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陈杰 《现代交际》2010,(9):26-26
由于生存环境、思维模式、风俗习惯等的差异,在不同的文化语境中存在各种貌合神离的“假朋友”,不仅妨碍人们在日常交际中正确地理解与表达,而且在跨文化交际活动中也会使人误入歧途。因此英语学习者应了解英汉互译中的“假朋友”,学会正确解读,并掌握其翻译技巧,以便促进英语学习,更好地进行跨文化交际活动。  相似文献   

新时代高职学生应具备强大的文化自信来抵御外来不良文化的影响。在全球经济一体化的大背景下,各国文化的交流越来越多,针对我国新时代高职学生的文化自信培养就显得十分重要。本文首先介绍了新时代高职学生文化自信的基本内涵,其次阐述了高职学生文化自信教育的必要性,最后主要分析新时代高职学生文化自信教育的方法和策略,期望从根本上提升新时代高职学生的文化自信。  相似文献   

自《周易》中提出自强不息之后,一些著名高校均以自强作为校训,学校作为一种有目的、有计划、有组织的培养学生的社会组织,学校校训对学生人格有潜移默化的影响。自强不息是君子从天道所得到的启迪,并经过长期艰苦的修养之后,才能够得到的人道。自强者当自觉自强、自知、自立、自制。以自强作为校训可以从规范行为,孕育个性;凝聚力量,砥砺前进;推陈出新,引领潮流三方面对学生人格进行熏陶和教化。  相似文献   

陈恭 《科学发展》2013,(4):89-98
文化是城市的灵魂,是推动城市可持续发展的原动力。在国际文化大都市建设语境下,上海博物馆业已成为上海城市文化的重要名片。虽然上海博物馆业发展走在全国前列,但由于快速发展的同时带动了文博人才的需求也急剧扩张,因此上海文博人才数量严重缺乏,人才总体质量也急需优化提高。上海文博人才应具有合理的知识结构、国际化的文化视野,以及充实的合作研究团队和服务全国的能力。上海应建立起以政府为主导、高校为主力、行业为主体的文博人才培养体制,大力实施文博人才培养和引进战略,积极创新人才培养机制,优化人才发展环境,促进上海博物馆业的可持续性发展,从而为上海国际文化大都市建设奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

新时代的青年学生是中国未来的主人,是中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,肩负实现中华民族伟大复兴的使命。由于青年学生处于人生中向成熟期过渡的阶段,极容易受到不良影响。因此,需要家庭、学校、社会共同参与,全方位运用包括网络媒体在内的各种方式途径,教育引导青年学生树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,笃定四个自信,将个人的发展与国家命运联系在一起,在为国家的发展作出贡献的同时,实现个人的理想,成为实现民族复兴的时代新人。  相似文献   

张文 《现代妇女》2014,(11):310-310
超常搭配即符合语法规则,却又超出词语之间的语义内容和逻辑范围的常规。本文以马丁.路德.金牧师著名的"我有一个梦想"演说为例,见证了超常搭配作为艺术语体中的一种特殊表达方式,是为了语言所要表达的修辞效果而刻意创造的,只有在一定的语境中才能发挥它的表达效果。  相似文献   

茶艳娟 《职业》2012,(32):149-150
从上个世纪90年代开始, “韩流”开始影响中国大陆地区,在电视、电影、音乐、娱乐等方面冲击着中国大陆的文化市场.韩剧是“韩流”的重要组成部分.在中国,尤其是青年学生,成了韩剧的忠实受众.本文就“韩剧”的影响对100名中职学生进行了调查,继而对中国电视文化的发展进行反思.  相似文献   

白丽 《现代交际》2010,(8):164-165
本文通过列举分析4则对外汉语教学中的典型错误例句,从语用学的语境理论以及认知语言学的图式认知理论做了进一步的阐释,试图抛砖引玉,针对教学实践中出现的问题能够及时做出科学合理的解释,找出支撑理论,从而有效推动对外汉语教学的发展。  相似文献   

《乐记》是儒学的重要音乐典籍,具体探讨了音乐的审美价值及音乐的政治价值,其中包含的"乐教"思想也是儒家重要的教育理念。将"乐教"中丰富的德育和美育资源运用于高校思想政治教育之中,对补齐高校思政工作的短板,创新高校思政工作的方法有重要意义。  相似文献   

一带一路倡议为地方医学院校带来了发展机遇,也对医学人才培养提出了更高的要求。地方医学高等院校承担着为社会培养优秀医学人才的重任,大力培养具有国际视野的高素质医学人才,可助力一带一路建设。地方医学院校不仅要使学生掌握基础医学知识和临床实践技能,更要扩大学生的国际视野,注重学生全球胜任力的培养,提升其参与国际活动、跨文化交际能力,切实推进与一带一路沿线国家高校的交流合作。  相似文献   

This article examines a nascent phenomenon in which a cluster of digital platforms mimicking popular Chinese apps has popped up in various cities in the United Kingdom (UK). They have been eagerly adopted by a strong clientele composed mainly of Chinese international students and young working migrants from China. Drawing on data we gathered from the British city of Manchester, one of the most popular destinations for Chinese international students, we propose the concept of home virtuality to illustrate how Chinese student migrants’ frequent surfing of these Chinese-style digital platforms has created a ‘virtual home’ that is quite reminiscent of the platformized lifestyle in China, and that thus offers them a sense of connection to home. We argue that this ‘home virtuality’ does not only imply a virtual connection but is also a home environment materialized through the familiar app services of the new Chinese platform businesses in the UK.  相似文献   


Each ethnic enclave has its own idiosyncrasies, leading to disagreements as to the functions they serve for the migrants inhabiting them. However, three main functions may be identified across scholarly literature: shielding, economic and cultural. This article explores to what extent the spatial organization of the ethnic enclave is necessary for fulfilling these functions by taking the case of the Chinese international students in a Norwegian town. These students comprise a relatively cohesive group, and their conational social networks serve most of the same purposes of ethnic enclaves without the need for a separate neighbourhood. While most of their material needs are met, the students still express a lack of belonging, a need for a place that is ‘for us’, and they present an example of how an ethnic space is constructed without the need for a traditional ‘Chinatown’.  相似文献   

International adoption has been a significant part of South Korea's response to displaced or unwanted children since the 1960s. This paper discusses the growing concern prompted by Korea's continuing reliance on international adoption, and highlights the emerging range of alternative options for children's care. The paper explores the impact of traditional Korean cultural values on public attitudes toward adoption and adopted children, and contrasts Korea's current government policies and placement programs with those in Australia, where adoption occurs only rarely.Among the alternative forms of care currently being promoted in Korea are domestic adoption, foster care, congregate care and youth-headed households. The discussion includes an overview of their advantages and limitations, and their prospects for future expansion.The paper concludes by highlighting a number of key measures that need to be addressed in Korea if the current alternatives to international adoption are to be successful. The authors argue that it is well within Korea's capability to initiate change and implement programs inside its own national boundaries to provide effective care and services to its vulnerable children.  相似文献   

The focus on time is used to demonstrate that Newtonian conceptions of reality underpin the push for ‘green technology’ and its associated international relations. It brings to the surface the rationale of this technology and shows its limits and future potential by exploring underlying assumptions and principles: ‘green technology’, it is argued, is not achievable on those terms and such an approach to environmental problems is unlikely to lead to relevant action and suitable solutions. It is not simply a matter of finding the ‘right technical, economic and political solutions but, crucially, about reconceptualization and the restructuring of knowledge. Thus, conceptual revision is necessary if appropriate responses are to be found to the hazards of the industrial way of life; focus on the temporal dimension of technology and globalized political processes offers a first point of departure from the Newtonian tradition.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe the overall pattern of flows of international students and to determine the factors that can explain the variation of countries' attractiveness. In a second step, it assesses the position of the European Union as a whole in these flows at the global level. Is the EU strong enough in the global competition to attract the best brains? Besides, it shows how attractiveness factors can vary according to the profile of a sample of European Union member countries. In the third section of the paper, we raise some reflexions on the relations of the EU with its neighbourhood with respect to the flows of international students. In fact, the EU may not be able to maintain its status as a major power if it does not better regulate its relations with neighbour countries, especially in the domain of higher education and students' mobility.  相似文献   

积极的残障身份认同对残障者本身具有重要意义,残障身份发展是残障者实现身份认同的路径,理解残障身份发展的过程也可以让残疾人工作者更好地为残障者提供教育、康复等相关服务。本文通过梳理较为典型的西方残障身份发展理论,结合国内残障身份相关研究及本土社会文化背景展开讨论。文章认为,在西方残障身份发展理论框架下,残障者形成积极身份认同的关键在于认同并融入一套在残障社区内共享的残障文化,而在我国社会文化背景下,目前并没有一套成体系的残障文化,残障者也难以体会残障的文化身份感,国内残障者的身份认同缺少本土残障文化依靠。  相似文献   

Recognizing mental health needs of diverse populations, emphasizing cultural diversity, and recruiting ethnic minority students are important foci of current of marriage and family therapy training programs. However, the profession has made little progress in identifying the needs and experiences of its international students and practitioners. This research examines the experiences of doctoral-level international students across the areas of theory, clinical training, supervision, practice, and research. A qualitative methodological approach was used to explore the research questions. Thirteen in-depth interviews were conducted. Findings revealed that most respondents experienced some adjustment problems, want more academic and career support, and need increased recognition for their cultural differences. Recommendations for training international students are included.  相似文献   

“人肉搜索”作为一种新的互联网现象具有回应性、集群性和功能多样性的特征,它的发展是以网络虚拟社区为基础,是一种新的方式进行利益表达与社会控制的行动过程。面对这一社会现象,如何把握知识共享与保护隐私的界限,防止多数人参与的网络暴力就成为首先要解决的现实性问题。  相似文献   

孙成岩 《现代交际》2011,(6):123-124
当前,在日益加剧的全球化进程中,中国传统文化正在西方强势文化的“笼罩”下被日益消解,武术文化承载着中国传统文化积极向上、自强不息的基本精神。但是,近半个世纪的现代武术运动发展,因西方体育文化的强烈辐射及自身的主动趋附,致使原本博大深邃的武术文化发生了重大迷失。本文就中华武术的文化意义、历史走向等几个层面予以剖析,旨在探讨当代武术文化的发展应重新定位,理性审视,增强文化创造力与竞争力,坚持“和而不同”的中华民族精神。  相似文献   

In this article, we report the results of a survey that accessed the perceptions of family studies and family therapy international master's and doctoral students across the United States. Our goals included giving collective voice to the experience of international students and gathering their suggestions for improving programs. Themes that emerged from responses to open- and closed-ended questions included feeling (mis)understood and (de)valued; forming personal connections and experiencing marginalization; the importance of including international perspectives in curricula; considering the relevance/transferability of knowledge; and attending to barriers to learning. Based on the results, we share suggestions for improving family studies and family therapy graduate programs relative to program planning, curricula revision, teaching strategies, and faculty development.  相似文献   

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