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We show how register data combined at person-level with survey data can be used to conduct a novel type of nonresponse analysis in a panel survey. The availability of register data provides a unique opportunity to directly test the type of the missingness mechanism as well as estimate the size of bias due to initial nonresponse and attrition. We are also able to study in-depth the determinants of initial nonresponse and attrition. We use the Finnish subset of the European Community Household Panel (FI ECHP) data combined with register panel data and unemployment spells as outcome variables of interest. Our results show that initial nonresponse and attrition are clearly different processes driven by different background variables. Both the initial nonresponse and attrition mechanisms are nonignorable with respect to analysis of unemployment spells. Finally, our results suggest that initial nonresponse may play a role at least as important as attrition in causing bias. This result challenges the common view of attrition being the main threat to the value of panel data.  相似文献   

Restricted factor analysis can be used to investigate measurement bias. A prerequisite for the detection of measurement bias through factor analysis is the correct specification of the measurement model. We applied restricted factor analysis to two subtests of a Dutch cognitive ability test. These two examples serve to illustrate the relationship between multidimensionality and measurement bias. We conclude that measurement bias implies multidimensionality, whereas multidimensionality shows up as measurement bias only if multidimensionality is not properly accounted for in the measurement model.  相似文献   

This article deals with simultaneous comparisons of k(k ? 1) populations with a control population with respect to variance in direction-mixed families of hypotheses. Computation of critical constants required for the implementation of the proposed procedures is discussed and selected values of the critical constants are tabulated. Power comparison of the proposed procedures with their existing competitors is carried out using Monte Carlo simulation. An example is given to illustrate the implementation of proposed procedures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the applications of capture–recapture methods to human populations. Capture–recapture methods are commonly used in estimating the size of wildlife populations but can also be used in epidemiology and social sciences, for estimating prevalence of a particular disease or the size of the homeless population in a certain area. Here we focus on estimating the prevalence of infectious diseases. Several estimators of population size are considered: the Lincoln–Petersen estimator and its modified version, the Chapman estimator, Chao’s lower bound estimator, the Zelterman’s estimator, McKendrick’s moment estimator and the maximum likelihood estimator. In order to evaluate these estimators, they are applied to real, three-source, capture-recapture data. By conditioning on each of the sources of three source data, we have been able to compare the estimators with the true value that they are estimating. The Chapman and Chao estimators were compared in terms of their relative bias. A variance formula derived through conditioning is suggested for Chao’s estimator, and normal 95% confidence intervals are calculated for this and the Chapman estimator. We then compare the coverage of the respective confidence intervals. Furthermore, a simulation study is included to compare Chao’s and Chapman’s estimator. Results indicate that Chao’s estimator is less biased than Chapman’s estimator unless both sources are independent. Chao’s estimator has also the smaller mean squared error. Finally, the implications and limitations of the above methods are discussed, with suggestions for further development. We are grateful to the Medical Research Council for supporting this work.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss new adaptive proposal strategies for sequential Monte Carlo algorithms—also known as particle filters—relying on criteria evaluating the quality of the proposed particles. The choice of the proposal distribution is a major concern and can dramatically influence the quality of the estimates. Thus, we show how the long-used coefficient of variation (suggested by Kong et al. in J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 89(278–288):590–599, 1994) of the weights can be used for estimating the chi-square distance between the target and instrumental distributions of the auxiliary particle filter. As a by-product of this analysis we obtain an auxiliary adjustment multiplier weight type for which this chi-square distance is minimal. Moreover, we establish an empirical estimate of linear complexity of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the involved distributions. Guided by these results, we discuss adaptive designing of the particle filter proposal distribution and illustrate the methods on a numerical example. This work was partly supported by the National Research Agency (ANR) under the program “ANR-05-BLAN-0299”.  相似文献   

We propose a generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach to the estimation of the mean and covariance structure of bivariate time series processes of panel data. The one-step approach allows for mixed continuous and discrete dependent variables. A Monte Carlo Study is presented to compare our particular GEE estimator with more standard GEE-estimators. In the empirical illustration, we apply our estimator to the analysis of individual wage dynamics and the incidence of profit-sharing in West Germany. Our findings show that time-invariant unobserved individual ability jointly influences individual wages and participation in profit sharing schemes.  相似文献   

When the experimenter suspects that there might be a quadratic relation between the response variable and the explanatory parameters, a design with at least three points must be employed to establish and explore this relation (second-order design). Orthogonal arrays (OAs) with three levels are often used as second-order response surface designs. Generally, we assume that the data are independent observations; however, there are many situations where this assumption may not be sustainable. In this paper, we want to compare three-level OAs with 18, 27, and 36 runs under the presence of three specific forms of correlation in observations. The aim is to derive the best designs that can be efficiently used for response surface modeling.  相似文献   

This article develops a new and stable estimator for information matrix when the EM algorithm is used in maximum likelihood estimation. This estimator is constructed using the smoothed individual complete-data scores that are readily available from running the EM algorithm. The method works for dependent data sets and when the expectation step is an irregular function of the conditioning parameters. In comparison to the approach of Louis (J. R. Stat. Soc., Ser. B 44:226–233, 1982), this new estimator is more stable and easier to implement. Both real and simulated data are used to demonstrate the use of this new estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish the strong consistency and asymptotic normality for the least square (LS) estimators in simple linear errors-in-variables (EV) regression models when the errors form a stationary α-mixing sequence of random variables. The quadratic-mean consistency is also considered.  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and free disposal hull (FDH) estimators are widely used to estimate efficiency of production. Practitioners use DEA estimators far more frequently than FDH estimators, implicitly assuming that production sets are convex. Moreover, use of the constant returns to scale (CRS) version of the DEA estimator requires an assumption of CRS. Although bootstrap methods have been developed for making inference about the efficiencies of individual units, until now no methods exist for making consistent inference about differences in mean efficiency across groups of producers or for testing hypotheses about model structure such as returns to scale or convexity of the production set. We use central limit theorem results from our previous work to develop additional theoretical results permitting consistent tests of model structure and provide Monte Carlo evidence on the performance of the tests in terms of size and power. In addition, the variable returns to scale version of the DEA estimator is proved to attain the faster convergence rate of the CRS-DEA estimator under CRS. Using a sample of U.S. commercial banks, we test and reject convexity of the production set, calling into question results from numerous banking studies that have imposed convexity assumptions. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

Recently, the orthodox best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) method was introduced for inference about random effects in Tweedie mixed models. With the use of h-likelihood, we illustrate that the standard likelihood procedures, developed for inference about fixed unknown parameters, can be used for inference about random effects. We show that the necessary standard error for the prediction interval of the random effect can be computed from the Hessian matrix of the h-likelihood. We also show numerically that the h-likelihood provides a prediction interval that maintains a more precise coverage probability than the BLUP method.  相似文献   

It is customary to use two groups of indices to evaluate a diagnostic method with a binary outcome: validity indices with a standard rater (sensitivity, specificity, and positive or negative predictive values) and reliability indices (positive, negative and overall agreements) without a standard rater. However neither of these classic indices is chance-corrected, and this may distort the analysis of the problem (especially in comparative studies). One way of chance-correcting these indices is by using the Delta model (an alternative to the Kappa model), but this means having to use a computer program to work out the calculations. This paper gives an asymptotic version of the Delta model, thus allowing simple expressions to be obtained for the estimator of each of the above-mentioned chance-corrected indices (as well as for its standard error).  相似文献   

The assessment of a binary diagnostic test requires a knowledge of the disease status of all the patients in the sample through the application of a gold standard. In practice, the gold standard is not always applied to all of the patients, which leads to the problem of partial verification of the disease. When the accuracy of the diagnostic test is assessed using only those patients whose disease status has been verified using the gold standard, the estimators obtained in this way, known as Naïve estimators, may be biased. In this study, we obtain the explicit expressions of the bias of the Naïve estimators of sensitivity and specificity of a binary diagnostic test. We also carry out simulation experiments in order to study the effect of the verification probabilities on the Naïve estimators of sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

The asymptotically normal, regression-based LM integration test is adapted for panels with correlated units. The N different units may be integrated of different (fractional) orders under the null hypothesis. The paper first reviews conditions under which the test statistic is asymptotically (as T→∞) normal in a single unit. Then we adopt the framework of seemingly unrelated regression [SUR] for cross-correlated panels, and discuss a panel test statistic based on the feasible generalized least squares [GLS] estimator, which follows a χ 2(N) distribution. Third, a more powerful statistic is obtained by working under the assumption of equal deviations from the respective null in all units. Fourth, feasible GLS requires inversion of sample covariance matrices typically imposing T>N; in addition we discuss alternative covariance matrix estimators for T<N. The usefulness of our results is assessed in Monte Carlo experimentation.  相似文献   

Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic (KS) is a standard measure in credit scoring. Currently, there are three computational methods of KS: method with equal-width binning, method with equal-size binning and method without binning. This paper compares the three methods in three aspects: Values, Rank Ordering of Scores and Geometrical Way. The computational results on the German Credit Data show that only the method without binning can produce a unique value of KS. It is further proved analytically that the method without binning yields the maximum value of KS among the three methods. The computational results also show that only the method with equal-size binning can be used to evaluate rank ordering of scores. Moreover, it is proved that all the three methods can be used to calculate KS in a geometric way.  相似文献   

We consider the fitting of a Bayesian model to grouped data in which observations are assumed normally distributed around group means that are themselves normally distributed, and consider several alternatives for accommodating the possibility of heteroscedasticity within the data. We consider the case where the underlying distribution of the variances is unknown, and investigate several candidate prior distributions for those variances. In each case, the parameters of the candidate priors (the hyperparameters) are themselves given uninformative priors (hyperpriors). The most mathematically convenient model for the group variances is to assign them inverse gamma distributed priors, the inverse gamma distribution being the conjugate prior distribution for the unknown variance of a normal population. We demonstrate that for a wide class of underlying distributions of the group variances, a model that assigns the variances an inverse gamma-distributed prior displays favorable goodness-of-fit properties relative to other candidate priors, and hence may be used as standard for modeling such data. This allows us to take advantage of the elegant mathematical property of prior conjugacy in a wide variety of contexts without compromising model fitness. We test our findings on nine real world publicly available datasets from different domains, and on a wide range of artificially generated datasets.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of unbiased estimation of P[X > Y] = θ for two independent exponentially distributed random variables X and Y. We present (unique) unbiased estimator of θ based on a single pair of order statistics obtained from two independent random samples from the two populations. We also indicate how this estimator can be utilized to obtain unbiased estimators of θ when only a few selected order statistics are available from the two random samples as well as when the samples are selected by an alternative procedure known as ranked set sampling. It is proved that for ranked set samples of size two, the proposed estimator is uniformly better than the conventional non-parametric unbiased estimator and further, a modified ranked set sampling procedure provides an unbiased estimator even better than the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

The use of Bayesian nonparametrics models has increased rapidly over the last few decades driven by increasing computational power and the development of efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. We review some applications of these models in economic applications including: volatility modelling (using both stochastic volatility models and GARCH-type models) with Dirichlet process mixture models, uses in portfolio allocation problems, long memory models with flexible forms of time-dependence, flexible extension of the dynamic Nelson-Siegel model for interest rate yields and multivariate time series models used in macroeconometrics.  相似文献   

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