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文化自觉与文化建设 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
王军 《社会观察(上海)》2005,(4):40-41
在全球化浪潮日益汹涌的今天,异质文明之间的冲突和整合不断通过各种介质凸现出来,成了一个无法回避的问题。因此,在全球化前提下讨论文化问题,就不能仅仅局限于“经典”或“文献”的框架内,而应涉及人类特有的整体性的社会行为模式。文化自觉——文化以人为本近年费孝通先生在不同场合提到“文化自觉”,他所谓的文化自觉,是指生活在一定文化中的人对其文化有“自知之明”,明白它的来历、形成过程、所具特色和发展趋向,加强对文化转型的自主能力,进而取得决定适应新环境、新时代文化选择的自主地位。费孝通提出文化自觉,我想是基于也是激于… 相似文献
暴力文化与文化暴力 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
吴锡平 《社会观察(上海)》2004,(12):38-40
无处不在的暴力文化一个幽灵,一个暴力文化的幽灵,正在我们的生活中游荡,它的魔影无处不在--从2002年戛纳电影节上那部让90%的观众吐着退场的《不可撤消》,到昆丁·塔伦蒂诺蛰伏十年后的新作《杀死比尔》,再到2小时屠杀200多人的"杀人机器"以藏红遍全球,暴力已不再 相似文献
张涛甫 《社会观察(上海)》2014,(6):77-78
文化是一种柔性的力量,有学者称之为"软实力"。相比之下,它不及经济、政治那样实在,似乎缺乏硬度,但它是一种无形的力量,潜移默化地影响着人们对人生和世界的看法,内在地支配着人们的行为。文化像空气一样,充盈在我们的周围,渗透在我们的行为理念中。梁漱溟先生说过:"文化并非别的,乃是人类生活的样法。"中国是一个有文化的国度,几千年文明窖藏孕育,造就了中国独特的文化魅力。中国文化之所以不同于西方文化,盖在于中西方的生活方式不同,中国对自然、人生、世界的理解有着自己独特的方式。 相似文献
中国文化:超越“霸道”胡锦涛主席启程访美.和平发展将会是他向美国朝野阐述的中国外交方针的突出内容。近年来.“中国崛起”引起了美国和其他一些国家的不安.它们担心中国强大后会威胁周边国家以至整个世界。因此.化解和消除其他国家对中国的忧虑和担心.便成为中国外交工作的重要任务。其实,一国对他国构成威胁.不光需要实力.还要有扩张 相似文献
近日,两则新闻引来舆论高度关注。一则是"江苏淮安建设我国南北地理分界标志",另一则是"四川丰都巨资打造鬼城"。两件事看似不相干,却能带来相似的思考。先说说淮安的南北地理分界标志,据媒体报道,标志物的外形是一个球形,位于淮 相似文献
中职校园文化要独具一格,就应凸显中职校园文化的"职业"特性。无论是校园文化理念还是校园文化载体,都需融入企业文化元素,这样才能形成一种具有企业管理和学校教育双层文化背景的中职特色校园文化。实现企业文化和中职校园文化的互融与拓展,凝练内涵丰富并独具特色的中职校园文化,是实现中职教育人才培养目标、促进校企合作、满足企业用人需求的重要举措。 相似文献
阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化承上启下、连贯东西,它与多民族文化的接触长期、全面而深入.这种文化的交流与融合必定要反映在语言上,特别是语言的词汇层面中.每一次文化交流大潮过后,都会在交流各方的语言中沉淀下一层交流的印证--借词.在阿拉伯语和其他民族的语言中都沉积下了大量的借词.本文专门讨论阿拉伯语输出的借词. 相似文献
Culture in-colour is a concept that recognizes that culture is always imbricated in relations of colour as form, structure, or system and in relations of colours. These two regimes – colour and colours – fold back onto and interpenetrate one another to constitute culture in complex, multiple, contradictory, constitutive relations that are potentially open to change. Theorizing culture in-colour draws on and beyond the image of the cyborg to insist on in-colour as neither a thing, a property of an object, nor a neurological process, but an active verb, a lived event: of interminglings and articulations, of repetitions, struggles, rearticulations, and becomings. The Dress, a 2015 controversy over the colour of a dress in an image circulated over the Internet, reveals how colour is typically thought of – as surface, artifice, and ornament; as a scientific fact; and as a neurological phenomenon – and how it is lived affectively. The anxieties produced by The Dress suggest a tension between the typical explanations of how colour matters and the less-accessible, but far more consequential, ways that both colour and colours matter. Colour and colours are often used to designate community belonging, but a closer look at the perceived threat in seeing colour differently reveals an underlying trust both in what colour is and in the reliability of colour to negotiate/constitute community in relations of inclusion, exclusion, and hierarchy. Neuroscientific and technological explanations affectively discipline colour by asserting thingness and sameness, and by erasing the traces of the powerful articulatory work of colour. Yet it is the system of colour itself that makes the dismissal of the significance of colour possible. Acknowledging that we live in-colour demands recognition that not only do we live deeply in-colour, but that different cultures in-colour are possible, that different forms or systems of colour are lived affectively, and that the disciplining of colour can be resisted with effects more open to indeterminateness. 相似文献
Yangshao culture was born in the Neolithic Age. In 1921, archaeologists unearthed a number of chipped stone implements such as knives and axes; bone objects and everyday ceramic items. Thus Yangshao Village and its matriarchal society have 相似文献
Hana Shepherd 《Sociological Forum》2014,29(4):1007-1011
Sociologists of culture and cognition are well positioned to take up the rigorous study of culture as a dynamic process by which meanings come to be perceived as shared through social interaction and influence. A wealth of exciting new work in psychology on how cognitive representations and associations are shaped and strengthened by social interaction can be integrated into a more comprehensive account of the dynamic process of culture. Understanding how shared meanings develop and change sheds light onto some of the most important questions in sociology. I provide a brief example of how a process‐based account of culture can help us understand peer conflict in schools. 相似文献
生态文化与大学校园文化生态建设 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
生态文化是人类文化的最新走向。作为社会文化系统的子系统,大学校园文化必须借鉴生态文化理念,致力于校园文化生态的建设,营造和谐的校园环境、文化氛围、构建良好的管理生态、学术生态和信息生态,以推进新世纪大学的可持续发展。 相似文献