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Many methods based on ranked set sampling (RSS) assume perfect ranking of the samples. Here, by using the data measured by a balanced RSS scheme, we propose a nonparametric test for the assumption of perfect ranking. The test statistic that we use formally corresponds to the Jonckheere-Terpstra-type test statistic. We show formal relations of the proposed test for perfect ranking to other methods proposed recently in the literature. Through an empirical power study, we demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably compared to many of its competitors.  相似文献   

In this study, we considered a hypothesis test for the difference of two population means using ranked set sampling. We proposed a test statistic for this hypothesis test with more than one cycle under normality. We also investigate the performance of this test statistic, when the assumptions hold and are violated. For this reason, we investigate the type I error and power rates of tests under normality with equal and unequal variances, non-normality with equal and unequal variances. We also examine the performance of this test under imperfect ranking case. The simulation results show that derived test performs quite well.  相似文献   

The superiority of using ranked set sampling, for estimating the mean of a population, over simple random sampling, is well established. This technique is useful when visual ordering of a small set of size (m) can be done easily and fairly accurately, but exact measurement of an observation is difficult and expensive. It is noted that for many distributions, an increase in the efficiency of ranked set sampling can be achieved by increasing the set size m. However, in practice, m should be kept very small so that visual ranking errors will not destroy the gain in efficiency. In this paper, multistage ranked set sampling is considered as a generalization of ranked set sampling, that results in an increase of the efficiency for fixed value of m. Steady state efficiency, the limiting efficiency as the number of stages approaches infinity, varies from one distribution to another. It is shown that this efficiency is always larger than 1, close to m2 for symmetric distributions and equal to m2 for the uniform distribution. Some real applications of the technique are discussed. Data on olive yield of olive trees is collected to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   

A locally most powerful signed rank test is proposed for the comparison of two independent lifetimes under the accelerated failure time model.

The test is based on N independent pairs(Xi, Yi), i = 1, …, N: it is supposed that the shortest lifetime in each pair is observed and the experiment is stopped after r(r≤N and fixed) such lifetimes are available (type II censoring).

Actual scores of the test statistic are computed for some specific source distributions of the observations. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic, as well as the asymptotic power and efficiency are given. The values of these efficiencies are computed for the case where the Xi follow and exponential, Weibull Gamma or Rayleigh distribution.  相似文献   

In this work, we define a new method of ranked set sampling (RSS) which is suitable when the characteristic (variable) Y of primary interest on the units is jointly distributed with an auxiliary characteristic X on which one can take its measurement on any number of units, so that units having record values on X alone are ranked and retained for making measurement on Y. We name this RSS as concomitant record ranked set sampling (CRRSS). We propose estimators of the parameters associated with the variable Y of primary interest based on observations of the proposed CRRSS which are applicable to a very large class of distributions viz. Morgenstern family of distributions. We illustrate the application of CRRSS and our estimation technique of parameters, when the basic distribution is Morgenstern-type bivariate logistic distribution. A primary data collected by CRRSS method is demonstrated and the obtained data used to illustrate the results developed in this work.  相似文献   

Many researches have used ranked set sampling (RSS) method instead of simple random sampling (SRS) to improve power of some nonparametric tests. In this study, the two-sample permutation test within multistage ranked set sampling (MSRSS) is proposed and investigated. The power of this test is compared with the SRS permutation test for some symmetric and asymmetric distributions through Monte Carlo simulations. It has been found that this test is more powerful than the SRS permutation test; its power increased by set size and/or number of cycles and/or number of stages. Symmetric distributions power increased better than asymmetric distributions power.  相似文献   

The main focus of agricultural, ecological and environmental studies is to develop well designed, cost-effective and efficient sampling designs. Ranked set sampling (RSS) is one method that leads to accomplish such objectives by incorporating expert knowledge to its advantage. In this paper, we propose an efficient sampling scheme, named mixed RSS (MxRSS), for estimation of the population mean and median. The MxRSS scheme is a suitable mixture of both simple random sampling (SRS) and RSS schemes. The MxRSS scheme provides an unbiased estimator of the population mean, and its variance is always less than the variance of sample mean based on SRS. For both symmetric and asymmetric populations, the mean and median estimators based on SRS, partial RSS (PRSS) and MxRSS schemes are compared. It turns out that the mean and median estimates under MxRSS scheme are more precise than those based on SRS scheme. Moreover, when estimating the mean of symmetric and some asymmetric populations, the mean estimates under MxRSS scheme are found to be more efficient than the mean estimates with PRSS scheme. An application to real data is also provided to illustrate the implementation of the proposed sampling scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust extreme ranked set sampling (RERSS) procedure for estimating the population mean is introduced. It is shown that the proposed method gives an unbiased estimator with smaller variance, provided the underlying distribution is symmetric. However, for asymmetric distributions a weighted mean is given, where the optimal weights are computed by using Shannon's entropy. The performance of the population mean estimator is discussed along with its properties. Monte Carlo simulations are used to demonstrate the performance of the RERSS estimator relative to the simple random sample (SRS), ranked set sampling (RSS) and extreme ranked set sampling (ERSS) estimators. The results indicate that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the estimators based on the traditional sampling methods.  相似文献   

Stratified pair ranked set sampling is introduced and applied in estimating the population mean. Mathematical properties of the suggested estimator are treated. The estimator and its competitors are also compared through some numerical studies. Usefulness of the proposed design is illustrated using a cost analysis.  相似文献   

A lot of research on ranked set sampling (RSS) is based on the assumption that the ranking is perfect. Hence, it is necessary to develop some tests that could be used to validate this assumption of perfect ranking. In this paper, we introduce some simple nonparametric methods for this purpose. We specifically define three test statistics, Nk,SkNk,Sk and AkAk, based on one-cycle RSS, which are all associated with the ordered ranked set sample (ORSS). We then derive the exact null distributions and exact power functions of all these tests. Next, by using the sum or the maximum of each statistic over all cycles, we propose six test statistics for the case of multi-cycle RSS. We compare the performance of all these tests with that of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistic proposed earlier by Stokes and Sager [1988. Characterization of a ranked-set sample with application to estimating distribution functions. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 83, 35–42] and display that all proposed test statistics are more powerful. Finally, we present an example to illustrate the test procedures discussed here.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the application of the James–Stein estimator for population means from a class of arbitrary populations based on ranked set sample (RSS). We consider a basis for optimally combining sample information from several data sources. We succinctly develop the asymptotic theory of simultaneous estimation of several means for differing replications based on the well-defined shrinkage principle. We showcase that a shrinkage-type estimator will have, under quadratic loss, a substantial risk reduction relative to the classical estimator based on simple random sample and RSS. Asymptotic distributional quadratic biases and risks of the shrinkage estimators are derived and compared with those of the classical estimator. A simulation study is used to support the asymptotic result. An over-riding theme of this study is that the shrinkage estimation method provides a powerful extension of its traditional counterpart for non-normal populations. Finally, we will use a real data set to illustrate the computation of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

The MG-procedure in ranked set sampling is studied in this paper. It is shown that the MG-procedure with any selective probability matrix provides a more efficient estimator than the sample mean based on simple random sampling. The optimum selective probability matrix in the procedure is obtained and the estimator based on it is shown to be more efficient than that studied by Yanagawa and Shirahata [5]. The median-mean estimator, which is more efficient and could be easier to apply than that proposed by McIntyre [2] and Takahashi and Wakinoto [3], is proposed when the underlying distribution function belongs to a certain subfamily of symmetric distribution functions which includes the normal, logistic and double exponential distributions among others.  相似文献   

As a well-known method for selecting representative samples of populations, ranked set sampling (RSS) has been considered increasingly in recent years. This (RSS) method has proved to be more efficient than the usual simple random sampling (SRS) for estimating most of the population parameters. In order to have a more efficient estimate of the population mean, a new sampling scheme called as robust extreme double ranked set sampling (REDRSS) is introduced and investigated in this paper. A simulation study shows that using REDRSS scheme gives more efficient estimates of population mean with smaller variance than the usual SRS, RSS and most other sampling schemes based on RSS estimators in non-uniform (symmetric or non-symmetric) distributions.  相似文献   

Ranked set sampling is a sampling approach that leads to improved statistical inference in situations where the units to be sampled can be ranked relative to each other prior to formal measurement. This ranking may be done either by subjective judgment or according to an auxiliary variable, and it need not be completely accurate. In fact, results in the literature have shown that no matter how poor the quality of the ranking, procedures based on ranked set sampling tend to be at least as efficient as procedures based on simple random sampling. However, efforts to quantify the gains in efficiency for ranked set sampling procedures have been hampered by a shortage of available models for imperfect rankings. In this paper, we introduce a new class of models for imperfect rankings, and we provide a rigorous proof that essentially any reasonable model for imperfect rankings is a limit of models in this class. We then describe a specific, easily applied method for selecting an appropriate imperfect rankings model from the class.  相似文献   

An affine-invariant signed rank test for the difference in location between two symmetric populations is proposed. The proposed test statistic is compared with Hotelling's T2 test statistic, Mardia's(1967)test statistic, Peters-Randles(1991) test statistic and Wilcoxon's rank sum test statistic using a Monte Carlo Study. It performs better than Mardia's test statistic under almost all populations considered. Under the bivariate normal distribution, it performs better than other test statistics compared for small differences in location between two populations except Hotelling's T2. It performs better than all statistics, including Hotelling's T , for sample size 15 when samples are drawn from Pearson type.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with ranked set sampling theory which is useful to estimate the population mean when the order of a sample of small size can be found without measurements or with rough methods. Consider n sets of elements each set having size m. All elements of each set are ranked but only one is selected and quantified. The average of the quantified elements is adopted as the estimator. In this paper we introduce the notion of selective probability which is a generalization of a notion from Yanagawa and Shirahata (1976). Uniformly optimal unbiased procedures are found for some (n,m). Furthermore, procedures which are unbiased for all distributions and are good for symmetric distributions are studied for (n,m) which do not allow uniformly optimal unbiased procedures.  相似文献   

We adapt the ratio estimation using ranked set sampling, suggested by Samawi and Muttlak (Biometr J 38:753–764, 1996), to the ratio estimator for the population mean, based on Prasad (Commun Stat Theory Methods 18:379–392, 1989), in simple random sampling. Theoretically, we show that the proposed ratio estimator for the population mean is more efficient than the ratio estimator, in Prasad (1989), in all conditions. In addition, we support this theoretical result with the aid of a numerical example.   相似文献   

In this article, we consider the ranked set sampling (RSS) and investigate seven tests for normality under RSS. Each test is described and then power of each test is obtained by Monte Carlo simulations under various alternatives. Finally, the powers of the tests based on RSS are compared with the powers of the tests based on the simple random sampling and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Using ranked set sampling, a viable BLUE estimator is obtained for estimating the mean of a Poisson distribution. Its properties, such as efficiency relative to the ranked set sample mean and to the maximum likelihood estimator, have been calculated for different sample sizes and values of the Poisson parameter. The estimator (termed the normal modified r.s.s. estimator is more efficient than both the ranked set sample mean and the MLE. It is recommended as a reasonable estimator of the Poisson mean ( λ) to be used in a ranked set sampling environment.  相似文献   

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