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With per capita GDP exceeding US$1,000 in 2003,Chinese economy is steering into a new phase whichwill underline the importance of balanceddevelopment.  相似文献   

论中国人口健康研究的优先领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口健康是人口科学中新兴的分支学科和典型的交叉学科。近几年来,人口健康研究领域与其他学科的交融拓展非常活跃,所涉及的内容越来越广泛,出现可喜局面。然而,在人口健康蓬勃发展的现有阶段,应该循序渐进的原则,有序合理的拓展研究范围,不能盲目地、过于广泛地研究所有与健康有关的问题。这就是说,我们应该遵守学科发展的基本原则并依据本领域的实际发展状况确定优先领域,从而明确研究那些问题是基础性的、研究那些问题是急需的、解决这些问题的意义是什么?等等。否则,研究过于宽泛有可能不能有效解决应该解决的问题,研究定位不准有可能不…  相似文献   

Abstract Adam Smith dealt with questions of population mainly in his Wealth of Nations. His discussion falls roughly under five heads and reflects in considerable measure his image of the English economy. (1) A country's population capacity, given the average level of consumption, was conditioned by the stock of land, the skill with which it was cultivated, and the degree to which division of labour could be increased and thereby augment output for domestic use and sale in external markets. (2) Growth of population was essentially in response to growth of the demand for labour and served to increase division of labour. (3) The social mechanisms underlying elevation of the scale of living are touched upon, and in an optimistic spirit. (4) The distribution of a country's population responded to its progress in opulence, with the rate of this progress conditioned by the degree to which inappropriate (e.g. mercantilist) policies were avoided. (5) Smith dealt briefly with such matters as colonies, education, size of economy, environmental influences, and public policy, all of which he recognized as significant for the quantity and quality of a country's numbers.  相似文献   

Adam Smith dealt with questions of population mainly in his Wealth of Nations. His discussion falls roughly under five heads and reflects in considerable measure his image of the English economy. (1) A country's population capacity, given the average level of consumption, was conditioned by the stock of land, the skill with which it was cultivated, and the degree to which division of labour could be increased and thereby augment output for domestic use and sale in external markets. (2) Growth of population was essentially in response to growth of the demand for labour and served to increase division of labour. (3) The social mechanisms underlying elevation of the scale of living are touched upon, and in an optimistic spirit. (4) The distribution of a country's population responded to its progress in opulence, with the rate of this progress conditioned by the degree to which inappropriate (e.g. mercantilist) policies were avoided. (5) Smith dealt briefly with such matters as colonies, education, size of economy, environmental influences, and public policy, all of which he recognized as significant for the quantity and quality of a country's numbers.  相似文献   

The Development and Population Redistribution in South Asia symposium, held in Pakistan during January 1980, was organized around 4 major themes: 1) national, regional and local policies of population redistribution; 2) population redistribution aspects of national development plans; 3) development projects and population redistribution; and 4) settlement of refugees. A principal concern was the ecological impact of programs of resettlement, particularly in the tarai zone of India and Nepal and in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. A 2nd major concern fo the symposium was the spatial pattern of urbanization in each country. The final symposium under the term of office of the present International Geographical Union Population Commission will deal with migration and population redistribution in the Asia and Pacific region.  相似文献   

性别偏好研究——潮汕地区一个村落的实地调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄少宽  黄晔 《南方人口》2007,22(4):13-18
出生人口性别比是人们性别偏好的集中反映,其严重偏离正常值的问题已经引起我国各界的广泛关注.本文引入布迪厄的实践社会学,借鉴并补充场域-惯习研究范式,通过对广东潮汕地区一个村落的村民生育行为进行定性研究,解释和分析性别偏好现象.  相似文献   

The First National Workshop on Population Education was held from 16 to 18 November 1978, involving principals and instructors in extension education of all the eight agricultural extension training institutes, regional directors of agriculture, some district extension officers and representatives from voluntary agencies involved in population education. The object of the Workshop was to discuss and modify the materials prepared for the introduction of the concept of population education in agricultural training institutes. Some materials were also adopted for training purposes of village extension agents. The World Bank project of the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for introducing in Bangladesh the concept of population education to pre-service, village-level extension workers in the various agricultural extension institutes, and the first project to recruit female extension workers for service in rural areas.  相似文献   

适度人口新论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以马克思主义经济学基本原理为基础,运用从抽象到具体的研究方法,从质和量两个方面对“适度人口”理论进行了新的探讨,从而得出所谓“适度人口就是一定时期内社会物质生产部门和非物质生产部门所需要的适度劳动力人口以及由此产生的杜会必要被赡养人口之和” 的逻辑结论。  相似文献   

This article features the different views of Parliament members concerning the need in the reduction of population growth for development sustenance. Population growth would lead to environmental degradation, malnutrition, diseases, and high incidence of poverty. Furthermore, social problems arise like teenage pregnancies, and abuse of young girls. Suggestions on curtailing this problem as suggested by some of the parliament members includes educating people on issues of migration, family planning and reproductive health. Other members suggested on family planning legislation, like in the case of China where population explosion exists. Further, members thought that advocacy for population control such as condom usage targeting to couples having large families should be catered. However, this was denounced by some members as a failure and should not be sanctioned at large family couples but rather to husband with several wives. Finally, a compromised view was directed on population management with poverty alleviation involving the provision of amenities such as water, electricity, good roads, potable water, and income generating activities.  相似文献   

Although The Tragedy of the Commons is widely acclaimed, activists in environmental causes as well as professionals in ethics continue to act as if the essay had never been written. They ignore the central thesis that traditional, a priori thinking in ethics is mistaken and must be discarded. Hence the need remains to give the tragedy of the commons a more general statement—one which can convince a wide public of the correctness of its method and principles. In essence Hardin's essay is a thought experiment. Its purpose is not to make a historical statement but rather to demonstrate that tragic consequences can follow from practicing mistaken moral theories. Then it proposes a system-sensitive ethics that can prevent tragedy. The general statement of the tragedy of the commons demonstrates that an a priori ethics constructed on human-centered, moral principles and a definition of equal justice cannot prevent and indeed always supports growth in population and consumption. Such growth, though not inevitable, is a constant threat. If continual growth should ever occur, it eventually causes the breakdown of the ecosystems which support civilization. Henceforth, any viable ethics must satisfy these related requirements: (1) An acceptable system of ethics is contingent on its ability to preserve the ecosystems which sustain it. (2) Biological necessity has a veto over the behavior which any set of moral beliefs can allow or require. (3) Biological success is a necessary (though not a sufficient) condition for any acceptable ethical theory. In summary, no ethics can be grounded in biological impossibility; no ethics can require ethical behavior that ends all further ethical behavior. Clearly any ethics which tries to do so is mistaken; it is wrong.  相似文献   

Research activities focused on family planning techniques and perinatal care will be given priority during China's 7th 5-Year Plan period. In terms of birth control technology, an emphasis will be placed on improving the reversibility of tubal sterilization and vasectomy, reducing complications (e.g., expulsion) associated with IUD use, refining methods of early pregnancy termination, and development of more long-acting contraceptive methods. Also explored will be the safety and effectiveness of herbs traditionally used for fertility control in China. To facilitate the development of more perfect types of contraceptives, basic research on spermatogenesis, sperm transportation, and fertilization will be conducted continuously. Studies on quality control indicators, pharmacodynamic indicators, and toxicological markers will be emphasized. In the area of eugenics, an emphasis will be placed on the prevention of congenital abnormalities and the monitoring of birth defects. Screening methods for the early diagnosis of genetic diseases will also be explored. Finally, attention will be given to the detection of teratogenic factors in the environment and other preventive measures.  相似文献   

R Qin 《人口研究》1984,(5):9-17
Marxist population theory and world population are discussed. From his study of capitalist population theory Marx concluded, "In capitalist reproduction, poverty produces population," thus rejecting Malthusian population determinism theory and developing economic determinism. According to UN statistics, world population has stabilized since the middle of this century after having doubled every hundred years for the last 300; population in the developed countries showed a positive decrease and average net population growth of the developing countries also decreased. The premise of this paper is that population grows according to social economy development. During the last several hundred years, world wealth increased much faster than population; in the last 200 years alone, the population has increased fivefold, but wealth fortyfold. In addition, world population analysis reveals an inverse relationship between wealth and population in the developed and developing countries: the poorer the country, the greater the population. From this perspective, the study of population must begin with surplus labor. Accumulation of surplus production is the foundation of continuous social development and the basis for population growth. The major difference in methods between capitalist countries and China is that the capitalist-planned fertility affects the individual family while Chinese-planned fertility has the whole nation in mind. Human fertility is determined by the economic system. Private ownership determines the private nature of fertility and public ownership determines the public nature of fertility. Thus population development is determined by the accumulation of social wealth.  相似文献   

邹湘江  吴丹 《人口学刊》2013,35(4):70-79
我国农村人口老龄化程度和提高的速度全面超越了城市,这与当前的人口城市化进程密切相关。人口流动的年龄选择性,使得农村流出人口平均年龄和老年人口比例都远低于农村人口整体水平。流动人口内部在不断地"更新",年轻的流动人口不断替代年老的流动人口,从而保持较年轻的年龄结构,这种人口流动的年龄选择性加速了农村人口老龄化。通过人口老龄化模型的进一步分析发现,在2000~2010年间,农村人口自然老化速度基本保持稳定。而随着农村流动人口的增加,其对农村人口老龄化速度的影响从2000~2005年间的0.031岁/年增加到2006~2010年间的0.07岁/年;农村流出人口对农村人口平均年龄增加的贡献也从8.04%上升到16.91%,人口流动已成为农村人口老龄化的重要推动力。从人口流动的角度,需要关注农村留守老人的照料问题,进一步完善农村社会保障体系以及解决如何让流动人口在城市沉淀下来等问题。  相似文献   

The tripling of the world’s population growth since 1960 has received little public attention the past decade. Six reasons for the silence around this subject constitute a “perfect storm”. The first five are: visibility of actual fertility decline in the developed countries as well as a number of the developing ones; well justified attention to the impact of high levels of consumption on the environment; an implicit welcome by conservative political and religious forces to reduced needs for family planning; the tragedy of AIDS dominating international health concerns; and the 1994 Cairo conference’s focus on examples of coercive family planning while nearly ignoring the coercion of women forced into unwanted childbearing. These five relatively new developments have been supported by standard demographic theory containing an assumption that couples naturally want many children, making it difficult to see the many barriers blocking women’s options to manage their own childbearing.  相似文献   

J Y Liu 《人口研究》1981,(2):13-15
The Third National Population Science Congress emphasized the production theory of Marxism, the basic difference between China's population control and the old and new Malthusianism, and possible social problems caused by the one child per couple policy. The meeting was well-organized, and the participants were actively involved; it included a keynote speech, group discussions, and seminars by specialists. Most people agreed that population production should be included in the social economy and that both material and population production should together decide the development of the society. Some people believed that Malthus' population theory is antirevolutionary and totally unacceptable. Others thought that there are some positive aspects such as the coordination of population with consumer goods and his population control measures. Many valuable suggestions were made in the meeting concerning population control. This Congress also established a Chinese Population Society, passed the bylaws, and elected members of the board of directors for the Society. Vice-Premier Chen gave an important closing speech about the importance of family planning and population control.  相似文献   

文章通过对目前技术进步的两种典型表现形式——高新技术与技术引进进行分析,认为当前经济总量和就业总量未取得同步增长的一个重要原因在于技术进步带来了经济增长,但同时造成了就业的减少。从而指出,在技术进步和经济增长优先还是就业优先的问题上,应该给予后者足够的重视,必须把就业放在经济社会发展中更加突出的位置。  相似文献   

English economic thought was dominated for close to a half century by the system of economic analysis developed by Alfred Marshall (1842–1924) whose views relating to population are examined. The demographic and economic changes taking place within Marshall's lifetime are briefly summarised in the Introduction. There follows in Part I a review of the opinions of Marshall's predecessors and contemporaries respecting both the behaviour of the laws of returns, technical progress, etc., and the circumstances on which population growth had depended or was likely to depend. The optimum is included among the concepts here treated. Reactions to the late nineteenth-century decline in natality are noted. In Part II Marshall's treatment of the laws of returns and of capital formation, together with their significance for the population question, is examined. His treatment of technological and organisational change and of international trade as counterbalances to population growth is considered. His failure to make use of the optimum concept is remarked as is the theory of economic growth that appears to underly his analysis of demographic development.  相似文献   

本文根据关于上海市外来常住人口2000年人口普查数据和2005年1%抽样调查数据的分析,详细阐述了上海市外来常住人口的现状特征,并且研究外来常住人口在上海的分布状况,从而更好地全面认识上海市外来流动人口的结构特征、地理分布、存在的主要问题等。本研究能够为上海市完善流动人口管理与服务、进一步做好工作、构建融洽的社会主义和谐社会提供参考。  相似文献   

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