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This paper is an exploratory examination of the role of signs perceived along nature trails in parks and wooded settings and the ways in which they shape the nature experience for individuals. Literature was examined to define what it means to experience nature, the values and meanings people place on nature, hikers’ expectations, and tourism and park management practices. Sign objects, their underlying meanings, and the interpretation of signs along the trail were examined in the context of the existing theory based on semiotics, particularly the work of Peirce. Through a series of hikes, we found that signs contribute to the satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and meaning making in outdoor environments. Areas for further investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2002,31(3):233-251
How do social values come about and gain legitimacy? Starting from the premise that discourses of social analysis affect the ways in which social norms develop and proliferate, this article models the evolution of professional codes and dialects using Wittgenstein’s idea of a language game. A language game is formalized as a repeated game of tacit coordination played among participants with informational asymmetries. The informational asymmetries model the different meanings that people assign to the same word used in a conversation. A language is formalized as a code that emerges as a result of repeated interactions in a language game. The paper argues that certain codes—such as those based on the real number system—lead to more reliable strategies in language games. The result is used to argue that professional dialects based on axiomatizable codes—such as physics, mathematics and economics—are less likely to experience fragmentation into intra-disciplinary ‘sects,’ camps and incommensurable paradigms than are professional dialects that are not based on an axiomatizable code—such as sociology, psychology, organization studies, and strategic management studies. The idea of a language game is extended to explore ways in which certain disciplines can establish cognitive jurisdiction over particular phenomena, starting from a particular set of codes, and thereby claim ‘cognitive monopolies.’ A rudimentary theory of the market for ideas is advanced.  相似文献   

This paper documents the meanings attached to taking anti-depressant medications. Indepth interview materials from a sample of persons diagnosed and treated for depression suggest that taking doctor-prescribed drugs involves an extensive interpretive process about the meanings of having an emotional illness. The data and analysis extend previous studies on the meanings of taking psychotropic drugs by showing how those meanings change over the course of the depression career. An individual's changing responses to psychiatric medications can be described as a socialization process having radical implications for self definition. The four stages constituting this socialization process and central to the analysis in the paper are: resistance, trial commitment, conversion, and disenchantment. Each of these stages is discussed in terms of its impact on personal identity. The implications of the presented data for challenges to the medical model are discussed.  相似文献   

For many students, coming to learn mathematics is as much about the pedagogical relay through which concepts are conveyed as it is about the mathematics per se. This relay comprises social, cultural and linguistic norms as well as the mathematical discourse. In this study, I outline the practices of one remote school and how the teaching practices scaffold Indigenous learners whose home language is different from the language of instruction (Standard Australian English) as they come to learn mathematics. Through various strategies, teachers have created positive learning environments that celebrate the home languages of the students while supporting the transition into Standard Australian English and the discourse of mathematics.  相似文献   

Organizational analysis, based on a version of symbolic interactionism, is used here to advance a dramaturgical perspective on the relationships between organization, information and technology. Organizations are defined as meaning-production systems stabilized by relatively permanent interactions that are temporally and spatially-based. Ethnographic data, gathered by fieldwork in two police communication centers in the United States and in England, are presented. Each organization receives messages centrally and processes them through three segments (operators, dispatchers and officers). In semiotic terms, the police can be seen to be a means for producing drama, or the selective presentation of signs which either heighten or reduce the salience of other signs in a message. The primary conditions which increase the likelihood of drama being attached to policing are tentatively advanced. The police reduce the salience of emotive or expressive aspects of communication by encoding (recoding) citizens' messages from an aesthetic mode to a logical classificatory code. The greater the information supplied by a caller, the more ambiguity in the call-classification process, and the more interpretation is required. Interpretations rendered are based in part upon segment specific understandings of the meanings of the calls, and in part on more general or shared meanings based upon the occupational culture. The result of these interpretations is that messages become more poetic in character as they move across segments within the system. The police also reproduce their own metaphoric version or map of society in and by their encoding, decoding and recoding actions. By so doing, they maintain the dramatic importance of the police and their actions, and the centrality of myths that reify the notion that the police can and do control all that needs controlling in a society.  相似文献   

Food, contemporarily, has a high political and public profile in British society particularly in relation to health and health education. In this paper I explore why, despite the advice of the body technocrats, confectionery continues to occupy a prominent and pre-eminent place in the British diet. I suggest that the particular place which confectionery occupies in the system of food classification is between ‘rear’ and ‘junk’ food, and, as a ‘liminal’ foodstuff, confectionery has the symbolic power both to mediate social relationships and to confer particular sets of social meanings. These meanings are resonant of the wider moral space within which attitudes towards food in Britain are conceptually located. By exploring the ‘mythology’ of confectionery some explanation may be found as to why the much publicised warnings and advice of health educationalists and nutritionists go unheeded.  相似文献   

本文描述了某大城市学区学生出勤及转学情况,旨在为学校和社区提供具有参考意义的结论。首先将一到十二年级所有学生的转学与缺勤情况按照性别、种族和社会经济地位等子类分别列出。然后考察其对学生数学成绩的影响。结果表明,即使在控制了社会经济地位和性别等变量后,缺勤与转学对(用国家水平测试作衡量的)数学成绩仍有消极影响。有意思的是,其对不同种族学生的影响并没有差异。在出勤与转学情况相同的前提下,黑人学生和白人学生表现出相似的成绩格局。本文最后进一步考察了学区内的10所高中,确定了缺勤与转学值得关注之处,并从确定问题严重程度、出现的学校年级等角度探讨了给地区的启示,利用这些信息来提高出勤率和降低转学率,制定系统的方法妥善安排转入和转出的学生。  相似文献   

This paper provides data from individual interviews conducted with 15 and 16 year‐old non‐immigrant students from a highly multiethnic secondary urban school in Barcelona, Spain. In this school, mixed classrooms (immigrant and local) and small linguistically heterogeneous working groups are frequent in the mathematics lessons. The focus is on the non‐immigrant students’ perspectives on the notion of learning. Findings show that these students interpret certain whole‐class and small‐group interactions among local and immigrant students as not constitutive of learning. In particular, I explore some of the meanings associated with the representation of the multiethnic classroom as a conflictive place for learning.  相似文献   

The professional and psychosocial dynamics of fee setting are discussed from both rational and nonrational points of view. The author notes the current status of social work in relation to that of other health disciplines and comments upon the uncertainty generated by the assignment of a dollar value to an altruistic professional activity. The semantic and social meanings implicit in the fee-setting process are explored with particular reference to the personal and professional power of money within our culture. A three-step framework for the fee-setting process is offered. The author encourages a proactive approach to the currently somewhat passive process of assessing the monetary value of specific work in which the outcomes are themselves value judgements.  相似文献   

陆峰 《职业时空》2012,(5):27-28,31
以江苏城市职业学院教育教学系统的教师、学生和教学过程为研究对象,通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法研究了当前高等数学在当前职业教育中的地位和作用,理清了数学知识与各个专业知识的联系,并探索了高等数学课程教学方法的改革。  相似文献   

This study uses information from both teachers and students to explore how the perceptions of each other's investment in the relationship affects the productivity of the relationship. Using the National Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS), I analyze the conditions and academic consequences of students'investment in the relationship with teachers and school. I find that teachers'perceptions that the student puts forth academic effort and students'perceptions that teachers are caring are each weakly associated with mathematics achievement for most students. For students who are judged by their teachers as at risk of dropping out of high school, however, the value for math achievement of having teachers who care is substantial and mitigates against the negative effect of having been judged as at risk. The results suggest that social capital, as defined by a relationship that facilitates action, is especially high for at-risk students who feel their teachers are interested, expect them to succeed, listen to them, praise their effort, and care.  相似文献   

Applying mathematics to solve any problem inevitably grants an aura of objectivity and truth to the results generated through such methodology. However, mathematics remains a means of elucidation that functions within strict constraints of tractability and stylization. Despite the aesthetics of models and the precision of computation, mathematical representations are but a shadow of the reality they seek to characterize. Nonetheless, because mathematics' pure form hides its own limitations, it becomes a privileged site of scholastic reason and, at the same time, of symbolic violence, two notions that Bourdieu theorized in his work. Despite this handicap, Bourdieu recognized the importance of formalizing tools such as those derived from mathematics. He thus devised many strategies to take advantage of their power of elucidation while avoiding the distortions and dogmatic stance they unavoidably bring about. This paper examines these strategies in detail to further inspire the identification of a number of reflexive approaches that can deflect the potential symbolic violence of mathematical reasoning. In this analysis, particular attention is given to the specific needs of practitioners engaged in mathematical formulation such as economists, statisticians, operations researchers and other quantitative scientists. This process of reflexive discovery is then used to enrich the notion of ‘specific intellectual’ that Foucault introduced and that Bourdieu further specified and ‘lived’. The paper concludes by foregrounding the perhaps unexpected moral dimensions of applied mathematics, a discipline that otherwise often appear distant and esoteric.  相似文献   

The term "secularization," when its referent is social institutions and value-norm complexes, is viewed as an instance of differentiation. However, the process of differentiation has both structural and functional components. Confusion in the debate over the nature and extent of secularization in American society arises from the fact that there is disagreement over the functions of religion in a differentiated social setting. A typology of meanings of "secularization" is developed by focusing on this functional component of the differentiation process. This typology, combined with a specification of the various meanings of "religion," is utilized to pinpoint specific areas of disagreement in the debate over secularization. Suggestions are made on ways to empirically resolve the controversy.  相似文献   

Social Order through a Prism: Color as Collective Representation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although color has rarely been examined as a sociological topic, the meaning of color is linked to numerous social domains and serves as a collective representation. Color contributes to social meanings in institutional orders, stratification systems, and identity. While color has some meaning separate from its linkage to particular objects, in most cases colors are situated. We perceive not color, but colored objects. Any given color has multiple meanings that are understood in context. Through our examination of a range of domains in which color has social significance, we suggest that the examination of this field has considerable promise. We conclude by linking the analysis of color to the model of cultural formation suggested by Schudson (1989), focusing on retrievability, rhetorical force, resonance, institutional retention, and resolution.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative, single case study is to investigate how teacher-created curricula addresses key Native American events in early U.S. history and to determine if such curricula provided students with accurate representations of Native American content. To do this, we used discourse analysis to consider the meanings of words and phrases, as well as the underlying assumptions and intentions of the teacher-created curricula and the experiences it claims to represent. Given the presence and use of dominant narratives to preserve power systems, curricula that deconstructs the colonizing narrative and historical representation of Native Americans can encourage the active destruction of such narratives. By analyzing four teacher-created narratives, we found is that even when a teacher creates content with the intent to be more historically accurate, the curricula still reflects a dominant narrative that privileges White settlers over Native Americans. We then provide suggestions for teachers who wish to design more culturally relevant and appropriate curricula on Native American content.  相似文献   

文志君 《职业时空》2012,(2):100-101
高职数学教学改革对教师的教学提出了新的要求,数学教师自身素质的提升是教学改革成功的关键。数学教师通过科学的自我反思、持续不断的学习、加大现代教育技术的运用,将有效推动高职数学教学改革的顺利开展。  相似文献   

What it means to be a nurse has changed over time. This article explores the changing meanings for the nurse role in a sample of Bachelor of Science nursing students by analyzing 30 nurse role attributes documented in the nursing literature. Students' perceptions of obligatory and self-in-role meanings are assessed, and multiple role meaning dimensions are identified. Identity-discrepancy theory is used to determine whether discrepancies between obligatory and self-in-role meanings are related to role satisfaction. Findings suggest that discrepancies in some nurse role meaning dimensions are predictive of role satisfaction. The implications for role exit and the nursing shortage are discussed.  相似文献   

Turner's conceptualization of the relationship between education and social mobility in Great Britain and the United States as forming “sponsored” and “contest” systems is used as a theoretical framework for comparing the process of occupational status attainment of British and American women college graduates. British women graduates are more occupationally mobile than Americans; they gain more from attending prestigious institutions, studying science and mathematics and securing a higher class degree as compared with American women with similar qualifications. American graduate women benefit more from attaining a Ph.D. Marriage and motherhood have less significant, but different, cross-national effects.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the effects of dominant concepts of parenthood and gender on gay men who became parents through surrogacy. Based on the analysis of 39 in-depth, semistructured interviews with gay fathers, we show that gay fathers' parenting experiences are shaped by the heteronormative discourse on parenthood, yet they resist its gendered attributes. Gay parenthood is revealed as confronting the social concepts on parenthood, in particular on motherhood, and their socio-political meanings. The tension between the social concepts and the participants' perceptionsy leads them to confront their social environment and to construct alternative discourse to the social discourse of parenthood and gender, suggesting that gay parenthood subverts under existing concepts of parenthood, gender and their meanings within the state.  相似文献   

从中职学校的班主任队伍现状、加强中职学校班主任建设的重要意义和加强班主任队伍的途径等方面论述了加强中职班主任队伍建设对中职德育教育的重要影响。  相似文献   

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