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爱,怎么爱?在2009年初,我们突然发现,没时间爱了,没银子爱了,更没心情爱了。股市低迷了,金融危机了,物价上涨了,收入下降了,计划搁浅了,心理恐慌了。我们光想着绝处逢生的活法了,还有谁记得平淡真情的爱法?我们怕穷,但我们更怕忘记了穷有穷爱法。  相似文献   

谢志强 《现代交际》2008,(10):39-39
那天,艾城所有的狗都突然失踪了。像是关掉了喜欢听的音乐,艾城感到失却了一个亲切悦耳的声音:汪汪汪。街上,到处是人寻狗的情景,甚至,电台播出了各种寻狗的广告。街道的广告栏里,贴满了寻狗启事。当天的晚报,推出了寻狗启事专版,一律配发了狗的标准照,  相似文献   

张燕凌 《职业》2010,(12):70-71
50后在苦难中奋斗了二十年,做成了事业,他们从门童做到了总经理;80后在幸福中挣扎了十几年,毕了业,他们从管理培训生做到了高级执行者。50后一步一个脚印,他们走了太多的弯路,总结了太多的经验,才有了今天的成就;80后大多数衔着现成的经验跑着,只是永远跑不到顶点。  相似文献   

被动语态是很平常的一种语言现象,也是很自然的一种社会现象。如:你被砸了,你被打了,你被刺激了,你被抛弃了,你被抢了,你被盗了,你被强奸了,你被撤职了,你被炒鱿鱼了,你被感动了……  相似文献   

都说男儿膝下有黄金,但他却跪了又跪,丢了尊严、伤了体肤,为的只是逼儿成才儿子,都是爸爸的错,爸爸向你谢罪了!话音刚落,一个中年男子扑通一声跪在一个少年的面前。爸爸,我错了,我知道努力了!少年赶忙去拉中年男子,却怎  相似文献   

刘帅 《现代交际》2008,(9):32-32
我丢了一件东西,它或许和我的梦想有关,可是我却不知道将它丢在了哪里。所以我的梦想里的美开始幻化,开始隐藏,开始了无序的混乱。缘于此,开始了我的孤寂,开始了我的沉默,开始了我的无礼,开始了我的虚伪。  相似文献   

朱大鸣 《安家》2014,(4):43-43
供求关系已经不是左右房地产价格的核心因素了,真正决定房地产价格的就是信贷松紧问题,信贷松动了,投机盛行,钱多了人的胆子也大了,预期也被放大了,信贷紧了,投机者无利可图,就是不出政策房价也不会出现只涨不跌的神话。  相似文献   

王蒙 《现代交际》2008,(8):49-49
曹操来了没有老王的孩子,吃饭时给老王讲了一个故事,说是现在中国人考外国人的汉语,也足足地给他们出了难题,出了中国孩子托福考不好的一口鸟气。例如,去年有下面这样一道题:张三和李四一起吃饭,吃着吃着,王五进来了,张三说:"嗬,说曹操,曹操就到!"请选择以下答案:A、张三到了。B、李四到了。C、王五到了。D、曹操到了。  相似文献   

王小溪 《老年人》2005,(9):29-29
儿时,父亲在我们眼里是伟岸的,有着蒙古族人的魁梧粗犷。当我们也做了父母时,眼中的父亲仿佛矮小了许多。我曾经疑惑地问父亲:您怎么越来越矮了呢?父亲说,腰弯了,背驼了,走了大半个世纪的路,脚底也不知磨去了多少层皮,所以矮了。他常常就是这么幽默。父亲也有长高了的时候,那就  相似文献   

我们飘荡在城市的中心,无数次与日子争论交杂.那些年一起玩耍的哥们儿和姐们儿,有人结婚了,有人待婚了,有人恋爱了,也有人恋爱几年终归零,待恋中…… 我们见面了,聊婚姻聊爱情还聊家庭,是不是年龄大了,就都想结婚了?是不是父母催促,就都不得已而结婚了?是不是我们结婚了,却很少冲着幸福而去?是不是恋爱久了一定会分手,所以我们结婚了?  相似文献   

In the context of evaluating child protection reform in Serbia, we explored the concept of positive youth development as well as how they experienced and understood the experience of placement. We sought to understand how youth perceive their strengths, the role of the care system, their views on how life experiences affect their strengths and how they see their future. Our position is that the way in which children see their situation is equally valuable as any other point of view, and that their doubts, questions and views should be learned in the research process. We used the methodology of semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with 16 young people in care aged 13–18 years. Results indicate their limited involvement in the process of making decisions related to their life and future. There is a strong need for meaningful involvement of children and young people in order to ensure their positive development.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,新经济组织已成为经济发展中的一个亮点.外企是新经济组织中的一个组成部分.通过团的工作社会化来带动外企业青年工作是一个新的工作思路.本文就此进行了一些理论的探讨,提出了以社团等有形阵地和网络等无形阵地为基点,建立一个全方位、多层次的外企青年服务体系.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the real life stories of child soldiers and children directly affected by armed conflict from different parts of the country from 2005 to 2009. These field based interviews were conducted with about 400 children between ages 12 and 18 from various researches throughout the country and with participants of HimRights programs. This article is based on primary information of children affected by armed conflict. The aim of this paper is to elaborate on the circumstances that led to their involvement as child soldiers, their expectations and harrowing experiences, and the negative and positive impact on children. The paper focuses on how both sides of conflicting parties used children as child soldiers, forcibly or voluntarily. Some children were attracted to Maoists ideology and rhetoric, singing/dancing, food/clothing/education while others were abducted or forced to join through the “one house one person policy”. Some children joined the insurgency as the last resort due to lack of community support, and after the deaths of their parents. It also looks at how schools were used as recruitment centers and battleground during this time. Gender-based violence has occurred rampantly during armed conflict in Nepal but respondents do not want to discuss openly about it, nor are government or civil society. Furthermore, this paper also deals with challenges of reintegration of child soldiers. They have had to face ostracism in their homes, schools and communities and are using substance abuse as a coping mechanism and the need for support and empathy at both the societal and policy level is indicated.  相似文献   

This paper measures inequality of opportunity in adult health in Colombia using the 2010 Living Standards and Social Mobility Survey, a rich dataset that provides unique information about individual childhood circumstances in that country. Dissimilarity and Gini-opportunity indexes are calculated to provide different measures of inequality of opportunity using a self-reported variable for health status. The Shapley-value decomposition is then used to estimate the contribution of early-life circumstances such as parental background, region of origin and ethnicity to inequality of opportunity. The findings suggest that 8 % to 10 % of the circumstance-driven opportunities distinctively enjoyed by those who are healthier should be redistributed or otherwise compensated in order to achieve equality of opportunity. Differences in household socio-economic status during childhood and parental educational attainment appear to be the most salient dimensions of inequality of opportunity in adult health.  相似文献   

Through a review of national surveys that address the area of human resource development in the field of aging, the idea that professional human resources in the field have not been given adequate attention is discussed. The conclusions are that with appropriate modifications in educational preparation and personnel policies and procedures, most aging-specific organizations will be able to more adequately meet the needs of their clientele despite limited material resources and the restrictions on the purchase of the time of professional staff.  相似文献   

经营性用地计划是在经营城市中对商业、旅游、娱乐、商品住宅等各类经营性用地实行控制供应总量和优化用地结构的重要措施,是经营城市土地的关键和基础.加强经营性用地计划管理,对加快经营城市和城镇化的进程,实现城市资源的有效配置及其效益的最大化,实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

北京高校毕业生就业价值取向调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年4月,高校毕业生群体的就业意识现状调查组在北京地区10所高校发放调查问卷1000份,回收问卷837份,有效问卷822份,有效回收率为82.2%。其中:男生占47%,女生占53%,专科生占19%,本科生占63%,硕士生占14%,博士生占4%,北京生源34%,外地生源  相似文献   

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