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In response to a steady decline in State funding, universities have become heavily involved in a variety of public private academic partnerships (PPAPs) in such areas as medical research, business incubation, technological commercialization, continuing professional education, and intercollegiate athletics. Despite this trend, research which examines if such partnerships actually enhance university funding is rare within the public organization literature. Given this, we focus on university intercollegiate athletics programs, which represent one of the largest PPAPs ever undertaken by universities, to examine whether PPAP success can potentially enhance university performance outcomes leading to increased funding levels. Such programs represent a PPAP because public, private, and academic entities all come together to form an organization (division 1 football at the bowl subdivision level) which seeks to benefit all three entities through sharing resources and responsibilities. Study results showed that athletic success positively influenced a variety of university performance outcome variables such as enrollments and endowments. While results indicate that PPAP success can enhance university funding, we also suggest modifications that should enhance the chances that PPAPs will be successful.  相似文献   

This paper recognizes the failure of management research to communicate with practitioners, and speculates over the reasons why this may be the case. It is possible that the researchers’ interests may not always coincide with management practitioners’; however, even when such interests are congruent, it seems that relatively little management research is published in practitioner journals. We suggest that this is because academic research is written in a style that tends to alienate most practitioners. This paper isolates the stylistic conventions associated with research targeted to academics (typically published in academic journals) and research targeted to practitioners (typically published in practitioner‐oriented journals). Such stylistic differences are illustrated through a study of organizational change whose findings have been published in both academic and practitioner format, namely in the Administrative Science Quarterly and the Harvard Business Review. We suggest that the gap between these two types of research could be narrowed through processes of translation (i.e. academic jargon could be translated in practitioner language). In addition we might consider greater use of Mode 2 research over Mode 1 research (academic). Mode 2 research presupposes that teams of academics and practitioners assemble to define the research problem and methodology in terms appropriate to a particular context and in a way that accounts for all existing interests so that translation processes are seamless. However, Mode 2 creates its own gap in that the knowledge is more contextual and may not reach a wide audience.  相似文献   

The special issue focuses on the theory and evidence linking the use of Big Data related technologies by businesses with their performance. Here we connect the papers accepted for the special issue to the overarching theme of Big Data as an emerging concept within the business management literature. We present two prominent case studies examining the use Big Data technologies on performance and strategy, followed by a discussion on how themes around Big Data and Performance may be examined from a theoretical perspective. Finally, based on a synthesis of papers in the current issue, we discuss the emerging issues and trends within the academic literature, relevant for future research.  相似文献   

伍之昂  赵新元  黄宾  吴刚 《管理科学》2021,24(6):117-126
传统的模型驱动的决策范式正在演变成大数据驱动的决策新范式,国家自然科学基金委员会于2015年启动了“大数据驱动的管理与决策研究”重大研究计划,以推动我国管理学领域大数据的基础研究.本文以重大研究计划资助的14个项目的文本信息,及2012年~2019年在51种管理类重要国际期刊上发表的近6000篇论文为基础,利用文本挖掘与文献计量方法,从词粒度和主题粒度展开比较分析,并对部分以大数据作为关键词的文献按研究方向进行分类分析.对比分析结果清晰地呈现出大数据驱动的研究在管理学领域的研究态势和创新脉络;剖析国内学者与国际领域主流关注的焦点与异同;揭示出大数据驱动的管理与决策方向上研究热点及其演化趋势,以及未来值得深入研究的一些科学问题.  相似文献   


When supply chain management (SCM) intersects with Big Data Analytics (BDA), uncountable opportunities for research emerge. Unfortunately, how analytics can be applied to supply chain processes is still unclear for both academics and industries. To better connect SC processes needs and what BDA offer, we present a structured review of academic literature that addresses BDA methods in SCM using the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model. The literature since 2001 is reviewed to provide a taxonomy framework resulting in a nomenclature grids and a SCOR-BDA matrix. The most important result of this paper indicates a clear disparity and points to an urgent need to bring the efforts closer in a collaborative way for more intelligent use of BDA in SCM. Furthermore, this paper highlights a misalignment between data scientists and SC managers in BDA applicability. It also highpoints upcoming research tracks and the main gaps that need to be stunned.  相似文献   

从对当前我国管理学名词术语的一些疑惑,提出管理学在中国发展过程中的一些问题;从对我国管理科学基础研究主渠道研究经费使用的指导思想的解读,明确管理学在中国发展的终级目标是"创建管理科学的中国学派";通过对世界级的管理大师德鲁克管理思想的分析,支持了"基金委"管理科学部制订的管理科学的战略目标;从学术期刊的视角道出了《管理学报》对这一战略目标的憧憬和努力,并期待着管理学者、专家对《管理学报》的关注、指导和支持!  相似文献   

杨斌  陈坤 《管理学报》2012,9(9):1405-1410
全球化和知识经济时代动荡复杂的环境,对中国企业的组织形态和人力资源管理模式形成了严峻挑战。同时,近年来主流西方管理理论在中国遭遇的"水土不服",也需要中国管理学界在深刻反思的基础上积极探索中国式管理之路。基于对组织和人力资源管理领域回应现实课题和理论创新的双重要求,2012年5月26~27日在南开大学商学院召开的首届"中国人力资源管理论坛(2012):组织创新与人力资源管理变革"学术研讨会上,与会学者就中国人力资源管理的挑战和学科建设方向、人力资源管理研究的方法论、战略人力资源管理、组织行为与领导力、组织学习与变革等专题进行了深入研讨。鉴于此,在介绍诸多学术观点的基础上,对相关问题进行简要评述。  相似文献   

Big data and analytics (BDA) are gaining momentum, particularly in the practitioner world. Research linking BDA to improved organizational performance seems scarce and widely dispersed though, with the majority focused on specific domains and/or macro‐level relationships. In order to synthesize past research and advance knowledge of the potential organizational value of BDA, the authors obtained a data set of 327 primary studies and 1252 secondary cited papers. This paper reviews this body of research, using three bibliometric methods. First, it elucidates its intellectual foundations via co‐citation analysis. Second, it visualizes the historical evolution of BDA and performance research and its substreams through algorithmic historiography. Third, it provides insights into the field's potential evolution via bibliographic coupling. The results reveal that the academic attention for the BDA–performance link has been increasing rapidly. The study uncovered ten research clusters that form the field's foundation. While research seems to have evolved following two main, isolated streams, the past decade has witnessed more cross‐disciplinary collaborations. Moreover, the study identified several research topics undergoing focused development, including financial and customer risk management, text mining and evolutionary algorithms. The review concludes with a discussion of the implications for different functional management domains and the gaps for both research and practice.  相似文献   

文理 《管理学报》2011,8(2):179-185
以中医学的五行学说"生长化收藏"各自功能状态的特征和顺应自然气候的人类养生原则为视角,分别依次对应"生长化收藏"不同阶段,论述了"管理学在中国"的科学研究、教育培训、管理实践、学术组织、应用领域5个主要特征方面在学术上和谐发展的设想。最后指出,现阶段需要加强在学术上的科学研究工作,并且以"生长化收藏"系统性的动态观念提出,在"管理学在中国"的各个不同的学术发展阶段中,需要学术带头人遵循"生长化收藏"规律,运用知识管理理论,对不同阶段进行引导和调整。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of accounting standards on systematic earnings understatement. To isolate the effect of reporting regulations from those of other institutional drivers of earnings management, Holthausen (2003) proposes analyzing reporting practices in a country undergoing a transition in accounting standards. We respond to this call by analyzing earnings management practices of large German-listed companies before and after their transitions from German GAAP to IFRS. Specifically, we focus on Big Bath behavior following Chief Financial Officer turnovers between 1999 and 2006. Our findings provide evidence of the effect of accounting standards on the existence of this particular earnings understatement pattern. However, while we detect Big Bath behavior for our sample of German GAAP firms, we find no such indication for those firms reporting under IFRS. Controlling for alternative explanations such as self-selection bias does not change our findings. We conclude that accounting standards seem to have a considerable influence on earnings management behavior, independent of managers’ and auditors’ incentives.  相似文献   

Globalization and other dramatic, world-changing developments have all too frequently taken academic researchers by surprise. Within this dynamic, turbulent environment, international business (IB) researchers must comprehend increasingly complex, multicultural, cross-border activities and organizing systems while providing relevant results to the field. To build and sustain relevance, the international research paradigm must expand to incorporate not only the analysis of historical trends and events but also research frameworks and methods geared to investigation of the future. With this expanded research ‘tool kit’, we will be better able to anticipate and address the ‘Big Questions’ confronting global business operations in the twenty-first century.This paper examines the capabilities of the Delphi Method of scientific inquiry as one such tool which is responsive to the challenging demands of our discipline and describes recent innovations that enhance the Delphi's application to international management research. As this paper demonstrates, the Delphi Method is particularly well-suited to emerging research themes that call on IB researchers to interpret intricate sets of entities, activities, and relationships. Based on conclusions drawn from a summary of recent Delphi studies, recommendations are offered for maximizing the benefits of this method for international research.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various styles of management that are commonly employed for managing team-based programs and projects in many manufacturing industries. It analyzes the characteristics of each style with respect to the needs for decomposing the goals into smaller chunks in a team-based organization or in a program. Three styles of management were considered at Electronic Data Systems (EDS) for this analysis. Based on the experiences of applying each style during various team-based programs at EDS, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Unigraphics Solutions accounts and from the varying degree of success achieved then, the paper points out which management style is well suited for managing this decomposed set of goals and why. It then analyzes which style is best suited for managing a team-based organization. As W. Edward Deming said in his book The New Economics, setting a particular numerical goal accomplishes nothing. Setting a method to achieve a common set of consistent goals is important. Clear and consistent set of decomposed goals provides a `constancy-of-purpose.' Without a common subset of consistent goals identified for each concurrent team (decomposed from its original sets), the product development teams do not know what is expected from each other and how to accomplish the tasks concurrently. Finally, the paper discusses why a management style, which is based on a set of constancy-of-purpose (governing) principles, is considered superior for managing a team-based organization.  相似文献   

陈国权 《管理学报》2007,4(6):719-728,747
主要回顾了国家自然科学基金项目学习型组织的学习能力系统、学习导向人力资源管理系统及其相互关系研究(70272007)所提出的理论观点和实际应用成果,包括组织学习和学习型组织的概念、模型、组织学习能力测量问卷OLCQ;学习导向人力资源管理系统的概念、维度、测量问卷LOHRMQ;学习导向人力资源管理对组织学习能力的影响;其他与人有关的管理措施对组织学习能力的影响;所提出的组织学习和学习型组织、学习导向人力资源管理的理论在中国企业的应用研究及研究发现。最后,介绍了取得的学术成果和实践成就,指出了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   


The ongoing digital transformation on industry has so far mostly been studied from the perspective of cyber-physical systems solutions as drivers of change. In this paper, we turn the focus to the changes in data management resulting from the introduction of new digital technologies in industry. So far, data processing activities in operations management have usually been organised according to the existing business structures inside and in-between companies. With increasing importance of Big Data in the context of the digital transformation, the opposite will be the case: business structures will evolve based on the potential to develop value streams offered on the basis of new data processing solutions. Based on a review of the extant literature, we identify the general different fields of action for operations management related to data processing. In particular, we explore the impact of Big Data on industrial operations and its organisational implications.  相似文献   

The Journal of International Management (JIM) is a leading international academic journal in the field of international business. This study presents a retrospect of the publications in JIM for the last 25 years (as JIM was founded in 1995) through a bibliometric methodology using the Scopus database and Web of Science. The study graphically maps the bibliographic material using VOS viewer software and applies co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and co-occurrence of author keywords. We identify that the journal has expanded consistently and steadily in terms of both number of publications and citations. The collaboration network has expanded over the years, and the geographical focus is more global, encompassing Asia and Oceania. Bibliographic coupling of JIM publications reveals several distinct, major themes in the international management/business domain. Conventional international management themes that have emerged include market entry modes, globalization, international human resource management, cross-cultural management/leadership, and expatriate management. New emerging themes include emerging markets, global sourcing, innovation performance, digital firms, diversity of global teams, internationalization in uncertain environments, and virtual teams. A summary of the shifting research trends and themes in the discipline and their development is presented in this review, culminating in future directions for prospective publishers of JIM.  相似文献   

In line with increased attention on the application of cognitive approaches to industrial, work and organizational psychology, the last 40 years have witnessed a growing interest in application of the cognitive style construct to the field of business and management. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we wish to advance understanding of cognitive styles research by elucidating trends and perspectives related to business and management. Second, we identify gaps in the literature and promising areas of research that can be further developed. This is accomplished by means of a review of papers published between 1969 and 2009. Eight themes emerged from our analysis: (a) vocational and occupational issues; (b) national culture; (c) teamwork and interpersonal relationships; (d) learning; (e) decision making; (f) creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; (g) sales and marketing; and (h) management information systems, information management and use. Third, we identify valid and reliable methods of assessment of cognitive style for use in business and management settings. Finally we draw a number of conclusions regarding the current state of cognitive styles research and promising directions for future research.  相似文献   

Conceptualizing growth trajectories of organizations in organismic terms describing transitions through a series of stages, from birth to maturity, has considerable intuitive appeal. Recently, the assumptions underpinning the life‐cycle perspective (growth is linear, sequential, deterministic and invariant) have been argued not to pertain to organizations. This paper reviews the literature on life‐cycle growth models, traces the development of a growing sophistication of conceptualizing growth and highlights some of the limitations of the literature. The authors make a contribution by proposing an alternative conceptual framework for thinking about growing businesses. The framework consists of two dimensions. First, a typology of key issues that are likely to be faced by all growing firms, and the discussion is shaped by M. Gladwell's (The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Boston: Little Brown, 2000) notion of ‘tipping points’. The second dimension is developed by drawing on the knowledge management literature and the concept of absorptive capacity ( Cohen, W.M. and Levinthal, D.A. (1990 ). Absorptive capacity: a new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35 , 128–152). This concept is applied to a discussion of the state of an organization regarding its ability to absorb and use new knowledge. Further, it is suggested that the framework has value for both policy and practice and can be used for the design and specification of interventional support and, to identify and evaluate their impact. If interventions are to help firms to grow, they must provide the right knowledge or support in forms that the firm can utilize. Together, these two dimensions provide a framework to examine firm growth issues and to analyse the effectiveness of different interventions on firms in different states within this framework.  相似文献   

张伶 《南开管理评论》2005,8(1):108-112
本文运用清华大学中国科学文献计量评价研究中心编制的<中国学术期刊综合引证报告>(2002、2003、2004版)的统计数据,分析比较了国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部认定的管理科学类重要学术期刊和CNKI"中国期刊全文数据库"B缉中"社会与管理/管理/综合"类收录的所有管理学期刊的被引频次、影响因子、即年指标等数据,重点评价了<南开管理评论>在管理学期刊中的学术影响和地位.  相似文献   

Occupational choice frameworks suggest that personality factors influence person-job fit. This paper focuses on personality factors and career satisfactions of human resources (HR) managers. ‘Big Five’ and narrow personality traits as well as managerial style variables were drawn from an archive of 1846 HR managers and 1375 non-managers. Results indicated that HR managers differed from 51,297 individuals in other occupations and from non-managerial HR specialists on many of the study variables, most of which were also related to career satisfaction. Implications for differentiation selection and development of HR managers were discussed.  相似文献   

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