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This article examines the structure and content of relationships among members of a sisterhood in Hong Kong. These women, who at the time of the research were members of a Buddhist vegetarian hall, had been participants in what can be termed a marriage resistance movement, that took place in the Pearl River Delta surrounding Canton from approximately 1865 through 1935.  相似文献   

Laura Bragg, a member of the first graduating class at Simmons College, journeyed to Charleston as a New Woman in 1909. As the first woman director of a major scientific museum in the United States, Bragg transformed the Charleston Museum into a public education institution and became an innovative leader in museum education. This article documents Bragg's contributions within the context of antebellum culture where the Southern Belle was placed on a Victorian pedestal and Boston marriages were an unknown phenomenon. Using extensive and hitherto unpublished correspondence, the authors detail Bragg's lesbian relationships and describe her network within the homosexual male community during the era of the Charleston Renaissance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses lessons about sexuality and eroticism gleaned from those who engage in extraordinary sex, even though such relationships have typically been classified as pathological. What can clinicians learn from those who seek and attain uncommon sexual relations? Such individuals' sexual epistemology, goals, understanding of the nature and spectrum of sexual and erotic relations, communication strategies and "outcome" criteria can provide valuable lessons for those who treat sexual problems or aim to overcome sexual mediocrity. For example, while traditional sex therapy often focuses on what is on the surface, some SM participants are interested in the meanings that lie at a deeper level. Whereas conventional clinicians may focus on enabling particular sexual acts (especially heterosexual intercourse), SM participants are more apt to be concerned with the varied spectrum of underlying purposes motivating these acts. Whereas many couples are willing to settle for merely functional sex, SM practitioners may be more interested in contact that necessitates intense, erotic connection; sophisticated communication of subtle differences in intent; and eventuates in profound self-knowledge and transcendent levels of intimacy. Illustrative case examples are provided.  相似文献   

This paper examines an institutionalized friendship among adolescent girls and young women in southern Africa. Lesotho's economy is based on migrant male labor which leaves the women dependent on male earnings or subsistence from the land, and also creates unstable marital relations. Young girls in the modern schools develop close relationships, called "mummy-baby," with slightly older girls. Sexual intimacy is an important aspect of these relationships. Mummy-baby relationships not only provide emotional support prior to marriage, but also a network of support for married and unmarried women in new towns or schools, either replacing or accompanying heterosexual bonds.  相似文献   

The Population Center Foundation (PCF) has begun promoting greater awareness of the implications of adolescent fertility among Filipino teenagers. PCF has developed an information and counseling program on adolescent fertility attuned to the youth's particular conditions and tastes. Almost all teenagers preferred to talk with their peers rather than with adults or professionals, especially on intimate topics. The export processing zone (EPZ) is 1 of the most popular government strategies for pursuing an export-led industrialization. The Bataan EPZ, the site for 1 implementation of PCF's program for young workers, is the country's prime industrial estate. The presence of dormitories in the Bataan zone has given greater opportunities for interaction among workers; closer relationships are built, and the degree of trust and intimacy required for honest discussions of sexual problems is established. The Bataan program aims to assist the EPZs, the regional and local offices of the Commission on Population, and the Ministry of Labor and Employment in meeting the family planning needs of the zones' teenage workers. An information-education-communication campaign has been launched to get support for the sexuality counseling services offered by various institutions in this program. Those who take part in the adolescent sexuality counseling training program are asked to share their experience during feedback sessions.  相似文献   

Ideas on man-boy friendships prevailing in early 20th century Germany are analyzed in this paper. The friendships based on the concept of pedagogical Eros, as propagated by Gustav Wyneken (1875-1964) in his Wickersdorf Free School Community, are presented as an example. Wyneken's conviction in 1921 for acts of vice with minors and the diverse reactions in the homosexual and youth movements and the popular press shed light on the viewpoints then held regarding these friendships. As a result of this confrontation, the Platonic model was superseded by the medico-sexological model which has continued to dominate thought on man-boy friendships up to the present day.  相似文献   

Though there is no correlation between mental illness and homosexuality, there are unique concerns that play a role in symptomatology and psychotherapy around neurotic and characterological issues in gay patients. Homophobia, both in the therapist and in the patient, external and internalized, is the significant "hidden" factor. Lack of training around transference and countertransference issues with gay patients and lack of teaching about homosexuality in training programs contribute to the difficulties encountered in psychotherapy with gay people. There are some problems and concerns specific to being homosexual that may bring patients to therapy: "coming-out," deciding on sexual orientation, desire to change orientation, and a unique "AIDS neurosis." The therapist needs to have an objective knowledge of the gay community and be willing to examine personal beliefs and reactions to work effectively with gay patients.  相似文献   

The Judaeo-Christian religious tradition has generally been mistrustful of sexuality, wherein homosexuality is not even a legitimate discussion. The psychological tradition has been heterosexist and homophobic. It is argued that only a creation-centered spirituality and a transpersonal psychotherapy can be truly supportive of gay men and lesbian women. A transpersonal model is presented that is integrated with creation spirituality. This model is applied to specific situations of gay men and lesbians with clinical examples. In this inquiry, the special gifts of homosexuals are noted.  相似文献   

Reports on the use of peer counseling in sex and fertility control for adolescents in the Philippines. Among the programs described are the early and innovative program at De La Salle University, which includes a telephone hotline; a similar phone service used by the Kapatiran sa Kaunlara Foundation in Manila; and the Catholic Education Association of the Philippines. Universitites in Manila and other cities have also developed programs. The types of problems peer counselors are likely to encounter and ways in which they are frequently handled are noted, the importance of sound training is stated, and the key role of experience in the development of good counselors is emphasized. Counselors are generally offered some kind of incentive (college credits or an honorarium) but the personal rewards are noted as being possibly more significant.  相似文献   

Better education of Philippine couples and exposure to good counseling before marriage are 2 major factors that have positively affected the performance of the 9 year old Premarriage Counseling Program (PMCP). According to the study, better educated couples about to marry, and couples who had previous guidance from premarriage counselors scored higher than others on a family planning Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice (KAP) test. A study was conducted to evaluate the program's effectiveness. Broadly, all those involved in the PMCP agreed that it contributed a large share to the slowing down of the country's population growth and favored the continuation of the program. The 7 major problems of the program discussed are: 1) poor coordination and cooperation among the participating agencies existed in some areas from the top level of the hierarchy to the lowest level, 2) lack of logistic support to enable the staff to perform their respective responsibilities, 3) lack of discipline and skill among counselors in performing their responsibilities, 4) lack of interest among the counselees, 5) an inadequate database for monitoring and evaluating, 6) reliance on a "padrino" to be exempted from going through premarriage counseling sessions, and 7) too much focus on family planning and marriage and relationships during premarriage counseling sessions. Recommendations include 1) program heads should reassess the program's subject matter, and 2) the subject matter of premarriage counseling sessions should be limited to thorough discussions of family planning, marriage, and relationships.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the scientific community is publishing literature intended to conceptualize the experiences of women as they navigate through midlife development. Most of that literature is built around a Caucasian norm. In contrast, this naturalistic study explores the midlife experiences of Black women, some of whom identified as Caribbean emigrants and some as African American. An initial focus group of thirteen women met in New York City. Two subsequent meetings were each attended by seven of the original thirteen. Data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results were compared with those of three similar studies: one with rural Caucasian women, one with a group of women who identified as Lesbians, and one with a racially mixed group of urban women. Counseling implications of shared and differing experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

A significant number of men and women experience conflict surrounding homosexual expression within marriage. As the media focuses more attention on these relationships, more bisexual men and their wives seek counseling or psychotherapeutic assistance. Based upon the author's research and clinical experience, this article outlines a group psychotherapy strategy for bisexual men and their wives. Relevant research and background data on mixed-orientation marriages are summarized. Treatment strategy explores intervention processes, resistances to treatment, the unique supportive experiences of the group, and qualities of the co-therapist who may provide assistance to bisexual men and their wives.  相似文献   

This paper examines certain issues relevant to psychotherapy with gay men and lesbians. The roles of general factors in psychotherapy in relation to homosexuality, including the theoretical orientation of the therapist, the nature of the presenting problem, the mode of therapy, and the personal characteristics of the therapist, are discussed. Special issues of concern to gay men and lesbians, specifically the question of pathology, the amount of information the therapist has about homosexuality, the sexual orientation of the therapist, and the unique problems of gay men and lesbians, are reviewed. Finally, an overview of the role of homophobia in psychotherapy is presented, and the importance of further exploration in this area is discussed.  相似文献   

Stigma lies at the root of many problems typically experienced by homosexual clients and their families. Sociological theory and research shed light on the dynamics of stigma and its consequences, both for the stigmatized population and for their heterosexual families and associates. This article summarizes key sociological research on the nature and development of sexual orientation. It considers the dynamics of homophobia and its implications for homosexual youngsters and their families. It offers practical tips for helping clients to understand their own or a family member's homosexual orientation, for coping with stigma, for reconciling issues of religion and morality, and for determining lifestyle. Suggestions for therapist office materials are also included.  相似文献   

Immigration has always been of great significance to Canada. This study undertakes an examination of the demand-side impact of immigration on the Canadian economy. Consumption patterns, both aggregate and disaggregate, are estimated using the data base provided by the 1986 Statistics Canada Survey of Family Expenditures. Aggregate results indicate that immigrant consumption spatterns approach those of the Canadian-born over time while the disaggregate analysis provides several exceptions to this finding. While immigrants tend to behave like their Canadian-born counterparts in areas of shelter, household operation and health care, significant differences are observed in the majority of other categories analyzed.  相似文献   

Bathhouses are important venues for providing HIV counseling and testing to high-risk men who have sex with men (MSM), yet relatively few bathhouses routinely provide this service, and few data are available to guide program design. We examine numerous logistic considerations that had been identified in the HIV Alternative Testing Strategies study and that influenced the initiation, effectiveness, and maintenance of HIV testing programs in bathhouses for MSM. Key programmatic considerations in the design of a bathhouse HIV counseling and testing program included building alliances with community agencies, hiring and training staff, developing techniques for offering testing, and providing options for counseling, testing, and disclosure of results. The design included ways to provide client support and follow-up for partner notification and treatment counseling and to maintain relationships with bathhouse management for support of prevention activities. Early detection of HIV infection and HIV prevention can be achieved for some high-risk MSM through an accessible and acceptable HIV counseling and testing program in bathhouses. Keys to success include establishing community prevention collaborations between bathhouse personnel and testing agencies, ensuring that testing staff are supported in their work, and offering anonymous rapid HIV testing. Use of FDA approved, new rapid tests that do not require venipuncture, centrifugation, or laboratory oversight will further decrease barriers to testing and facilitate implementation of bathhouse testing programs in other communities.  相似文献   

Obare F 《Demography》2010,47(3):651-665
Despite the increasing number of population-based surveys in sub-Saharan Africa that provide testing and counseling for HIV over the past decade, understanding the nature of nonresponse in these surveys, especially panel HIV surveys, is still limited. This article uses longitudinal HIV data collected from rural Malawi in 2004 and 2006 to examine nonresponse in repeat population-based testing. It shows that nonresponse in repeat testing led to significant bias in the estimates of HIV prevalence and to inconsistent conclusions about the predictors of HIV status. In contrast, previous cross-sectional analyses found that nonresponse does not significantly bias the estimates of HIV prevalence. The difference in conclusions from cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of nonresponse can be attributed to two factors: the different definitions of what constitutes nonresponse in both contexts, and the risk profiles of the missed populations. In particular, although refusal and temporary absence are the major sources ofnonresponse in the cross-sectional contexts, attrition attributable to mortality and out-migration are additional sources of nonresponse in repeat testing. Evidence shows that out-migrants have higher HIV prevalence than nonmigrants, which could account for significant bias in the estimates of prevalence among participants in both tests observed in this study.  相似文献   

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