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德性作为青年人之所以为人的基本方面,其养成教育在当代正面临物质主义、消费主义、娱乐主义等多重挑战,而社会主义核心价值观的提出,则为青年德性养成教育提供了重要的思想参照系。以德性为核心的儒家文化传统与社会主义核心价值观具有密切的关联性,儒家思想尤其对于爱国、敬业、诚信、友善等个人层面的核心价值观养成具有多重的思想价值。儒家传统文化既注重德性主体的道德自我意识培养,又强调家庭教育中父母以身作则来担负起对子女道德教化的责任,更关注在社会交往与社会合作中践行道德规范,这些都为当代青年的德性养成教育提供了宝贵的思想资源。 相似文献
This study focused on the buffering effects of Adults in the Making (AIM), a family-centered preventive intervention, on the link between life stress and increases in risk behaviors among 347 rural, southern African Americans as they left high school. Of the families, 174 were assigned to the prevention condition and 173 to a control condition. Emerging adults reported risk behaviors at pretest, posttest (7 months after pretest), and long-term follow-up (10 months after posttest). A significant Life stress × Prevention condition interaction emerged: Increases in risk behaviors were significantly greater among emerging adults in the control condition who experienced high stress levels than among those in the prevention condition who experienced equally high stress levels. 相似文献
MSW field education in China has been adopting Western models. However, this adaptation cannot address all educational and professional training needs in China. This study used an exploratory qualitative study design and interviewed 54 MSW students regarding their field experiences at a university in Shanghai. Results revealed six key themes: field education curriculum design’s influence on student field experiences, faculty advisers’ influence on student field experiences, field agencies’ expectations toward MSW intern performance, field agencies’ capacity to host MSW interns, student perceptions of their professional competencies, and students’ coping strategies to manage challenges in field practicum. Competency-based social work field education is a potential solution to address the current social work field education challenges in China. 相似文献
Cristina B. Bares 《Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal》2011,28(4):291-299
This paper reviews the literature of how three aspects of metacognition, relevant to working with children in clinical settings, develop across childhood. In cognitive therapy children use their metacognition to monitor the recall of thoughts from memory and to control thoughts as they are actively worked on and restructured. This paper will show that over childhood children use metacognitive monitoring and control abilities in increasingly complex ways and it will provide the ages at which children may be consistently using the cognitive abilities necessary to fully benefit from cognitive therapies. 相似文献
儿童长期与自然环境疏远、隔阂、背离,产生了自然缺失症。其危害是自然教育本身越发式微,儿童身心健康成长受到损害,道德情操陶冶弱化,思维素养提升阻滞。其原因在于消费主义的过度膨胀、生存竞争的极度加剧、生命安全的巨大挑战、非理性自然教育观的严重干扰。这需要变革教育观念,构建学校自然教育的有效机制,扭转家庭教育颓势,营造良好的社区教育环境,使学校与家庭及社区协同合作。 相似文献
Mark W. Fraser 《Journal of Social Work Education》2013,49(2):252-266
Abstract One of the defining elements of a profession is its capacity to generate and transmit knowledge about practice. This paper reviews and assesses the state of scholarship and research in social work through diverse perspectives, among them research methods found in the core literature, the scholarly productivity of faculty and doctoral graduates, the research curricula in graduate programs, and the use of scholarship by practitioners. Finally it posits challenges for improving the profession's research training, scholarly production, and knowledge transmission. 相似文献
ABSTRACTWhat can we learn about #MeToo starting with a formal analysis of its structure? What does the linguistic affirmation of adding one “me” to another “me” ad infinitum create in its powerful drift? This metonymical structure, moving part by part, creates the wildfire spread of the movement, adding to its volatility, including its power against institutional structures that trade more in identity, the stability of an “I,” and the self-preservation of metaphor. This little fragment that we name in this regard “metony#metoo” aims to point to and name a primal scene that is both the open secret of misogynistic violence and the pain and impossibility of sexual relationships. Putting these two together, this volatile structure that points to and exposes structural violence, we ask in this essay—where will we land? What further invention beyond the vent of venting is necessary to help lend this movement an ethical dimension? 相似文献
Jenny Leon 《Children & Society》2011,25(3):228-238
This article examines the transition in Romanian child welfare policy from a paternalistic attitude of taking responsibility for ‘abandoned’ children to a capitalist orientation of reinstating responsibility for ‘abandoned’ children to the private sphere. While this shift in child policy is often seen to reflect a withdrawal of the public sphere from the private world of childcare, this study argues, alternatively, that this shift demonstrates a change in the form of governmental intervention. This article is based on ethnographic research that examines the reflections of Romanian child welfare professionals upon their changing roles. 相似文献
《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(3):373-378
Objectives: In fall 2004, the authors used a survey to assess the knowledge, attitudes, motivations, and behaviors of college students relative to oral cancer prevention to inform development of targeted prevention programming. Participants: A convenience sample of 1,003 undergraduate students at one public university in Indiana participated. Methods: Discriminant function analysis was employed to analyze participants' motivations; perceived risks; individuals who influence participants' alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use; and factors that facilitate and discourage use. The study sample was divided into users and nonusers to differentiate between groups and predictor (discriminating) variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which participants' knowledge, attitudes, peer perceptions, sex, age, and ethnicity contributed to participants' combined alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use behaviors. Results: With 2 exceptions, discriminant function analysis (p < .01) correctly categorized user status (ie, nonusers vs combined users of alcohol and cigarettes; nonusers vs combined users of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana) by the predictor variables. Multiple regression analysis to determine whether independent variables predicted combined drug use generated significant (p < .01) results across all combined use behaviors. Conclusions: Multiple oral cancer prevention program options along with additional formative research efforts were suggested by study results. 相似文献
Syed Farid Alatas 《Journal of historical sociology》2022,35(3):302-311
‘Abd al-Rahman Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), the founder of the science of society, became known to modern sociologists during the formative period of sociology, that is, the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. There was something of a reception of Ibn Khaldun in Europe at that time by sociologists and other scholars who were not necessarily involved with Islamic or West Asian studies. In fact, the reception of Ibn Khaldun by modern scholars in the West can be differentiated into Eurocentric or Orientalist as opposed to more disciplinary attitudes. While much has been said about the Eurocentric reception of Ibn Khaldun, less is discussed about the disciplinary approach to Ibn Khaldun among thinkers who wrote when the modern science of sociology was emerging in Europe. This special issue on Ibn Khaldun in the Formative Period of Sociology provides English translations of six articles originally written in Italian, French, German, Polish, Spanish and Turkish between 1896 and 1934. Not all of these articles were written by sociologists. Together, they provide some background as to how Ibn Khaldun was conceived of in non-area studies circles, in the social sciences and humanities. 相似文献
校企合作是发展职业教育的必由之路,是促进学校教育与市场需求紧密结合,二者同步发展的有效方法。从国外校企合作的模式、校企合作的限制条件、我国校企合作的现状及国外成功模式对我国的启示几个方面,就近几年国内学者的研究进行了综述。 相似文献
Christina Branom 《Journal of Community Practice》2013,21(3):260-273
Social workers are now often expected to base their practice on solid empirical findings, but research can vary in terms of its usefulness and relevance to practice. Some social workers have criticized traditional research approaches, suggesting that they are not consistent with the profession's mission to serve vulnerable and disadvantaged populations (e.g., Finn, 1994). Community-based participatory action research may be an appropriate alternative that is participatory, empowering, and committed to social justice (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2008). This article explores the connection between social work and CBPR, illustrating how CBPR can contribute significantly to achieving the field's goals. 相似文献
Misako Nukaga 《International Journal of Japanese Sociology》2003,12(1):79-94
Abstract: Responding to the pressure of internal internationalization, some local communities and schools in Japan started to generate and practice a new philosophy known as “multicultural coexistence” (tabunka kyousei). Based on a long‐term ethnographic research in one of the most progressive multicultural communities and elementary schools in Japan, this paper elucidates the shape of an emerging “multicultural coexistence” education model in Japan and provides some implications for its further development. By focusing on returnee and newcomer students enrolled, the paper argues the transformation of school culture, which will be delineated as an interaction among different agencies at the school: “the margin”, “the top”, “the outside” and “the inner core”. From these ethnographic findings, the paper draws five main features of the emerging model—three that are positive and two that are potentially problematic:
- 1 community‐based school reform movement,
- 2 teachers as decision makers, learners, and cooperators,
- 3 students’ knowledge and experience as a shared resource,
- 4 country‐oriented approach in difference/similarity framework,
- 5 treating all differences equally same.
教育评价是现代教育科学研究领域的重要课题之一,形成性评价是教育评价理论的重要范畴,2004年教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》指出:教学评估是大学英语教学的一个重要环节。从当前的大学英语教学改革实际出发,对形成性评价基本理念、形成性评价对英语教学的作用、英语教学中的实施方法进行了讨论。 相似文献
Stijn Joye 《Sociology Compass》2014,8(8):993-1003
This article provides an overview of the research and literature on media and disasters. Drawing on the central idea of a disaster as a social and media construction, I identify this young and rapidly emerging body of research as an inherent interdisciplinary area that has attracted the interest of many disciplines within social sciences. A first section of the article focuses on a characterization of (mediated) disasters and the question of academic relevance. Second, I adopt a historical perspective to reflect on issues of disciplinary concern, followed by an outline of the contemporary body of literature. In the final section, directions to advance future research on media and disasters are discussed. 相似文献