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The theory of work adjustment (TWA; R. V. Dawis & L. H. Lofquist, 1984; L. H. Lofquist & R. V. Dawis, 1969, 1991) is useful in addressing the career counseling needs of retirees who want to continue working but who need to explore their career choices before settling on a new occupation or job. This article examines some of the challenges that midlife and older adults face as they plan postretirement careers. Information about TWA and a case example are provided to assist counselors in understanding how TWA can be applied to retirement career counseling.  相似文献   

As the perception of HIV/AIDS continues to shift from a terminal illness to a manageable disease, persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) are able to reenter the workforce or remain in their current jobs for a longer period of time. Although this change is positive, it also raises many career concerns for PLWHAs. Using an ecological approach and the theory of work adjustment (Lofquist & Dawis, 1969, 1991), the authors provide suggestions for working with PLWHAs on career‐related issues. A case vignette is presented to demonstrate how this approach may be applied.  相似文献   

Beal, E. W. Current trends in the training of family therapists.
Bryson, R. B., Bryson, J. B., Licht, M. H., & Licht, B. G. The professional pair.
Cromwell, R. E., Olson, D. H. L., & Founier, D. G. Tools and techniques for diagnosis and evaluation in marital and family therapy.
Hartley, D., Roback, H. B., & Abramowitz, S. I. Deterioration effects in encounter groups.
Jones, W. P. Some implications of the sixteen personality factor questionnaire for marital guidance.
Kelly, G. F. The counselor and human sexuality.
Mace, D., & Mace, V. The selection, training, and certification of facilitators for marriage enrichment programs.
Masters, W. H. & Johnson, V. E. Principles of the new sex therapy.
McConnell, L. G. An examination of the counselor's skills when counseling with sexual problems.
Meyer, J. K. Training and accreditation for the treatment of sexual disorders.
Robertielle, R. C. The decline and fall of sex.
Rubin, Z., & Mitchell, C. Couples research as couples counseling.
Sager, C. J. The role of sex therapy in marital therapy.
Whittaker, J. K. Causes of childhood disorders: New findings.  相似文献   

Friedman, P. H. Outline (alphabet) of 26 techniques of marital and family therapy: A through Z.
Fuchs, K., Abramovici, H., Hoch, Z., Timor-Tritsch, I. & Kleinhaus, M. Vaginismus—the hypno-therapeutic approach.
Goldberg, M. The uses of dreams in conjoint marital therapy.
Grunebaum, H. & Abernethy, V. Marital decision making as applied to family planning.
Hadley, T. R., Jacob, T., Milliones, J., Caplan, J., & Spitz, D. The relationship between family developmental crises and the appearance of symptoms in a family member.
Jacobs, M. & Whiteley, J. M. (Eds.). Sex counseling.
Leichter, E. & Schulman, G. L. Multi-family group therapy: a multidimensional approach.
McPherson, S. R., Brackelmanns, W. E., & Newman, L. E. Stages in the family therapy of adolescents.
Slipp, S., Ellis, S., & Kressel, K. Factors associated with engagement in family therapy.
Spark, G. Grandparents and intergenerational family therapy.
Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. M. Brief therapy: focused problems resolution.
Wilson, W. C. The distribution of selected sexual attitudes and behaviors among the adult population of the United States.  相似文献   

Fitzgerald, R. V. Conjoint Marital Therapy .
Foley, V. An Introduction to Family Therapy .
Smith J. & Smith L. Beyond Monogamy .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Family Structure in Jamaica: The Social Context of Reproduction. By J udith B lake .
The Politics of Urban Renewal. The Chicago Findings. By P eter H. R ossi and R obert A. D entler .
Anatomy of a Metropolis: The Changing Distribution of People and Jobs within the New York Metropolitan Region. By E dgar M. H oover and R aymond V ernon .
Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. By R obert A. D ahl .
Criminal Law: Problems for Decision in the Promulgation, Invocation, and Administration of a Law of Crimes. Edited by R ichard C. D onnelly , J oseph G oldstein , and R ichard D. S chwartz .
Collective Dynamics. By K urt L ang and G ladys E ngel L ang .
Occupations and Social Status. By A lbert J. R eiss , J r . With the collaboration of O tis D udley D uncan , P aul K. H att , and C ecil C. N orth .
Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors. By C. K. Y ang .
German Catholics and Hitler's Wars. By G ordon Z ahn .
Aging and Personality: A Study of Eighty-Seven Older Men. By S uzanne R eichard , F lorine , L ivson , and P aul G. P etersen .
The American Funeral: A Study in Guilt, Extravagance, and Sublimity. By L e R oy B owman , with an Introduction by H arry A. O verstreet .
The Church and the Older Person. By R obert M. G ray and D avid O. M oberg , with a Foreword by E rnest W. B urgess .
Handbook of Small Group Research. By A. P aul H are .
The Effects of Federal Programs on Higher Education: A Study of Thirty-six Universities and Colleges. By H arold O rlans .
Field Studies in the Mental Disorders. Edited by J oseph Z ubin .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Philosophical Aspects of Culture. By B ertram M orris .
Science and the New Nations. Edited by R uth G ruber .
Complex Organizations: A Sociological Reader. Edited by A mitai E tzioni .
Parents without Partners. A Guide for Divorced, Widowed, or Separated Parents. By J im E gleson and J anet F rank E gleson .
Unmarried Mothers. By C lark E. V incent .
Man Takes Control: Cultural Development and American Aid. By C harles J. E rasmus .
Norway's Families: Trends, Problems, Programs. By T homas D. E liot , A rthur H illman , and Others.
Public Opinion and American Democracy. By V. O. K ey , J r .
Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. By J ames N. R osenan .
Newer Dimensions of Patient Care: The Use of the Physical and Social Environment of the General Hospital for Therapeutic Purposes. By E sther L ucille B rown .
Public Leadership. By W endell B ell , R ichard J. H ill , and C harles R. W right .
The Effects of Leadership, By H anan C. S elvin .
Leadership and Organization. By R obert T annenbaum , I rving R. W eschler , and F red M assarik .
Social Structure and Personality: A Case Book. By Y ehudi A. C ohen .
Love and Conflict: New Patterns in Family Life. By G ibson W inter .
Race Relations in Virginia, 1870–1902. By C harles E. W ynes .
Race Prejudice and Education. By C yril B ibby .
The Precarious Vision: A Sociologist Looks at Social Fictions and Christian Faith. By P eter L. B erger .  相似文献   

Arnold, J. E., Levine, A. G., & Patterson, G. R. Changes in sibling behavior following family interventon.
Bairel, E., & Redfering, D. Behavior modification in marriage counseling.
Bullough, V. L. Sex and the medical model.
Codner, R. R., & Gustafson, D. A. Sexual dysfunction—a four approach treatment utilizing peer pressure.
Feldman, L. B. Effect of anger and resentment on sexual expression.
Firestone, E., & Moschetta, P. Behavioral contracting in family therapy.
Meltzer, M. L. Insurance reimbursement: A mixed blessing.
Pavlin, S., & Rabkin, R. Family therapy: Some questions and answers.
Peck, B. B. Therapeutic handling of marital infidelity.
Renshaw, D. C. Sexual problems in stroke patients.
Stolz, S. B., Wienckowski, L. A., & B. S. Brown Behavior modification: A perspective on critical issues.
Sussman, M. B. (Special Guest Editor). The second experience: Variant family forms and life styles.  相似文献   

Bennett, D., Fox, C, Jowell, T., & Skynner, A. C. R. Toward a family approach in a psychiatric day hospital.
Blechman, E. A., Olson, D. H. L., & Hellman, I. D. Stimulus control over family problem-solving behavior: The family contract game.
Butler, J. F. The toilet training success of parents after reading "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day."
Dell, P. F., & Appelbaum, A. S. Trigenerational enmeshment: Unresolved ties of single-parents to family of origin.
Kalter, N. Children of divorce in an outpatient psychiatric population.
Kelly, J. B., & Wallerstein, J. S. Divorce counseling: A community service for families in the midst of divorce.
Kelly, J. B., & Wallerstein, J. S. Brief interventions with children in divorcing families.
Klein, M. H. Feminist concepts of therapy outcome.
Krell, R., & Miles, J. E. Marital therapy of couples in which the husband is a physician.
Leiber, L., Plumb, M. M., Gerstenzang, M. L., & Holland, J. The communication of affection between cancer patients and their spouses.
Rubenstein, R. Briefing on inner space.
Strean, H. S. The extramarital affair: A psychoanalytic view.
Turkel, A. R. The impact of feminism on the practice of a woman analyst.
Wincze, J. P., Caird, W. K. The effects of systematic desensitization and video desensitization in the treatment of essential sexual dysfunction.
Wyatt, G. E., Strayer, R. G., & Lobitz, W. C. The treatment of sexually dysfunctioning couples of Afro-American descent.  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Family-Planning Programs. Edited by B ernard B erelson .
The Politics of School Desegregation: Comparative Case Studies of Community Structure and Policy-Making. By R obert L. C rain , with the assistance of M orton I nger , G erald M cworter , and J ames J. V anecko .
The Marijuana Smokers. By E rich G oode .
The Pursuit of Loneliness: American Culture at the Breaking Point. By P hilip s later .
Farm Information for Modernizing Agriculture: The Taiwan System. By H erbert F. L ionberger and H. C. C hange .
Religion in Social Context: Tradition and Transitition. By N. J. D emerath iii and P hillip E. H ammond .
Explanations. By G wynn N ettler .
Rural Sociology in India. By A. R. D esai .  相似文献   

Alkire, A. A., & Brunse, A. J. Impact and possible casualty from videotape feedback in marital therapy.
Chassin, L., Perelman, M., & Weinberger, G. Reducing parental resistance to examining family relationships: the therapeutic use of a child management task.
de Shazer, S. Brief therapy: two's company.
Field, M., & Field, H. Marital violence and criminal process: neither justice nor peace.
Horowitz, L. Treatment of the family with a dying member.
Kaplan, D.M., Smith, A., Grobstein, R., & Fischman, S. E. Family mediation of stress.
Knight, M. F., & McKenzie, H. S. Elimination of bedtime thumbsucking in home settings through contingent reading.
Leader, A. Family therapy for divorced fathers and others out of home.
Peck, B. B. Psychotherapy, with disrupted families.
Miller, E Treatment of a communal family.
Rekers, G. A., & Lovaas, O. I. Behavioral treatment of deviant sex-role behaviors in a male child.
Sluzki, C. E. The coalitionary process in initiating family therapy.
Wills, T. A., Weiss, R. L., & Patterson, G. R. A behavioral analysis of the determinants of marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

McDaniel, S. H., Hepworth, J., & Doherty, W. J. (1992) Medical family therapy: A biposychosocial apprach to familees with health problems .
Walsh, F.,& McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (1991). Living beyond loss: Death in the family.
Edelwich, J., & Brodsky, A.(1991). Saexual dilemmas for the helping professional(2nd ed.).
Skynner, R. (Ed.). (1990). Explorations with families: group analysis and family therapy.
Weiner-Davis, M.(1992). Divorce busting: a revolutionary and rapid program for stayin together.
Powell, E.(1991). Talking back to sexual pressure: What to say to resist persuasion, avoid disease, stop harassment, and avoid acquaintance rape.
Albert, G., & Michael, S.(1991). No-fault living.
Emmons, M.L. & Alberti, R.E (1991). Accepting each other: Individuality and intimacy in your loving relationship.
Misflwy, J., & Midgley, S.V. (1990). Partners on a journey: A support structure for the newly married.
Bilofsky, P., & Sacharow, F. (1991). In laws/outlaws: How to make lpeace with his family and yours.
Disabilty in the Family and Disability in the Family Part II: Assessment.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Goldenberg, I., & Goldenberg, H. (1991). Family therapy: An overview
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Horne, A. N., & Passmore, J. L. (Eds.). (1991). Family counseling and therapy
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Nichols, M. P., & Schwartz, R. C. (1991). Family therapy: Concepts and methods
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hurvitz, N., & Straus, R. A. (1991). Marriage and family therapy: A sociocognitive approach.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ducan B. L., solovey, A. D., & Rusk, G. S. (1992) Changing the rules: A client-directed approach to therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Geller, J. (1992). Breaking destructive pattersn: Multiple strategies for treating partner abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Cirillo, S., & DiBlasio, P. (1992). Families that abuse: Diagnosis and therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Shenson, H. L. (1990). How to develop and promote successful seminars and workshops: The definitive guide to creating and marketing seminars, workshops, classes, and conferences.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hudson, P. O. & O'Hanlon, W. H. (1991). Rewriting love stories: Brief marital therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Loriedo, C., & Vella, G. (1992). Paradox and the family system.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Anton, L. H. (1992). Never to be a mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: West, M. G. (1992). If only were a better mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Burton, L. A. (Ed.). (1992). Religion and the family: When God helps.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hare-Mustin, R. T., & Marecek, J. (Eds.). (1990). Marking a difference: Psychology and the construction of gender.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1991). Women, girls, and psychotherapy: Reframing resistance.
SOFTWARE: What a Family , 1.0. (1991). (Family-exploration software.)Ecola Design, P.O. Box 13402, Portland, OR, 97213, IBM, $29.00.  相似文献   

Anderson, S., & Middleton, V. (2005). Explorations in privilege, oppression, and diversity .
Catherall, D. R., (Ed.). (2004). Handbook of stress, trauma and the family .
Sprenkle, D. H., & Piercy, F. P. (Eds.). (2005). Research methods in family therapy  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles.
Aponte, H. (1994). Breat and spirit: Therapy with the new poor.
Westbrooks, K. L. (1995). Functional low-income families.
Parry, A., & Doan, R. E. (1994). Story re-visions: Narrative therapy in the postmodern world.
Hoyt, H. (Ed.). (1994). Constructive therapies.
Gould, B. B. & DeMuth, D. H. (1994). The global family therapist: Integrating the personal, professional and political.
Nichols, M., & Schwartz, R. (1995). Family therapy: Concepts and methods
Inger, I., & Inger, J. (1994). Creating an ethical position in family therapyu.
Ahrons, C. R. (1994). The good divorce: Keeping your family together when your marriage comes aparts.
Madanes, C., with Madanes, C. (1994). The secret meaning of money: How is binds together families in love envy, compassion, an anger.
Keller, H., & O'Brien, M. (1994). Marriage: Heart to heart questions to discuss before you say "I Do."
Kornhaber, A., & Forsyth, S. (1994). grandparent power! How to strengthen the vital connection among grandparents, parents, and children.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1971,19(1):115-140
Book reviewed in this article: Campus Power Strggle edited by Howard S. Becker. Theory Construction: From Verbal to Mathematical Formulations by H. M. Blalock. Personality and Religion: The Rôle of Religon in Personality Development edited by William A. Sadler Jr. Social Relations in a Secondary School by David H. Hargreaves. Society and Economic Growth: A Behavioural Perspective of Social Change by J. H. Kunkel. Sociology, Histroy and Education: A Reader edited by P. W. Musgrave. Social Research and Social Policy by Howard E. Freeman and Clarence C. Sherwood. The Emergence of Society by C. K. Warriner. The Philosophy of Social Science by Alan Ryan. Television and Delinquency by J. D. Halloran, R. L. Brown and D. C. Chaney. Foster Care: Theory and Practice by V. George. The Sociological Study of Religion by R. Scharf. Basic Readings in the Sociology of Education edited by D. F. Swift. Social System and Time and Space by J. Kolaja. I Data Bases, Computers, and the Social Sciences edited by R. L. Bisco. II Cluster Analysis by R. C. Tryon and D. E. Bailey. Whose City? And Other Essays on Sociology and Planning by R. E. Pahl.  相似文献   

Ansell, C. Counter-transference: A story. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Gurman, A. S. Behavioral marriage therapy in the 1980s: The challenge of integration. American Journal of Family Therapy
Madanes, C, Dukes, J. & Harbin, H. Family ties of heroin addicts. Archives of General Psychiatry
Rausch, V. Cholecystectomy with self-hypnosis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
Saposnek, D. T. Aikido: A model for brief strategic therapy. Family Process
Wells, R. A. Engagement techniques in famiy therapy. International Journal of Family Therapy
Goolishian, H. A. & Anderson, H. K. Discussions: Engagement techniques in family therapy. I. International Journal of Family Therapy
Epstein, N. B. Discussions: Engagement techniques in family therapy. II. International Journal of Family Therapy
Zuger, B. Homosexuality and parental guilt. British Journal of Psychiatry  相似文献   

Chessick, R. D. The sad soul of the psychiatrist. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic , 1978, 42 , 1–9.
Greenberg, G. S. The family international perspective: A study and examination of the work of Don D. Jackson. Family Process , 1977, 16 , 385–112.
Hines, P. M. & Hare-Mustin, R. T. Ethical concerns in family therapy. Professional Psychology , 1978, 9 , 165–171.
Keshet, H. F. & Rosenthal, K. M. Fathering after marital separation. Social Work , 1978, 23 , 11–18.
Loewenstein, S. An overview of some aspects of female sexuality. Social Casework , 1978, 59 , 106–115.
Mace, D. R. & Mace, V. C. Measure your marriage potential: A simple test that tells couples where they are. The Family Coordinator , 1978, 27 , 63–67.
Wexler, J. & Steidl, J. Marriage and the capacity to be alone. Psychiatry , 1978, 41 , 72–82.  相似文献   

袁成 《交通与港航》2002,16(6):40-42
介绍日本本田汽车公司在氢燃料电池、加氢站方面的研究开发的一些新动态和进展,以及其新研制的FCX-V4氢燃料电池车。  相似文献   

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