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Trends in new media research are examined. These trends revolve around four dimensions, including citizen engagement, organizational innovation and adaptation, mobility and content computerization. The following article critically examines this shifting terrain in new media research and its implications for future scholarship.  相似文献   

New Media review     

Media literacy is a topic that has attracted a wide variety of scholars as well as non‐scholars. This review begins with an analysis of how media literacy has been defined by the range of contributors to the huge and growing literature on media literacy. The review then lays out the big picture concerning media literacy interventions as well as how media literacy has been regarded within the institution of public education. The review concludes with a series of recommendations about conceptualizations, research, and instruction.  相似文献   

新媒介环境下传媒与青少年社会化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近十几年来国内有关传媒与青少年社会化问题的文献进行了系统回顾,归纳出研究现状和特点:网络和电视等电子媒介是研究的主要内容;研究集中于社会化的结果,缺乏对于青少年的认知机制如何影响其处理传媒的信息的过程研究;研究对象存在着明显的不平衡现象,且概念使用混乱;研究方法日趋多样,但缺乏大型、系统的实证研究。在此基础上,对今后研究的发展方向进行了预测和分析。  相似文献   

Studies of the impact of the media on people have not produced stable results, because they operate with an unrealistic view of audience members as an inert mass of passive recipients of what is aimed at them. Observation of television viewers in France, and the examples of amateur photography and pornography, show the importance of a more realistic view, taking account of the active participation of people in the creation of communication works and the worlds of arts that are not conventionally studied.  相似文献   

This article explores the contention that social movements are a significant social force transforming societies through their engagement with new media, such as the Internet, Web 2.0, and digital communications, which are seen as capable of facilitating new power structures. Utilizing della Porta and Diani's framework, it considers how new media technologies may be shaping the structure, identity, opportunity, and protest dimensions of social movements. It concludes by suggesting that new media does offer important opportunities for cost‐effective networking, interpretive framing, mobilization, and repertoires of protest action. However, their adoption does not represent the creation of entirely new virtual social movements but rather a new means of providing existing social movement organisations, local activist networks, and street‐level protest with a trans‐national capacity to collaborate, share information, and communicate with a wider audience. Such new media‐enabled social action is both more congruent with a politics of identity but may also increasingly be competing within a media environment saturated by user‐generated content.  相似文献   

新媒体语境下传统媒体的核心竞争力培育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新媒体以惊人的速度和影响力冲击着传统媒体,形成了一种革命性的变革。传统媒体包括报刊、户外、广播、电视等四大媒体。相对于传统媒体而言,现代传媒被称为新媒体,依序而论,又被称为"第五媒体"。新媒体借助于现代科技的力量,其外延在不断扩大,涵盖了网络、手机、数字广播、数字电视、数字电影、数字杂志、数字报纸、桌面视窗等形式,时下最流行的博客、播客、维客(Wiki)也在新媒体之列。但综合而言,任何一种新媒体都是世界现代化进程的产物,是数字技术与网络平台托举起来的一种新型传媒。有人认为报刊等传统媒体在新媒体的包围下,即将退出历史舞台。在这场传媒世界深刻的变革中,传统媒体所面临的挑战并非空穴来风,而是构成了某种事实上的困境。那么,面对新媒体的冲击,传统媒体尤其是传统期刊究竟该如何应对?本文以传统媒体中的期刊为主要阐说对象,认为培育传统媒体的核心竞争力是其生存与发展的关键。  相似文献   


The rapidly changing communication environment of the digital age has generated needed discussion regarding implications of media technologies for social work practice. Yet scarce research has considered the therapeutic value of media technologies for social work practice. This systematic review explores how media production is used as a therapeutic intervention in human services to identify the therapeutic value and potential challenges of its application in the field. Media Production as Therapy (MPT) affords a range of therapeutic outcomes, including self- and community-awareness, self-reflection and self-correction practices, self-expression and story-sharing, and processing trauma. Challenges confronted through MPT include time and resource constraints, logistical difficulties, issues of authenticity, and dissemination concerns. Despite limited research, this review provides needed guidance for social workers to harness technology for social good, operating in the digital space to implement MPT interventions that afford a range of therapeutic benefits to clients in an increasingly mediated world.  相似文献   

以网络和手机为代表的新媒介已经极大地改变了青年的媒介交互模式与社会的大众传播模式,当前,青年的媒介素养,特别是新媒介素养滞后于新媒介科技的发展。在这个全新的信息社会中进行数字化生存的青年.急需培养与之匹配的新媒介素养能力。这些能力包括培养信息素养与新媒介素养融合、交互,最终促使青年养成并达到一体化的新能力:形成青年解析媒介信息必然反映“某种意识形态和价值观念”,是政治社会化必然过程的认知新能力;提高青年强化维护“信息主权”。防范“信息入侵”行动性的能力。  相似文献   

This article outlines some basic foundations and academic controversies about Web 2.0 surveillance. Contemporary web platforms, such as Google or Facebook store, process, analyse, and sell large amounts of personal data and user behaviour data. This phenomenon makes studying Internet surveillance and web 2.0 surveillance important. Surveillance can either be defined in a neutral or a negative way. Depending on which surveillance concept one chooses, Internet/web 2.0 surveillance will be defined in different ways. Web 2.0 surveillance studies are in an early stage of development. The debate thus far suggests that one might distinguish between a cultural studies approach and a critical political economy approach in studying web 2.0 surveillance. Web 2.0 surveillance is a form of surveillance that exerts power and domination by making use specific qualities of the contemporary Internet, such as user‐generated content and permanent dynamic communication flows. It can be characterized as a system of panoptic sorting, mass self‐surveillance and personal mass dataveillance. Facebook is a prototypical example of web 2.0 surveillance that serves economic ends. The problems of Facebook surveillance in particular and web 2.0 surveillance in general include: the complexity of the terms of use and privacy policies, digital inequality, lack of democracy, the commercialization of the Internet, the advancement of market concentration, the attempted manipulation of needs, limitation of the freedom to choose, unpaid value creation of users and intransparency.  相似文献   

The media play an important role in practice, policy, and public perception of child sexual abuse, in part by the way in which news stories are framed. Child sexual abuse media coverage over the past 50 years can be divided into five time periods based on the types of stories that garnered news coverage and the ways in which public policy was changed. This systematic literature review of research on child sexual abuse media coverage across disciplines and geographic boundaries examines 16 studies published in the English language from 1995 to 2012. A seminal work is identified, citation network analysis is applied, and a framework model is developed.  相似文献   

青年亚文化是通过风格化和另类的符号对主导文化或支配文化进行挑战从而建立的附属性文化方式.体现了青年人特有的反抗、冲突、另类以及身份认同的困惑。新媒体是相对传统媒体而言。在新技术支撑下出现的具有即时性、跨文化等特点,具有匿名交流、张扬个性等虚拟空间特征的媒体形态。新媒体给青年亚文化带来了多元化变迁。在新媒体的语境下,“粉丝团”、“恶搞《新贵妃醉酒》MV”、“火星文”等实例展现了新媒体与青年亚文化变迁之间的关系。  相似文献   


This article contextualizes Indymedia, the Internet-based network of Independent Media Centres (IMCs) that has developed since the 30 November protests in Seattle against the World Trade Organization talks there in 1999. In a short space of time this network has become the backbone of communication for the broad coalition of groups that comprise the anti-capitalism movement. Context is sought from three perspectives: first, through a consideration of new social movement use of the Internet as a radical, socio-technical paradigm to challenge the dominant, neoliberal and technologically determinist model of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This perspective is approached through Paschal Preston's recent work on ICTs in late modernity ('Reshaping Communications: Technology, Information and Social Change', London: Sage, 2001). Second, the article regards Indymedia as the most current manifestation of radical Internet use. It examines the (inevitably) brief history of such use, exploring examples of praxis by anarchist groups, the Zapatistas and factions of the anti-capitalism movement, and assesses Indymedia's place in this history. Finally, the nature and value of Indymedia are assessed using the theoretical tools afforded by recent alternative media scholarship (Atton 2002: 'Alternative Media', London: Sage; and Downing 2001: 'Radical Media: Rebellious Communications and Social Movements', Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage): in particular, Indymedia is examined in terms of its organization, its socio-politics and its news cultures.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下高校形象建设探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新媒体的产生、发展和壮大催生了大众传媒的深刻变革,创造了高校形象建设的全新范式。面对蓬勃兴起的新媒体及其带来的机遇和挑战,我们应保持清醒认识,主动作为,采取有效措施,扬长避短,趋利避害,不断提升高校形象建设的针对性和实效性,为高校的事业发展创造良好环境。  相似文献   


A familiar children's story in the UK–Bruce's Story, about the adventures of a puppy moving into the unknown world as he grows up–is converted into a multimedia program designed to help children in out of home care talk (or write) about their own experiences coming into the child welfare system and into foster and adoptive families.  相似文献   

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