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王实 《决策咨询通讯》2010,(5):46-49,77
各相关组织间的知识流动形成了知识链。知识链往往由多个不同类型的组织构成,各组织间存在着各种类型的冲突。本文依据知识链所具有的特征以及所依靠的环境来界定知识链组织之间的冲突类型,并浅析了知识链组织之间这几类冲突的形成原因。  相似文献   

本文应用结构方程理论,分析利益、结构、知识三因素与知识链组织之间的冲突线性结构关系(Linear Structure Relation,LISREL)。以问卷为调查工具,利用AMOS软件分析探讨变量间的因果关系,并验证知识链组织之间利益、知识和结构的三维动因模型的拟合程度。研究发现:利益因素和知识因素对冲突有正相关性,结构因素通过对知识因素的影响间接对知识链组织之间冲突产生影响。  相似文献   

全力  顾新 《决策咨询通讯》2016,(4):52-57,61
知识链运用当中,组织之间的冲突策略选择至关重要。本文对传统二维冲突模型在分析知识链组织之间冲突的不足,通过引入冲突水平变量构建了一个知识链组织之间冲突策略三维模型。利用层次分析法对专家的判断结果进行分析,得到各层次冲突因素的相对权重,用多级模糊综合评价的数学模型对知识链组织之间冲突状态进行评价。使用灰色系统理论对模型中关系自己和关系他人两个变量进行测度。通过实例计算,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性,为组织决策者提供了一个科学合理的决策方法。  相似文献   

组织冲突的结构因素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过问卷调查的方式对组织冲突、组织结构因素以及它们之间的关系等方面的假设进行了实证考察,指出了组织冲突水平的衡量标准、管理层次、生命周期阶段、业务流程依存性等组织结构因素与组织冲突的关系。最后,提出了在组织冲突和组织结构因素等方面的管理政策建议。  相似文献   

现代信息技术的发展快速地改变着组织的结构和边界,中间组织因具有旺盛的生命力和竞争力而成为知识经济时代创造价值的典型组织体类型.基于中间组织理论和知识链理论,研究成员企业知识资源对中间组织知识链生成的影响,以认知→直觉→行动→生成的系统逻辑框架构建中间组织知识链的系统结构.采用问卷调查法,利用SPSS 17.0软件对回收的有效问卷进行探索性分析,研究成员企业知识、中间组织知识链与价值创造之间的系统关系.研究结果表明,在中间组织知识链形成与运行的系统中选择36个具有解释力的影响因子,进一步对影响因子进行合理化剔除和选择,最终得到8个影响因素并由此构建基于价值创造的中间组织知识链影响因素模型.对研究结果和研究局限进行说明和讨论,为单个企业加入中间组织进行价值创造活动的知识资源利用和实践提供对策和建议.  相似文献   

组织结构对组织学习与知识转化关系影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创新依赖于组织学习。但是,知识如果没有在组织中被充分的分享,那么它的作用是有限的。即,为了实现知识的转化,知识分享的支持系统——有效的组织结构必须存在。本文通过组织学习的角度,探讨组织学习与知识转化的关系,以及组织结构的障碍在其中如何发挥作用。  相似文献   

组织知识理论的发展与结构   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文通过对近年来组织知识理论的概括和分析,总结了这一理论的三个主要内容:知识资本理论、以知识为基础的企业理论和组织知识管理理论;给出了组织知识理论的逻辑起点和内在结构,进而从微观经济和管理层面总结了知识经济背景下有关企业管理理论的发展动态与研究成果,为知识经济环境下中国企业知识管理理论的建立提供理论准备  相似文献   

基于知识转移视角研究校企合作中组织知识创新的内部结构,探究其运作规律,可以更好提升高校和企业的知识创新能力。通过借鉴马斯洛需求层次理论和SECI模型理论,将组织知识创新需求分为五个层次和四个阶段,构建组织知识创新共时和历时结构图,并从知识转移的视角进行分析,最后提出校企合作中组织知识创新能力提升策略。  相似文献   

本文从知识管理内涵出发,阐述了知识管理的一些特征,旨在通过对现行企业组织结构及类型的分析,依据知识管理的特点,应用学习型组织的理论,设计出适于知识管理的组织结构.本文使用对比分析的方法,融人综合的先进理念和思想,提出了知识管理组织结构设计的原则,构建了一种新型的与知识管理相适应的组织结构模式--学习-网络组织结构模式,体现了知识管理对组织结构变革的新要求.  相似文献   

基于知识的组织结构模型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文在分析企业组织结构发展历程的基础上,深入研究了知识与组织之间的内在联系,提出了一种基于知识并面向任务的三维立体组织结构,以智能化的模型分析方法为现代制造企业经营业务过程分析与企业重组提供先进的组织管理模式,对提高企业组织系统的核心竞争能力将发挥积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

供应链企业合作机制与委托实现理论   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文建立和供应链企业合作机制与委托实现的理论模型框架,并对相关的合作机制和委托代理理论进行了具体阐述。本文研究对于企业之间的合作具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

组织的环境适应性及生存战略--基于知识供应链的分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在经济生态系统中,由于组织学习能力的不同,企业具有对环境的不同适应性.本文构建了从个体知识到组织知识的组织知识供应链模型,根据知识供应过程,本文区分了组织的静态适应性、动态适应性以及临界适应性三种不同适应性,在此基础上,我们总结了企业的三种生存战略,它们是产品中心战略、能力中心战略以及组织学习战略.  相似文献   

临时型知识团队合作治理中社会约束影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在理论回顾基础上,结合横向监督理论,提出将社会约束引入临时型知识团队合作能够有效激励团队合作的假设;为验证社会约束时临时型知识团队合作的影响,本文采用实验室实验中的公共品实验方法,模拟临时型知识团队的构成和运作过程;实验结果表明,社会约束能够提高临时型知识团队合作行为;最后文章为临时型知识团队合作机制设计提出建议:应引入社会制裁和经济约束以促进临时型知识团队的合作.对临时型知识团队成员应进行分类管理,通过社会约束机制营造公平的团队氛围以促进成员之间的合作,进而提高团队绩效.  相似文献   

Many firms make significant investments into developing and managing knowledge within their supply chains. Such investments are often prudent because studies indicate that supply chain knowledge (SCK) has a positive influence on performance. Key questions still surround the SCK–performance relationship, however. First, what is the overall relationship between SCK and performance? Second, under what conditions is the relationship stronger or weaker? To address these questions, we applied meta‐analysis to 35 studies of the SCK–performance relationship that collectively include more than 8,400 firms. Our conservative estimate is that the effect size of the overall relationship is  = .39. We also find that the SCK–performance relationship is stronger when (i) examining operational performance, (ii) gathering data from more than one supply chain node, (iii) gathering data from multiple countries, (iv) examining service industries, and (v) among more recently published studies. We also found that studies that embraced a single theory base (as opposed to using multiple ones) had a stronger SCK–performance relationship. Looking to the future, our meta‐analysis highlights the need for studies to (i) include lags between the measurement of SCK and performance, (ii) gather upstream data when examining innovation, (iii) examine SCK within emerging countries, and (iv) provide much more information relative to the nuances of the SCK examined.  相似文献   

The risk of terrorism is of great concern to many countries and significant resources are spent to counter this threat. A better understanding of the motivation of terrorists and their reasons for selecting certain modes and targets of attack can help improve the decisions to allocate resources in the fight against terrorism. The fundamental question addressed in this article is: “What do terrorists want?” We take the view that terrorists’ preferences for actions are based on their values and beliefs. An important missing piece in our knowledge of terrorists’ preferences is an understanding of their values. This article uses a novel approach to determine these values and state them as objectives, using principles from decision analysis and value‐focused thinking. Instead of interviewing decisionmakers and stakeholders, as would be normal in decision analysis, we extract the values of terrorists by examining their own writings and verbal statements. To illustrate the approach, we extract the values of Al‐Qaeda and structure them in terms of strategic, fundamental, and means objectives. These objectives are interrelated through a means‐ends network. This information is useful for understanding terrorists’ motivations, intent, and likely actions, as well as for developing policies to counter terrorism at its root causes.  相似文献   

知识型团队是现代组织执行复杂创新任务的重要组织形式.本文从分析知识型团队与知识工作任务的匹配关系入手,在引入知识链及知识链网络等概念的基础上,探讨了基于知识链的知识型团队的动态能力构建机制,分析了围绕知识链网络的知识团队结构体系模型及创新运作机理.  相似文献   

Many new product introductions continue to be unsuccessful, and while researchers have studied product development processes, relatively few studies directly address new product launch. We do so in the present research and posit that supply chain intelligence, defined as technological and competitive knowledge sourced and integrated from suppliers, customers, and competitors, plays an important role in explaining new product launch success. We further employ the knowledge‐based view to theorize that both supply chain adaptability and product innovation capability act as important mediators of the effects of supply chain intelligence on new product launch success and firm financial performance. While the former capability refers to a firm's ability to quickly adjust its supply chain to react to market and product design changes, the latter refers to the firm's proficiency in developing innovative new products. We test hypothesized relationships among these factors utilizing data collected in a survey of 229 U.S. manufacturing firms. Results point to the central role of supply chain adaptability in capturing the benefits of supplier technological intelligence for enhanced product innovation capability, new product launch success, and firm financial performance. In contrast, product innovation capability serves as the generative means by which customer and competitor intelligence is translated into more successful new product launches, which, in turn, produce superior firm financial performance. Overall, these findings contribute to a better understanding of factors that can explain why certain product launches are more successful than others, and offer practical insights for appropriate investments in the development of related knowledge resources.  相似文献   

我国知识工作者组织内知识共享问题的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
知识共享问题正日益受到管理界的重视,但对于组织内知识共享的实证性研究仍然较少。本文通过对我国知识工作者的实际调查与分析发现,个人传播知识的动机主要是成就感,吸收知识的动机主要是对工作的挑战性的追求。在组织文化方面,知识传播主要依赖组织的归属感,知识吸收依赖组织的宽容度、归属感和信任度。具有较高知识传播程度的知识工作者,通常有较高的工作效率;具有较高知识吸收程度的知识工作者,通常有较高的工作效率和较高的工作质量。  相似文献   

Conventional approaches to knowledge-based system (KBS) development are not appropriate for building KBSs when the application task is structurable (i.e., exhibits a certain degree of ill structure). Building a KBS for structurable tasks requires an understanding of the problem-solving strategies used by an expert to manage the ill structure, while at the same time relying on domain theories to understand the structured parts of the task. This paper presents a methodology for developing a knowledge model for structurable tasks during the conceptualization stage of KBS development. This is equivalent to building a logical model for design during the development of conventional information systems. The methodology relies on prior research on the decomposition and characterization of a task based on its various attributes. The paper also illustrates the use of the methodology in the case of KBS development for financial hedging. The paper concludes with some observations about the potential impact of this methodology on other stages in the KBS development process.  相似文献   

技术创新网络中企业的合作绩效受到企业间依赖关系与企业开放度的影响。本文在对相关文献梳理的基础上,提出了网络内企业间依赖与开放度对合作绩效影响的理论假设,利用我国企业技术创新合作过程中的实际数据,对其进行了实证检验。结果表明,技术创新网络中企业间联合依赖与不对称依赖的程度会影响到企业在合作过程中的开放度,同时也会影响到企业的合作绩效。进而,作为企业间依赖与企业合作绩效间重要的中介,开放度也显著影响着企业合作的绩效。  相似文献   

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