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Many aborigines in rural and in urban centres live in housing conditions which prevent them from leading a normal family life. This paper describes how a deficiency in number, type, quality and administration of housing in the rural town of Bourke, New South Wales, contributed to the poor morale of the aborigines as well as being a physical, psychological and social health hazard.  相似文献   

Five hundred and one teachers employed by the New South Wales Department of Education responded to a survey instrument designed to ascertain the attitude of teachers to the possibility of job sharing. These respondents were employed in randomly selected secondary and primary schools in both the city and country regions of New South Wales. They were asked to respond to questions of a biographical kind, to questions which specified general attitudes to job sharing and to questions which asked for their personal views on the subject. The biographical data indicated that the sex breakdown across both the primary and secondary schools closely matched the breakdown in the teaching population. Fifty percent of the sample considered that the introduction of job sharing should be given high or very high priority, and the majority of respondents thought that it would improve teacher job satisfaction, health and well being, absenteeism and work load, but that administration, promotional opportunities and staff/parent relationships would be negatively affected. Fifty five percent of the respondents said that they were interested in a job sharing position, and 56 percent of these interested teachers said that they would like the position now. The pursuit of other interests was the main reason given for wishing to teach in a job sharing capacity. It was concluded that the likely benefits of job sharing probably out-weigh its costs.  相似文献   

Two surveys were conducted of volunteers working for recreation organizations in four New South Wales regions. The results highlight the dependence of these organizations on volunteers. Volunteers were found to be heavily engaged in instructing and organizing recreation activities. Few have any specific training for the role although further training is frequently considered desirable by respondents. Many respondents indicated that the government could assist voluntary work by providing— ? training at the local level, ? general financial assistance, and ? subsidies for equipment and facilities. Generally, responses indicate that the government should play a supportive rather than controlling role in recreation.  相似文献   

A comparison of urban and rural patterns of juvenile delinquency in N.S.W. showed that, among boys, there were more charges of breaking entering and stealing, assault, robbery, and truancy in the metropolitan area, and more charges of stealing, receiving, malicious damage, offences against good order, and ‘complaints’ (C.W. Act) in country areas. More boys aged 15 to 17 were charged in the metropolitan area and more aged 12 to 14 in country areas. Similar urban-rural differences were found among girls; however, except for truancy and being uncontrollable, they were not significant. Additionally, in rural areas 12-year-old girls were charged more often with criminal offences and selected ‘complaints’.  相似文献   

Two sources of evidence regarding rape trends in New South Wales are presented, one showing a steep increase, the other showing none. Since both sources accurately represent official figures, this raises questions about the reliability of the statistics as well as the interpretations flowing from them. The claim that there has been no change, and hence no need for public concern, is disputed in the light of the alternative data, which appear more satisfactory.  相似文献   

A survey of in-patients and out-patients at the Coffs Harbour and District Hospital for the years 1972–3 and 1973–4 showed that the use made of a general health care facility is partly a function of its siting in that the chances of admission diminish the further a patient lives from a hospital. Moreover, the hospital out-patient department appears to serve as a primary health care facility for a substantial proportion of the population. The planning implications of these two findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Although crime statistics are relatively less developed in Australia than in many other advanced western nations, the information that is available suggests that crime is on the increase. To talk of overall crime rates is, however, to overlook important differences between crimes, between geographical areas, and between different time periods. Examination of crime statistics for the New South Wales north coast reveals just how difficult it is to identify general trends.  相似文献   

赵立行 《求是学刊》2006,33(1):139-144
西欧中世纪社会同时存在着对犹太人有利和不利的态度,这些态度随着时间和地域的变化而变化。不同的阶层在同一时期,同一阶层在不同的时期都对犹太人有着不同的态度。中世纪对待犹太人的态度的复杂性和矛盾性有着复杂的社会背景。  相似文献   

The lack of culturally appropriate services contributes to the low participation rate of Indigenous people in disability services. Understanding how disability is conceptualised is essential to developing culturally appropriate disability services. This study aimed to critically compare the conceptualisation of disability between Indigenous people and NSW government and non‐government disability service agencies. Indigenous and policy sources were obtained from purposive and snowball sampling. The Indigenous conceptualisation of disability was understood through representations by Indigenous spokespeople in journal and newspaper articles and audiovisual materials. The disability service agency conceptualisation of disability was represented through the annual reports and programme guidelines of the NSW government agency and seven non‐government disability agencies. The occupational justice framework guided critical analysis at the cultural interface. Four themes were identified: power and self‐determination, eligibility, otherness, and identity and labels. Data showed disability agencies promote self‐determination for Indigenous people and conceptualise disability as impairments affecting functioning, when assessing service access eligibility. Most Indigenous people do not self‐identify as disabled and are categorised as culturally different within policies. Indigenous people experience marginalisation due to their cultural identity. Indigenous people are required to conform to the conceptualisation of disability proffered by agencies to access services. To develop culturally appropriate services, agencies must collaborate with Indigenous communities.  相似文献   

The new legislation introduced in New South Wales in July 1981 is a dramatic evolution of the law regarding rape, one which is intended to render the law more flexible in terms of penalties, broader in the definition of the offence, and fairer in the provision on trial procedure. Through a consideration of some of the provisions of the Act, the argument is developed that while some of these aims are met, the law is, in places, less than ideal. An attempt is made to determine the shortcomings of the law, the conclusion involving both the provisions themselves and the proposition that attitudes and prejudices cannot be eliminated by the legislative pen.  相似文献   

An investigation of children entering State wardship revealed a common background of poverty, mobility of domicile, neglect and deprivation together with physical abuse. There were high levels of parental loss and parental psychiatric illness and criminality. While of average intelligence, the children were educationally retarded and emotionally disturbed with depression and hostility the main symptoms. They perceived their environment as violent and aggressive and themselves as deprived or experiencing loss. Most clung to idealized parental figures and denied the reality of their present situation. On discharge from the receiving centre only four children were fostered and the rest continued in care.  相似文献   

The problem of economic and social support for the dependant sectors of the Australian population in the future is addressed through consideration of recent national and regional population projections in relation to dependency theory. The level of immigration required to prevent the dependent sectors growing unduly at the expense of the productive is shown to be significant and this is complicated by high unemployment, and the issue of how many immigrants that can continue to be absorbed into the workforce. The contribution of suburban development trends, with their often wasteful provision of services at the local level in the longer term, as the result of regional demographic change, is seen to exacerbate the problems at the national level.  相似文献   

Systems of social protection in the member states of the European Community differ not only in organization but also occasionally in their conception. Nevertheless, on closer examination this diversity proves to be less significant than it seems. Those systems have, moreover, a series of common problems to confront. Furthermore, the establishment of the single European market will entail a growing and varied mobility of persons and increase the need to move towards standardization of social protection levels. The Community therefore proposes to promote the convergence of member states'policies, while recognizing and respecting the diversity and autonomy of systems. The approach would be essentially flexible and multiform, and based on the principle of subsidiarity.  相似文献   

新时期社会团体的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄玮 《社会》2001,(5):25-26
改革开放二十年来 ,社会团体大量涌现 ,并不断发展壮大 ,逐渐形成一股不容忽视的社会力量。新兴的社团不仅为政府与社会组织及个人架起一座联结的桥梁 ,构成了社会中间层 ,而且推动了整个社会领域的发展。随着经济的发展和社会的进步 ,各类社会团体的发展速度都很快 ,并且已经成为国家机关、企事业单位之外的一类法人组织 ,在社会各个领域发挥了不可估量的作用。具体地说 ,目前社会团体主要具有以下几项功能 :M1.社会稳定功能。经济体制的改革导致下岗人员的增加 ,并形成了城市新贫困群体 ,而整个社会保障机制到目前为止还不够完善 ,社…  相似文献   

“9·11”事件后美国南亚政策的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“9· 11”事件发生后 ,随着美国确定阿富汗塔利班为军事打击的目标 ,其南亚政策发生了引人注目的变化。如何看待这些变化 ,如何准确把握美国南亚政策今后的走向 ,是本文主要探讨的问题。一、“9· 1 1”事件前美国的南亚政策近年来 ,随着国际政治格局的变化 ,美国对其南亚政策做出了重大调整。在克林顿执政后期 ,这种调整已经显现出较大的力度。这就是彻底改变冷战时期“美巴轴心”的战略关系 ,以及冷战结束初期“印巴均衡”的平行政策 ,转而奉行“重印轻巴”的倾斜政策。1 布什上台伊始 ,美国南亚政策“扬印抑巴”的趋势更加明显 ,不仅出…  相似文献   

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