual control and daily accountability processes. This paper aims at investigating how to adopt a visual management system to: plan and control patient journey in health care operations and perform a continuous improvement process. Conducting in-depth interviews and observations, participating in meetings and collecting documentation, the patient journey board and daily briefings of an Intensive Care Unit were studied and improved. In the patient journey board, the Plan, Do and Check phases were reported, distinguishing between actual and planned actions for the patient care. The daily meetings were organised and a continuous improvement board was also developed to solve specific issues (Act phase), by creating ad-hoc teams, involving the staff and reporting transparently on the board. Operational and sociotechnical performance, before and after the adoption of HLM, were assessed demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of visual management tools.  相似文献   


Aggression towards health care staff has become the focus for research as well as for government intervention. Negative effects upon staff and organizations have been established, yet few detailed explanations are offered for this aggression, and none represents the patient's perspective. This paper presents a model from the patient's perspective that takes account of situational variables, while also focusing upon patient cognitions. It also considers physiological responses related to arousal that might underpin aggression in an anxiety-provoking situation. In a previous study the frequency with which aggression was preceded by some anxiety-provoking event and the extent to which assailants displayed diminished cognitive processing were established; these were incorporated into the model. Increased anxiety commonly experienced by patients can have a negative effect upon cognitive processing. Anxiety generates a hyper-vigilance for threatening stimuli, induces selective attentional bias for threat, and causes a narrowing of attention, thus reducing cues and information upon which to make accurate appraisals and attributions. With such impairments, patients may make negative rather than positive attributions regarding actions of staff, which are frequently anxiety provoking. Thus, patients perceive staff behaviour as threatening rather than benign, and in the absence of positive attributions it will invoke an aggressive response. What health care staff perceive as aggression may be seen by patients as a defence against perceived attack. Changes in policy that take this into account may reduce future aggressive incidents.  相似文献   

Aggression towards health care staff has become the focus for research as well as for government intervention. Negative effects upon staff and organizations have been established, yet few detailed explanations are offered for this aggression, and none represents the patient's perspective. This paper presents a model from the patient's perspective that takes account of situational variables, while also focusing upon patient cognitions. It also considers physiological responses related to arousal that might underpin aggression in an anxiety-provoking situation. In a previous study the frequency with which aggression was preceded by some anxiety-provoking event and the extent to which assailants displayed diminished cognitive processing were established; these were incorporated into the model. Increased anxiety commonly experienced by patients can have a negative effect upon cognitive processing. Anxiety generates a hyper-vigilance for threatening stimuli, induces selective attentional bias for threat, and causes a narrowing of attention, thus reducing cues and information upon which to make accurate appraisals and attributions. With such impairments, patients may make negative rather than positive attributions regarding actions of staff, which are frequently anxiety provoking. Thus, patients perceive staff behaviour as threatening rather than benign, and in the absence of positive attributions it will invoke an aggressive response. What health care staff perceive as aggression may be seen by patients as a defence against perceived attack. Changes in policy that take this into account may reduce future aggressive incidents.  相似文献   


The term ‘workforce development’ is increasingly popular in the health-care field. It appears to encompass a range of human and organizational development activity. However, there has been limited explication of the concept of workforce development in Australian health care at area health service levels. It is timely to develop a framework for workforce development and processes to guide any evaluation of the implementation of workforce development strategies. This paper presents a framework that has been developed through consultative processes in an area health service and an associated review of literature.  相似文献   

作为竞争优势重要前因的顾客价值:一个实证研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
迈克尔·波特与Woodruff 都提出顾客价值是竞争优势的源泉的观点,但至今尚没有实 证. 现采用两阶段论证法,首先借鉴已有的相关研究和实证数据论证顾客忠诚是竞争优势的前 因,然后通过总结消费者行为倾向前因的已有研究成果,将顾客价值纳入其中,利用货车柴油 发动机市场上获得的调查数据,证明了顾客价值是顾客忠诚的最重要前因,得出了顾客价值是 竞争优势的重要前因的结论.  相似文献   

基于动态能力的中介视角,研究了网络结构的三维度与企业竞争优势的关系。首先在对文献回顾的基础上提出研究假设,而后通过对360份有效问卷的分析,得出了如下结果,即动态能力在网络强度、网络密度与竞争优势之间的完全中介作用成立,而在网络中心度与竞争优势之间的部分中介作用成立。  相似文献   

Our current views of economic competition are still rooted in the imagery of the isolated firm that transacts with its buyers, suppliers, and competitors via largely anonymous factor and product markets. Yet this view is fundamentally at odds with the growing importance of business groups in the global economy. We thus need a reconceptualized version of our idea of economic competition, which is capable of explaining competitive advantage at the group-versus-group rather than firm-versus-firm level of analysis. In the present paper we build on insights derived from organizational sociology and organizational economics to develop a business group-level theory of competition and competitive advantage based on embedded competencies.
Stelios C. Zyglidopoulos (Corresponding author)Email:

本文在综合和提炼了企业诚信与竞争优势的相关理论基础上,将企业诚信分为三个维度,分别是信用水平、品牌、利益相关者信任;将竞争优势分为销售业绩、发展潜力、管理绩效三个维度.本文分析了企业诚信三维度与竞争优势三维度之间的相关和回归关系,研究结论有利于企业诚信建设.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a short-term participatory intervention in health care institutions in Norway on workers' control, other job characteristics, job stress, subjective health and job satisfaction. Participants (including managers and supervisors) were randomly allocated to intervention groups and to a control group. Actions to solve problems based on the employees' own perceptions of the main problems were seen as the key motivators for organizational improvement and increased control at the task and office level in the work situation. The main stressors identified by the participants in this study were lack of information, communication and respect between professions, as well as the need for professional and personal development. The participatory intervention had a positive, but limited effect on work-related stress, job characteristics, learning climate and management style, and seemed to have started a beneficial change process. There were no negative short-term effects on work-related stress and job demands. Organizational interventions may be a potential training ground for acquiring participatory skills and resources, and if sustained after the intervention period, they can have long-term effects on problem solving, job stress and employee satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationships among competitive strategy, supply chain strategy, and business performance while examining the moderating effect of environmental uncertainty. A total of 604 questionnaires were collected from three cities in China, and the statistical results show significant moderating effects of external environment on the relationships among competitive strategy, supply chain strategy, and business performance. Firms that primarily focus on a differentiation strategy emphasize an agile supply chain strategy. Cost leaders are inclined to implement both lean and agile supply chain strategies, but their emphasis on agile strategy is significantly greater in a volatile environment than in a stable environment. The choice of supply chain strategy does not appear to be an “either‐or” decision and firms could adopt either a lean or an agile strategy, or both, depending on the environment. This article provides significant managerial implications for supply chain practitioners to co‐align supply chain strategy and competitive strategy with the environment to improve performance.  相似文献   

竞争优势是战略管理研究领域的核心概念。但是,现有文献对竞争优势的理解与分析视角存在着诸多差异,导致竞争优势的分析单位也不尽相同。为推动竞争优势理论的整合,本文从双重视角审视竞争优势的概念及代表性研究,并提出把产品作为竞争优势基本分析单位的分析逻辑与重要意义,为竞争优势理论的整合和发展提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

This article presents a research that examines the relationship of quality of service (QoS) and organisational performance in a manufacturing setting. There are few empirical studies that measure QoS in the manufacturing supply chain. A model linking QoS with organisational performance through intermediate variables of satisfaction, loyalty and competitive advantage is introduced and tested in the internal supply chain of three automotive organisations. The research design for this article includes a combination of literature review, exploratory interviews with scholars and practitioners, and a survey of 156 practitioners in three automotive companies in North India. Structural equation modelling has been used for data analysis. This research comes out with four factor scale for internal service quality and six-factor scale for external service quality. The research revealed that employee-driven QoS is a source of value addition that is positively linked with the organisational performance. This study would be of interest to manufacturing industry practitioners interested in internal and external service quality improvements. Future researchers could validate this scale, and empirically test the proposed model.  相似文献   

在当前超强竞争时代,组织学习、核心竞争能力和战略柔性,越来越成为企业竞争的焦点问题,成为企业营造持久的动态竞争优势的战略武器.本文在对前人有关研究进行回顾、总结和归纳的基础上,开创性地把企业核心竞争能力划分为技术能力、市场营销能力和整合能力这三个关键构成要素,识别出组织学习的三个关键维度,深入剖析了战略柔性的内涵与本质,并在此基础上,论述了它们之间的互动关系及其对企业竞争绩效的影响.最后,本文以来自中国企业的实际调研数据为基础,运用基于偏最小二乘法的结构方程模型(SEM),对上述问题进行了实证分析,剖析了本项研究对中国企业管理的启示.  相似文献   

The Violent Incident Form (VIF) is a practical instrument that has been developed for the registration of all types of threatening and violent behaviour directed toward staff in health care work environments. The instrument uses a broad definition of violence that encompasses verbal aggression and threats. A 1-page checklist, the VIF, summarizes key aspects of the violent incident, identifying the circumstances, perpetrator, event, and consequences. Results from a 15-week pilot study as well as a follow-up study of the instrument's test-retest reliability are presented. The VIF was then introduced at 47 health care workplaces and used for a period of 12 months. During this period, 684 incidents were recorded by 32 workplaces. Of these, only 147 incidents (21 %) were also filed as official work injury reports. The checklist is based on the principle that all kinds of violent events must be included if an accurate assessment of violence at the workplace is to be made. The VIF is not intended as a replacement for official work injury reports, but as a complement, focusing more specifically on the nature of the violent incident. It is presented here as a research tool for studying violence in today's health care environments. Further work is needed to assess the use of the VIF as a learning tool, and as a possible catalyst for the development of effective violence management programmes.  相似文献   

价格促销对品牌资产的影响:竞争反应的高地作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在价格促销对品牌资产的影响方面,学者们并没有形成共识,原因之一是学者们忽视了竞争者的反应行为,本文旨在探讨竞争反应对这种影响关系的调节作用。本文通过2(品牌资产梯队)×8(竞争反应)的实验设计研究表明,对不同品牌资产梯队的品牌,价格促销对品牌资产的影响存在差异;竞争反应对这种影响关系具有调节作用;竞争对手的影响主要来自同梯队品牌,相反梯队品牌的影响不显著。本文对深入了解价格促销对品牌资产的影响具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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