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Alho JM 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society)》1997,160(1):71-85
This study is concerned with the methods available for the forecasting of future trends in the world's population. Particular attention is given to the problem of the uncertainties that these forecasts include. "The purpose of this paper is to show how subjective and data-based probabilistic assessments of error can be combined, to give a user a realistic assessment of the uncertainty of demographic forecasts, and to apply these concepts to forecasts of the world population. Moreover, we shall show how conditional forecasts can provide a simple conceptual framework in which to view scenarios. They can be particularly useful in the evaluation of proposed policies. Indeed, the so-called environmental impact assessments...that are now mandatory in many countries for major construction projects typically contain elements of conditional forecasting." The concepts discussed are illustrated by comparing a scenario of future global population growth prepared at the Institute of Applied Systems Analysis with a UN population projection. 相似文献
Louis Anthony Cox Jr 《Journal of applied statistics》1991,18(1):23-34
If several agents must collectively choose one of several possible acts (or compute a single joint control strategy) and if they disagree about the probable
consequences of the acts, then how can they resolve their differences and make a choice? The statistics and management science literatures offer several probability aggregation formulas for solving this problem. This paper discusses an alternative that emphasizes knowledge-based resolution of conflicting probability judgments. 相似文献
"This article presents and implements a new method for making stochastic population forecasts that provide consistent probability intervals. We blend mathematical demography and statistical time series methods to estimate stochastic models of fertility and mortality based on U.S. data back to 1900 and then use the theory of random-matrix products to forecast various demographic measures and their associated probability intervals to the year 2065. Our expected total population sizes agree quite closely with the Census medium projections, and our 95 percent probability intervals are close to the Census high and low scenarios. But Census intervals in 2065 for ages 65+ are nearly three times as broad as ours, and for 85+ are nearly twice as broad. In contrast, our intervals for the total dependency and youth dependency ratios are more than twice as broad as theirs, and our ratio for the elderly dependency ratio is 12 times as great as theirs. These items have major implications for policy, and these contrasting indications of uncertainty clearly show the limitations of the conventional scenario-based methods." 相似文献
For given real functionsg andh, first we give necessary and sufficient conditions such that there exists a random variableX satisfying thatE(g(X)|X≥y)=h(y)r
(y),∀y ∈ C
, whereC
are the support and the failure rate function ofX, respectively. These extend the results of Ruiz and Navarro (1994) and Ghitany et al. (1995). Next we investigate necessary
and sufficient conditions such thath(y)=E(g(X)|X≥y), for a given functionh.
Support for this research was provided in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China, Grant No. NSC 86-2115-M-110-014
and NSC 88-2118-M-110-001 相似文献
The first bibliography in the area of inference based on conditional specification was published in 1977, A second bibliography is compiled, and a combined subject index is given. 相似文献
We obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions so that any real function (x) is the conditional expectation E(h(X)/X≥x) of a random variable X with continuous distribution function, where h is a given real, continuous and strictly monotonic function. 相似文献
Generalized order statistics introduced by Kamps [1995. A concept of generalized order statistics. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 48, 1–23] provides a unified approach to a variety of models concerning ordered random variables. This paper carries out stochastic comparisons of conditional generalized order statistics in terms of the likelihood ratio order and the hazard rate order from two samples, and establishes some stochastic monotonicity properties. The main results strengthen and generalize the corresponding results established recently in the literature. Finally, some applications of the main results are given as well. 相似文献
Methods for national population forecasts: a review 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Land KC 《Journal of the American Statistical Association》1986,81(396):888-901
"Three widely used classes of methods for forecasting national populations are reviewed: demographic accounting/cohort-component methods for long-range projections, statistical time series methods for short-range forecasts, and structural modeling methods for the simulation and forecasting of the effects of policy changes. In each case, the major characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of the methods are described. Factors that place intrinsic limits on the accuracy of population forecasts are articulated. Promising lines of additional research by statisticians and demographers are identified for each class of methods and for population forecasting generally." 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of characterizing a distribution by means of a convex conditional mean function. The characterization is proved, under mild conditions, by means of showing the uniqueness of the solution of a certain non-linear differential equation. 相似文献
Carroll K Ross HC Evans D France L Hemmings R Hughes S Lynn F Mahoney P Phillips A 《Pharmaceutical statistics》2008,7(4):263-9; discussion 270-1
The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products has recently completed the consultation of a draft guidance on how to implement conditional approval. This route of application is available for orphan drugs, emergency situations and serious debilitating or life-threatening diseases. Although there has been limited experience in implementing conditional approval to date, PSI (Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry) sponsored a meeting of pharmaceutical statisticians with an interest in the area to discuss potential issues. This article outlines the issues raised and resulting discussions, based on the group's interpretation of the legislation. Conditional approval seems to fit well with the accepted regulatory strategy in HIV. In oncology, conditional approval may be most likely when (a) compelling phase II data are available using accepted clinical outcomes (e.g. progression/recurrence-free survival or overall survival) and Phase III has been planned or started, or (b) when data are available using a surrogate endpoint for clinical outcome (e.g. response rate or biochemical measures) from a single-arm study in rare tumours with high response, compared with historical data. The use of interim analyses in Phase III for supporting conditional approval raises some challenging issues regarding dissemination of information, maintenance of blinding, potential introduction of bias, ethics, switching, etc. 相似文献
Strict collapsibility and model collapsibility are two important concepts associated with the dimension reduction of a multidimensional contingency table, without losing the relevant information. In this paper, we obtain some necessary and sufficient conditions for the strict collapsibility of the full model, with respect to an interaction factor or a set of interaction factors, based on the interaction parameters of the conditional/layer log-linear models. For hierarchical log-linear models, we present also necessary and sufficient conditions for the full model to be model collapsible, based on the conditional interaction parameters. We discuss both the cases where one variable or a set of variables is conditioned. The connections between the strict collapsibility and the model collapsibility are also pointed out. Our results are illustrated through suitable examples, including a real life application. 相似文献
《Journal of statistical planning and inference》1996,53(1):1-19
A general methodology is presented for non-parametric testing of independence, location and dispersion in multiple regression. The proposed testing procedures are based on the concepts of conditional distribution function, conditional quantile, and conditional shortest t-fraction. Techniques involved come from empirical process and extreme-value theory. The asymptotic distributions are standard Gumbel. 相似文献
Importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods have been used in exact inference for contingency tables for a long time, however, their performances are not always very satisfactory. In this paper, we propose a stochastic approximation Monte Carlo importance sampling (SAMCIS) method for tackling this problem. SAMCIS is a combination of adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo and importance sampling, which employs the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo algorithm (Liang et al., J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 102(477):305–320, 2007) to draw samples from an enlarged reference set with a known Markov basis. Compared to the existing importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, SAMCIS has a few advantages, such as fast convergence, ergodicity, and the ability to achieve a desired proportion of valid tables. The numerical results indicate that SAMCIS can outperform the existing importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: It can produce much more accurate estimates in much shorter CPU time than the existing methods, especially for the tables with high degrees of freedom. 相似文献
For financial volatilities such as realized volatility and volatility index, a new parametric quantile forecast strategy is proposed, focusing on forecast interval and value at risk (VaR) forecast. This fully addresses asymmetries in 3 parts: mean, volatility and distribution. The asymmetries are addressed by the LHAR (leverage heterogeneous autoregressive) model of McAleer and Medeiros (2008) and Corsi and Reno (2009) for the mean part, by the EGARCH model for the volatility part, and by the skew-t distribution for the error distribution part. The method is applied to the realized volatilities and the volatility indexes of the US S&P 500 index, the US NASDAQ index, the Korea KOSPI index in which significant asymmetries are identified. Considerable out-of-sample forecast improvements of the forecast interval and VaR forecast are demonstrated for the volatilities: forecast intervals of volatilities have better coverages with shorter lengths and VaR forecasts of volatility indexes have better violations if asymmetries are properly addressed rather than ignored. The proposed parametric method reveals considerably better out-of-sample performance than the recently proposed semiparametric quantile regression approach of Zikes and Barunik (2016). 相似文献
The joint distribution of (X,Y) is determined if the conditional expectation E {g(X)|Y = y} is given and the conditional distribution of Y|(X = x) is a conditional power series distribution, where g(·) is a function satisfying some minor conditions. 相似文献
Medical studies often involve semi-competing risks data, which consist of two types of events, namely terminal event and non-terminal event. Because the non-terminal event may be dependently censored by the terminal event, it is not possible to make inference on the non-terminal event without extra assumptions. Therefore, this study assumes that the dependence structure on the non-terminal event and the terminal event follows a copula model, and lets the marginal regression models of the non-terminal event and the terminal event both follow time-varying effect models. This study uses a conditional likelihood approach to estimate the time-varying coefficient of the non-terminal event, and proves the large sample properties of the proposed estimator. Simulation studies show that the proposed estimator performs well. This study also uses the proposed method to analyze AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG 320). 相似文献
r -th record values subject to (r + 1)-th record values, record mean function, from a distribution of discrete type. We give some properties of the record
mean function and an explicit expression for the distribution function based on its record mean function, which allows us
to characterize particular discrete distributions using the record mean functions.
Received: January 4, 1999; revised version: September 27, 1999 相似文献
Jeffrey S. Simonoff 《Statistics and Computing》1995,5(3):245-252
The standard approach to non-parametric bivariate density estimation is to use a kernel density estimator. Practical performance of this estimator is hindered by the fact that the estimator is not adaptive (in the sense that the level of smoothing is not sensitive to local properties of the density). In this paper a simple, automatic and adaptive bivariate density estimator is proposed based on the estimation of marginal and conditional densities. Asymptotic properties of the estimator are examined, and guidance to practical application of the method is given. Application to two examples illustrates the usefulness of the estimator as an exploratory tool, particularly in situations where the local behaviour of the density varies widely. The proposed estimator is also appropriate for use as a pilot estimate for an adaptive kernel estimate, since it is relatively inexpensive to calculate. 相似文献
双重滞后随机前沿模型技术效率的估计 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
首次在随机前沿模型中同时引入因变量间(或双边误差间)和技术效率间的空间相关性并构造了双重滞后随机前沿模型,使用极大似然估计方法和JLMS方法得出参数和技术效率的估计。蒙特卡罗模拟表明:忽略技术效率的空间相关性,参数估计和技术效率的估计均表现欠佳。本研究能以较高的精度估计参数和技术效率。随着样本容量的增加,估计效果更优。 相似文献
In this paper a dissimilarity index between statistical populations is proposed without the hypothesis of a specific statistical model. We assume that the studied populations differ on some relevant features which are measured through convenient parameters of interest. We assume also that we dispose of adequate estimators for these parameters. To measure the differences between populations with respect to the parameters of interest, we construct an index inspired on some properties of the information metric which are also presented. Additionally, we consider several examples and compare the obtained dissimilarity index with some other distances, like Mahalanobis or Siegel distances. 相似文献