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在分析皖江城市带能源消费现状的基础上,运用DEA效率评价模型研究了皖江城市带各城市的能源效率问题。从产出导向型研究结果看,除了马鞍山、合肥和滁州的能源效率达到相对最优外,其他地市均未达到最优,表明皖江城市带能源资源没有充分利用造成了资源浪费,各种能源消费结构不合理,能源对经济的贡献还有较大的改进空间。最后从优化能源消费...  相似文献   

<正> 1949年上海解放时接管的上海城市公共交通是一个经营混乱的烂摊子。在党的领导下,从接收、改造和发展,50年来上海的公共交通技术不断进步。回顾进展的步伐如下: 解放后,首先着手整顿旧有车辆,恢复汽车、电车的安全运营。接着又碰到了轰炸、禁运,就采用木炭车和研制白煤车,并制出  相似文献   

20世纪后期,美国科学哲学界的后起之秀拉瑞·劳丹提出了他独具特色的以解决问题为核心的科学进步的合理性模式,在学术界产生了极大的影响。本文从科学进步的实质——解决问题、研究传统理论以及科学进步的合理性三个方面来阐述劳丹科学进步观的主要思想,审视其思想存在的合理性和局限性,并对其作简要评述。  相似文献   

拙语 《老年世界》2008,(1):18-18
修改后的《节约能源法》于2007年10月2813经全国人大常委会表决通过。能源生产经营单位今后不得向本单位职工无偿提供能源,任何单位不得对能源消费实行包费制。  相似文献   

自20世纪后期中东爆发两次石油危机以来,国际社会加强了油气供应多元化的努力,但中东在全球能源结构中的重心地治结构性矛盾所导致的乱局将长期影响国际石油安全、国际油价稳定以及石油运输,域外大国在中东的利益博弈也将对中东能源流动产生深刻影响。但从总体态势看,中东乱局并未导致国际能源市场剧烈动荡,中东地缘政治变化对国际能源市场的影响整体呈下降趋势。这源于中东的全球能源中心地位正逐步下降、国际能源市场日益成熟以及中东冲突并未危及地区主要能源供应国家。  相似文献   

美国新任总统奥巴马已经走马上任,根据他的竞选演说及其过渡政府的举动,可简单地窥测到其政府的新能源政策:建立新清洁能源政策,每年投资15亿美元发展安全核能和清洁煤炭技术;强调保护环境以应对气候变化,启动"总量控制和碳排放交易"系统,2020年前将温室气体排放降低到1990年水平,2050年前再减少80%;实施"绿色能源计划",清洁能源投资不仅能减少美国对外国石油的依赖,而且将创造500万个就业机会,帮助美国走出经济危机.  相似文献   

刘松  吉宇琴 《城市观察》2023,(2):97-109+162
休闲消费是满足居民美好生活需要的重要内容,其规模和结构极易受到住房价格的影响。通过构建多指标评价体系并采集1999—2020年面板数据,对我国城镇居民休闲消费潜力进行综合测度,进而实证研究住房价格对休闲消费潜力的影响。研究发现:(1)收入水平、生活成本、家庭资产、家庭负担、消费意愿和休闲供给是影响居民休闲消费潜力的主要因素。其中,住房价格通过财富效应、挤出效应和抵押品效应三种可能渠道产生影响。(2)住房价格正向影响城镇居民休闲消费潜力,表现出明显的财富效应和抵押品效应。然而,由于住房价格极具敏感性,同时居民消费心理有着复杂性、差异性和不稳定性,因此住房价格对休闲消费潜力的未来影响尚不明朗。(3)从区域比较结果来看,中部地区住房价格对城镇居民休闲消费潜力的影响相对较大。基于此,文章从住房政策调整、产业结构优化、居民消费引领和城市休闲建设等方面给出了进一步释放居民休闲消费潜力的政策建议。  相似文献   

廖茂林 《城市》2016,(10):41-46
随着资源环境问题不断加剧,欧洲各国越来越重视利用税收政策引导绿色经济发展.与此同时,随着宏观经济形势的变化,我国经济进入了发展的新常态,经济结构面临转型和升级,对资源的节约利用提出了新的要求.笔者基于税种和税收优惠两个角度分析了欧洲国家促进绿色经济发展的税收政策经验,通过借鉴国外的成功经验以期对我国新常态下可再生能源改革提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

杨仲舒 《城市》2022,(7):3-16
笔者通过非径向距离函数对2011年—2018年京津冀地区能源环境效率进行度量,并分析其影响因素。2011年—2018年,保定市能源环境效率均值最高,其次为天津市,再次为北京市。从京、津、冀三地来看,天津市能源环境效率整体表现较好,北京市其次,河北省相对较差。2011年—2016年,京津冀地区能源环境效率低于珠三角地区和长三角地区;2017年—2018年,京津冀地区能源环境效率高于珠三角地区和长三角地区。从京津冀地区能源环境效率影响因素来看,地区的金融发展水平和投资水平不利于地区能源环境效率提升,地区的创新水平和城镇化水平能够显著提升能源环境效率。由此,笔者提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) is continuously making astounding progress in technical efficiency. The time, space, material and energy needed to provide a unit of IT service have decreased by three orders of magnitude since the first personal computer (PC) was sold. However, it seems difficult for society to translate IT’s efficiency progress into progress in terms of individual, organizational or socio-economic goals. In particular it seems to be difficult for individuals to work more efficiently, for organizations to be more productive and for the socio-economic system to be more sustainable by using increasingly efficient IT. This article provides empirical evidence and potential explanations for this problem. Many counterproductive effects of IT can be explained economically by rebound effects. Beyond that, we conclude that the technological determinism adopted by decision-makers is the main obstacle in translating IT’s progress into non-technical goals.
Lorenz M. HiltyEmail:

对上海33个工业行业能源消耗、二氧化碳排放结构变化因素的研究发现:1.上海工业能耗和碳排放主要集中在石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业、化学原料及化学制品制造业和黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业。2.化学原料及化学制品制造业是上海工业能耗、碳排放的重点行业,从变化因素分析,能源消耗、碳排放强度的增长是能耗上升、碳排放增加的最主要因素。黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业对节能减排的贡献度最显著,从变化因素分析,能源消耗、碳排放强度的变化是推进节能减排的主要因素。3.化学原料及化学制品制造业和黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业可以通过内部产品结构的调整和升级赢得持续发展的空间,但是石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业的发展需要对企业结构的区域布局。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze to what extent corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributes to strong sustainability, i.e. to what extent the use of natural resources and the environment is possible, given the current level of economic activity. We therefore examine responsibilities that corporations should take in order to fulfil the requirements of strong sustainability. Based on current CSR practices and theory as well as on businesses motivations regarding environmental and social investments, we will introduce the role of corporations in influencing consumption patterns. Furthermore, we will attempt to answer to what extent responsible corporate behaviour is determined by the current economic system.  相似文献   

This paper described new trends of leisure consumption in China.  相似文献   

解读星巴克消费现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄惠谊 《城市观察》2010,(1):180-187
星巴克咖啡店是近年来的消费热点名词,越来越多人喜欢上星巴克。随着它的“绿色美人鱼”图标开始成为咖啡文化的象征,星巴克消费现象更加吸引学者的注意。本文试从消费者的角度来解读这种星巴克消费现象,以全球化、好去处、消费空间的理论概念来阐述星巴克的消费现象的产生、表现的特征,并试图寻求它与全球化、好去处、消费空间之间的关系。  相似文献   

The article aims to specifically consider the effect of the enlargement of markets, resulting from the process of transition in Central and Eastern European countries, on the structure of household consumption. On the basis of a discriminatory analysis performed on recent data published by OECD and Eurostat, this study proposes to address three main questions: if during transition the household consumption patterns, measured by budget shares, have changed; if from this point of view, Central and Eastern European countries are similar between them and diverge from Western ones; if today there are any signs of convergence between the two groups of countries. The dissimilarity in budget share in Eastern and Western countries is proven and persistent, appearing greater in real terms than in nominal ones. On the one hand, Engel’s law is confirmed, given that at lower income levels the percentage of food consumption is greater, even though in real terms the absolute level of consumption of food has, in most cases, been reduced. On the other hand, the historical experience of Eastern countries is evident in the prolonged productive-distributive role of the State, especially in the field of essential services: home, schooling, and health.  相似文献   

在我国能源安全面临的一系列重大问题中,能源领域的政策规划薄弱,法律保障制度建设与管理体制改革滞后,能源供应与能源安全保障体系缺乏相关政策、法律和制度的保障。只有真正做到政策、法律和管理体制“三位一体”,才能确保国家能源安全。本文从能源安全体系建构的理论和实践出发,借鉴西方能源安全战略实践,从政策、法律和管理体制等角度,对我国能源安全体系的内在机制建构进行分析,旨在为我国与中东能源合作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   


Fifteen faculty from graduate schools of social work and staff from three social work organizations were interviewed by telephone for this qualitative study to describe utilization of technology. Schools were engaged in technology activities that ranged from basic to special technology projects. For the most part there was unevenness in the use of technology within each school and between schools. A number of themes emerged. Eleven recommendations are given to help schools to become leaders in the field of social work and technology.  相似文献   

蔡中为 《科学发展》2011,(12):39-46
自2003年中国第一条准高速铁路秦沈客运专线开通到2010年6月京沪高铁开通运营,中国高速铁路以世界瞩目的速度在发展。高速铁路的开通拉近了城市间的距离,中国逐渐进入"高铁时代",高铁经济也应运而生。但高速铁路在快速建设与发展过程中,也产生了一些值得思考的问题。我们在享受"高铁"带来便利的同时,也应反思与"高铁经济"相关的这些问题,以利于中国高速铁路建设和"高铁经济"的健康发展。  相似文献   

The energy and mass balance of Los Angeles County   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We conducted an urban “metabolic” study of inputs and outputs of food, water, energy, and pollutants from Los Angeles County, USA. This region has been the subject of recent debate about the nature of population density and distribution as it relates to urban form and associated environmental impacts. We found that with the exception of food imports and wastewater outputs, inputs of resources and outputs of pollutants generally declined on a per capita basis from 1990 to 2000. Reductions likely reflected a combination of changes in public policy, improvements in technology and public infrastructure, and impacts of increases in population density. However, in comparison to other municipalities and urban regions, resource consumption per capita was still relatively high in some categories, particularly inputs of water and transportation energy. Per capita greenhouse gas emissions were lower in Los Angeles County than for the average of the USA as a whole but higher than previous analyses of urban areas internationally, largely due to comparatively high emissions from the transportation sector. Wastewater discharge accounted for less than 40% of water inputs excluding precipitation; however the partitioning of water outputs through other potential losses, specifically evapotranspiration, runoff, and groundwater recharge, remains highly uncertain. We suggest that more detailed information about water losses will greatly improve future mass and energy accounting for analyses of urban environmental sustainability in this semi-arid region.  相似文献   

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