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为了更好的评价我国商业银行的效率,在传统两阶段DEA模型中引入交叉效率,并对两阶段生产系统的内部结构进行优化,构建了考虑共享投入和非期望产出的两阶段交叉效率模型。最后结合中国16家商业银行2006-2015年的年度报表,分别应用传统的两阶段DEA模型和新模型评价样本银行的效率。结果表明:新模型比传统模型更客观、区分力更强,具有更强的稳定性,更适合用于评价我国商业银行的效率。  相似文献   

分析商业银行产品创新绩效水平对推动银行创新发展,提升竞争力尤为重要。考虑到商业银行产品创新过程中存在的风险,将信用风险作为非期望产出,纳入银行产品创新绩效评价体系,根据创新收入与风险之间是否存在同步关系,分别对非期望产出采用弱可处置性和强可处置性设置,构建基于数据包络分析模型(DEA)的固定相关模型(FCM)和变动相关模型(VCM),用于商业银行产品创新绩效评价。此外,通过构建目标函数的产出优化模型,对FCM和VCM模型下的商业银行产品创新的目标收入进行估计。通过对两种模型下商业银行产品创新目标收入增加值进行分解,对银行风险管理水平进行讨论。最后,将提出的改进的DEA分析框架应用于中国上市商业银行进行案例分析,验证了模型构建的可行性,为商业银行产品创新绩效及相关问题提供模型参考。  相似文献   

Two models are developed in this paper to determine optimum teller scheduling at bank branches. The first is a parametric model consisting of three phases: predicting the aggregate number of transactions for the bank based on the factors influencing customer demand and arrival rates; determining the percent of the aggregate transactions volume performed at each retail branch based on customer profiles and branch locations; formulating a transaction sensitive teller staffing model for each retail branch based upon predetermined customer service time and personnel utilization criteria. The second model is an integer programming model to determine the optimum teller staffing requirements based on the results of the first model and constrained by traditional current banking practices.  相似文献   

银行业在我国经济中扮演着重要的角色。在现今可持续发展理念的倡导下,单一维度的银行效率评价已经难以适应时代的需要。为此,本文基于"三重底线"视角分别构建了中国商业银行经济、社会与环境效率指标,通过SBM-DEA模型对中国商业银行的"三重效率"进行了测算分析,并运用SBM-Pearson分析法初步揭示了中国商业银行三重效率间的关系,之后再利用SBM-SUR计量模型对影响中国商业银行三重效率的因素作了进一步的探究。研究结果表明:(1)中国商业银行中股份制商业银行与城市商业银行在经济效率、社会效率上表现突出,而国有商业银行表现不佳。但是在环境效率方面,国有商业银行后来居上表现强劲。(2)中国商业银行间三重效率并不存在相互冲突,社会效率、环境效率与经济效率之间有着显著的正相关关系,但是并没有发现社会效率与环境效率之间存在显著的联系。(3)在经济效率方面,资产规模、运营年限、银行类型以及资产回报率均对其有着显著的正向影响;不同的银行类型对社会效率有着不同程度的显著影响;在环境效率方面,资产规模与银行类型也对其影响显著。  相似文献   

There are two key motivations for this paper: (1) the need to respond to the often observed rejections of efficiency studies’ results by management as they claim that a single-perspective evaluation cannot fully reflect the operating units’ multi-function nature; and (2) a detailed bank branch performance assessment that is acceptable to both line managers and senior executives is still needed. In this context, a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis approach is developed for simultaneously benchmarking the performance of operating units along different dimensions (for line managers) and a modified Slacks-Based Measure model is applied for the first time to aggregate the obtained efficiency scores from stage one and generate a composite performance index for each unit. This approach is illustrated by using the data from a major Canadian bank with 816 branches operating across the nation. Three important branch performance dimensions are evaluated: Production, Profitability, and Intermediation. This approach improves the reality of the performance assessment method and enables branch managers to clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses in their operations. Branch scale efficiency and the impacts of geographic location and market size on branch performance are also investigated. This multi-dimensional performance evaluation approach may improve management acceptance of the practical applications of DEA in real businesses.  相似文献   

本文研究了银行风险上限控制下,供应链订单融资模式的最优运作策略,分析了银行风险上限对供应商和零售商最优决策的影响。研究表明银行风险上限等价于银行贷款上限,且随着零售商预订量的增加,银行设置的贷款上限会提高;通过银行上调风险上限或零售商提高预订量,供应商可以实现经典最优生产量;零售商提供预订订单来自于两种动机,即增加销售动机和增加贷款动机,在一定条件下这两种动机可以相互转化。最后,通过数值分析验证了文章的结论。研究结论能为银行设计合适的订单融资产品以及企业选择合适的银行申请订单融资服务提供指导。  相似文献   

本文研究了一类典型并行系统的效率评价问题:(1)决策单元由两个并行的子单元组成;(2)在整个系统中,某一子单元居于主导地位,另一子单元居于从属地位;(3)两个子单元之间存在部分共享的投入资源,且无法明显区别该资源在不同子单元之间的分配比例。在分析决策单元整体效率及内部子单元效率的基础上,基于主从博弈思想,提出一种能同时确定系统整体效率及内部子单元效率的评价方法,该方法能够在评价系统效率的同时,实现共享资源的有效分配。最后,采用一个实例分析说明了所提方法的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

Effects of perceived merchandise and service quality, relative to competition, on retail store performance are investigated using store traffic and revenue growth as outcome variables. A model is proposed and tested using aggregate customer data and store performance outcomes from a group of stores owned by a national retail organization. Results suggest that both service and merchandise quality exert significant influence on store performance, measured by sales growth and customer growth, and their impact is mediated by customer satisfaction. Implications of the results and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Banks occasionally employ frontier efficiency analyses to objectively identify best practices within their organizations. Amongst such methods, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was found to be one of the leading approaches. DEA has been successfully applied in many bank branch performance evaluations using traditional intermediation, profitability and production approaches. However, there has been little focus on assessing the growth potential of individual branches.This research presents five models that examine three perspectives of branch growth. Each model was applied to the branch network of one of Canada׳s top five banks to gauge the growth potential of individual branches and to provide tailored improvement recommendations. Using various analysis methodologies, the results of each model were examined and their functionality assessed.  相似文献   

投资者对理财产品的认知能力有限,主要依赖外部“价值信号”形成自己对收益期望的“愿景”,从而简化投资过程。据此,本文通过构建一个新的三方博弈模型研究银行与数字金融平台之间的竞争决策,以探讨当银行有选择其销售顾问能力水平时,如何利用投资者的价值感知和对手特征来占客户对“愿景”错误理解的“便宜”,从而将这种系统性偏差转化为另一种获利来源。研究表明,金融服务强度的有效配置提升了银行的竞争力,但投资者剩余往往被完全剥夺。有趣的是,在同平台竞争中,银行增加了提供金融知识培训的额外动机,并且可能更喜欢强敌而不是弱者。此外,银行应该努力控制服务成本,以规避监管者为防止恶意竞争而禁止银行销售理财产品的风险。  相似文献   

基于合同能源管理机制运作的节能服务产业快速发展,产生了可观的节能效益,体现出巨大的市场需求和发展潜力。然而,我国的节能服务企业大多为自负盈亏的中小服务企业而难以获得银行贷款。基于此,本文从中小节能服务企业与银行的长期重复借贷合作关系出发,针对节能服务企业贷款过程中所存在的双边道德风险问题,引入银行贷款额度不足带来的潜在收益分享系数以设计激励机制,建立了中小节能服务企业与银行双边道德风险下长期关系契约规划模型,分析了银企关系契约下贴现因子的影响。本文的研究结果论证了银行与中小节能服务企业建立长期关系契约的可行性,银行应通过关系契约与中小节能服务企业建立长期合作关系,基于服务企业承诺的激励机制将有效提高节能服务企业服务效益,进而增加自身的投资效益,实现银企的双赢。  相似文献   

In measuring the overall efficiency of a set of decision making units (DMUs) in a time span covering multiple periods, the conventional approach is to use the aggregate data of the multiple periods via a data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, ignoring the specific situation of each period. This paper proposes using a relational network model to take the operations of individual periods into account in measuring efficiencies. The overall and period efficiencies of a DMU can be calculated at the same time. Notably, the overall efficiency is a weighted average of the period efficiencies, and the weights are the most favorable ones for the DMU being evaluated. This model, together with two existing ones, is applied to measure the efficiency of 22 Taiwanese commercial banks for the period of 2009–2011. The three-year multi-period analysis shows that the proposed model is more discriminative than the existing ones in ranking the performance of the banks. The period efficiencies for the three years increased steadily, indicating that the performances of the Taiwanese banks examined in this work were improving over this period.  相似文献   

This paper deals with cash management for bank branches, under the assumption that branches have a role to play in the improvement of global bank institution performance. In the current scenario of unprecedented pressure amongst banks to keep costs under control, our contribution is the design of a sound and low-cost algorithm to optimize branch cash holdings using software implementation in SageMath. It is accompanied by data processing based on 60,000 real banking records. This is the first academic paper to run such an extensive database at branch level.We find that our algorithm by and large performs well when forecasting the cash amounts that the branch might require from the central hub to satisfy all branch necessities, avoiding the generation of either surplus or shortage of cash. It is also extremely easy to implement in daily branching practice, leading to an overall reduction in operating costs. In addition, our algorithm may be easily adjusted as required and be tailor-made to the special requirements of each banking institution.  相似文献   

By developing a two-stage model the paper examines the cost inefficiency levels of Turkish banks during the period from 2007 to 2016. Using the notion of Koopmans input efficiency we deconstruct the estimated Nerlovian cost inefficiency to the sum of slack-based allocative and technical inefficiency levels. Alongside the traditional inputs, intermediates and outputs used to model banks’ performance measure we additionally use their labor education quality factor as a non-discretionary input. This allows us to model how human capital factors affect a bank's revenue generation stage. Our findings suggest that cost inefficiency levels are driven mainly by a bank's ability to control its allocative inefficiency levels. The empirical evidence also shows that foreign banks perform better, suggesting that bank ownership structures matter when measuring cost performance. Finally, it is evident that the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) had a negative effect on banks’ ability to minimize their cost inefficiency levels. However, the post-crisis findings demonstrate that Turkish banks have started to recover from its negative effects, mainly by improving their allocative performance.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyse whether banking technology and environmental conditions act as barriers for the entry of foreign banks in each European banking industry. We evaluate how the efficiency score of a representative commercial bank of a given European country changes if it decides to move abroad. To carry out this analysis, we use a sample of 700 banks belonging to 11 European countries. Countries are paired and each couple is studied by using four DEA production frontiers. These frontiers allow us to measure the technological and environmental gaps between the two countries considered and, based on them, to predict the new efficiency score of the representative bank of a country that decides to operate in a different country. The results indicate, as expected, that being technologically advanced appears to be a significant deterrent to foreign competition, and that adverse environmental conditions constitute a real barrier for cross-border banking activity. Additionally, the results suggest that host-nation banking performance is a good safeguard against cross-border competition.  相似文献   

中小商业银行公司治理机制与经营绩效关系的实证分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
理论和实证研究证明,良好的公司治理对金融体系稳健运行有十分重要的作用.商业银行公司治理的研究和实践既是银行业改革的迫切要求,也是银行业改革的核心内容之一.本文用36家商业银行2005年的截面数据,对股权结构、董事会、监事会和高管人员薪酬激励等四个治理机制与银行绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究.结果表明,国有与非国有控股商业银行绩效不存在显著差异,第一大股东对银行绩效的影响并不显著,但外部大股东能显著地提高银行绩效.董事会与监事会规模与银行绩效正相关,但独立性难以得到保证.此外,高管人员薪酬激励不能改善银行绩效.  相似文献   

模糊DEA模型是用于解决存在模糊数据的决策单元(DMUs)效率评价问题的,然而现有的模糊DEA模型分辨率低,本文构建了存在保证域的模糊超效率DEA模型,并给出了一种基于截集的求解方法并进行了证明,该模型有效地解决了输入和输出全部或部分为模糊数的决策单元全排序问题。最后给出了一个银行效率评价的实例说明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Operational processes of banks in China can be divided into productivity and profitability stages. Within this, non-performing loans can be treated as a carry-over variable, an undesirable output of the profitability stage in the previous period but an input to the profitability stage in the current period. Using this framework, this paper proposes a dynamic two-stage slacks-based measure model to evaluate the efficiencies of Chinese banks. Based on the proposed model, the measures of stage, period and period stage efficiencies are defined. The proposed approach is applied to evaluate the operational efficiency of banks in China during 2008–2012. Key findings are that banks in China show both technical and scale inefficiency during 2008–2012, which results from the inefficiencies of both the productivity stage and profitability stage; city-owned commercial banks are more overall technically efficient than state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks although state-owned commercial banks show best practice for pure technical efficiency, and city-owned commercial banks perform better than joint-stock commercial banks for pure technical efficiency.  相似文献   

阻塞是指企业的过量投入引起生产效益下降的经济现象,近年来已经受到实业界与学术界的广泛关注。现有的决策单元阻塞问题研究普遍假设产出均是期望指标,然而,在实际生产中很多产出属于非期望指标。本文构建了同时存在期望产出和非期望产出决策单元的阻塞度量模型,该模型不仅可以判别决策单元是否存在阻塞,而且可以测算各项投入的阻塞程度,并给出了决策单元阻塞和技术无效之间的关系。最后,运用所提出的模型对我国上市商业银行的效率和阻塞情况进行了测算与分析,验证了本文模型的实用性与可行性。  相似文献   

受近几年的国际金融危机及金融全球化的影响,对金融系统的系统性风险的研究已成为国内外学者的关注热点。考虑到当前基于"银行-资产-银行"间接传播渠道的相关研究相对匮乏,本文基于银行-资产双边网络模型来分析银行系统性风险。首先,使用中国47家上市银行2018年的资产负债表数据构建了中国银行系统的双边网络模型,研究分析各类资产遭受冲击时外部冲击、降价出售效应及银行所持有的各类资产占银行总资产的比例对银行系统性风险的影响。然后,引入系统性冲击方式,通过设置具有不同属性的两大类资产并生成四种冲击事件来构建银行的投资策略模型,从资产视角探讨银行最优的投资策略。研究发现,外部冲击与降价出售效应这两个产生系统性风险的影响因素在一定区间值时会产生叠加效应,使银行系统性风险急剧增加;五种资产类中,贷款类资产对外部冲击最敏感;分析发现在各类资产冲击下都未倒闭的所有银行的资产组合具有一定的相似性;进一步研究发现银行系统中存在着最优的资产组合,使得银行在稳定的同时能获取最大收益,并且资产负债比越大的银行其风险承受能力越强,从而可以选择更激进的投资策略来追求高收益。  相似文献   

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