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1982年以来北京人口时空演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用第三次、第四次、第五次和第六次全国人口普查数据,借助ArcGIS空间分析技术,对北京1982~2010年间的人口时空演变进行了分析研究。结果表明:北京人口规模大,增长速度快,外来常住人口的增加是城市人口规模扩大的主要原因;北京人口呈火山口型的分布格局虽然没有改变,但已由尖锐单峰式火山口型向较低缓多峰式火山口型分布格局转变,人口呈圈层梯度推移式辐射扩张和沿放射状干道外向发展;核心区人口逐步向外疏散,城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区人口不断集中;外来常住人口居住地空间分布呈现大分散、小聚居的特点,主要分布在近郊区的乡镇街道,形成围绕核心区的反“C”字形的环状分布带。城市化快速发展、多元化城市定位、产业结构调整、低层次产业吸引、城市规划引导是北京人口时空演变的作用机制。  相似文献   

城市规划中人口规模预测方法使用体系探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对一些人口预测方法在兰州市和深圳市进行案例应用,通过预测结果的对比分析,初步总结出一套人口预测方法使用体系,仅供城市规划人员参考使用。  相似文献   

21世纪将是全球人口年龄结构进入老龄化的时代,置身于其中的中国必须充分认识到其自身人口老龄化的特点及其对中国社会的经济、养老方式、城市规划、医疗保险和文化等各方面的影响,选择一条可持续发展的道路,从而实现人类代际之间的永续发展。  相似文献   

基于目前城市规划中人口规模预测的重要性。对人口预测方法进行全面综合的评析,总结方法特点,初步提出这些方法的使用范围。  相似文献   

城市规划中人口规模预测方法评析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
基于目前城市规划中人口规模预测的重要性,对人口预测方法进行全面综合的评析,总结方法特点,初步提出这些方法的使用范围。  相似文献   

上海市流入育龄妇女状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年10月,上海市统计局、公安局、计划生育委员会、城市规划设计院和复旦大学、华东师范大学、上海社会科学院的人口研究所联合进行了一次大规模的上海市流动人口抽样调查,在调查全市流入人口和流出人口一般情况的基础上,又对其中4744名流入育龄妇女进行了计划生育状况的补充调查。这次调查不仅为上海市政府及有关部门提供了大量的流动人口基础资料,而且对我们研究如  相似文献   

中国大城市人口居住郊区化现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口居住郊区化对城市发展具有有利与不利两方面的影响,以北京、上海、广州、杭州、苏州、沈阳、大连等大城市为例,可以总结出当前我国大城市人口居住郊区化的现状特点与成因机制,中国与西方国家人口居住郊区化有同有异,为适应城市郊区化应采取一定的城市规划与管理对策。  相似文献   

中国市长协会联合国际欧亚科学院中国科学中心发布共同研究的《中国城市发展报告2010》。报告指出,目前中国有许多城市都面临着"大城市病",不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题依然突出。其原因是城市规划和建设盲目向周边扩延,大量耕地被占所致,影响了居民的幸福指数。2010年中国城镇化率达49.68%,"十二五"期间中国城镇化率目标是超过50%。城镇化进程  相似文献   

1983年10月4日至6日在北京召开了北京市第三次人口理论科学讨论会。来自各方面的代表共121人参加了此次会议。北京市副市长白介夫亲临大会并作了重要讲话。会议结合我国近三年来新形势下出现的新情况、新问题,对北京市农村人口问题、北京市城市规划与人口问题,关于人口再生产和人口结构的理论和方法问题以及人口质量和老年人间题分组进行了讨论。现将讨论情况综述如下:  相似文献   

城市化后的村庄改建模式研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
科学的规划能使城市合理发展 ,城市空间的拓展势必导致周边村庄的融入和日后民房的改造。换言之 ,城市规划是当今城市中村庄改造的缘由 ,今后必定也是缓解日益加大的城、村矛盾的重要途径之一。为此 ,本文在阐述当前城市普遍存在的农村改造问题之后 ,对城市中农村的类型和基本特征进行了分析 ,并从规划层面上 ,对今后城市中的村庄改造模式作了探索。  相似文献   

A major trend in disaster management is to build resilience for sustainable development. Resilience is defined as the ability which may be learned from previous disaster experiences to make the system more stable than before through absorbing and adapting the changes caused by the disaster. In this paper, enhancing disaster resilience in a river basin is studied and regarded as an important operation process to achieve sustainability of urban area. The measurement of disaster resilience can be used as a potential environmental disaster diagnosis of previous urban planning policy strategies, and is a required foundation for drafting future spatial and urban planning policies. This paper proposes an application that combines fuzzy Delphi and analytic network process techniques in order to establish a set of disaster resilience indicators for a re-developed urban area in Tan-sui River Basin (Taiwan). By incorporating expert opinion, a priority index is calculated for each studied disaster resilience indicator. And, an enhanced resilience indicator evaluation methodology, which reflects interdependencies among evaluation dimensions using an integrated approach, is suggested in this paper. The results show that the main influences on satisfaction are: (1) factors of the management institute of basin, (2) financial capability, (3) conservation of water resource, (4) environmentally sensitive area, and (5) conservation of slope area. Overall, these main influences (five resilience indicators) show future directions for sustainable development in Tan-sui River Basin.  相似文献   


Urban greening in Dhaka, Bangladesh is fraught with injustice for slum dwellers. Access to the commons for the enactment of gardening, farming and foraging by the urban poor, many recent internal migrants from rural areas, is contested by wealthier citizens, developers and political elites. Through qualitative research with households within the informal settlement of Korail in Dhaka’s urban core, and a range of stakeholders in governmental and non-governmental organizations, this study critiques competing policy visions that involve urban greening and urban green infrastructure. Repurposing the conceptual lense of ‘mobility justice’ to analyse environmental and ecological issues in the global South, the findings highlight the importance of mobility concerns to just futures for urban planning.  相似文献   

从“城乡二元结构”到“城市二元结构”及其影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
侯力 《人口学刊》2007,(2):32-36
在我国工业化和城市化快速发展过程中,传统体制下形成的以户籍制度为核心的“城乡二元结构”不仅没有消除,反而逐步向城市蔓延,伴随着农村劳动力进城就业,在城市中形成了规模庞大的农民工阶层,他们与城市居民共同构成了“城市二元结构”。“城市二元结构”的日益强化,将导致严重的城市贫困问题,加大城市管理的难度,并造成城市化进程的不稳定。为此,应从城市和农村两个维度加以考虑,积极推动土地制度改革,加强城乡统一社会保障体系建设,加强农村基础教育和职业培训,建立以社会保障制度为核心的征地补偿机制,逐步消除“城市二元结构”。  相似文献   

城市发展不再只是追求经济的增长,而是要实现全面协调、可持续发展。因此,发展质量型社会越来越重要。长江经济带是我国城镇化发展的重要区域,并且是我国经济新的增长极,其城镇化发展水平和发展质量的双重提升越来越重要。城镇化发展进程中,经济发展是基础、社会建设是推力、生态环境建设是保障、城乡统筹发展是动力。因此,本文主要从经济发展、社会发展、生态建设与城乡统筹四个方面构建城镇化发展质量评价指标体系,采用城镇化发展质量的分段函数评价模型,结合协调度模型对长江经济带城镇化水平与质量的协调性进行测度分析,其结果为:①城镇化发展水平与发展质量发展特征为“整体上升、局部波动”。②城镇化发展质量提升速度较为平缓,而各个省市之间城镇化发展质量提升速度具有差异性。③城镇化发展水平与发展质量协调度为稳步上升态势,其区域整体协调发展较好。  相似文献   

Urban regeneration can be an effective tool to promote sustainability and enhance macro-level quality of life if the principles of encouraging participation, building community character, advancing equity, improving environment and enlivening the economy are observed. Through the assessment of various quality of life indicators related to these five basic principles for sustainable urban regeneration by the public, private and community sectors, this paper finds that Hong Kong falls far short of realizing these fundamental principles. There are also considerable discrepancies between the public and non-public (private and NGOs) sectors in terms of evaluating existing quality of life issues and perceiving their relative priorities. The private and community sectors tend to have lower rating of existing situation and consequently a longer priority list. On the contrary, the public sector seems to be more complacent with the existing quality of life situations and has a much shorter priority list. The public sector’s more relaxed attitude coupled with a top-down executive-led polity mean that Hong Kong will probably have a long way to go toward sustainable urban regeneration.  相似文献   

杨林  朱小林 《西北人口》2002,(2):63-64,F003
城市贫困已成为我国现今城市发展中的一个突出问题。本文在对贫困相关概念界定的基础上,通过对我国西部地区城市贫困现状的分析,揭示出其产生和扩大的深刻原因并由此提出一系列可供选择的政策建议。  相似文献   

城市贫困:原因分析及治理对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市贫困问题已成为中国改革和发展中急需解决的重要问题 ,治理城市贫困关系到稳定大局 ,实现“共同富裕”的发展目标 ,也是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。本文分析了城市贫困现状及其产生的原因 ,并提出扶贫解困的政策措施。  相似文献   

Preferences for unfamiliar urban environments were studied as a function of urban categories, viewing time, and four predictor variables: complexity, coherence, identifiability, and mystery. A nonmetric factor analysis of the preference ratings for the longest viewing-time condition yielded five dimensions: Contemporary Life, Alley/Factory, Urban Nature, Unusual Architecture, and Older Buildings. The five categories differed significantly in preference, with Urban Nature by far the most preferred and Alley/Factory distinctly disliked. The combination of low coherence and high complexity characterizes the least liked Alley/Factory category, while the role of mystery in the urban setting is highlighted by the most preferred Urban Nature category. The results point to various ways in which the urban environment could be more responsive to people's preferences.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Grand Valley State Colleges Research Development Fund to Thomas Herzog and in part by the Urban Forestry Unit of the U.S. Forest Service's North Central Experimental Station in a cooperative research agreement with R. Kaplan and S. Kaplan.  相似文献   

Summarizes the deliberations and recommendations of the (1978) 4th International Population Conference: "Expanding Rural and Urban Community Participation in Population Programs," sponsored by the World Population Society and the Population Center Foundation, and held in the Philippines. The 2 main concerns were finding ways of involving people in rural villages and urban communities in population programs, and fostering the sharing of ideas and experiences for the benefit of program administrators. Topics covered by the conference and reviewed here were organization and action for community participation; relating population and family planning to other services and the relevant personnel; role of women and women's organizations; involvement of youth; distribution of family planning information, techniques, and supplies; and new ideas and approaches. The resolutions of the delegates and other recommendations are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Urban regeneration can be an effective tool to promote sustainability and enhance macro-level quality of life if the principles of encouraging participation, building community character, advancing equity, improving environment and enlivening the economy are observed. Through the assessment of various quality of life indicators related to these five basic principles for sustainable urban regeneration by the public, private and community sectors, this paper finds that Hong Kong falls far short of realizing these fundamental principles. There are also considerable discrepancies between the public and non-public (private and NGOs) sectors in terms of evaluating existing quality of life issues and perceiving their relative priorities. The private and community sectors tend to have lower rating of existing situation and consequently a longer priority list. On the contrary, the public sector seems to be more complacent with the existing quality of life situations and has a much shorter priority list. The public sectors more relaxed attitude coupled with a top-down executive-led polity mean that Hong Kong will probably have a long way to go toward sustainable urban regeneration.  相似文献   

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