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This article responds to the curricular challenges teachers face with Holocaust education, including cursory treatments and a lack of focus on individual experiences. First, the author argues for a case-study approach to help students reengage concrete and complex features of the Holocaust as a point of departure for subsequent inquiry. In addition to providing a rationale and recommended content for teaching about the Holocaust, the author provides a case-study example in the form of a detailed historical explication of the Holocaust in Latvia. Last, the author situates this case study within social studies pedagogy and offers generative possibilities for practice.  相似文献   

Today we recognize that storytelling plays an important role in helping survivors of traumatic episodes such as sexual abuse, military combat, or genocide refashion a sense of self and “work through” their traumatic experiences. But before the Holocaust was named and widely acknowledged and the diagnosis of post‐traumatic stress had emerged, survivors of Hitler's genocidal policies struggled to tell their stories in a world that did not particularly wish to hear them. While most accounts of Holocaust survivors’ postwar experiences focus on themes of redemption, adjustment, and integration, my analysis of interviews with Holocaust survivors suggests during their first two decades living in the United States they were often silenced by individuals they encountered. I use Goffman's analysis of stigma to document how and why this silencing occurred, and with what consequences, providing an account of the interactions survivors had with family members, neighbors and acquaintances, and the strategies of identity management that survivors devised.  相似文献   

The Rwandan genocide was perhaps the most paradigmatic human rights catastrophe in the post-Holocaust era, which challenged the mantra of ‘never again’. Yet as we approach the twentieth anniversary, it remains a relatively marginalised entity within mainstream English education. This paper argues that a study of the Rwandan genocide introduces a number of important issues, which are not emphasised within Holocaust education. It also draws upon a small-scale empirical study of 41 teachers’ attitudes in England, perceptions and experiences of teaching the genocide in a range of disciplines and demonstrates emerging patterns on how it is integrated into curricula and individual lessons. It concludes by advocating the study of the Rwandan genocide in its own right and the importance of students appreciating its contemporary relevance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes what 30 elderly Jewish women said about suffering. Their views must be understood in the larger context of Jewish culture in America. A fundamental question here concerns the degree to which the Holocaust, the ultimate in suffering for Jews, is used as a personal comparison for the suffering of these women. Relatively few mentioned the Holocaust in their personal narrative of suffering. Nevertheless, the Holocaust was always a silent presence in these narratives. Our data analysis found seven themes in the in the interview material about suffering. These are: (1) a general lack of direct reference to the Holocaust as the exemplar of personal suffering; (2) a focus on the need to survive; (3) the pervasiveness of disease-related pain and discomfort; (4); miserable life experiences; (5) reviewing life and encountering the end of life; (6) discrimination; and (7) suffering as a cultural construct.Most people experience suffering at some point in their lives. Some may outlive their suffering, but most never forget it. While suffering at any one time may be intense, some people may grow away from this experience, particularly when their minds are set on other things. Narratives of suffering can become important personal testimonies and, for Jews, collective testimony. Accessing narratives of suffering through interviewing or conversation brings such experiences to the surface, painful as they might be. Yet each retelling of such a story represents a victory of sorts, as the teller says, “I am still here.”In this paper we examine narratives of suffering among 30 elderly American Jewish women age 80 and above. Nearly all were born in the United States, but were the first or second generation to be born here. While the emphasis on Americanism and becoming an American was quite strong among these immigrant generations and their children, a symbolic connection to the old country was still maintained through cultural praxis.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a 12-month Australian study exploring beliefs and experiences of disclosure and course success in post-compulsory education for 20 students with mental illness. Enrolled students with disclosed or non-disclosed mental illness, teaching and support staff, and institutional practices across four sites providing vocational education and training were the three cases selected for this collective case study. Students participated in two semi-structured interviews over the course of one academic year. Disclosure was not preferred by students, most fearing that it would negatively impact upon their capacity to obtain employment in the occupation for which they were training. Further research exploring the processes, timing and outcomes of disclosure, in a wide range of post-secondary settings and with larger numbers of students, would allow for a deeper exploration of issues raised by this small study.  相似文献   

This paper examines a number of variables that teachers must consider before beginning a study of the Holocaust with their students. Since Holocaust education should look very different depending upon the grade level of the students, it discusses how these variables come into play for different grades, as well as theoretical considerations for teaching the Holocaust in the classroom. It traces the history of Holocaust education in America's schools, discusses major approaches to presenting the topic, and explores the connection between Holocaust education and the teaching of morality.  相似文献   

Factors that have made it difficult for post-communist East European societies to integrate the Holocaust into their historical cultures include the communist heritage, which downplayed the specifically Jewish Holocaust; sensitivity to charges that a nation was complicit in the murder of the Jews; the framing of East European histories as national narratives into which it is difficult to incorporate the experience of other nations; the feeling that Jewish suffering is recognized, while that of other East Europeans is not; the positive re-evaluation of the interwar and wartime politics and culture after the collapse of communism; the survival and revival of anti-Semitism, with new inputs from the Middle East and from Western Holocaust deniers; the construction in the West of the Holocaust as a centrepiece of twentieth-century history; the influence of East European diasporas; the embedment of the discourse on the Holocaust in the political divide between nativists and Westernizers; the deployment of accusations of Holocaust collaboration as an instrument of foreign policy; and debate over the restitution of confiscated Jewish property. Often these factors come together into a reinforcing discursive structure. The essay’s conclusion suggests how to overcome these obstacles to the integration of the Holocaust into East European histories.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2000,16(2):141-153
The recent surge of interest in the study of children and childhood has brought with it a keener recognition of the diversity of growing-up. In this emerging geography, most attention has been given to the experiences and behaviours of urban children. Few studies have explicitly focused on what it is like to grow-up in the countryside, particularly within the United Kingdom today. In this paper we begin to address this hidden geography by reporting on a study undertaken within rural Northamptonshire. We explore some of the ways in which children encounter the countryside through their own experiences, and (re)examine the `rural’ from their own viewpoint. We uncover an alternative geography of exclusion and disenfranchisement. Rather than being part of an ideal community many children, especially the least affluent and teenagers, felt dislocated and detached from village life. Yet socio-spatial exclusion of this kind is also typical of many childhoods away from the rural and can relate to children almost anywhere. What particularly distinguishes a rural upbringing, however, is the sharp disjunction between the symbolism and expectation of the Good Life (the emblematic) and the realities and experiences of growing-up in small, remote, poorly serviced and fractured communities (the corporeal).  相似文献   

This research explores the ways in which the transmission of memory at Nazi sites of terror influences the construction of Holocaust descendant identity. Based on a qualitative study of 50 children of Holocaust survivors who visited Nazi sites of terror in Eastern and Western Europe, the study examines the interactive nature of Holocaust memorialization and the impact of site-specific memory on Holocaust identification among children of survivors. The findings of the study reveal that, as interactive frames of social remembrance, sites of terror serve as objects of memory in which Holocaust narratives are recalled and re-experienced through an emotional engagement with the traumas of the past. The interaction at Holocaust sites thus strengthens descendant identity formation through the arousal of anxiety and fear, the evocation of feelings of sorrow and loss, and the deepening of empathic ties between children and their survivor parents. As a study of the social inheritance of traumatic memory, the research offers new insights on the relationship between memorial culture and the role of memory in shaping survivor identities  相似文献   

This paper is based on a doctoral dissertation that examined various aspects of Holocaust education in two societies: the United States and Germany. This cross-national, ethnographic study attempted to shed light on the way in which the history of the Holocaust is taught in Germany. The observations made in this study are based on a longitudinal study of a 3 rd grade classroom in a New Jersey school. Rather than concentrating on the results of the dissertation, this paper discusses issues related to cross-national studies such as: analyzing US Holocaust Education as a German researcher (an outsider), communication between a German researcher and a US Teacher, and the relevance of the American Experience for German elementary school pedagogy. Der Beitrag basiert auf einer Dissertation, die die Frage diskutiert, ob und wie der Holocaust ein Thema für Grundschulkinder sein kann. Es handelt sich um eine interkulturelle ethnographische Studie mit dem Schwerpunkt USA und Deutschland. Intendiert wird nicht ein Vergleich, sondern durch die Untersuchung einer anderen kulturelle Perspektive soll die Diskussion in Deutschland differenziert werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine mehrja‐hrige Fallstudie des Unterrichts einer Lehrerin im 3. Schuljahr in New Jersey. Der Beitrag referiert weniger die inhaltlichen Ergebnisse, sondern konzentriert sich vielmehr auf die Problematik einer interkulturellen Studie: Auf die Analyse der amerikanischen Holocaust Education aus deutscher Perspektive, auf die Kommunikation zwischen einer deutschen Forscherin und einer amerikanischen Lehrerin und auf die Relevanz der amerikanischen Erfahrungen für die deutsche Grundschulpa‐dagogik.  相似文献   

Studying 12 books of Jewish authors who have survived the Holocaust two questions are examined: (1) What reasons do the authors give for their survival. (2) What are their personal problems that developed from their survival. The answers reconstructed from their works, which were read with biographic data in mind, are connected to the results of research focussing on trauma and salutogenesis. It is assumed that they own a high degree of validity and expressiveness for the questions posed. Next to external circumstances such as length of imprisonment, kind of assigned work, individual characteristics of the prison guard, and coincidence these are: extreme vigilance, total adaptation to the circumstances, avoidance of emotions, denial, constriction of reality, and existing positive object relations, help, the will to survive and hope. For the time after the Holocaust the authors in general speak of the impossibility to forget and to integrate their traumatic experiences into their self. Their motivation to write arose from the wish to testify, to show the uniqueness of their fate and to act preventively in regard of the future.  相似文献   

Drawing on sociological studies that document the regularity through which marginalized ethnic groups construct an ethnic identity, this article examines identity formation in the Jewish American context. A content analysis of 100 short stories written between 1946 and 1995 demonstrates how victim-oriented identities are created out of the more mundane experiences of everyday life. These stories, which were intended for consumption by Jewish American readers, describe daily life within the Jewish American community and, with surprising regularity, bring issues of victimization into the imagined experience for their readers. In addition, the analysis shows how Jewish American short story writers present the Holocaust, victimization, and anti-Semitism as contributing heavily to the processes of identity formation within the community. The discussion of the data concludes by arguing that, as the Jewish American community becomes further removed from the events of World War II, the Holocaust is becoming a more salient recurrent reality in the formation of a Jewish American identity that is increasingly tied to issues of victimization.  相似文献   

In the Mormon doctrine of posthumous baptism, people can be invited into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) community through baptism even after their death. When it was reported that the LDS had baptized Jewish Holocaust victims, this caused an uproar in the American Jewish community. The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Victims deemed the Mormon practice disrespectful and inappropriate. This study analyzes the news coverage of the negotiations between the group and the Mormon church. While such negotiations would typically be ripe for conflict-privileging coverage, news coverage of these negotiations actually emphasized peacemaking. Using the lens of narrative theory, this study found that, in reporting on negotiations between American Jews and Mormons, the press attempted to mend relations rather than emphasize conflict.  相似文献   

A quarter of a century has passed since lawmakers enacted the New Jersey Holocaust education mandate, and it seems responsible and timely to ask if it, the original Holocaust education mandate, actually encouraged substantive learning about the Holocaust. Despite repeated fanfare about the mandate and its inclusion in educational curricula throughout the state, no existing studies have tested its impact. To fill the gap, this article examines the effectiveness of the New Jersey Holocaust education mandate. It does this by reviewing and analyzing a survey of teacher candidates at a large public university in New Jersey to develop data on the knowledge and attitudes about the Holocaust. The teacher candidates comprised a pool whose primary and secondary education took place under the mandate and who intend to teach within the state-mandated framework. After a review of the current state of Holocaust education, the article examines the New Jersey mandate and curriculum more carefully. It then moves on to explore the results of a mixed-methods survey given to teacher candidates at a public university in that state to offer a measure of the mandate’s success. Finally, it ends with implications for revisions of curriculum and instruction.  相似文献   

This paper has two main parts. Its subject is the complementary experience of teaching overseas students on a Higher Degree course in social work, and of being an overseas student taught on such a course. After an introduction which surveys our knowledge about the experiences of overseas students generally in the UK it describes the particular experiences of a cohort of Hong Kong students at the University of Hull, and then, in a modest experiment with style and form, concludes with a section by two of the authors, Leung (a student) and Harris (an academic who selected and supervised her during her course), which constitutes a personalised account from the perspectives of consumer and provider.  相似文献   

Teaching about the Holocaust as an atrocity of the 1940s misleads students into thinking that it is a genocide occurred, that the world agreed “Never Again,” and that the United Nations would prevent future genocides. With genocides in Rwanda, Srebrenica, and Syria occurring in the years since the Holocaust, teachers need to use the Holocaust as a vehicle for teaching about and preventing future genocides. Five main points need to be taught to students, all of which can be shown in the Holocaust and other genocides, specifically: (1) the meaning of genocide and problems surrounding its early identification; (2) the idea that governments are not always ethical or moral; (3) the effectiveness of propaganda; (4) dehumanization; and (5) using one's voice to stand up against injustice.  相似文献   

none 《Slavonica》2013,19(2):119-138

The article presents the first in-depth examination of the representation of the Holocaust in the Soviet press during the period of its perpetration, 1941–1945. The article illustrates that alongside growing anti-Semitism, both among the population and the regime, Soviet journalists, primarily Il'ya Ehrenburg and Vasilii Grossman, reported on the suffering and murder of European Jewry. The article examines the Soviet presentation of Nazi racial theory and compares it to the representation of Nazi racial theory in the American and British press during the war. The article looks at the reasons behind Soviet press coverage of the Holocaust, such as the use of atrocities to motivate the people to fight. It also examines the way in which the Soviet press used the Nazi persecution of the Jewish population as a means of distinguishing the fascist and socialist systems and highlighting the equality of all peoples, which it claimed existed in the Soviet Union. The article examines the Soviet representation of the behaviour of the Jews under occupation, focusing on the three main attributes — resistance, dignity and the brotherhood of the peoples. In general, the article strives to illustrate that the Soviet press reported on the Holocaust during the war and recognized the racial nature of the Nazi persecution and extermination of European Jewry.  相似文献   

If textbooks are supposed to be an honest and impartial portrayal of historical events, they should remain the same over time. However, when examining one event across different editions of the same textbook, it becomes apparent that this is not the case. This study seeks to examine how the beginnings of the Cold War may have influenced how the Holocaust was discussed during the 1940s and 1950s. Results indicate that as Germany transformed from an enemy to be defeated into an ally needed to stop the advance of Communism, discussion of the Holocaust became more muted. While the beginnings of the Cold War may not be the only factor in this phenomenon, the results of this study indicate a methodological process in which textbooks could be used to create critical and historical thinking in today's classroom.  相似文献   

Sociolinguistics can contribute to our understanding of history by showing how language helps to develop and maintain a sense of a communal past. This paper focuses on the referring terms for the World War II experiences of European Jews and of Japanese Americans, as evinced through various sources of public discourse (newspapers, library cataloguing systems, book titles). The analysis of linguistic form and function combines with discussion of the social and cultural history of Holocaust awareness in the U.S. to show how the word Holocaust (as a referring term for the experience of European Jews) became part of an American lexicon. A comparison of this stable term with the variety of nouns and verbal expressions used to index the Japanese American experience allows us to more fully consider how language helps to create and preserve collective memory.  相似文献   

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