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There has been a notable cultural trend in which feminist concerns are conveyed through many popular culture texts in South Korea since the early 1990s. Many different social groups and organizations have been engaged in the formation of feminist discourse in popular culture, among them the mainstream media. To broadly address the role of media in incorporating feminist discourse within the dominant ideology in specific socio-economic contexts, the research sought to identify the ways in which feminist discourse was generated and/or assimilated into the dominant ideology in newspaper content about the messages in the two television dramas Lovers (1996) and The Woman Next Door (2003) and other socio-cultural phenomena surrounding the dramas. Newspaper content became more favorable to the sexually liberated female characters and acknowledged changing gender roles as a current socio-cultural trend. However, it never questioned the nuclear family system itself—which occupies the hegemonic realm in patriarchal capitalist society.  相似文献   

失业、待业者就业抉择的家庭推拉力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张旭升 《南方人口》2008,23(4):58-63,29
本文以杭州市的调查数据为基础,探讨了家庭因素对失业者再就业行为的影响。研究结果表明:家庭的“推拉力”影响了失业者的再就业行为,相比而言,“推力”大于“拉力”;中年失业者面临在家照顾老人还是外出就业的“两难困境”:“就业依赖族”和“啃老族”的说法欠妥。  相似文献   

本文运用推拉理论对影响中低层灵活就业群体最终实现就业的因素进行分析.作者认为中低层灵活就业的实现是原行业的"推力"大于"拉力",而灵活就业"拉力"大于"推力"合力作用的结果.但由于个体就业意愿和就业环境因素对推力和拉力效应的制约,必须营造良好的制度环境,增大灵活就业的拉力作用.  相似文献   

From a feminist political economic perspective, this paper examines the relationship between gender and investment in the popular media in three interrelating ways. First, a discourse analysis was used to examine eight popular books on investment for women published in the US. The popular financial literature asks women to solve the problems that they encounter in a patriarchal household by participating in the financial market. Second, Suze Orman was used as a case study to show the commodification process of financial information through the tactics brand differentiation, multi-platform delivery, and creation of niche markets. Third, the consumption of commodities is linked to that of production and distribution by revealing the relations between the gendered production and reproduction in the household, transnational corporations, and financial institutions.  相似文献   

The Media Action Research Group (MARG) is an antiauthoritarian, profeminist (antiracist, anticolonial, queer, trans and anti-capitalist) group of activist-researchers both inside and outside the university, studying autonomous social movement media activism in Canada and beyond. In this article we map a taxonomy of activist-research, illustrating how MARG brings together five specific methodologies—activist-led issue-based research, militant participatory ethnography, feminist community research, prefigurative antiauthoritarian feminist participatory action research (PAFPAR), and autonomous media research—to study how women, people of colour, queer and trans people, and Indigenous people in antiauthoritarian or anarchist-leaning social movements are using grassroots media to support and report on these movements. We find that although MARG set out to create an antiauthoritarian research-activist collective, we are restricted in some ways by the intensification of neoliberalism in the university institution. Nonetheless we are able to conduct transgressive research at the intersection between antiauthoritarian activism and the academy, producing three direct and immediate impacts: within social movements, within media activism, and within the university.  相似文献   

The article takes a feminist approach to gerontology. It examines the stereotypes of ageism that derive from the relationship between culture and old age. It establishes the requirements for a type of research that reflects women's own experience of growing older, as well as the social construction of values related to women's old age. It focuses on the sociocultural features of this population, which faces old age with certain limitations, but also with unparalleled assets.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the construction of one's relation to pornography in contemporary media by examining agony columns of young adult women's magazines. The analytical approach employed is a “close reading” from the perspective of queer theory, purposing both to “queer” the portrayals of heterosexuality and to critically review representations of non-heterosexuality. The focus is especially on the role of affects and emotions in moving subjects “toward” and “away” from porn and producing conceptions of gender and sexuality. On the one hand, the positive affects of excitement and interest are associated with men in the data corpus, whereas the negative affects of disgust and upset are usually connected to women. On the other hand, affects are absent when discussing queerness. The study thus offers an application of Ahmed's notion of the productive role of emotions both in expanding the idea of productivity from constituting ethnicity to establishing gender and sexuality and also in directing attention to the absence of affects or emotions in constituting norms.  相似文献   

A brief review of overall trends in humanitarian action followingthe end of the Cold War is followed by examination of UNHCR'sevolution from a narrowly focused, non-operational organizationto one with a wide field presence and whose concerns are notlimited to refugees. Three changes are highlighted: the increasein the range of UNHCR's interlocutors; the shift from neverquestioning causes to an explicit concern with them; and theimpact of the field presence. The conclusion suggests that humanitarianaction that is not accompanied by political action to addresscauses may eventually face insurmountable problems, and thatwhile UNHCR will continue operate in unstable environments andfor mixed caseloads, its unique responsibility for refugeesmust override wider interests and concerns.  相似文献   

20 0 3年 4月被国家确定为全国首批“关爱女孩行动”试点后 ,阳东县高度重视 ,抓住宣传教育、综合治理、利益导向、性别监测等四个环节 ,落实标本兼治措施 ,一步一个脚印 ,扎扎实实地推进“关爱女孩行动”试点工作 ,取得较好的效果。至 2 0 0 4年底 ,该县“关爱女孩”的社会舆论氛围初步形成 ,出生人口性别比比 2 0 0 3年下降 8个点 ,比 2 0 0 2年下降 1 2个点。一、加强组织领导 ,强化宣传教育 ,构筑全社会齐抓共管、共同参与的良好局面该县充分认识到 ,“关爱女孩行动”意义广泛深远 ,涉及多部门、多单位 ,要做好这项工作 ,党委、政府必须…  相似文献   

This study examined media exposure as an explanatory factor for individual and cross-national differences in self-assessed general health. In studying media exposure, traditional media (television, radio, and newspapers) and contemporary media (internet) were separately considered. Aside from hypotheses about the relation between media exposure and general health, we also tested hypotheses regarding the mediating role of social isolation and mean world syndrome as well as the moderating role of different media systems across countries. Therefore, we used European Social Survey 2010, covering 25 European countries (n = 36,692). The results of our multilevel regression analyses indicated that exposure to television was negatively related to general health, whereas exposure to radio and newspapers were positively related to health. For contemporary media, findings indicated consistent positive relations between internet exposure and health across. Furthermore, limited support was found for the mediating role of social isolation and the mean world syndrome in the link between media exposure and health. Across media systems, findings for the relations between exposure to the various types of media and health proved to be robust.  相似文献   

人口问题是新时代中国社会经济发展必须面对的基础性、全局性和战略性问题。近年来,随着社会经济的发展及人口政策的调整,中国人口发展发生重大转向,主要体现在四个方面:人口红利走向下行、老龄化不断加剧、生育水平持续降低和城镇化水平明显提高。全面与及时把握新时代人口发展转向背景下中国人口学研究的新动向、新特点与新走向,对战略、前瞻、有效应对国家人口趋势性变化及其对经济社会发展产生的深刻影响至关重要。本文通过检索并分析文献数据库中近年来收录的人口学重要文献,归纳出新时代我国人口学关注的核心议题为人口红利、老龄化、生育水平和新型城镇化,并对各核心议题的重点研究方向进行了详述。通过明确目前人口发展转向背景及人口学研究的核心议题,预计未来人口学研究主要关注以下六个方面:新时代中国特色人口理论体系的建构、人口红利的变化新特点及其轨迹、跨学科视角下的老龄研究及其顶层制度设计、生育政策调整与完善的走向及其配套措施、新型城镇化的质量及其内在动力以及人口分析技术方法的拓展和创新。在人口发展发生明显转向的新形势下,未来人口学研究将对社会经济发展过程中出现的人口问题予以持续的关注,从而促进我国人口长期均衡发展。  相似文献   

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