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亚洲新兴工业化经济体技术学习模式的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
谢富纪  张建余 《管理学报》2005,2(3):321-326
以韩国、新加坡与我国台湾地区等亚洲新兴工业化经济体技术学习成功的代表产业为分析对象,探讨了这些经济体技术学习模式的特征与异同;分析了各经济体创新系统内部企业的主体地位差异和创新系统的国际联系差异对其技术学习模式的影响,从创新系统内部知识流动和外部知识联系两方面分析了各经济体创新系统在促进技术学习中的作用;指出了其对我国企业开展技术学习、政府制定技术创新政策,以及我国创新系统建设所具有的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,世界经济中的一个突出特征就是新兴经济体的迅速崛起,突出表现是其经济增长速度的加快和在世界经济总体中所占份额迅速扩大。新兴经济体的崛起虽然对原有西方主导的世界经济格局带来严重冲击,但要从根本上改变现有国际经济格局还需要长期努力。中国在呼吁改变现有国际经济秩  相似文献   

新兴经济体(EE)创业企业在与母国缺失的制度环境互动的过程中形成制度能力。运用大规模访谈和扎根理论方法,本文提炼出制度能力的概念及其三个维度:制度适应力、制度关系力和制度创业力。在此基础上,本研究通过融合制度理论和组织能力理论,采用探索性案例研究设计,探讨了二元制度环境、制度能力与E E创业企业加速国际化之间的关系,并构建了一个被中介的调节模型。研究结果显示:(1)完善的母国制度环境减轻了东道国缺失的制度环境对EE创业企业加速国际化的阻碍作用,而母国缺失的制度环境则提升了完善的东道国制度环境对E E创业企业加速国际化的促进作用;(2)母国缺失的制度坏境有助于E E创业企业开发制度能力,而完善的母国制度环境则不利于E E创业企业制度能力的开发;(3)东道国缺失的制度环境对制度能力较强的EE创业企业加速国际化的抑制作用较弱;完善的东道国制度环境对制度能力较弱的EE创业企业加速国际化的激励作用较强;(4)E E创业企业的制度能力中介母国制度缺失性对东道国制度缺失性和加速国际化之间关系的正向调节作用。本研究有助于E E政府创造国际创业友好型制度环境和创业企业加快实施"走出去"战略。  相似文献   

李富 《经理人》2014,(9):22-22
正金砖银行的资金用途,主要是支持金砖国家和其他新兴经济体,及发展中国家的基础设施建设。另外,初始资金规模为1000亿美元的金砖国家应急储备安排,也将帮助相关国家应对短期流动性压力,推动金砖国家进一步合作,强化全球金融安全网并补充现有的国际金融制度。  相似文献   

随着2012年地方“两会”的相继召开,各地区2011年的经济社会发展的“成绩单”也陆续公布。作为世界第二经济大国的中国,每个省区在世界上的地位(经济总量和人均GDP等)是一个很有参考价值和趣味性的对比。  相似文献   

<正>经济学家安托万·范阿格特梅尔在1981年提出了"新兴市场"这一充满希望的词汇。自20世纪60年代初以来,新兴市场经济体经济相继高速增长,不仅自身实力不断增强,而且为牵动世界经济发展做出了巨大贡献。几年来,新兴市场国家经济增速普遍放慢。2015年伊始,多数国家遭遇经济寒流冲击,经济下行压力增大。国际货币基金组织(IMF)1月20日发布的《世界经济展望报告》将2015年和2016年新兴市场和发展中经济体经济增长率分别调至4.3%和4.7%,比2014年10月预测分别下调了0.6个和0.5个百分点。  相似文献   

在借鉴其他"智慧城市"建设发展经验的基础之上,结合衡水市推进"智慧城市"建设步伐的实际,通过进一步阐述新兴信息技术在各个产业上的创新应用,探索将物联网、云计算等新兴技术与城市经济建设、管理与服务等理念有机的融合之路。  相似文献   

改革开放先行者面临风险与挑战作为中国第一经济大省,广东在取得骄人成绩的同时,未来的发展却面临着诸多风险与挑战。早在2008年广东省省情调查研究中心发布的一份“广东投资环境调查报告”指出,广东的社会环境、经济环境均落后于北京、上海、浙江、江苏等省市,教育、医疗和社会公平等方面有待进一步改善,而省内的区域发展差距也呈扩大趋势。  相似文献   

余鹏程 《经理人》2014,(6):20-20
正一方面,新兴经济体由于通胀、本币升值等原因不断失去廉价劳动力优势,主要依靠自身的增长动力;另一方面,新兴经济体传统粗放式的资源、能源高度消耗型的增长模式也亟待转变。新兴经济体需要深化改革,以调整经济关系、完善经济结构、改变增长模式。  相似文献   

This article examines the activities of multinational corporations (MNCs) in the direct sales industry through an ethnographic case study of micro-entrepreneurship in the Brazilian Amazon. In large emerging economies, intra-country heterogeneity poses challenges for MNCs. Because national trends often obscure regional variations, the case study highlights the realities of the rural Amazon, and the specific challenges and potential for MNCs. Findings from the case study support three propositions. The development of direct sales networks in remote areas facilitates: (1) additional entrepreneurship, and encourages a progression from necessity to opportunity entrepreneurship; (2) social change in gender norms, including higher level of female empowerment and decision-making within families and communities; and (3) a reconciliation of local and global values on beauty and fashion for customers, leading to stronger brand relationships. By leveraging micro-entrepreneurship, MNCs can compete with local firms, even in rural areas lacking basic infrastructure, to the benefit of communities and individuals.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe three distinct but interrelated processes — spillover and catch up, brokering and bottom up — that link globalization to entrepreneurship in emerging economies. We then outline an ambitious research agenda concerning entrepreneurship in the emerging economy context. Is most of such entrepreneurship Kirznerian or Schumpeterian? How do brokering processes work in this context? What informal and formal institutions will emerge to govern entrepreneurship? Does entrepreneurship at the base of the pyramid represent just another MNE-inspired spillover, or will the severe constraints lead to truly revolutionary innovations in business models, governance arrangements and social relations? Most fundamentally, will the entrepreneurial processes in emerging economies conform to or transform the organization of entrepreneurship as we know it?  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there has been a substantial shift in the global innovation landscape. Multinationals from developed economies are increasingly globalizing their R&D activities and are developing an “open innovation” model to source innovations from outside the firm, including from emerging economies such as those in Asia. In addition, emerging economy firms, which traditionally have played a secondary role in the global innovation landscape, have now begun to catch up in developing their own innovative capabilities. This study explores the implications of this new innovation landscape for CEOs of multinationals and emerging economy firms, as well as for international management scholars and educators. While the multinationals might appropriate rents from their existing capabilities and source new ones in emerging economies, they may be threatened by weak intellectual property rights regimes and unintended knowledge spillovers to local firms, creating potential competitors. Firms in the emerging economies can learn from and catch up with investing multinationals, but to do so they need to develop their own innovative capabilities and move from a process to a product focus and from imitation to innovation.  相似文献   

The current contribution extends theorizing on leadership and the exploration–exploitation dilemma using an evolutionary perspective. A theoretical connection is made between the exploration–exploitation dilemma and age-biased leadership preferences for exploratory change versus stable exploitation. For the majority of human evolution our species was semi- or entirely nomadic and the trade-off between exploration versus exploitation had substantial physical- and experience-based requirements which align with leadership opportunities as moderated by age. Thus, given the consistency and importance of correctly assigning leadership for the exploration–exploitation dilemma, human evolution has likely selected for age-biased leadership endorsement. Across three experiments we find that younger-looking leaders are endorsed for times of exploratory change and older-looking leaders for stable exploitation. Further, our results indicated that older leaders are endorsed for leading conservative exploitation of nonrenewable resources and younger leaders for exploration of renewable alternatives (i.e., green leadership). The results introduce an age-biased leadership endorsement hypothesis.  相似文献   

Despite a long history within the field of leadership, the subject of authoritarianism and how it influences leadership and leadership processes has been neglected in recent decades. However, recent global events make it clear that a better understanding of authoritarianism is needed and that leadership researchers would benefit from a renewed interest in studying why followers embrace autocratic leaders. The nature of authoritarian character, how authoritarian values develop, and how it is measured will be discussed. We will also review autocratic leadership, the factors that make it more likely, its consequences for followers, and the moderators of its effects. A future research agenda for the study of authoritarian character and autocratic leadership will be provided.  相似文献   

Physician executives should manage their career strategies like a well-run company. Learn how to start thinking aout your career strategy.  相似文献   

Little empirical research has explored the implications of different bases and foci of trust in leadership within the same study. To rectify this substantive void in the trust literature, we conceptualized variants of employee trust in organizational leadership in terms of two bases (cognitive and affective) and two foci (management and supervisor). Using this dual perspective, we examined the effects of trust in leaders on two work-related attitudes (organizational commitment, job satisfaction) and two work-related behaviors (in-role behavior, extra-role behavior). Using data collected from 210 employees and their supervisors, we found that the four variants of trust in organizational leadership were distinguishable, and had differential effects on employee outcomes. Affective trust in supervisor was a significant predictor of in-role and extra-role behaviors. Affective trust in management and affective trust in supervisor explained variance in affective organizational commitment. Cognitive trust in management and affective trust in supervisor explained variance in job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Institutions are slow to change in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies. More to the point, institutions promoting free enterprise economy are lacking in the region. Concepts and theory building are lacking on the dynamics and forces related to institutional changes in GCC economies. In an attempt to fill this void, this paper proposes a framework for identifying clear contexts and attendant mechanisms associated with institutional changes in emerging economies. We then apply the framework in the context of GCC economies. The explanations offered in this paper shed light on the nature of power balance among various institutional actors associated with GCC economies and their cognitive frameworks.  相似文献   

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