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The authors study the problem of checking the adequacy of a parametric model for a distribution using several possibly censored weight biased samples. They discuss identifiability problems related to the underlying distribution and the distributions of the biased samples. They propose a test statistic based on the supremum of the weighted aggregated martingale residual processes from a number of such samples. Both numerical and graphical procedures are discussed, which the authors apply to do model checking for oil exploration drilling data.  相似文献   

The asymptotic structure of a vector of weighted sums of signs of residuals, in the general linear model, is studied. The vector can be used as a basis for outlier-detection tests, or alternatively, setting the vector to zero and solving for the parameter yields a class of robust estimators which are analogues of the sample median. Asymptotic results for both estimates and tests are obtained. The question of optimal weights is investigated, and the optimal estimators in the case of simple linear regression are found to coincide with estimators introduced by Adichie.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on residual analysis for the lognormal and extreme value or Weibull models, although the proposed methods can be applied to any parametric model. Residuals developed by Barlow and Prentice (1988) for the Cox proportional hazards model are extended to the parametric model setting. Three different residuals are proposed based on this approach with two residuals measuring the impact of survival time and one measuring the impact of the covariates included in the model. In addition, a residual derived from the deviations equality presented in Efron and Johnstone (1990) and the residual proposed by Joergensen (1984) for censored data models are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss how a regression model, with a non-continuous response variable, which allows for dependency between observations, should be estimated when observations are clustered and measurements on the subjects are repeated. The cluster sizes are assumed to be large. We find that the conventional estimation technique suggested by the literature on generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) is slow and sometimes fails due to non-convergence and lack of memory on standard PCs. We suggest to estimate the random effects as fixed effects by generalized linear model and to derive the covariance matrix from these estimates. A simulation study shows that our proposal is feasible in terms of mean-square error and computation time. We recommend that our proposal be implemented in the software of GLMM techniques so that the estimation procedure can switch between the conventional technique and our proposal, depending on the size of the clusters.  相似文献   

There is a close analogy between the problems of testing the hypothesis that two samples come from the same continuous population (the two-sample problem) and testing the hypothesis that a single sample comes from a completely specified continuous distribution (a test of fit problem). In an earlier paper, asymptotic distribution theory was developed for the test of fit problem, under both the hypothesis being tested and interesting alternatives. In this paper, essentially the same asymptotic theory is shown to hold for the two-sample problem. Applications are given.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the linear compartment model and consider the estimation procedures of the different parameters. We discuss a method to obtain the initial estimators, which can be used for any iterative procedures to obtain the least-squares estimators. Four different types of confidence intervals have been discussed and they have been compared by computer simulations. We propose different methods to estimate the number of components of the linear compartment model. One data set has been used to see how the different methods work in practice.  相似文献   

We examine in this article the power of the tests of Robinson (1994) for testing I(d) statistical models in the presence of moving average (MA) disturbances. The results show that the tests behave relatively well if we correctly assume that the disturbances are MA. However, assuming white noise or autoregressive disturbances, the power of the tests against one-sided alternatives is very low.  相似文献   

Three procedures for testing the adequacy of a proposed linear multiresponse regression model against unspecified general alternatives are considered. The model has an error structure with a matrix normal distribution which allows the vector of responses for a particular run to have an unknown covariance matrix while the responses for different runs are uncorrelated. Furthermore, each response variable may be modeled by a separate design matrix. Multivariate statistics corresponding to the classical univariate lack of fit and pure error sums of squares are defined and used to determine the multivariate lack of fit tests. A simulation study was performed to compare the power functions of the test procedures in the case of replication. Generalizations of the tests for the case in which there are no independent replicates on all responses are also presented.  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K–S) one-sided and two-sided tests of goodness of fit based on the test statistics D+ n D? n and Dn are equivalent to tests based on taking the cumulative probability of the i–th order statistic of a sample of size n to be (i–.5)/n. Modified test statistics C+ n, C? n and Cn are obtained by taking the cumulative probability to be i/(n+l). More generally, the cumula-tive probability may be taken to be (i?δ)/(n+l?2δ), as suggested by Blom (1958), where 0 less than or equal δ less than or equal .5. Critical values of the test statis-tics can be found by interpolating inversely in tables of the proba-bility integrals obtained by setting a=l/(n+l?2δ) in an expression given by Pyke (1959). Critical values for the D's (corresponding to δ=.5) have been tabulated to 5DP by Miller (1956) for n=1(1)100. The authors have made analogous tabulations for the C's (corresponding to δ=0) [previously tabulated by Durbin (1969) for n=1(1)60(2)100] and for the test statistics E+ n, E? n and En corresponding to δ f.3. They have also made a Monte Carlo comparison of the power of the modified tests with that of the K–S test for several hypothetical distributions. In a number of cases, the power of the modified tests is greater than that of the K–S test, especially when the standard deviation is greater under the alternative than under the null hypo-thesis.  相似文献   

Two statistics are proposed for testing for the exponential distribution against monotone failure rate alternatives when ran-domly right censored data are available. One of them is a general-ization of the Billmann, Antle and Bain test based on the MLE of the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution. The second has the advantage of being given in closed form. For this test the asymptotic null distribution is given. Consistency of the two tests is proved starting from an expected value inequality characterizing monotone failure rate.  相似文献   

This paper considers model averaging for the ordered probit and nested logit models, which are widely used in empirical research. Within the frameworks of these models, we examine a range of model averaging methods, including the jackknife method, which is proved to have an optimal asymptotic property in this paper. We conduct a large-scale simulation study to examine the behaviour of these model averaging estimators in finite samples, and draw comparisons with model selection estimators. Our results show that while neither averaging nor selection is a consistently better strategy, model selection results in the poorest estimates far more frequently than averaging, and more often than not, averaging yields superior estimates. Among the averaging methods considered, the one based on a smoothed version of the Bayesian Information criterion frequently produces the most accurate estimates. In three real data applications, we demonstrate the usefulness of model averaging in mitigating problems associated with the ‘replication crisis’ that commonly arises with model selection.  相似文献   

Al though mixtures form a rich class of probability models, they often present difficulties for statistical inference. Likelihood functions are sometimes unbounded at certain values of the parameters, and densities often have no closed form. These features complicate hoth maximum-likelihood estimation and tests of fit based on the empirical distribution function. New inferential methods using sample characteristic functions (Cfs) and moment generating functions (MGFs) seem well-suited to mixtures. since these transforms often take simple form/ This paper reports a simulation study of the properties of estimators and tests of fit based on CFs, MGFs, and sample moments when applied to three specific families of thick tailed mixture distributios.  相似文献   

The theory of locally most powerful rank tests and the union intersection principle are incorporated in the formulation of some distribution-free rank tests for ordered alternatives in some simple linear models (including the classical one-way layout as a special case). Some approximations for the null-hypothesis distributions of the test statistics ( for finite sample sizes) are considered, and the theory is supplemented by some numerical and simulation results.  相似文献   

We propose a structural change test based on the recursive residuals with the local Fourier series estimators. The statistical properties of the proposed test are derived and the empirical properties are shown via simulation. We also consider other structural change tests based on CUSUM, MOSUM, moving estimates (ME), and empirical distribution functions with the recursive residuals and the ordinary residuals. Empirical powers are calculated in various structural change models for the comparison of those tests. These structural change tests are applied to South Korea's gross domestic product (GDP), South Korean Won to US Dollar currency exchange rates, and South Korea's Okun's law.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the properties of several bias-corrected estimators for generalized linear measurement error models, along with the naive estimator, in some special settings. In particular, we consider logistic regression, poisson regression and exponential-gamma models where the covariates are subject to measurement error. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to compare the relative performance of the estimators in terms of several criteria. The results indicate that the naive estimator of slope is biased towards zero by a factor increasing with the magnitude of slope and measurement error as well as the sample size. It is found that none of the biased-corrected estimators always outperforms the others, and that their small sample properties typically depend on the underlying model assumptions.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the finite-sample performance of the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF), Phillips–Perron (PP), momentum threshold autoregressive (M-TAR), Kapetanios–Shin–Snell (KSS), and the inf-t unit-root tests. Simulation results show that the ADF and KSS tests have better size, whereas other tests generate severe size distortions when the date-generating processes are non linear unit-root processes. In general, with regard to the combination of test powers with test sizes, the ADF and KSS tests are comparatively better than the PP, M-TAR, and inf-t tests; moreover, the inf-t test exhibits the poorest performance even for larger sample sizes.  相似文献   

It is well known that Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates of time series models are not robust. In this paper we prove this is also the case for the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) models. By expressing the Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates as Ψ estimates and by assuming the existence of a contaminated process, we prove they possess zero breakdown point and unbounded influence curves. By simulating GARCH processes under several proportions of contaminations we assess how much biased the maximum likelihood estimates may become and compare these results to a robust alternative. The t-student maximum likelihood estimates of GARCH models are also considered.  相似文献   

We present a decomposition of the correlation coefficient between xt and xt?k into three terms that include the partial and inverse autocorrelations. The first term accounts for the portion of the autocorrelation that is explained by the inner variables {xt?1 , xt?2 , …, x t? k+1}, the second one measures the portion explained by the outer variables {x t+1, x t+2, } ∪ {x t?k?1, x t?k?2,…} and the third term measures the correlation between x t and xt?k given all other variables. These terms, squared and summed, can form the basis of three portmanteau-type tests that are able to detect both deviation from white noise and lack of fit of an entertained model. Quantiles of their asymptotic sample distributions are complicated to derive at an adequate level of accuracy, so they are approximated using the Monte Carlo method. A simulation experiment is carried out to investigate significance levels and power of each test, and compare them to the portmanteau test.  相似文献   

By means of a Monte Carlo study it is investigated whether moments of the asymptotic distributions of two estimators for the errors-in-variables model are appropriate for employment in small-sample applications.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we propose Phillips-Perron type, semi-parametric testing procedures to distinguish a unit root process from a mean-reverting exponential smooth transition autoregressive one. The limiting nonstandard distributions are derived under very general conditions and simulation evidence shows that the tests perform better than the standard Phillips-Perron or Dickey-Fuller tests in the region of the null. We would like to thank conference participants of the Pfingsttagung 2005 in Münster for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

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