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Threeyearsago,CatShuzllen,afarmerinLislluCountyinJinnProvincewasilldespair.Theuntimelydeatllofthechickensandrabbitsshehadraisedtoselloiltilemarketaim.ostdrovehertosuicide.TodayCatilasbecomeamillionairethankstotheadvancedfarmingskillsshe11aslearlled.AlldsheisnotaIOlle.Nearly1001llillionwomenillruralareas11avemasteredatleasttwoappliedfarmingskillsovertilepastdecade,tllallkstotileimplementationoftrainillgprogralllslaullclledbygovernmentalinstitutiOlls,accordillgtotheAll-CllmaWOmen'sFederati…  相似文献   

As a consequence of the reversal of the gender gap in education, the female partner in a couple now typically has as much as or more education compared with the male partner in most Western countries. This study addresses the implications for the earnings of women relative to their male partners in 16 European countries. Using the 2007 and 2011 rounds of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (N = 58,292), we investigate the extent to which international differences in women’s relative earnings can be explained by educational pairings and their interaction with the motherhood penalty on women’s earnings, by international differences in male unemployment, or by cultural gender norms. We find that the newly emerged pattern of hypogamy is associated with higher relative earnings for women in all countries and that the motherhood penalty on relative earnings is considerably lower in hypogamous couples, but neither of these findings can explain away international country differences. Similarly, male unemployment is associated with higher relative earnings for women but cannot explain away the country differences. Against expectations, we find that the hypogamy bonus on women’s relative earnings, if anything, tends to be stronger rather than weaker in countries that exhibit more conservative gender norms.  相似文献   

Fund Helps Women     
InOctober,theFoundationofUnderdevelopedRegionofChinakickedoffanewprojecttohelpextremelypoorwomenwhohavejustgivenbirth.TheprojectwillallocateatotalofRMB30million(US$3.6million)to10countiesinChina'scentralandwesternregionsoverthenext10yearsinordertoreducethebirth-relateddeathrateforwomenandbabies.InChina,anaverageofabout600,000pregnancy-relateddeathsoccureveryyear.(ChinaDaily,October18,2000)■Fund Helps Women…  相似文献   

Giving the central focus to ‘religious affiliation’ which ‘was once at the forefront of demographic research (McQuillan 2004: 25), this paper examines the association between religion and women’s market employment. Generally speaking, gender characteristics such as high fertility and low employment levels for Muslim women in both intracountry and worldwide comparisons have been asserted in an extensive literature. The context, method and comparison groups of this study provide the opportunity to examine the longstanding debate as to whether religionper se or other determinants explain such gender characteristics in Islamic settings. It is, however, acknowledged that the present study faces limitations mainly associated with the selectivity of migrants. Using logistic regression and the multicultural context of Australia containing a substantially diverse ethnic composition of Muslims, this paper highlights Muslim/non-Muslim employment differentials. The paper also analyses the employment level of Muslim women across the regions of origin representing various contexts in order to provide empirical evidence to examine the above debate.  相似文献   

Earlythisyear,theCollegeofPublicHealth,BeijingMedicalUniversity,incollaborationwiththeChineseUniversityofHongKong,conductedasurveyamong500careerwomenaged22-55bothinurbanandruralBeijing.Thesurveyfocusesonthesewomen'sdegreeofsatisfactionwiththerolethey...  相似文献   

With a credit loan of RMB1,000 (US$120) and skillslearned about breeding, Ren Yuhua, once an ordinaryhousewife, bought two sheep in October 1998 and soonearned more than RMB2,000 (US$240) in profit with the 10lambs born to the two sheep.Sponsored by the United Nations World Food Programme(WFP), the project offers food-for-training in functionalliteracy, income generating skills and group buildingtraining, in addition to small loans.Women living below the poverty line in Guyuan, Pengya…  相似文献   

Older women seeking employment often find opportunities limited to low-wage jobs, such as those in retail. We report findings about job placement and starting wages for hourly workers hired at a women’s apparel retailer from August 2006 to December 2009. We examine competing hypotheses regarding the role of age in explaining women’s job placement and starting wages. Although newly hired women age 55+ earn higher wages and are placed in higher-quality jobs than the youngest women (ages 18–22), they are less likely to be placed in better-quality jobs than their midlife counterparts. Overall, wage differences are largely explained by job quality.  相似文献   

CommonAspirationsofWorldWomenHuangBaoshanOver30,000participants,fromdifferentracestheworldover,gatheredinBeijingtodiscusswome...  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(1-2):21-48

Constituting what may be called “a community of spinsters,” Norwegian middle-class unmarried woman played an important role in undermining and destabilizing the heterosexual cultural matrix during the period 1880–1920. In their anti-sexuality, self-sufficiency and hatred of men the spinsters challenged the heteronormativity of the period, and their queerness still presents a challenge to the harmony-oriented, heteromormative Norwegian women's history.  相似文献   

Barriers faced by women entrepreneurs are different from the barriers faced by male entrepreneurs. These barriers differ based on age, culture, geographical region, education, marital status and ethnicity. This paper investigates barriers faced by women entrepreneurs and the moderating effect of culture on the relationship between barriers faced by women entrepreneurs and women entrepreneur’s success in micro, small and medium enterprises. The five main research findings from this study are (1) gender inequality is a major barrier to women’s success in micro, small and medium enterprises, (2) national culture is positively related to barriers faced by women entrepreneurs, (3) barriers faced by women entrepreneur’s is negatively related to women entrepreneurs’ success in micro, small and medium enterprises, (4) national culture is negatively related to women entrepreneurs success in micro, small and medium enterprises and (5) culture moderates the relationship between gender inequality and women’s success in micro, small and medium enterprises.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(11):1535-1545

In numerous non-Western cultures around the world, a small but meaningful proportion of individuals occupy alternative gender categories beyond the man/woman binary. A substantial body of past research has shown that feminine, same-sex attracted males in Samoa—a nonbinary gender known as fa’afafine—are more altruistic toward their nieces and nephews than are Samoan men and women. The present study examined the degree to which these kin-directed altruistic tendencies of fa’afafine are motivated by striving for prestige, and hence demonstrating value, within their family. Results showed that cisgender men and women do not differ in the degree to which they seek familial recognition of their altruistic behavior toward nieces and nephews. However, compared to men, fa’afafine sought significantly more acknowledgment of this altruism. These results illustrate one proximate cognitive mechanism for the elevated kin-directed altruism of fa’afafine and highlight the importance of the sociocultural context in which these motivations develop.  相似文献   

TowardFourthWorldConferenceonWomen¥//InSeptember1995theeyesandearsoftheworldwillbefocusedonBeijingwheretheFourthWorldConferen...  相似文献   

Women have become an increasinglyimportant part of the workforce in Chinatoday. The number of working womenrose from 3 1 .28 million in 1978 (32.6% of total workforce) to 57.45 million in 1997 (38.7%). Thetransition from planned to market economy, however,has caused massive dislocations, posing a seriouschallenge to women employment. Sample surveysconducted by labor departments suggest that of the 13million laid-off workers across the country, 59% arewomen.To develop an understanding of the c…  相似文献   

ConferenceonVulnerableWomeninChinaAconferenceheldatthePeople'suniversityofChina,BeijingfromJuly24to26,1995focusedonimprovingt...  相似文献   

This study examines the general perceptions of women towards their roles, their interpretation of progress, as well as the facilitating factors and barriers to their progress. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,000 Malay women in Malaysia from rural and urban areas, from various age and income groups. Interviews were also carried out on the selected sample. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods of analyses, the results showed that women were perceived to play a strong, influential, and supportive role in their families. The results also showed how women perceive progress. These findings are discussed in relation to culture, socialization, values and norms of the Malay society.  相似文献   

Bringing together women and family in quality perspective bring about interesting discussions in this paper. By integrating previous studies and considering expert opinions, we determinate the variables and dimensions with respect to women’s existence regarding their roles both in the family and at work. Many activities carried out by women represent the consumer aspects of their role. Women undertake these activities to fulfill their needs, which can be classified in the order of preference using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need. Women success can be measured based on their ability to perform their roles successfully. We identify women’s performance by using quality approach of Personal Quality Maintenance (PQM), which is widely applied in many organizations in order to maintain the service delivery, which meets the customer satisfaction. The effort to enhance women’s satisfaction for their success in playing the multirole in the family and at work is our main consideration. This study may contribute a new point of view regarding for the women’s welfare and existence.  相似文献   

Revisions to the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women (also known as the Women’s Law) and the Law on the Protection of Minors have been included in the legislative plan of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, which is currently in session. The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) submitted draft amendments to the Women's Law to the State Council at the end of last year. The amendments include adding the national policy ofgender equali…  相似文献   

TheStatusandRoleofWomenUnderChineselaw,womenenjoyequalrightswithmeninallmatterssuchaspolitics,cultureandeducation,work,proper...  相似文献   



Eclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality that requires advanced care and long hospital stays with uncertain outcomes for mother and baby. Care of eclamptic women is particularly challenging in low-income settings. Standards for medical care for eclampsia are established but the psychosocial needs of women are under-researched.


To explore and describe women’s experiences of having had, and recovered from, eclampsia at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania.


Qualitative semi-structured interviews were held with a purposive sample of 10 women recovering from eclampsia. Thematic analysis informed the interpretation of the data.


The women had experienced eclamptic seizure as painful and unreal as they were unable to control their body or actions despite sensing what happened. At hospital they felt being cared for and recovered but concerned because they had not been provided with enough information about the disorder. Being separated from the baby during hospitalisation was troublesome and they worried about infant feeding and health. The women experienced being connected to God and they were grateful for being alive and having recovered. However, they expressed fears over the possible recurrence of eclampsia in future pregnancies and wanted information about prevention strategies.


Experiencing eclampsia is painful and gives a sense of bodily disconnectedness. It involves worrisome separation from the newborn, not being adequately informed and concerns over future health. More holistic care would benefit eclamptic women and their newborns.  相似文献   

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