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《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):131-148
ABSTRACT Through the use of in-depth interviews this study examines elderly women's communication about transitioning to assisted living and personal sense of self. A combination of communication and aging theory and socio historical factors aid in understanding the communication elderly women use to describe themselves within the context of life events prior to and after becoming an assisted living resident. Findings reveal that decrease in long-standing feminine sphere (traditionally female household) tasks due to the transition to assisted living is the major factor leading to the inability to communicate the sense of self. Inability to adjust and accept the downsizing of feminine sphere activities leads to several mental, physical and social implications. 相似文献
论我国城市化进程中的“泛小城镇化”现象、问题及其对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
小城镇的崛起 ,促进了我国农村经济的发展。但是当前我国的“泛小城镇化”现象及其问题必须引起足够重视。各地在小城镇的建设和发展实践中出现的盲目追求数量扩张 ,对资源和环境产生严重破坏等问题亟待解决。要充分发挥小城镇在中国农村城市化进程中的作用 ,必须从数量和质量两个方面来规范小城镇的内涵。小城镇问题可以通过深化改革 ,制定和实施科学的规划 ,加强管理等途径逐步解决 相似文献
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):165-188
ABSTRACT The purpose of this grounded theory study was to explore breast health practices of older Vermont women residing in rural communities. Although the three components of breast health-mammography, clinical breast exam, and self-breast exam-are recommended for women 40 years and over, minimal research has empirically analyzed the breast health practices of healthy women to ascertain if, in fact, these procedures are followed, and if so, what the motivation is for doing so. Twelve women, 50–64 years, participated in face-to-face, audiotaped interviews. Data analysis, including line-by-line and constant comparative approaches, occurred concurrently with data collection. Taking Charge of Self, the generated theory, describes participants' engagement in a process of learning how to take charge of their lives. The analysis indicates that health care providers have a powerful role in the lives of women in this age group. With an increasing emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention, health care providers are positioned to cultivate and support women's development of the personal or internal motivation for health and well-being. 相似文献
农村人力资本投资:破解“三农”难题的根本 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
三农问题难以解决的症结在于农村教育投入严重不足,制约农村劳动力素质的提升。人力资本理论的发展提高了人们对教育与经济之间复杂关系的认识:教育投资是人力资本的重要来源;教育可以多方面促进经济增长。从根本上破解三农难题,必须增加农村教育投入,提高农村劳动力素质。 相似文献
从性别规范意识、自我价值意识和自我发展意识三个方面 ,依据全疆的抽样调查及其相关资料 ,以定量和定性两方面探讨了新疆少数民族女性人才的自我发展意识的现状 ,并提出了一些可行性建议 相似文献
新农村建设与人口发展研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在社会主义新农村建设过程中,人口发展是一个至关重要的影响因素。人口发展状况会直接或间接地对新农村建设产生促进或制约作用,同理,新农村建设又会为新时期人口发展创造条件。本文着重探讨了新农村建设与人口发展的相互促进关系。 相似文献
婚嫁格局变动与乡村发展——以康村通婚圈为例 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13
农村经济体制改革后 ,康村的婚嫁距离急剧缩短 ,通婚区域快速内卷 ,通婚村减少 ,婚入与婚出出现了地域上的不对称性。形成这一局面的原因主要在于工业化、城镇化进程的不同速度打破了改革前的社会均质状态 ,引起了地区及村落发展的不平衡 ,而农村经营方式的转变和初级市场网络的复兴也对婚嫁格局、通婚距离及流向产生了一定影响。这种婚嫁格局的变动将造成婚入与婚出的失衡 ,危及人口素质的提高、村落的发展和人口结构的地域平衡 相似文献
Wanning Sun 《Feminist Media Studies》2013,13(1):57-71
Chinese television dramas over the past decades have seen the rise and decline of various narratives, but no other narratives speak to the emerging urban middle class's fear and anxiety more palpably than the stories of the maid. However, despite the growing popularity of the maid stories among urban viewers, most of these stories do not resonate with domestic workers themselves. How do we make sense of the growing popularity of the maid stories among urban viewers? And how do we account for the differentiated capacity to resonate and identify with the characters among viewers? These are important questions to consider if one is to understand the new cultural politics of power and social formations in post-Mao China. In this paper, I explore some of the crucial ways in which a controlling gaze is facilitated and naturalised by the visualisation of place and space in these dramas. Then, through both critical analyses and engaged ethnography, I demonstrate how two sets of controlling gaze—everyday and televisual—reinforce and justify each other. Finally, I advance the concept of “peripheral vision,” which, I show, denies the modernist “master” narrative of the city and, instead, empowers the subaltern figure with an epistemological position of “eye-witness” and anthropologist of the city. 相似文献
开发区是我国经济发展的先导区。自大连经济技术开发区组建至今,人口流迁在其人口和经济、社会发展中的作用已变得越来越明显。本文结合“五普”资料,对大连经济技术开发区人口流迁的特点进行了分析,探讨了其中所存在的问题并结合这些特点和问题提出了有关的政策性建议。 相似文献
This research analyzes the relationship between protected federal lands (wilderness, national parks, national monuments and roadless areas) and nearby communities in the rural western United States. Opponents of environmental protection claim that protected lands limit the growth of nearby communities by locking up potentially valuable natural resources and restricting mining, logging and grazing. Others claim that extractive industries are no longer the backbone of rural economies— instead, the presence of protected federal lands encourages growth by attracting tourists and new residents. A geographic information system is used to calculate the proportion of protected lands occurring within 50 miles of the center of each western county. This calculation, in combination with detailed county-level data, indicates that environmental protection is correlated with relatively rapid population growth and with relatively rapid income and employment growth. 相似文献
本文通过比较分析了人口城镇化与非人口城镇化两种方案对贵州人口发展的影响,得出了人口城镇化方案对贵州总体人口数量、人口质量及人口老龄化产生的影响是积极的这一结论。在此基础上提出了推进贵州农村人口城镇化的几点政策启示。 相似文献
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):149-164
ABSTRACT This study investigated the association between self processes and married partners' (N = 59 couples) perspectives of their health-related social interactions. Findings revealed that wives' self processes were associated with their social behavior from the perspective of each partner. The wives' self processes differentially predicted wives' and husbands' perspectives of their interactions, however. These findings demonstrate that wives' future expectations for the health of their husband, as well as for their role in maintaining his future health, motivate their current social behavior to promote the positive health lifestyle behaviors of their husband. 相似文献
农村剩余劳动力转移与城市化协调发展实证研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
引用农村剩余劳动力转移与城市化协调度概念,建立农村剩余劳动力转移综合水平与城市化综合水平协调度测度模型,以吉林省为例进行实证研究。农村剩余劳动力转移与城市化相互联系、相互影响。近10年来吉林省农村剩余劳动力转移水平与城市化从不协调转变为协调,协调度界于Ⅰ类~Ⅵ类之间,说明两者之间协调度存在着波动性。1997~2002年,吉林省在特殊历史背景和计划经济体制遗留下来的国有企业无法适应市场经济要求,使城市对农村剩余劳动力的拉力减弱,使农村剩余劳动力转移与城市化错位,为不协调时期;2003年以后,政府的一系列惠农政策及振兴东北老工业基地战略,促进了农村剩余劳动力转移与城市化协调关系的加强,使得协调度从2002年的Ⅵ类失调型转变为Ⅰ类协调型。 相似文献
Amy Gullage 《Feminist Media Studies》2013,13(2):178-189
This paper examines narratives about fatness that are represented and reproduced by the character of “Fat Monica” played by Courteney Cox in a fat suit on the sitcom Friends. By drawing on David T. Mitchell's framework for analyzing “narrative prosthesis,” I examine how Fat Monica's narratives on Friends represent complex intersections of identities. I argue that fat suits often evoke fatness to support limited and clichéd narratives; however, fat suits may also enable new means of representing and understanding fatness. Through an analysis of the ways in which Fat Monica is represented in the episodes she appears in, three key uses of Fat Monica's fatness are discussed. Firstly, I examine the comic uses of Fat Monica and their relationship between fatness and humour. Next, I examine how Fat Monica storylines represent interlocking narratives of fatness, femininity, and sexual desire. Lastly, I consider how Fat Monica represents the construction of the normative body and claims about fatness and authenticity. Ultimately, Fat Monica illustrates how fatness relates to understandings of humour, gender, social class, and heterosexuality. 相似文献
社会主义新农村建设中农村人力资源开发的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
农民是我国社会主义新农村建设的主体,而我国农村人力资源虽然丰富却存在质量低下、配置不合理等问题,分析其现状之成因,探讨农村人力资源开发的对策。农村人力资源开发中转变观念是前提,发展教育是主要途径,制度支持是可靠保障。 相似文献
农村留守女性是改革开放以来在我国农村出现的一个独特的女性群体。本文根据昆明市郊区农村留守女性抽样调查所得的数据,分析了她们在教育、就业、身心健康、社会地位、娱乐休闲等方面存在的问题、特征及其原因,并从人力资源开发的角度提出相应的对策与建议。 相似文献
开发人力资本提高我国农村人力资源质量 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在现代经济学中,完整的“资本”有两种形式:一种是物质资本,另一种形式是人力资本。在现代经济的众多场合,人力资本甚至发挥着比物质资本更为重要的作用。我国农村人力资源存在着量多质低的现状,根据人力资本理论,以提高农村人力资源质量为目标,探讨农村人力资源开发的途径。 相似文献
青年农民社会养老意愿与农村养老保险持续发展研究——以对481位青年农民的调研为例 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
青年农民是农村社会养老保险持续发展的后备动力,其养老意愿决定投保行为,而现在的投保行为又影响将来农村社会养老保险的发展。因此本文在对481位青年农民社会养老意愿现状调查的基础上,就其对农村社会养老保险持续发展的有利和不利方面进行了分析,并提出改善的途径。 相似文献
Nicole Butterfield 《Journal of homosexuality》2018,65(13):1709-1733
This research aims to critically examine how the complexity of the ongoing process of “coming out” in small towns and rural spaces in Croatia undermines the imagined hierarchical distinction between rural/urban spaces. The narratives of LGBQ individuals living in these spaces subvert imaginaries of their communities as homogeneously hostile and threatening. Some participants did, however, perceive other spaces as either “gay-friendly” or “deeply homophobic.” As Croatia is transnationally perceived to be a part of a larger “homophobic region,” the construction of the rural/urban hierarchical distinction is (re)produced and (re)configured within discourses that signify Western countries and so-called more developed regions within Croatia as “more open and liberal” as opposed to “more homophobic and backward” spaces. These distinctions between countries, regions, and the rural/urban spaces come into contradiction with each other and are undermined by my interviewees’ own incongruous experiences. 相似文献