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在1994年的开罗人发大会上,强调妇女生殖健康、促进妇女获得生殖健康权利,倡导重新定位人口政策,将生殖健康、性健康服务内容扩大到计划生育服务之中。在开罗人发大会之后,为了贯彻人发大会精神,中国国家计划生育委员会确立了计划生育工作要实现工作思路和工作方法"两个转变"的工作方针,即由过去的强调人口指标管理为主向以服务对象为中心的方向转变;由过去提供单一的避孕节育服务向与生殖健康和妇女权益目标相结合的方向转变。作为实现"两个转变"重要途径的计划生育优质服务试点工作于1995年在山东省即墨市、江苏省盐都县、浙江省德…  相似文献   

生殖健康是近年来国际社会提出的一个新概念和新领域,研究影响生殖健康的因素已成为世界所关注的一个重要内容。本文从计划生育和妇女地位两个方面对生殖健康的影响因素进行了分析。通过研究表明,计划生育对生殖健康具有积极的促进作用,提高妇女地位是实现妇女生殖健康的根本保证。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍和分析当前世界范围内主要面临的妇女健康问题及其与计划生育之间的联系,阐述计划生育对改善妇女健康的作用。试图使人们更深入地理解计划生育对妇女所提供的帮助,特别是在生殖健康方面的直接帮助,以及间接地为妇女发展所创造的机会。  相似文献   

人口流动已成为我国现代化进程中的必然趋势,流动妇女尤其育龄妇女,长期以来是各级计划生育部门工作的重点方面。本文根据《北京市昌平区妇女维权项目基线调查》数据,分析了流动妇女在流入地已获得的计划生育服务状况.了解其计划生育,生殖健康方面的服务需求,深入思考了加强流动妇女计划生育服务工作所面临的四个问题.以期进一步完善流动人口管理服务体系。  相似文献   

计划生育技术服务工作是控制人口数量,提高人口素质,保障公民生殖健康权益的重要环节,计划生育药具服务和管理是技术服务工作的首要任务,全面推行计划生育药具服务精细化管理,对于构建和谐计生至关重要。  相似文献   

——保障妇女权益有利于实行计划生育。——实行计划生育有利于促进妇女解放。——贯彻计划生育基本国策,积极保护妇女权益。  相似文献   

为探索中国县区级计划生育/生殖健康机构在优质服务体现社会性别公平的程度,对M优质服务项目县的计划生育管理和服务机构进行了2次共9组典型组专题讨论调查。结果表明,在优质服务目标群体的权益保障和责任分担方面,服务领域明显拓宽,社会性别公平程度有了一定改善。但是由于传统计划生育管理模式与服务观念的影响,计生机构主要关注已婚育龄妇女的权益和风险,未婚、更年期女性和男性的生殖健康服务仍然存在欠缺。在两性共同责任分担方面,男性分担避孕生育责任的趋势开始出现,但现有服务资源与规范仍制约着男性参与的程度。  相似文献   

目前,许多地方正在将计划生育与帮助群众发展生产,提高生活质量和妇女生殖保健服务结合起来。其中重要的内容之一就是使妇女在实行计划生育时享有更大的知情权利和选择机会,通过加强各种服务保障母婴的健康。一些县、区正在开展优质服务,提出了相应的工作指标,其中降...  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,不断提高避孕药具优质服务水平,搞好生殖健康服务,切实维护群众生殖健康权益,2007年以来河北省保定市计划生育药具站对  相似文献   

国家计划生育委员会于1997年组织进行了全国人口与生殖健康抽样调查。本次调查的目的是回顾“八五”以来全国人口的变动趋势,掌握当前我国育龄人群的避孕情况、生殖健康现状,以及育龄群众对计划生育服务的需求,为进一步提高计划生育工作的管理水平和服务质量提供科...  相似文献   

董琳 《人口学刊》2005,(6):56-59
信息素质是科技工作者获取科技信息、拓展知识范围、提高自身素质和科研技术服务能力的内在要求。信息素质指信息意识和信息能力,在人口和计划生育科技人员中要开展有效的信息素质教育。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere has been a rise in induction of labour over recent decades. There is some tension in the literature in relation to when induction is warranted and when not, with variability between guidelines and practice. Given these tensions, the importance of shared decision-making between clinicians and women is increasingly highlighted as paramount, but it remains unclear to what extent this occurs in routine care.MethodUsing a scoping review methodology, quantitative and qualitative evidence were considered to answer the research question “What are the views, preferences and experiences of women and clinicians in relation to induction of labour more broadly, and practices of decision-making specifically?” To identify studies, the databases PubMed, Maternity and Infant Care, CINAHL and EMBASE were searched from 2008 to 2018, and reference lists of included studies were examined.Findings20 papers met inclusion criteria, in relation to (a) women’s preferences, experiences and satisfaction with IOL; (b) women’s experience of shared-decision making in relation to induction; (c) interventions that improve shared decision-making and (d) factors that influence decision-making from the perspective of clinicians. Synthesis of the included studies indicates that decision-making in relation to induction of labour is largely informed by medical considerations. Women are not routinely engaged in the decision making process with expectations and preferences largely unmet.ConclusionThere is a need to develop strategies such as decision aids, the redesign of antenatal classes, and clinician communication training to improve the quality of information available to women and their capacity for informed decision-making.  相似文献   

人口计生宣传教育为“先导”的重心和支点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宣传教育为先导的战略决策,是国家人口计生委党组书记、主任李斌同志2007年年底在河南召开全国农村人口文化建设工作现场会和在宁波市召开全国婚育新风进万家活动经验交流会上提出的重大战略思想。宣传教育为先导战略决策的提出,是在科学发展观指引下尊重思想政治工作、精神文明建设和人口计生工作客观规律,总结正反两方面工作经验教训的必然产物,是今后做好人口计生工作的元点工程。本文主要论述了为什么要先导,先什么、导什么,如何先导三个重大问题。  相似文献   

农村劳动力流动的特征、规律与农民增收   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农村劳动力流动具有地域特征、就业手段特征、流动性质特征。农村劳动力流动体现着三大规律,即动力规律、流动规模有限规律、推拉“双反”规律。这些特征和规律直接影响着农民收入的增加。推动农村劳动力流动、实现农民增收的途径:一是拓宽农业发展思路;二是加快乡镇企业发展;三是提高城镇化水平;四是鼓励农村外流劳动力回流创业。  相似文献   

The demographic aging of the older population itself has turned out as an issue of great scope, accumulating a large amount of research in recent years. In this context, the prediction or explanation is of much interest. However, little research has studied this prediction when some factors, such as age, gender, and perceived health are controlled, and also few studies have compared these effects in young old and oldest old populations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to test, in a multivariate context, the predictive effects of variables measuring social support, dependence/active perceptions, and generativity on satisfaction with life, while controlling for age, marital status, educational level, gender, and perceived health; examining young old and oldest old similitudes and differences in a little studied population, the Angolan elderly. The sample was formed by 1,003 participants, 737 were young old and 266 were oldest old. To test for the effects, a hierarchical regression was built up, in which age and predictor’s interactions were included. Results provide support for some differences in the pattern of relationships hold by young old and oldest old, with social support emerging as the major predictor of life satisfaction during the old age.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of practices and representations of mobility in supporting particular kinds of gender orders. While scholarship has shown the various ways women are materially and symbolically ‘fixed’ in place, less attention has been paid to how discourses and practices of mobility interface with systems of gender differentiation more broadly. This work is based on a robust empirical base of 55 interviews, 90 h of participant observation and an analysis of museum displays in Kalgoorile, Western Australia, an iconic frontier mining town selected for this investigation as a site of strongly bifurcated gender discourses. Analysing our field data through the lens of feminist theory which problematizes gender binaries, we argue that while some narrations of gender mobilities serve to reinforce gender binaries, lived practices of movement can also destabilise (idealised) notions of gendered movement. This paper extends conceptual work by advancing understanding about the role of mobility within systems of gender differentiation, showing how lived practices of mobility are just as likely to challenge idealised patterns of gendered movement as they are to reinforce these patterns.  相似文献   

失业率、年龄结构与人口迁移率的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用定性与定量相结合的方法,从理论及实践两种角度,对影响人口迁移的主要因素进行了分析,指出:人口年龄结构及失业率是人口迁移率大小的决定因素。在此基础上,对影响我国人口迁移的相关性因素进行了分析,并对 21世纪我国人口的迁移做了预测。  相似文献   

人力资源的基本特征及其开发利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人力资源是经济发源中的核心资源。本文论述了其重要性 ,提出它具有自然性和社会性的双重属性、主观能动性、再生性、时效性、高收益性和收益递增性五个基本特征 ,并结合中国国情对人力资源的开发利用问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

近年来,乡镇企业吸纳农村劳动力就业的能力呈下降趋势,究其原因主要有经营机制的变革、制度优势的消失、产业结构的低层次、地域布局的分散性、人力资本的低素质等,因此需要采取有效措施,提高乡镇企业吸纳劳动就业的能力,保障农民充分就业。  相似文献   


The present study examined levels and correlates of knowledge about osteoporosis among 176 Israeli-Jewish (mean age = 55) and 80 Israeli-Arab (mean age = 51) women. Levels of knowledge about the disease were low among all women, especially regarding some of the risk factors. Knowledge and awareness about the disease were especially deficient among Arab women. Younger age and lower education were the main vulnerability factors among Jewish women, and lower desire to seek information from the medical establishment, higher religiosity, and the lack of extended medical insurance among Arab women. Educational programs, geared to the needs and capabilities of the different ethnic populations, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

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