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A new characterization of the Pareto distribution is proposed, and new goodness-of-fit tests based on it are constructed. Test statistics are functionals of U-empirical processes. The first of these statistics is of integral type, it is similar to the classical statistics \(\omega _n^1\). The second one is a Kolmogorov type statistic. We show that the kernels of our statistics are non-degenerate. The limiting distribution and large deviations asymptotics of the new statistics under null hypothesis are described. Their local Bahadur efficiency for parametric alternatives is calculated. This type of efficiency is mostly appropriate for the solution of our problem since the Kolmogorov type statistic is not asymptotically normal, and the Pitman approach is not applicable to this statistic. For the second statistic we evaluate the critical values by using Monte-Carlo methods. Also conditions of local optimality of new statistics in the sense of Bahadur are discussed and examples of such special alternatives are given. For small sample size we compare the power of those tests with some common goodness-of-fit tests.  相似文献   

An affine-invariant signed rank test for the difference in location between two symmetric populations is proposed. The proposed test statistic is compared with Hotelling's T2 test statistic, Mardia's(1967)test statistic, Peters-Randles(1991) test statistic and Wilcoxon's rank sum test statistic using a Monte Carlo Study. It performs better than Mardia's test statistic under almost all populations considered. Under the bivariate normal distribution, it performs better than other test statistics compared for small differences in location between two populations except Hotelling's T2. It performs better than all statistics, including Hotelling's T , for sample size 15 when samples are drawn from Pearson type.  相似文献   

This paper introduces W-tests for assessing homogeneity in mixtures of discrete probability distributions. A W-test statistic depends on the data solely through parameter estimators and, if a penalized maximum likelihood estimation framework is used, has a tractable asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of homogeneity. The large-sample critical values are quantiles of a chi-square distribution multiplied by an estimable constant for which we provide an explicit formula. In particular, the estimation of large-sample critical values does not involve simulation experiments or random field theory. We demonstrate that W-tests are generally competitive with a benchmark test in terms of power to detect heterogeneity. Moreover, in many situations, the large-sample critical values can be used even with small to moderate sample sizes. The main implementation issue (selection of an underlying measure) is thoroughly addressed, and we explain why W-tests are well-suited to problems involving large and online data sets. Application of a W-test is illustrated with an epidemiological data set.  相似文献   

The problem of testing for bivariate normality using the empirical distribution function is considered. A Cramér-von Mises type statistic is defined and asymptotic percentage points for this statistic given. This involves solving a two-dimensional homogeneous integral equation. Unfortunately the Cramér-von Mises statistic is not invariant under orthogonal transformations of the data so that an invariant statistic is developed. Approximations for the distribution of this statistic are found by Monte Carlo. Applications of the statistics are given. It is shown that the statistics are particularly sensitive to certain kinds of pattern in the data and they could be useful in data analysis apart from providing a formal test of bivariate normality  相似文献   

Results from a simulation study of the power of eight statistics for testing that a sample is form a uniform distribution on the unit interval are reported. Power is given for each statistic against four classes if alternatives. The statistics studied include the discrete Pearson chi-square with ten and twenty cells, X2 10 and X2 20; Kolmogorov-smirov, D; Cramer-Von Mises, W2; Watson, U2; Anderson-Darling, A; Greenwood. G;and a new statistic called O A modified form of each of these statistic is also studied by first transforming the sample using a transformation given by Durbin. On the basis of the results observed in this study, the Watson U2 statistic is recommended as a general test for uniformity.  相似文献   


In the area of goodness-of-fit there is a clear distinction between the problem of testing the fit of a continuous distribution and that of testing a discrete distribution. In all continuous problems the data is recorded with a limited number of decimals, so in theory one could say that the problem is always of a discrete nature, but it is a common practice to ignore discretization and proceed as if the data is continuous. It is therefore an interesting question whether in a given problem of test of fit, the “limited resolution” in the observed recorded values may be or may be not of concern, if the analysis done ignores this implied discretization. In this article, we address the problem of testing the fit of a continuous distribution with data recorded with a limited resolution. A measure for the degree of discretization is proposed which involves the size of the rounding interval, the dispersion in the underlying distribution and the sample size. This measure is shown to be a key characteristic which allows comparison, in different problems, of the amount of discretization involved. Some asymptotic results are given for the distribution of the EDF (empirical distribution function) statistics that explicitly depend on the above mentioned measure of degree of discretization. The results obtained are illustrated with some simulations for testing normality when the parameters are known and also when they are unknown. The asymptotic distributions are shown to be an accurate approximation for the true finite n distribution obtained by Monte Carlo. A real example from image analysis is also discussed. The conclusion drawn is that in the cases where the value of the measure for the degree of discretization is not “large”, the practice of ignoring discreteness is of no concern. However, when this value is “large”, the effect of ignoring discreteness leads to an exceded number of rejections of the distribution tested, as compared to what would be the number of rejections if no rounding is taking into account. The error made in the number of rejections might be huge.  相似文献   

The Bartlett's test (1937) for equality of variances is based on the χ2 distribution approximation. This approximation deteriorates either when the sample size is small (particularly < 4) or when the population number is large. According to a simulation investigation, we find a similar varying trend for the mean differences between empirical distributions of Bartlett's statistics and their χ2 approximations. By using the mean differences to represent the distribution departures, a simple adjustment approach on the Bartlett's statistic is proposed on the basis of equal mean principle. The performance before and after adjustment is extensively investigated under equal and unequal sample sizes, with number of populations varying from 3 to 100. Compared with the traditional Bartlett's statistic, the adjusted statistic is distributed more closely to χ2 distribution, for homogeneity samples from normal populations. The type I error is well controlled and the power is a little higher after adjustment. In conclusion, the adjustment has good control on the type I error and higher power, and thus is recommended for small samples and large population number when underlying distribution is normal.  相似文献   

Severe departures from normality occur frequently for null distributions of statistics associated with applications of mulLi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) for either small or large finite populations. This paper describes the commonly encountered situation associated with asymptotic non-normality for null distributions of MRPP statistics which does not depend on the underlying multivariate distribution. In addition, this paper establishes the existence of a non-degenerate underlying distribution for which the null distributions of MRPP statistics are asymptotically non-normal for essentially all size structure configurations. It is known that MRPP statistics are symmetric versions of a broader class of statistics, most of which are asymmetric. Because of the non-normality associated with null distributions of MRPP statistics, this paper includes necessary results for inferences based on the exact first three moments of anv statistic in this broader class (analogous to existing results for MRPP statistics).  相似文献   

A consistent test for difference in locations between two bivariate populations is proposed, The test is similar as the Mann-Whitney test and depends on the exceedances of slopes of the two samples where slope for each sample observation is computed by taking the ratios of the observed values. In terms of the slopes, it reduces to a univariate problem, The power of the test has been compared with those of various existing tests by simulation. The proposed test statistic is compared with Mardia's(1967) test statistics, Peters-Randies(1991) test statistic, Wilcoxon's rank sum test. statistic and Hotelling' T2 test statistic using Monte Carlo technique. It performs better than other statistics compared for small differences in locations between two populations when underlying population is population 7(light tailed population) and sample size 15 and 18 respectively. When underlying population is population 6(heavy tailed population) and sample sizes are 15 and 18 it performas better than other statistic compared except Wilcoxon's rank sum test statistics for small differences in location between two populations. It performs better than Mardia's(1967) test statistic for large differences in location between two population when underlying population is bivariate normal mixture with probability p=0.5, population 6, Pearson type II population and Pearson type VII population for sample size 15 and 18 .Under bivariate normal population it performs as good as Mardia' (1967) test statistic for small differences in locations between two populations and sample sizes 15 and 18. For sample sizes 25 and 28 respectively it performs better than Mardia's (1967) test statistic when underlying population is population 6, Pearson type II population and Pearson type VII population  相似文献   

With data collection in environmental science and bioassay, left censoring because of nondetects is a problem. Similarly in reliability and life data analysis right censoring frequently occurs. There is a need for goodness of fit tests that can adapt to left or right censored data and be used to check important distributional assumptions without becoming too difficult to regularly implement in practice. A new test statistic is derived from a plot of the standardized spacings between the order statistics versus their ranks. Any linear or curvilinear pattern is evidence against the null distribution. When testing the Weibull or extreme value null hypothesis this statistic has a null distribution that is approximately F for most combinations of sample size and censoring of practical interest. Our statistic is compared to the Mann-Scheuer-Fertig statistic which also uses the standardized spacings between the order statistics. The results of a simulation study show the two tests are competitive in terms of power. Although the Mann-Scheuer-Fertig statistic is somewhat easier to compute, our test enjoys advantages in the accuracy of the F approximation and the availability of a graphical diagnostic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a nonparametric test procedure for multivariate data with grouped components under the two sample problem setting. For the construction of the test statistic, we use linear rank statistics which were derived by applying the likelihood ratio principle for each component. For the null distribution of the test statistic, we apply the permutation principle for small or moderate sample sizes and derive the limiting distribution for the large sample case. Also we illustrate our test procedure with an example and compare with other procedures through simulation study. Finally, we discuss some additional interesting features as concluding remarks.  相似文献   

The maximum vertical distance between a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and its chance diagonal is a common measure of effectiveness of the classifier that gives rise to this curve. This measure is known to be equivalent to a two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic; so the absolute difference D between two such statistics is often used informally as a measure of difference between the corresponding classifiers. A significance test of D is of great practical interest, but the available Kolmogorov–Smirnov distribution theory precludes easy analytical construction of such a significance test. We, therefore, propose a Monte Carlo procedure for conducting the test, using the binormal model for the underlying ROC curves. We provide Splus/R routines for the computation, tabulate the results for a number of illustrative cases, apply the methods to some practical examples and discuss some implications.  相似文献   

Three tests are considered concerning the common mean of two normal populations: (1) an F test based on a sample from one population, (2) a test based on the addition of the F statistics from independent samples from two popultions (proposed), and (3) a test based on the maximum of the F statistics from two independent samples from two populations. A condition under which test (2) is locally more powerful than test (1) is given. As the test statistic in test (2) does not follow a standard distribution, a formula for approximating the observed significance level is provided. A simulation study is used to compare the power of these tests.  相似文献   

A multivariate affinc-invariant family of rank tests is proposed for the two sample location problem. The class of statistics introduced is built upon Randles' multivariate one-sample sign statistic based on interdirections and the multivariate one-sample signed-rank statistic of Peters and Randles. Asymptotic relative efficiencies are obtained which indicate that selected members of the class perform very well for a broad class of distributions. Further comparisons are made among several statistics using Monte Carlo results.  相似文献   

Rank tests are considered that compare t treatments in repeated measures designs. A statistic is given that contains as special cases several that have been proposed for this problem, including one that corresponds to the randomized block ANOVA statistic applied to the rank transformed data. Another statistic is proposed, having a null distribution holding under more general conditions, that is the rank transform of the Hotelling statistic for repeated measures. A statistic of this type is also given for data that are ordered categorical rather than fully rankedo Unlike the Friedman statistic, the statistics discussed in this article utilize a single ranking of the entire sample. Power calculations for an underlying normal distribution indicate that the rank transformed ANOVA test can be substantially more powerful than the Friedman test.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce first a new family of empirical test statistics for testing a simple null hypothesis when the vector of parameters of interest is defined through a specific set of unbiased estimating functions. This family of test statistics is based on a distance between two probability vectors, with the first probability vector obtained by maximizing the empirical likelihood (EL) on the vector of parameters, and the second vector defined from the fixed vector of parameters under the simple null hypothesis. The distance considered for this purpose is the phi-divergence measure. The asymptotic distribution is then derived for this family of test statistics. The proposed methodology is illustrated through the well-known data of Newcomb's measurements on the passage time for light. A simulation study is carried out to compare its performance with that of the EL ratio test when confidence intervals are constructed based on the respective statistics for small sample sizes. The results suggest that the ‘empirical modified likelihood ratio test statistic’ provides a competitive alternative to the EL ratio test statistic, and is also more robust than the EL ratio test statistic in the presence of contamination in the data. Finally, we propose empirical phi-divergence test statistics for testing a composite null hypothesis and present some asymptotic as well as simulation results for evaluating the performance of these test procedures.  相似文献   

If X2 is the Pearson chi-squared statistic for testing fit, then X2n has long been considered an associated measure of the degree of lack of fit. Here we consider two classes of statistics of chi-squared type, each having X2 as a member. The first is a class of directed divergence statistics discussed by Cressie and Read, the second consists of nonnegative definite quadratic forms in the standardized cell frequencies. We investigate the large sample behavior of Tn, where T is any of these statistics. A number of auxiliary results on the Cressie-Read statistics are also obtained. The measures are illustrated by application to data from classical physics compiled by Stigler.  相似文献   

The incidence of most diseases is low enough that in. large populations the number of new cases may be considered a Poisson variate. This paper explores models and methods for analyzing such data Specific cases are the estimation and testing of ratios and the cross-product ratios, both simple and stratified* We assume the Poisson means are exponential functions of the relevant parameters. The resulting sets of sufficient statistics are partitioned into a test statistic and a vector of statistics related to the nuisance parameters . The methods derived are based on the conditional distribution of the test statistic given the other sufficient statistics. The analyses of stratified cross-product ratios are seen to be analogues of the noncentral distribution associated with theanalysis of the common odds ratio in several 2×2 tables. The various methods are illustrated in numerical examples involving incidence rates of cancer in two metropolitan areas adjusting for both age and sex.  相似文献   

The distribution of the estimated mean of the nonstandard mixture of distributions that has a discrete probability mass at zero and a gamma distribution for positive values is derived. Furthermore, for the studied nonstandard mixture of distributions, the distribution of the standardized statistic (estimator - true mean)/standard deviation of estimator is derived. The results are used to study the accuracy of the confidence interval for the mean based on a large sample approximation. Quantiles for the standardized statistic are also calculated.  相似文献   

The author addresses the problem of testing circular data for reflective symmetry about an unknown central direction and proposes a simple omnibus test based on the sample second sine moment about an estimation of this direction. Under quite general conditions, for an underlying distribution which is reflectively symmetric, the large‐sample asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is standard normal. Randomization and bootstrap variants of the test are also introduced, and the operating characteristics of different versions of the test are investigated in a Monte Carlo study. The large‐sample and bootstrap versions of the test are applied in the analysis of two illustrative examples drawn from the circular statistics literature.  相似文献   

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