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Ninety-one parents of 120 adopted Romanian children who were part of a longitudinal study were surveyed to determine perceptions of their relationships with their children, their adoption experiences, and the children’s strengths. The Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (BERS) was used and parents were easily able to rate their children’s emotional and behavioral strengths. Levels of parent–child relationship satisfaction were the most consistent predictors of child emotional and behavioral strength. The child’s age at the time of the survey was a significant predictor of strengths, indicating overall that younger children had more perceived strengths. Parents identified fewer strengths among children with longer histories of institutional care. The importance of a strong parent–child relationship and resilience after a history of early institutional care are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of a traumatic environment during early childhood is linked to short-term and long-term difficulties in adoptees. This study, utilizing a non-random, cross-sectional analysis of 123 children adopted from Romania, focused on executive cognitive functioning. One-third of the sample had not been institutionalized while the other two-thirds had been institutionalized for varying lengths of time from 1 month to more than 3 years, resulting in a “natural experiment” that allowed us to compare these two groups. Information from parents and teachers was obtained regarding their perception of the child’s executive functioning. Results indicate that, after many years in their adoptive families, 40% of the adoptees had physical challenges and 36% were in at least some special education classes. The best predictor of parental perception of current executive functioning was parent perception of the current parent–child relationship and not preadoptive history.  相似文献   

In family businesses, succession is very much biased by gender and daughters are almost always excluded as candidates. This paper provides a review of the literature on daughter succession. It finds that daughter exclusion results from an interaction of macro (societal/cultural attitudes toward women) and micro (individual and family) factors that both stereotype and discriminate against the daughter, and ensures that her capabilities and contributions in the business remain largely invisible. However, ascension to leadership and control for daughters can occur under “special circumstances” such as in the absence of male heirs or when the family business encounters a crucial transition or crisis event. Notwithstanding, daughter succession is defined by “complementarity” rather than conflict and offers potential advantages over sons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine important influences of adult (step)children’s relationships with their biological fathers, biological mothers, and resident stepparents on their life satisfaction and marital quality and the moderating role of stepparent gender. The sample (N = 215) was from Wave 3 of the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH). Results illustrate that (a) biological mothers and stepparents positively influenced life satisfaction among adult (step)children regardless of stepfamily type; and (b) that the influence of parent–child relationship quality on the adult child’s marital quality did vary as a function of stepfamily type. Specifically, there was a positive link between current stepmother–child relationship quality and the focal child’s current marital quality. The opposite link was found for those reared in stepfather households.  相似文献   

This paper frames how parents’ health problems may affect a child’s subsequent working status. Parental health problems occurring in their prime working years undermine an adult child’s resources and tend to affect the child’s preferences over time-allocations among leisure, market- and non-market-labor. Empirical applications in this paper focus on a situation with pervasive health problems, lack of social safety network, and a substantial gender gap in labor market return. Exploiting Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) for the period 1994–2004, empirical results indicate that a father’s poor health status is a significant predictor of lowering a daughter’s educational attainment and working probability during her subsequent, adulthood years.  相似文献   

This article proposes a discourse analysis of a family dinner conversation in which the participants are a father, a stepmother and a teenage daughter. Such analysis has social relevance insofar as roles within the stepfamily have not been either socially reshuffled or academically defined. The age-old myth about the wicked stepmother has provided the symbolic and discursive placement of stepmothers in contemporary American society in lieu of societal efforts to realistically define such a role. Thus, each case must define itself. My research examines a stepfamily's discourse about food as a window through which to view discursive strategies of inclusion and exclusion. I find that, in a situation where the child is a female teenager, a stepmother's identity is defined by positioning actively undertaken through the stepdaughter's discourse. Integrating a new parent into an existing unit is made far more difficult if the stepmother is seen as an outsider, who may be admitted to membership of the household, but not necessarily to the family.  相似文献   

Stepparenting is widely recognized as a stressful experience, with higher levels of stress and anxiety experienced by stepmothers than stepfathers. This study sought to examine the experiences of stepmothers to help understand the perceived factors related to their increased anxiety within the stepfamily. A qualitative study using focus groups was conducted in the United Kingdom. Results suggested that stepmother anxiety is predominantly related to three areas: their relationship with the biological mother, their relationship with their stepchildren, and lack of clarity regarding the stepmother role. It is posited that interventions designed to clarify the stepmother role and improve and strengthen relationships between stepfamily members would help alleviate anxiety and thus improve stepmother well-being.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between state–citizen relations and changing notions of volunteering in Japan. I map Japan’s state–citizen relations through an analysis of the transformations of volunteering in Japan from “hōshi” (mutual obligation) to “borantia” (borrowed from the English “volunteer”). The article broadly considers these paradigm shifts in terms of the context of the role International Non Profit Organisations (INPOs) play in Japanese foreign policy.  相似文献   

Becker’s Quantity–Quality model (Becker in Demographic and economic change in developed countries, Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp 209–240, 1960; Becker and Lewis in J Polit Econ 81(2): S279–S288, 1973; Becker and Tomes in J Polit Econ 84(4): S143–S162, 1976) suggests a trade-off between family size and parental investments in children. To date, only Cáceras-Delpiano (J Hum Resour 41(4): 738–754, 2006) tests this theory by considering private school enrolment. This study extends this work by using a unique data set containing a broader range of parental investments that are arguably linked to parental intentions for producing higher quality children, such as overall and non-sectarian private school enrolment, the number of computers in the home per child, and saving for the child’s education. Both studies find that fertility reduces parental investments. However, the literature generally finds that fertility has no impact on child outcomes. The study offers three potential explanations for this ‘puzzle’.  相似文献   

In September 2005, six unions representing 5.4 million workers held their founding convention as a new federation independent of the AFL-CIO. Infelicitously named “Change to Win Federation” (CTWF), the new alliance has called for a rededication of union resources and energies towards organizing the unorganized. Although CTWF has occasioned considerable interest and speculation among labor supporters and observers, it is difficult to determine why the break occurred, other than, perhaps, the personal agenda of some of its leaders. An unstated, significant reason may be a desire on the rebels’ part to operate relatively free of “noraiding” strictures of the AFL-CIO, even though the group disclaims any interest in challenging existing bargaining relationships and has penned “solidarity pacts” with some of its principal AFL-CIO competitors and with state and local units of the federation. Competitive forces are missing in the market for workplace representation services. The new group may reignite the rival unionism that spurred organized labor’s marked growth from 1935–1954, but early returns suggest an emphasis on militant posturing and on trendy, implausible themes such as “global unionism” and “subcontracting out strikes.”  相似文献   

 Outranking methods constitute a class of ordinal ranking algorithms for multicriterion decision making. This paper is concerned with four such methods: K?hler’s primal and dual algorithms, and Arrow–Raynaud’s primal and dual algorithms. Arrow and Raynaud made the conjecture that these four methods yield the totality of “prudent orders” whenever the outranking matrix has the “constant sum” property. This paper shows that their conjecture is not valid. Received: May 29, 1995/Accepted: November 13, 1995  相似文献   

I evaluate the regional and local economic impact of the University of Cardiff, dividing its effects into two major sides: expenditure impacts and knowledge impacts. I review the major tools and methodologies available in the literature to assess the two sides. The expenditure impact in the financial year 2000–2001 is measured through a Keynesian multiplier model developed by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Cardiff University, in order to compare that same impact in the 1994–1995 financial year. The university’s knowledge impact is assessed through two main variables: (1) employment and destination of graduates, or people impact, and (2) kind of knowledge produced. Cardiff University’s graduates enjoy full-employment, and according to our conceptual framework, Cardiff’s higher education system is classified as “nonactive” positional competition and “social” knowledge production.   相似文献   

Best known as the first woman graduate from MIT, and the founder of Home Economics, Ellen Swallow Richards was a Progressive Era reformer who applied social science research techniques to problems of concern to early sociologists. As a mentor to many women who joined the “Cultural” and “Pragmatic” feminists of Hull House, her secular theories of “Oekology” and “Euthenics” challenged many of the models of social change prevalent in the Cambridge and Chicago academic communities. Her most radical contribution as a feminist was her assertion that women’s unpaid labor in the home played a vital economic role in maintaining capitalism and was the ultimate source of their second-class citizenship. She shared a belief in democracy and education as a feminist “Pragmatist,” and laid the groundwork for the contemporary “Ecofeminist” movement. Although she was a biochemist by training, she engaged several genera-tions of women in the application of scientific methods to the solution of contemporary social problems. As a political organizer, much of her legacy is reflected in the accomplishments of the reform organizations she was instrumental in founding.  相似文献   

Dixon and Johnson (Analysis of Gambling Behavior 2007, 1:44–49) introduced the Gambling Functional Assessment (GFA), which attempts to identify the consequences that may be maintaining a person’s gambling behavior. The present study had 949 introductory psychology students complete the GFA, with 124 of them completing the measure a second time 12 weeks later. Measures of internal consistency were quite good regardless of whether “non-gamblers” were included or excluded. Test–retest reliability was somewhat mixed, with Escape scores yielding substandard coefficients, especially among females. Both internal and test–retest reliability were typically poorer for female respondents. In general, the GFA performed within the limits of acceptable reliability, and coefficients compared favorably with similar measures. Future investigations will need to determine the reliability and validity of the instrument, especially as it pertains to its intended population, pathological gamblers.  相似文献   

Children with cancer and their parents report that treatment-related procedures are more traumatic and painful than cancer itself. Competing hypotheses have emerged regarding relations between parents’ social support and child pain and distress. Little is known about caregivers’ use of nonverbal immediacy behaviors that may function as social support messages. This study describes caregivers’ interpersonal distance and touch behaviors during painful pediatric oncology procedures and examines relations between those behaviors and children’s pain and distress. Caregivers’ total touch time and instrumental (task-oriented) touch time, but not supportive touch time, during the actual procedure covaried with children’s procedural pain and distress. This research was conducted as part of a larger investigation funded by a grant from the National Cancer Institute, “Parental Role in Pediatric Cancer Pain and Survivorship” (NCI R01 CA100027), Terrance L. Albrecht, PI. The authors wish to thank Ellen Jones for her efforts.  相似文献   

Dissociation is defined as a protective coping mechanism employed on a broad spectrum: from day-to-day “spacing out” to psychic numbing to multiplicity. A convergence of recent insights in traumatology, neuroscience, and developmental theory is reviewed. These findings all point to the importance of affect regulation in infant and child development and in the therapeutic relationship, where attunement to implicit communication is crucial. Using such relational and intersubjective organizing principles as the concept of enactment and Beebe and Lachmann’s (Infant research and adult treatment: Co-constructing interactions 2002) “three principles of salience,” I discuss an analytic case in which dissociation is a central dynamic.  相似文献   

This paper examines Charles Tilly’s relationship to the schools of thought known as historicism and critical realism. Tilly was committed to a social epistemology that was inherently historicist, and he increasingly called himself a “historicist.” The “search for grand laws in human affairs comparable to the laws of Newtonian mechanics,” he argued, was a “waste of time” and had “utterly failed.” Tilly’s approach was strongly reminiscent of the arguments developed in the first half of the 20th century by Rickert, Weber, Troeltsch, and Meinecke for a synthesis of particularization and generalization and for a focus on “historical individuals” rather than abstract universals. Nonetheless, Tilly never openly engaged with this earlier wave of historicist sociology, despite its fruitfulness for and similarity to his own project. The paper explores some of the possible reasons for this missed encounter. The paper argues further that Tilly’s program of “relational realism” resembled critical realism, but with main two differences: Tilly did not fully embrace critical realism’s argument that social mechanisms are always co-constituted by social meaning or its normative program of explanatory critique. In order to continue developing Tilly’s ideas it is crucial to connect them to the epistemological ideas that governed the first wave of historicist sociology in Weimar Germany and to a version of philosophical realism that is interpretivist and critical.  相似文献   

Approaches that intervene in and aim to build alliances in the client’s family and network are common in child welfare, not at least in measures undertaken towards at-risk youth. The ideological components of democracy and empowerment are strong, and some claim an affinity to the “natural” problem solving of indigenous people. In the article some of these basic assumptions are called into question in the light of research on professional power and asymmetrical relations. Special attention is paid the network meeting which is supposed to shape common understanding and joint action. Eight network meetings of two network teams in Sweden were observed. The article concludes that social network intervention can be a powerful method. It can contribute to instilling hope and building alliances. However, the network meeting also produces explanations, roles and can bring premature disclosures because of the strong group dynamic forces. The power of the method therefore calls for an ethical awareness. It can be tempting to stimulate group dynamic forces to create climaxes in order to achieve “good meetings”, but the consequences are not always easy to foresee or to control.  相似文献   

X-consumers are the extremely frequent (top 2–3%) users who typically consume 25% of a product category. This article shows how to use fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to provide “causal recipes” sufficient for profiling X-consumers accurately. The study extends Dik Twedt’s “heavy-half” product users for building theory and strategies to nurture or control X-behavior. The study here applies QCA to offer configurations that are sufficient in identifying “whales” and “jumbo shrimps” among X-casino gamblers. The findings support the principle that not all X-consumers are alike. The theory and method are applicable for identifying the degree of consistency and coverage of alternative X-consumers among users of all product-service category and brands.  相似文献   

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